The Thinking Man's Guide To Trump. (So don't waste your time, Tibs.)
Many scientists centuries ago posited that the earth is flat. That was their "school of thought." When we determined that the earth is not flat, we rightly concluded that those espousing the "earth is flat" theory were wrong, unreliable, and should not be believed.
I suggest we implement the same approach for the writers who have posited all sorts of crazy-*** **** about Trump (he is not serious about the run, he is going to pull out, he is a closet Democrat, he is out to destroy America, whatever) and treat them with the disdain they have earned.
Fair request, no?
The Thinking Man's Guide To Trump. (So don't waste your time, Tibs.)
Indeed, the loose association of the terms Trump, IndySteel and Thinking Man reminded me of this:LOL! That's some heavy reading for a thinking man, alright!
Trump's Tax Plan:
Say after me: "Who Gives a ****?" Let's make America great again, yee haw!
"But on August 27, 2015, at a rally in Greenville, South Carolina, when Mary Margaret Bannister pulled his hair, we learned he does not wear a wig."
LOL! That's some heavy reading for a thinking man, alright!
"It's actually harmful because she can't make that general-election pivot the way she should," Feinstein said. "Trump has made that pivot."
If the nation somehow loses it's collective mind and votes Trump into office, don't worry, there will be plenty motivation to overthrow the goverment. It will come from blacks, latinos, women, muslims and most certainly from the lower classes. But for some reason Spike, Indy, Supe, Tim and the motley crew of Trump's fanboys seem to care only about the top 1%. Trump will be great for the mega rich. Damn, maybe Spike, Indy and the boys ARE mega rich. I never put two and two together, turns out this board is saturated with invesment bankers, hedge fund managers and the like. Now it all makes sense.
Report: Trump tariffs would be 'catastrophic' for poor
My apologies Tim. I didn't mean to corral you in with the rest of the Trumpster fanboys. I guess you're going Hillary or Bernie, my apologies. I totally misconstrued your unabated far-right political views as being firmly in the Trump camp. My bad, totally jumped the gun on this one.No where can you find on this board I've stated I'm voting for Trump.
My apologies Tim. I didn't mean to corral you in with the rest of the Trumpster fanboys. I guess you're going Hillary or Bernie, my apologies. I totally misconstrued your unabated far-right political views as being firmly in the Trump camp. My bad, totally jumped the gun on this one.
Yes, sir. Will do that, sir. Will do my best to pay attention and sort out all the far right extremist views on this board and remain vigilant in which poster represents a darker, or lighter shade of brown. Brown as in bullshit, sir.Pay attention. It'll help.
Will do my best to pay attention and sort out all the far right extremist views on this board and remain vigilant in which poster represents a darker, or lighter shade of brown. Brown as in bullshit, sir.
Look at the other side of the coin. How often do you protest or raise your voice if extremist, racist, homophobe, islamophobe or otherwise bigoted views are posted on this board? Honestly. Never. By not doing so, you kind of straddle that line. I don't care, really. But that's how I view the wide majority of the posters on this board, apologies to the few exceptions.ex·trem·ism
the holding of extreme political or religious views; fanaticism.
What "extremist" views do I have? Or TSF?
I'll do that the first chance I get.Otherwise, jump off your horse.
You guys go first and I'll follow. Stop with the racist, ignorant, and Islamaphobe posts and I'll stop calling you out on it.Want change? Go a week without labeling Conservatives as racists, ignorant, and Islamaphobes.
That's a relatively fair assessment, at face value. I post on this board much like a biker walking into a dyke bar. Seems like this is a 50-to-1 right-wing board with brief, much too infrequent bouts of civilized discourse. Frankly, very little talk regarding actual conservative values or viewpoints.Tibs, you do realize there is nothing open about your rhetoric here? You don't want to debate. You suffer group think as badly as anyone on the board. You instantly vilify and dismiss conservatives ignoring anything they have to say - because they are conservatives.
James Carville Says 80% Of Democrats Are Politically Clueless
And half of them have switched sides and are going to vote for Trump.
The Thinking Man's Guide To Trump.