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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

The right can go **** themselves too. They’re mostly Rinos except for a few patriots. It’s now MAGA party or bust.
Looks like it’s gonna be bust. Too few in government to do anything meaningful, and I don’t see that number growing much. Once boomer republicans are dead, republicans will never win another election.
Looks like it’s gonna be bust. Too few in government to do anything meaningful, and I don’t see that number growing much. Once boomer republicans are dead, republicans will never win another election.
Not if voter I.D. Is required, as it should be.
I don’t think you know many Republicans. You wanna know who sold me conservative ideology? Liberals. That’s not conspiracy. It’s called rejecting lunacy.

I do agree, however, that republicans do not act. They talk. And talk. And talk. They do very little, despite their constituency screaming for action. If Democrats weren’t completely bat **** crazy I might consider voting for them. But since they believe that boys and men menstruate, I can’t with good conscience vote for that party.
I’m friends with plenty of conservatives and liberals within my actual physical life.

The stuff I see in the media comes off as propaganda. This goes both ways. There is a lunacy in the media and online that misrepresents both sides. To contradict myself a bit though. Liberals are more likely to take action out there as much as they come off as whiners. Which depending on your personal morals will pit you against them or go for them.

I am neutral in response only because in my life away from this forum. I have friends and family who are on both sides but act nothing like whats on the media
Not if voter I.D. Is required, as it should be.
It should be, but that’s the least of Republican’s problems. People are tired of their **** too. I’m one of those people.
I’m friends with plenty of conservatives and liberals within my actual physical life.

The stuff I see in the media comes off as propaganda. This goes both ways. There is a lunacy in the media and online that misrepresents both sides. To contradict myself a bit though. Liberals are more likely to take action out there as much as they come off as whiners. Which depending on your personal morals will pit you against them or go for them.

I am neutral in response only because in my life away from this forum. I have friends and family who are on both sides but act nothing like whats on the media
The reason the stuff you see in the media comes off as propaganda is because that’s how it’s designed to be presented. All media is propaganda anymore. Just depends on if you agree with the propaganda being sold. If you do, it’s the truth. If not, it’s propaganda.
It's all just entertainment. There is no real news anymore.
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The reason the stuff you see in the media comes off as propaganda is because that’s how it’s designed to be presented. All media is propaganda anymore. Just depends on if you agree with the propaganda being sold. If you do, it’s the truth. If not, it’s propaganda.
I’d have to agree with post #106 in response
The reason the stuff you see in the media comes off as propaganda is because that’s how it’s designed to be presented. All media is propaganda anymore. Just depends on if you agree with the propaganda being sold. If you do, it’s the truth. If not, it’s propaganda.

Agreed, Sarge. Why I try not to base my views on headlines & soundbites, but try to step out of my comfort zone. To take a moment and read through various news & foreign policy sources, both right and left leaning, domestic and international. In the end, filtering through will likely be at bare minimum, chunks and nuggets of truth and facts. I also follow both liberal and conservative (not MAGA) voices and get their takes on the daily. I know I'm painted as a wild, flaming leftist on the board, serving as a boogeyman for some, but I actually appreciate a measured, centrist angle, with bits of both left & right sprinkled in. The one outlier is my take on Trump, which is just off the ******* hook.
Agreed, Sarge. Why I try not to base my views on headlines & soundbites, but try to step out of my comfort zone. To take a moment and read through various news & foreign policy sources, both right and left leaning, domestic and international. In the end, filtering through will likely be at bare minimum, chunks and nuggets of truth and facts. I also follow both liberal and conservative (not MAGA) voices and get their takes on the daily. I know I'm painted as a wild, flaming leftist on the board, serving as a boogeyman for some, but I actually appreciate a measured, centrist angle, with bits of both left & right sprinkled in. The one outlier is my take on Trump, which is just off the ******* hook.
I’m shaped by my physical 5 senses interactions. Until I experience a more consistent hostility. I’ll remain ignorant on this matter.

We’re shaped by our actions.
It’s good to read various materials from both sides no matter how hostile some pieces can be.
It’s just wise to have an awareness in that there are people out there who mean harm, are deceptive etc.

A lot of us here have a foundation of being an American in common. Aside from that we all grew up with different experiences.

As a hispanic/japanese american in New Mexico my experiences through culture, religion, class demographics are going to differ from someone who grew up more conservative in say Western PA, Florida, Georgia etc. So even though there is a common western culture. Each state will have some varying degrees of culture that eventually clash and can be taken in a wrong context. Especially if it’s a mass influx

When I attended UGA, there was a cultural difference compared to New Mexico. Not in a bad way either. You just develop an understanding that some people are not keen on change and value consistency/tradition opposed to progression. I’d say as I get older, with the rapid change in technology I err more in adapting to change. The thing with change however and this is a liberal thing is a forced change. At the end of the day we cannot or better yet I should say we shouldn’t force our beliefs on anyone.
Well said, MTC. Thanks for your thoughtful response.
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The one outlier is my take on Trump, which is just off the ******* hook.
I have no love for the man and would be happy if he just faded away, but is your take on him based on the last 7 years of the continuous bombardment of the Democrats going after him with claims that have never been substantiated? It's like the boy crying wolf at this point, maybe they finally got him, we'll have to wait and see. Why is the current administration only going after him to return documents? Presidents have been storing documents from their administrations for the last 50 years.

As far as the media goes, Lester Holt is no different than Tucker Carlson, he's just more subtle in his delivery.
Agreed, Sarge. Why I try not to base my views on headlines & soundbites, but try to step out of my comfort zone. To take a moment and read through various news & foreign policy sources, both right and left leaning, domestic and international. In the end, filtering through will likely be at bare minimum, chunks and nuggets of truth and facts. I also follow both liberal and conservative (not MAGA) voices and get their takes on the daily. I know I'm painted as a wild, flaming leftist on the board, serving as a boogeyman for some, but I actually appreciate a measured, centrist angle, with bits of both left & right sprinkled in. The one outlier is my take on Trump, which is just off the ******* hook.
You are a liar. How do I know this? Because I do what you claim to do, which is why I rarely ever post in these types of threads. One of the things I have learned by doing this is that the truth mostly always lies somewhere in-between. What Trump has done is certainly not a nothing burger, but at the same time it may not be any worse than what many other Presidents have done.

You are such a damn hypocrite. Throw the book at Trump. But at the same time, go get Joe, Bill, Hillary, George W and all the others. That is all I'm asking. If you had any validity, that is what you'd be calling for.
I do wonder if we have gone wrong as a country when we have so many classified documents. Should our government be hiding this much from us?
I do wonder if we have gone wrong as a country when we have so many classified documents. Should our government be hiding this much from us?
They have to. A lot of what they’re hiding from us they’re actually doing to us. Can’t let the people find out just how much they are being **** on.
I do wonder if we have gone wrong as a country when we have so many classified documents. Should our government be hiding this much from us?
They hide a bunch of ****. I’m not surprised. Sometimes I feel like everything we’ve been led to believe from education k-12, media, health science etc is all a lie.

Stuff like cancer, thyroid disease, mental health breakdowns seem to be a more common trend these days. That definitely chalks up to the government keeping us in the dark.

Then on the political spectrum you have all these classified documents, certain people who’ve been in positions of power for so long.
@Tibs, I wish you could see that we're all getting reamed. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians whatever. Our paychecks are getting eaten up by taxes and there's really nothing to show for it. Pretty soon our retirement will be sucked into the machine and the thought of leaving the smallest of gifts to the next generation will be out the window.

You hate Trump and that's fine, you have your right to do so. FWIW, I don't hate Joe B. I just don't like his policies and his proximity to some pretty shady stuff, of which he implicated himself of doing.

Once whatever you hold dear is eaten up by the machine, and I really hope you are not the consumer here, I have my doubts from years of study, however I do hope you finally use your vigor to go after the real enemy of the people. Hint: It isn't conservatives but I know you're smart enough to know that..

It would be great if the Democratic party could get back to it's resistance of all things big government. Remember those days? Truly, do you remember?

Perhaps everyone was just being played during the mass demonstrations of the late 60s and early 70s? Perhaps it was all a huge rouse. Fight The Man...Vote Democrat..
Then slowly over time, things turned 180.. Govt was then the "good guy". Amazing...Turn your life over to the all consuming entity an entire segment of society once despised...Well played.. .

What's truly amazing is how everyone, you, me, all here in this thread has been absolutely played throughout our lives. From high school to current age. Was it Trump's doing? Nope. He was just a blip on the political timeline and that guy got played big time by the powers that be and continues to be played. Supported by those whose roots went back to despising the current hangman. Please note the hypocrisy emanating from those who seek to hang the guy trying to give the power back to the People. Stop being played before it's too late.

That said from my 50+ years of observation, he's been the only one to shine a light on the big assed thumb that's keeping the wealth from truly circulating down to those who work for a living.

Hint 2: In my opinion that is why he has such a huge following and why his enemies are doing everything they can to stop it. So that is why I think you object to him so much. He's endangering your ability to sustain yourself and your family. Again, just a theory but if true, I get it. Everyone here who doesn't work for big govt gets it.

So if you think back to the roots of the Democratic party from yesteryear I hope you can get a glimpse of those who fought against the machine, even if they were being played. Then see those who fought for it. See any similarities? It's an upside down crazy world where left is right, and right is left. Which side are you on? Big Govt or Big People? Once all the bullscrit is peeled away, I hope you are with us.

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I don't have a problem with whoever being held accountable as long as its equal. Biden was just busted for having classified documents here and there and i don't see any charges or talks of charges being brought against him. I am not a Trump fan and i hope Desantis or someone steam rolls him, but if Trump did some of the things Biden did or was accused of dems would be running around with pitch forks.

This. I am not a Trump voter… the closest thing that ever almost made me vote for him was the absolutely absurd non stop chicken little screaming about him.

Hilary had absurd amounts of violations of the same protocols and hers absolutely ended up in foreign hands…

I swear if this every day waking up to exaggerated trump **** from nbc and cnn again I will vote for him out of spite… jeez oh man, just beat the guy on policy or get better policies… he is a ******* dinosaur.. maybe don’t run a senile fossil against him…

And sure as **** when the trumpies all vote harvest and do all of the questionable bullshit that the dems were doing to get a lump like biden the votes to win last time, i don’t want to hear a peep out of you liberals… not a peep… i am so sick of the hypocrisy on both sides… just shut up.
Right? It's a head-scratcher... 🤔

He kept pushing, kept pushing, kept pushing.... until he pushed too far. Textbook case of "f*cked around and found out."

They have to. A lot of what they’re hiding from us they’re actually doing to us. Can’t let the people find out just how much they are being **** on.
Right. So perhaps the wrong response for all of us is to be upset on who has taken classified information, but we should be upset that our government has so much of it. They are absolutely hiding stuff from us. And I'm not stupid, you have to have some of that. You can't invade Normandy if the entire country knows the plans. So will the enemy. But it is far too much, and I think the government is very happy for us to take sides, pointing at Trump...No! What about Hillary and so on. It keeps us from focusing on the real issue...what are they hiding with all this "classified" information?
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