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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

The Yukes took half the aid money and invested it with the now-defunct FTX, who donated a whole lot of money to Democrats.
That **** ain’t even hidden. Nothing will happen.
Exactly. The media was on it right away debunking it all and and twisting it as story Republican's are using as a reason why they lost the elections. It was at that moment I knew it was true.
Damn, ex-President Bozo walked right into it. JFC.

Putin never would have had the balls to invade if Trump had still been in office.
Ukraine, as we know it today, would not even exist had Trump still been in office. Probably same for NATO.
Ukraine, as we know it today, would not even exist had Trump still been in office. Probably same for NATO.
Really? Come on dude. There is literally nothing that backs up that assertion. Nothing. Asking NATO countries to pay what they pledged is hardly out of bounds. If NATO wasn't running a bunch of welfare states they could afford their defense. And why does it fall on us to defend Ukraine? Why? Having seen several years of it, I'm sick of war and America's involvement in it. We haven't fought a war since WWII that made any damn sense. Ukraine is no different. America needs to get out of the war business unless it is for defense.
Really? Come on dude. There is literally nothing that backs up that assertion. Nothing. Asking NATO countries to pay what they pledged is hardly out of bounds. If NATO wasn't running a bunch of welfare states they could afford their defense. And why does it fall on us to defend Ukraine? Why? Having seen several years of it, I'm sick of war and America's involvement in it. We haven't fought a war since WWII that made any damn sense. Ukraine is no different. America needs to get out of the war business unless it is for defense.
allow me to respond for you, Tibs. thanks.

"Sarge, you're out of touch with today's military climate and overall global foreign policy. Your thinking is what killed the dinosaurs and Harambe."
allow me to respond for you, Tibs. thanks.

"Sarge, you're out of touch with today's military climate and overall global foreign policy. Your thinking is what killed the dinosaurs and Harambe."
Quit Being Anti Gorilla.
Really? Come on dude. There is literally nothing that backs up that assertion. Nothing. Asking NATO countries to pay what they pledged is hardly out of bounds. If NATO wasn't running a bunch of welfare states they could afford their defense. And why does it fall on us to defend Ukraine? Why? Having seen several years of it, I'm sick of war and America's involvement in it. We haven't fought a war since WWII that made any damn sense. Ukraine is no different. America needs to get out of the war business unless it is for defense.
Trump, like the *** hole Orban in Hungary - and all of the wretched MAGA ecosystem - is pushing for a "peace deal" essentially a cessation of the war, letting the two sides "work things out" diplomatically. Problem is, Putin is deep inside eastern Ukraine, holds all of Crimea, and any type of peace talks with current battle lines would be a major victory for him and Russia. Also, Ukraine would never do that, why would they, they're fighting for their homeland, freedom and sovereignty. Don't kid yourself into thinking the Western coalition under Biden would have happened under Trump. You may not like it, but democracy, nation-state borders, providing aid and support to sovereign nations defending themselves against a unilateral, unprovoked military invasion...still means something in this world. Thankfully, all of Europe and all of NATO stands firmly with Ukraine. Yellow-bellied lightweights like Trump and Orban notwithstanding, who'd rather lick Putin's boots than ensure a peaceful, democratic, prosperous Europe, now and in the future. It may not seem that way to you, but we're on the right side of history here, the ramifications will be felt for generations.

Some dumbass sh*t

Typical dumbass sh*t from you. Sigh.
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Don't kid yourself into thinking the Western coalition under Biden would have happened under Trump.
The Western coalition where the US is pouring billions of dollars and military equipment into Ukraine, and generally everyone else is saying, you go Joe, and little else.

That Western coalition?
"It's better for Russia to have invaded Ukraine so that Russia's military suffers losses than for Russia to remain in Russia, where its military remains intact."
- Flogic

This is arguably the stupidest comment ever made by anyone on this forum, and believe me that is saying a LOT. I mean your competition includes random stupid comments by 21Steelers, the fanatical idiocy of Tibilo, and the malevolent stupidity of ElftardPoloLiar.

Putin "suffered military losses" because he invaded a neighbor while Dementia Joe was President; he suffered no military losses while Trump was President because he DID. NOT. INVADE. A. NEIGHBOR.

Or do you think Trump should have attacked Russian forces while they were in Russia, you dolt?
I know you have difficulty seeing past your most recent outrage, but… wars, as awful as they are, often change things for the better long term. They have consequences. That region, NATO, and the world in general may very well be better off after the war.
you do know that Russia invading Ukraine, affords the Biden crime family to funnel 200B of tax payer money to launder through Zelinski and self-enrich, right? It allows the Democratic party to funnel that money into it's coffers as well. So who benefits from Russia invading the Ukraine?
The Western coalition where the US is pouring billions of dollars and military equipment into Ukraine, and generally everyone else is saying, you go Joe, and little else.

That Western coalition?
Financial aid (commitments) pledged by:

EU Institutions: 30.32 billion €
United States: 24.46 billion €

Bilateral aid (% of GDP)

Latvia 1.4%
Estonia 1.3%
Lithuania 1.1%
Poland 0.9%
Netherlands 0.8%
Norway 0.7%
Bulgaria 0.7%
Czech Republic 0.6%
Finland 0.6%
Denmark 0.6%
Slovakia 0.5%
Croatia 0.5%
Sweden 0.5%
Austria 0.5%
Portugal 0.4%
Germany 0.4%
United Kingdom 0.4%
United States 0.4%
Spain 0.3%
Greece 0.3%
Slovenia 0.3%
Belgium 0.3%
Hungary 0.3%
Italy 0.3%
France 0.2%
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What if I told you that some of the things you see in the media regarding this war are not true? It’s not going as well for Ukraine as we’ve been led to believe. If it were, I’d be home.
FFS. When it started, who thought that Ukraine would still be standing strong, hosting Biden a year later?
Would love to see a centrist Republican with a steady, calm demeanor, who can recapture the party from MAGA extremists.

Would love to see a centrist Democrat with a steady, calm demeanor, who can recapture the party from wigged-out, far-left extremists.
Bullshit. Absolute crock of ****. You libtards love the commies who are destroying America. You were even wanting ***** Kamala to be President. You are a lying Hungarian **** up. A S S T A R D.
FFS. When it started, who thought that Ukraine would still be standing strong, hosting Biden a year later?
god damn if you don't self-contradict on an astounding basis.
Obviously we are the greatest military power in the world, with by far the largest defense budget, (761.7 billion, more than triple that of China in second place, with $230 billion.) our military contributions will be significant in an international effort such as this.

But to suggest our allies are idly standing by saying, "you go Joe, and little else," is wildly inaccurate and disingenuous.

Bullshit. Absolute crock of ****. You libtards love the commies who are destroying America. You were even wanting ***** Kamala to be President. You are a lying Hungarian **** up. A S S T A R D.
Gee, I wonder why he calls you “extremist”?
Financial aid (commitments) pledged by:

EU Institutions: 30.32 billion €
United States: 24.46 billion €

Bilateral aid (% of GDP)

Latvia 1.4%
Estonia 1.3%
Lithuania 1.1%
Poland 0.9%
Netherlands 0.8%
Norway 0.7%
Bulgaria 0.7%
Czech Republic 0.6%
Finland 0.6%
Denmark 0.6%
Slovakia 0.5%
Croatia 0.5%
Sweden 0.5%
Austria 0.5%
Portugal 0.4%
Germany 0.4%
United Kingdom 0.4%
United States 0.4%
Spain 0.3%
Greece 0.3%
Slovenia 0.3%
Belgium 0.3%
Hungary 0.3%
Italy 0.3%
France 0.2%
wow. so American taxpayers matched almost all of Europe.
even your ignorance should be able to see that.

now show us how much was diverted to the DNC and The Big Guy. And don't even begin to think a fleeting thought that those are not connected.
Obviously we are the greatest military power in the world, with by far the largest defense budget, (761.7 billion, more than triple that of China in second place, which had a defense budget of $230 billion.) our military contributions will be significant in an international effort such as this.

But to suggest our allies are idly standing by saying, "you go Joe, and little else," is wildly inaccurate and disingenious.

we? you don't live here anymore and are in some twisted goddamned fantasy libland of what is actually going on in the country you've not resided for more than half your life.

Amazing how much you hate Americans who work and live abroad. Feel the same way about "Republicans Abroad" in the UK and Israel? This is all you have? Every single post, this is all you can point to, when discussing American politics with someone with a divergent view? Quite pathetic, really. Was expecting more from you.
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Amazing how much you hate Americans who work and live abroad. Feel the same way about Republicans Abroad in the UK and Israel? This is all you have? Every single post, this is all you can point to, when discussing Americans politics? Quite pathetic, really. Was expecting more from you.
YOU are the only one I have communications with, so we'll address this on a case by case basis.
I've no idea their stances, nor their treks back here. but you've openly stated that you've not been back here in decades. so we'll take that at face value that you have zero idea of what is actually going on in THIS country.
you've openly stated that you've not been back here in decades.

Never said that. Been stateside multiple times past few years. Especially now that my son moved to Austin three years ago, my youngest daughter is looking at Florida (of all god damned places) for college in the fall, my brother's in Houston, my sister's in NJ, my friends in CA, NY and CO... my business partner's in DC. So yeah, keep living in your stupid fantasy world. What a **** ing joke. But have it your way. I'm out. You guys clearly want to continue your inbred circle jerk on this side of the board. Have at it. Maybe see you on the Steelers side, amped about this upcoming season.
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Never said that. Been stateside multiple times past few years. Especially now that my son moved to Austin three years ago, my youngest daughter is looking at Florida (of all god damned places) for college in the fall, my brother's in Houston, my sister's in NJ, my friends in CA, NY and CO... my business partner's in DC. So yeah, keep living in your stupid fantasy world. What a **** ing joke. But have it your way. I'm out. You guys clearly want to continue your inbred circle jerk on this side of the board. Have at it. Maybe see you on the Steelers side, amped about this upcoming season.
awww. booty get chapped? piss off with your "divergent view" which you refuse to even discuss the merits.
Never said that. Been stateside multiple times past few years. Especially now that my son moved to Austin three years ago, my youngest daughter is looking at Florida (of all god damned places) for college in the fall, my brother's in Houston, my sister's in NJ, my friends in CA, NY and CO... my business partner's in DC. So yeah, keep living in your stupid fantasy world. What a **** ing joke. But have it your way. I'm out. You guys clearly want to continue your inbred circle jerk on this side of the board. Have at it. Maybe see you on the Steelers side, amped about this upcoming season.
I knew that sooner or later he would be a big pusssssy about it.