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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

Financial aid (commitments) pledged by:

EU Institutions: 30.32 billion €
United States: 24.46 billion €

Bilateral aid (% of GDP)

Latvia 1.4%
Estonia 1.3%
Lithuania 1.1%
Poland 0.9%
Netherlands 0.8%
Norway 0.7%
Bulgaria 0.7%
Czech Republic 0.6%
Finland 0.6%
Denmark 0.6%
Slovakia 0.5%
Croatia 0.5%
Sweden 0.5%
Austria 0.5%
Portugal 0.4%
Germany 0.4%
United Kingdom 0.4%
United States 0.4%
Spain 0.3%
Greece 0.3%
Slovenia 0.3%
Belgium 0.3%
Hungary 0.3%
Italy 0.3%
France 0.2%
So, you're saying that we're footing close to half the bill, seems fair, right? And of those 25 other nations that have "committed" to pay, how many actually have?

What are your thoughts about US boots on the ground, because it could come to that. How long do we continue to fund the corrupt Ukrainian leader Zelenskyy, another 5, 10, 20 years?
Never said that. Been stateside multiple times past few years. Especially now that my son moved to Austin three years ago, my youngest daughter is looking at Florida (of all god damned places) for college in the fall,
Yuck! Florida!? She should have moved to Chicago. Great place. Democrat run for years, so you know it's a literal paradise.
Because you commie libtards think that anyone who is pro-America is an extremist.

Nah, we think that people who grew up middle class or higher in the United States but see themselves as having gotten the **** end of the stick relative to the rest of the world as absurdists.
Never said that. Been stateside multiple times past few years. Especially now that my son moved to Austin three years ago, my youngest daughter is looking at Florida (of all god damned places) for college in the fall, my brother's in Houston, my sister's in NJ, my friends in CA, NY and CO... my business partner's in DC. So yeah, keep living in your stupid fantasy world. What a **** ing joke. But have it your way. I'm out. You guys clearly want to continue your inbred circle jerk on this side of the board. Have at it. Maybe see you on the Steelers side, amped about this upcoming season.
Business partner in DC... I had a feeling there was a financial link to The Machine after witnessing the utter hatred towards those who wish to put the People first and who want to put those who profit from political corruption on a rail.

Nah, we think that people who grew up middle class or higher in the United States but see themselves as having gotten the **** end of the stick relative to the rest of the world as absurdists.
Where the hell did you come up with this theory, professor? You really have some f'd up beliefs about your regular run of the mill American who built what they have from nothing. I don't think you understand that most Americans worked for everything they have. We also don't appreciate it when our hard earned money makes politicians and their donors wealthy off the backs of our labor.
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It must make a politician grin when they see taxes taken out of their paycheck.
What if I told you that some of the things you see in the media regarding this war are not true? It’s not going as well for Ukraine as we’ve been led to believe. If it were, I’d be home.
Sarge, in your opinion, is Russia doing all they can to overtake Ukraine using their conventional weapons or are they just dragging out the inevitable or running out the clock?
Where the hell did you come up with this theory, professor? You really have some f'd up beliefs about your regular run of the mill American who built what they have from nothing. I don't think you understand that most Americans worked for everything they have. We also don't appreciate it when our hard earned money makes politicians and their donors wealthy off the backs of our labor.
Yes, even run of the mill Americans are more fortunate than the vast majority of people in the world. To think otherwise is just naive.

Politicians and their donors getting wealthy? You sound dangerously close to hating on 1%ers.
Yes, even run of the mill Americans are more fortunate than the vast majority of people in the world. To think otherwise is just naive.

Politicians and their donors getting wealthy? You sound dangerously close to hating on 1%ers.
I don't hate anyone Trog. Except those who oppress others.
I know you have difficulty seeing past your most recent outrage, but… wars, as awful as they are, often change things for the better long term. They have consequences. That region, NATO, and the world in general may very well be better off after the war.
Wow, are you that fuc king ignorant?
What about the pond scum licking quislings that favor the oppression against their fellow citizens?
They're included too by association. I hope they meet their maker alone and unable to contact their loved ones just like so many in the Covid wards.
Would these centrists promote fiscal policies that would strengthen our economy and prosperity? Incentivize corporations to manufacturer in this country while making it more difficult for other countries to steal American jobs? Produce our own energy with the natural resources we have? Protect our borders and support legal immigration? Defend every single word of our Constitution? Stop releasing or prosecuting people based on ideology? Treat every citizen the same without constantly dividing everyone into a different subset, based on physical or mental attributes? Promote the traditional family, personal responsibility and work ethic?

I know you have difficulty seeing past your most recent outrage, but… wars, as awful as they are, often change things for the better long term. They have consequences. That region, NATO, and the world in general may very well be better off after the war.

Huh, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah:
  • Vietnam
  • Afghanistan
  • Iraq
  • Now Ukraine
"War diverts scarce resources from improving society to destroying people and infrastructure, killing the healthiest, most productive part of the population, causes disease and chaos, leads to generations of anger and resentment but it's all GOOD!"
- Flogic
Would these centrists promote fiscal policies that would strengthen our economy and prosperity? Incentivize corporations to manufacturer in this country while making it more difficult for other countries to steal American jobs? Produce our own energy with the natural resources we have? Protect our borders and support legal immigration? Defend every single word of our Constitution? Stop releasing or prosecuting people based on ideology? Treat every citizen the same without constantly dividing everyone into a different subset, based on physical or mental attributes? Promote the traditional family, personal responsibility and work ethic?

If so, I might agree with you.
How can the gov't sharks and their remoras get wealthy with that model? C'mon be realistic.
Huh, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah:
  • Vietnam
  • Afghanistan
  • Iraq
  • Now Ukraine
"War diverts scarce resources from improving society to destroying people and infrastructure, killing the healthiest, most productive part of the population, causes disease and chaos, leads to generations of anger and resentment but it's all GOOD!"
- Flogic

I love the smell of big government in the morning.
-Trog n' Tibs (TnT) Inc.
Yes, even run of the mill Americans are more fortunate than the vast majority of people in the world. To think otherwise is just naive.

Politicians and their donors getting wealthy? You sound dangerously close to hating on 1%ers.
That is without question true.

However, do you apply that same principle to those accusing this country of being a racist and oppressive nation? Have you ever told any of them to shut up and realize that they too are more fortunate than the vast majority of the people of the world? Or does this only apply to Trump voters?

Nah, we think that people who grew up middle class or higher in the United States but see themselves as having gotten the **** end of the stick relative to the rest of the world as absurdists.
You are one sick cookie. Personally, and for many I grew up with, we earned everything we have today. Dad worked in a factory; Mom stayed at home, my first job was at 12.
After high school I enlisted in the Navy and spent way too much time in the brown water rivers in that shithole of SE Asia. It did help pay for my education that I worked my butt off to attain, including a few extra years for the doctorate. So, FU assuming what others have gone through to get where they are today, just because they don't follow your twisted ideology.
What if I told you that some of the things you see in the media regarding this war are not true? It’s not going as well for Ukraine as we’ve been led to believe. If it were, I’d be home.

We know this to be true in large part because of the information leaked by Texiera showed that Ukraine's air defenses were almost depleted, its air capability at only 63%. The information also estimated Ukrainian casualties between 124,500 and 131,000. Russia's infantry casualties are much higher but Russia has a vastly larger number of troops and population to reinforce its army. The point is made by the fact that Ukraine requires all males age 18 to 60 to register for their draft.

Nah, we think that people who grew up middle class or higher in the United States but see themselves as having gotten the **** end of the stick relative to the rest of the world as absurdists.
And how did this nation become the strongest and the most profitable on the planet? Not by being pusssified *******. And now people like you want to take that away.

bty............We do know how good we have it. We just want to keep it that way. Why do you not?