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Trump indicted: Espionage Act

Whoa. Ok, if you say so. 🤷‍♂️
Not that it matters, as I'm sure you could care less what I think, which is absolutely fine. But when you actually share a balanced opinion concerning Trump I may believe you. You are as unhinged on Trump as many on the right were in the '90s over Bill Clinton. You will believe anything.
Right? It's a head-scratcher... 🤔

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It is not when you realize that it is a situation in which they are searching for a crime. If you search hard enough you would probably find something on anybody when it comes to taxes or whatever. I wouldn't have released them, either, especially when you also realize that every career politician Republican and Democrat, who knows they are going to run for something whitewashes theirs.
Not that it matters, as I'm sure you could care less what I think, which is absolutely fine. But when you actually share a balanced opinion concerning Trump I may believe you. You are as unhinged on Trump as many on the right were in the '90s over Bill Clinton. You will believe anything.

Not that it matters…but I never said I had a balanced opinion on Trump. I said I have a balanced view on all things politics except for Trump. I know I have full-blown TDS. I own it, and live up to it.

I actually appreciate a measured, centrist angle, with bits of both left & right sprinkled in. The one outlier is my take on Trump, which is just off the f*cking hook.
Not that it matters…but I never said I had a balanced opinion on Trump. I said I have a balanced view on all things politics except for Trump. I know I have full-blown TDS. I own it, and live up to it.
Thank you. I will admit, I was unhinged on Clinton in the '90s so I understand in some way where you are coming from. However, I really tried to learn form that, which is why I try to take a measured response to things.
I am of the camp that wishes so badly Trump would just go away. I fear if he wins again, the next term will be filled with paybacks, and dammit, this country cannot afford that. I also know, however, that if Trump does go away, well it will be DeSantis who is the new devil, or Tim Scott or whoever looks strong. It is simply the playbook.
@Tibs, I wish you could see that we're all getting reamed. Republicans, Democrats, Libertarians whatever. Our paychecks are getting eaten up by taxes and there's really nothing to show for it. Pretty soon our retirement will be sucked into the machine and the thought of leaving the smallest of gifts to the next generation will be out the window.

You hate Trump and that's fine, you have your right to do so. FWIW, I don't hate Joe B. I just don't like his policies and his proximity to some pretty shady stuff, of which he implicated himself of doing.

Once whatever you hold dear is eaten up by the machine, and I really hope you are not the consumer here, I have my doubts from years of study, however I do hope you finally use your vigor to go after the real enemy of the people. Hint: It isn't conservatives but I know you're smart enough to know that..

It would be great if the Democratic party could get back to it's resistance of all things big government. Remember those days? Truly, do you remember?

Perhaps everyone was just being played during the mass demonstrations of the late 60s and early 70s? Perhaps it was all a huge rouse. Fight The Man...Vote Democrat..
Then slowly over time, things turned 180.. Govt was then the "good guy". Amazing...Turn your life over to the all consuming entity an entire segment of society once despised...Well played.. .

What's truly amazing is how everyone, you, me, all here in this thread has been absolutely played throughout our lives. From high school to current age. Was it Trump's doing? Nope. He was just a blip on the political timeline and that guy got played big time by the powers that be and continues to be played. Supported by those whose roots went back to despising the current hangman. Please note the hypocrisy emanating from those who seek to hang the guy trying to give the power back to the People. Stop being played before it's too late.

That said from my 50+ years of observation, he's been the only one to shine a light on the big assed thumb that's keeping the wealth from truly circulating down to those who work for a living.

Hint 2: In my opinion that is why he has such a huge following and why his enemies are doing everything they can to stop it. So that is why I think you object to him so much. He's endangering your ability to sustain yourself and your family. Again, just a theory but if true, I get it. Everyone here who doesn't work for big govt gets it.

So if you think back to the roots of the Democratic party from yesteryear I hope you can get a glimpse of those who fought against the machine, even if they were being played. Then see those who fought for it. See any similarities? It's an upside down crazy world where left is right, and right is left. Which side are you on? Big Govt or Big People? Once all the bullscrit is peeled away, I hope you are with us.

Yep, where did all those people go that had bumper stickers on their cars stating question authority?
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This looks just like something that I would see on facebook, posted by an old friend from college.
All the responses positive, with comments like "hate him", or "agree 100", preaching to the choir type of stuff, with no substantive discussion permitted, less one be accused of drinking the Kool-Aid or some other banal response. I question just who it is that's drinking that Kool-Aid.
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Back when jailing politicians was the MAGA Flavor of the Month. Oh, how the tables have turned.




Dipshit Tibtard,

Hitlery did not even get charged, even with the whole world being aware that she and her staff broke numerous laws and then more trying to hide same.

There is clearly an unequal enforcement.

The classified documents are hidden from the enemy, which appears to be the bad guys and the people.
I do wonder if we have gone wrong as a country when we have so many classified documents. Should our government be hiding this much from us?
He kept pushing, kept pushing, kept pushing.... until he pushed too far. Textbook case of "f*cked around and found out."

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Tibtard has not been this rapturiously sploogy with his posts since he went on and on for weeks about a hooker and pissing.
I do wonder if we have gone wrong as a country when we have so many classified documents. Should our government be hiding this much from us?

Of course not. FFS, the Feds are still claiming thousands of documents about the Kennedy assassination should remain secret.,


Have you seen photos of the 1800 boxes of documents Biden has stored at the Univ. of Delaware? Or the documents taken from his garage, or lawyer's office, or his second home, or his third home?

Ever wonder why not?

You are such a dunce that you lap up whatever you are fed by the most corrupt administration ever to pollute our great nation even when presented irrefutable evidence that you are being played.

TRUMP HAD TOP SECRET DOCUMENTS! So did Biden and he has NO claim that he could declassify.

BIDEN COOPERATED WITH THE AUTHORITIES! So ******* what? Violate the law and say, "Oops" and everything is OK? Not the way it works. By the way, Shrillery did not cooperate with the authorities. She intentionally destroyed evidence that was under subpoena and not a whisper of protest from you.

TRUMP TALKED ABOUT GRABBING *****! Biden actually grabbed a woman's privates and not a hint of concern from you.

TRUMP'S FAMILY GOT RICH OFF OF HIS ELECTED OFFICE! Uhhhh ... do I even need to address this? FBI has known for at least three years of payments by corrupt Ukrainian companies to both Biden and his son.

Your entire obsession with Trump - "He's a Russian plant!" - was a lie. And yet here you are, still carrying on with the same ranting because the same people who lied to you a thousand times about "RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA!" now tell you some other bullshit.

Stop being an idiot for two minutes and ask, "Why are these politicians so afraid of Trump?" But of course you are unable to do so.
You guys do realize this case was brought against Trump via a Florida grand jury? For those wailing on about governmental overreach and “Biden” and “the Dems” jailing political opponents. Just checking.
You guys do realize this case was brought against Trump via a Florida grand jury? For those wailing on about governmental overreach and “Biden” and “the Dems” jailing political opponents. Just checking.
double edged sword, but even you knew that, despite acting as if you didnt.

Bringing the charges immediately in Florida could help speed up the legal process, as if the case had initially been brought in D.C., it was broadly expected Trump and his lawyers would have tried to move the case to Florida, slowing down proceedings as the court ruled on that issue.

The Southern District of Florida is also known for moving cases to trial more quickly than other federal courts, former federal prosecutor Franklin Monsour told Bloomberg, saying, “If the prosecution team feels like it has a strong case and can move quickly, there’s no better place to charge a case than the southern district of Florida.”
One downside for the DOJ is that the court may also be friendlier to Trump: the ex-president appointed five of the 15 non-senior judges in that district, and according to multiple reports, the case will at least initially be overseen by U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee who was widely criticized by legal experts for her—eventually overturned—opinion that sided with Trump and installed a third-party special master to go through documents the DOJ seized at Mar-A-Lago.
Strange, FoxNews…

BrooklynDad is a paid agitator. You'd know this if you paid attention.

Which has what to do exactly with the FoxNews clip in question here? Would you like me to post the same exact video from 100 other sources, or maybe go watch in on FoxNews site.... then let us know what you think about it.
Which has what to do exactly with the FoxNews clip in question here? Would you like me to post the same exact video from 100 other sources, or maybe go watch in on FoxNews site.... then let us know what you think about it.
precisely 100 more. not one less, not one more. 100 other sources. thank you.