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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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Because Trump just came out to boldly declare he'd never done these things, just bragged about it, ie locker room talk.

Yet the right takes at face value all the Clinton accusations. The only thing we know for sure he got blowjob from a seemingly willing Lewinsky in the oval office. Everything else is hearsay. Yet Clinton's accusers are paraded around like prized racehorses.

Clinton has a long history of at a minimum reckless sexual behavior. Accusations against him from his college years. Women taking legal action against him, testifying to his behavior under oath. Trump has been a very public persona for decades, yet not a peep out of anyone til 3 weeks before an election.

Would it surprise me if they are telling the truth? No. Would it surprise me if they are being managed and orchestrated by the Clinton machine? Nope.
Yet the right takes at face value all the Clinton accusations. The only thing we know for sure he got blowjob from a seemingly willing Lewinsky in the oval office. Everything else is hearsay. Yet Clinton's accusers are paraded around like prized racehorses.

I keep reading this, so I suspect it comes from some left-wing talking point source. The problem is that it is just not true.

First, Clinton was sued for sexual assault by Paula Jones and a related claim for sexual harassment under Arkansas law, which is simply not friendly to plaintiffs. The judge initially dismissed the case on summary judgment, finding that the inappropriate behavior "was brief and isolated; did not result in any physical harm ... did not result in distress so severe that no reasonable person could be expected to endure it." The judge also held, "Although the governor's alleged conduct, if true, may certainly be characterized as boorish and offensive, even a most charitable reading of the record in this case fails to reveal a basis for a claim of criminal sexual assault."

The motion for summary judgment was based on Clinton's declaration that he did nothing improper in the hotel with Jones and also in part on the declaration from Lewinsky, who stated that she did not have any sexual relations with Clinton, thereby affirming Clinton's deposition testimony. Jones appealed that decision (for good reason) and the appeal was still pending when Clinton paid $850,000 to settle the claim - for sexual assault and sexual harassment.

While the Jones case was pending and during discovery on that case, the Lewinsky sexual shenanigans came to light. What is most troubling about that affair is the depth of dishonesty Clinton employed in deposition. He was testifying under penalty of perjury, and stated under oath on January 17, 1998 that he could not recall ever being alone with Lewinsky. The evidence later showed that he had received a blowjob from Lewinsky on December 28, 1997 - less than 3 weeks earlier. He further denied every having an affair with Lewinsky, or any sexual contact as that term was defined in the deposition (to include blowjobs, by the way).

So to sum up what we know for a fact to be true - Jones sued for sexual harassment and sexual assault, Clinton's team suborned perjury to defend that claim, the claim was settled for a significant sum of money, Clinton had a relationship with Lewinsky that lasted for months, and Clinton perjured himself repeatedly about that relationship.

Look, I get that as time passes, people forget things, but some don't and Google never does. Therefore, please drop the "oh he had willing blowjobs from an intern and nothing more" argument. He paid a ****-ton of money to Jones to settle her suit, for sexual assault.

The comparison as to Trump should be between the women who accuse Clinton of rape - Broadrick - and violent sexual assault - Willey, Wellstone but have not had the charges litigated or proven.

As is the case with the Turmp accusations.

Both deserve consideration since it is unlikely a large group of women would make these accusations just for fun, no??
Is that what I said? I guess I need to explain what should have been obvious.

OK this is comical to me....you state it should have been obvious. I for one have long thought half the **** you write here could use the oversight of a trained English professional, but gave it a pass thinking maybe it was just me....

"I think it doesn't matter if it is true of SOME women" MEANING: It's not a valid excuse sexually assault some one.

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot...seriously? Did you just type those two sentences?
Steeletime you realize this is apples vs. oranges.

The debate we should be having is strictly Hillary vs.Trump. They are the presidential candidates. If we must, on a much lower level and an entirely different scale, we could be having a conversation regarding how the two first ladies (or men) stack up, that is Bill vs. Melania.

The false parallel that this is somehow about Bill's sexual transgressions vs. Trump's sexual transgressions is off kilter and basically irrelevant to the election at hand. Who ever gave two ***** about what the spouse of a presidential candidate was about? What do First Ladies do in the White House? Look pretty at state dinners, uhm, fight for more nutritious school lunches, get kids to exercise more, things along those lines.

The fact that the right is elevating Bill's issues to offset Trump's issues just goes to show how desperate they've become.
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Steeletime you realize this is apples vs. oranges.

The debate we should be having is strictly Hillary vs.Trump. They are the presidential candidates. If we must, on a much lower level and an entirely different scale, we could be having a conversation regarding how the two first ladies (or men) stack up, that is Bill vs. Melania.

The false parallel that this is somehow about Bill's sexual transgressions vs. Trump's sexual transgressions is off kilter and basically irrelevant to the election at hand. Who ever gave two ***** about what the spouse of a presidential candidate was about? What do First Ladies do in the White House? Look pretty at state dinners, uhm, fight for more nutritious school lunches, get kids to exercise more, things along those lines.

The fact that the right is elevating Bill's issues to offset Trump's issues just goes to show how desperate they've become.
and that's what you see?
what i see is Hillary running a dodge and deflect on any and all of her husband's accusers. and she is the one who said all rape victims deserve to be believed.
How desperate is Hillary?

haha - "Inappropriately “kissed”... when he was 22.

That would have been what...the late 1960’s? Wow what a scandal!
Why? Cosby and Sandusky did a hell of a lot more than that and it took decades before people came forward.

Jesus Christ man, your blind defense of the Clintons and immediate witch hunt of Trump is a despicable self statement.

How many women have come out against Bill Clinton? Hmmm? Some have taken him to court. Many with corroborating witnesses like the State Police of Arkansas have given testimony of affairs, assault and rape. When those people came forward against Cosby and Sandusky, did you believe them? Of course you did. Did you believe them when they came out against Clinton? Of course you didn't. (see the pattern)

We KNOW that Hillary covered for him. We know that Hillary humiliated those women and wrecked their lives. We know that Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on Lolita Airlines. Possibly raped a 13 year old girl. Your outrage: ZERO. Not even a single comment on this site to say "those things were abhorrent."

Nope, all you do is say Trump is bad and persistently stretch his lewd comments into "Donald assaults women" (which isn't what his taped comments say at all).

You are rubbing your sweaty little hairy palms together hoping and praying some witness will step forward saying Trump assaulted her so that somehow you can continue to turn a blind eye to the criminal Clinton family and the rapist and pedophile that would occupy the White House with Hillary.

News Flash: Go watch the Anonymous video again - see that Anonymous already knows these women who stepped forward last night have been paid to come forward to say that Trump assaulted them.

The formula for success: A criminal candidate, a crooked Pravda complicit media, and a legion of Sheeple like you that will turn a blind eye to crimes and murder on one side of the aisle, but scream "criminal!" and "murder!" when looking across the aisle.

You're a Jim Jones follower to them. Already converted, already drunk.

How desperate is Hillary?

haha - "Inappropriately “kissed”... when he was 22.

That would have been what...the late 1960’s? Wow what a scandal!

free love, man, free love
Jesus Christ man, your blind defense of the Clintons and immediate witch hunt of Trump is a despicable self statement.

How many women have come out against Bill Clinton? Hmmm? Some have taken him to court. Many with corroborating witnesses like the State Police of Arkansas have given testimony of affairs, assault and rape. When those people came forward against Cosby and Sandusky, did you believe them? Of course you did. Did you believe them when they came out against Clinton? Of course you didn't. (see the pattern)

We KNOW that Hillary covered for him. We know that Hillary humiliated those women and wrecked their lives. We know that Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on Lolita Airlines. Possibly raped a 13 year old girl. Your outrage: ZERO. Not even a single comment on this site to say "those things were abhorrent."

Nope, all you do is say Trump is bad and persistently stretch his lewd comments into "Donald assaults women" (which isn't what his taped comments say at all).

You are rubbing your sweaty little hairy palms together hoping and praying some witness will step forward saying Trump assaulted her so that somehow you can continue to turn a blind eye to the criminal Clinton family and the rapist and pedophile that would occupy the White House with Hillary.

News Flash: Go watch the Anonymous video again - see that Anonymous already knows these women who stepped forward last night have been paid to come forward to say that Trump assaulted them.

The formula for success: A criminal candidate, a crooked Pravda complicit media, and a legion of Sheeple like you that will turn a blind eye to crimes and murder on one side of the aisle, but scream "criminal!" and "murder!" when looking across the aisle.

You're a Jim Jones follower to them. Already converted, already drunk.



because people are taking it literally.
as onefor asked, do you believe i go around shooting maps of hawaii on women? if not, why? if so, why?

i have a cousin who says trump should be in jail based on that conversation. no, she can't say that Trump actually DID any of that. but she says it happened to her and that since Trump said it, he should be in jail for sexual assault.

makes not a goddamn bit of sense.

Actually Conaway was referring to his comment about going after Clinton if he got elected.

So, this is (at least) twice in the past week that the voters are being asked to not take what he said literally.
Steeletime you realize this is apples vs. oranges.

The debate we should be having is strictly Hillary vs.Trump. They are the presidential candidates. If we must, on a much lower level and an entirely different scale, we could be having a conversation regarding how the two first ladies (or men) stack up, that is Bill vs. Melania.

The false parallel that this is somehow about Bill's sexual transgressions vs. Trump's sexual transgressions is off kilter and basically irrelevant to the election at hand. Who ever gave two ***** about what the spouse of a presidential candidate was about? What do First Ladies do in the White House? Look pretty at state dinners, uhm, fight for more nutritious school lunches, get kids to exercise more, things along those lines.

The fact that the right is elevating Bill's issues to offset Trump's issues just goes to show how desperate they've become.

Lemming. Or uneducated. Or both.

When Bill Clinton was President of the USA, Hillary sat around and did needlepoint, correct?

Your statement, sir, is daft. Hillary was an immediate part of Bill's staff, kept an office next to his, drove policy, worked on personnel, traveled with the Secretary of State...she created, she ran, she orchestrated.

Bill would be just as involved, or more. The fact that you are unaware of the level of Hillary's involvement as First Lady is not surprising while simultaneously scary.

  • Within the first five days of becoming First Lady, Hillary Clinton was named by her husband to head the President's Task Force on Health Care Reform
  • In this capacity, she became the third First Lady to testify before Congress, appearing to the House committee on health insurance reform in September 1993.
  • She initiated the Children's Health Insurance Program in 1997, a federal effort that provided state support for those children whose parents were unable to provide them with health coverage.
  • She sought to increase the research funding for illnesses such as prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institute of Health.
  • Although she assumed a less open political role after the failure of the health care reform plan, the efforts on behalf of which she focused were fully public.
  • She drove the Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 beginning with an article she wrote on orphaned children in 1995, through a series of public events on the issue, policy meetings with Health and Human Service officials, private foundation leaders, the drafting of policy recommendations, and eventually lobbying with legislators.
  • The First Lady led a second effort, the Foster Care Independence bill, to help older, unadopted children transition to adulthood.
  • She hosted numerous White House conferences that related to children's health, including early childhood development (1997) and school violence (1999).
  • Hillary Clinton was the only First Lady to keep an office in the West Wing among those of the president's senior staff.
  • While her familiarity with the intricate political issues and decisions faced by the President, she openly discussed his work with him, yet stated that ultimately she was but one of several individuals he consulted before making a decision.
  • They were known to disagree.
  • When issues that she was working on were under discussion at the morning senior staff meetings, the First Lady often attended.
    [*]Aides kept her informed of all pending legislation and oftentimes sought her reaction to issues as a way of gauging the President's potential response.
  • Weighing in on his Cabinet appointments and knowing many of the individuals he named, she had working relationships with many of them.
  • She persuaded Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin to convene a meeting of corporate CEOs for their advice on how companies could be persuaded to adopt better child care measures for working families.
  • With Attorney General Janet Reno, the First Lady helped to create the Department of Justice's Violence Against Women office.
  • One of the programs she helped create was Vital Voices, a U.S.-sponsored initiative to promote the participation of international women in their nation's political process.
  • Hillary Clinton was an active supporter of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), often awarding its micro-loans to small enterprises begun by women in developing nations that aided the economic growth in their impoverished communities.
  • By her having assuming a more overtly political role than any of her predecessors, Hillary Clinton was an easy target for the political opposition; oftentimes it was she personally that was attacked, beyond the words she spoke or actions she took.
  • The American Conservative Union, for example, solicited money to fight what they termed the First Lady's "radical agenda."
  • Just five months into the Administration, with the firing of the White House travel office staff, followed to months later by the suicide of Vincent Foster, White House counsel and friend and former law partner of the First Lady, Hillary Clinton found herself implicated in numerous investigations.
  • At the end of 1993, a story broke in the media that a Justice Department investigation into a failed Arkansas real estate venture, concerning a potential development in the Ozarks called "Whitewater," mentioned her as a potential witness in the inquiry; there were immediate suggestions in the opposition press that she had somehow illegally profited.
  • There was similar media speculation when it was disclosed that she had greatly profited in trading cattle futures through an experienced investor.
  • Political pressure, however, led to the President's appointment of a special prosecutor to investigate the charges, a move the First Lady opposed.
  • On January 26, 1996, she testified before a grand jury concerning the Whitewater scandal.
  • During the Lewinsky scandal, Hillary Clinton supported her husband's contentions of innocence regarding marital infidelity, believing the rumors, along with the other charges, to be the result of a "vast right-wing conspiracy."
  • In August 1998, however, when independent counsel Kenneth Starr questioned the President directly in the White House, he confessed that he had lied regarding the extent of the affair.
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Jesus Christ man, your blind defense of the Clintons and immediate witch hunt of Trump is a despicable self statement.

How many women have come out against Bill Clinton? Hmmm? Some have taken him to court. Many with corroborating witnesses like the State Police of Arkansas have given testimony of affairs, assault and rape. When those people came forward against Cosby and Sandusky, did you believe them? Of course you did. Did you believe them when they came out against Clinton? Of course you didn't. (see the pattern)

We KNOW that Hillary covered for him. We know that Hillary humiliated those women and wrecked their lives. We know that Bill Clinton was a frequent flyer on Lolita Airlines. Possibly raped a 13 year old girl. Your outrage: ZERO. Not even a single comment on this site to say "those things were abhorrent."

Nope, all you do is say Trump is bad and persistently stretch his lewd comments into "Donald assaults women" (which isn't what his taped comments say at all).

You are rubbing your sweaty little hairy palms together hoping and praying some witness will step forward saying Trump assaulted her so that somehow you can continue to turn a blind eye to the criminal Clinton family and the rapist and pedophile that would occupy the White House with Hillary.

News Flash: Go watch the Anonymous video again - see that Anonymous already knows these women who stepped forward last night have been paid to come forward to say that Trump assaulted them.

The formula for success: A criminal candidate, a crooked Pravda complicit media, and a legion of Sheeple like you that will turn a blind eye to crimes and murder on one side of the aisle, but scream "criminal!" and "murder!" when looking across the aisle.

You're a Jim Jones follower to them. Already converted, already drunk.



You respond to a statement that in no way refers to Clinton with a ******* dissertation about defending Clinton. WTF?

The whole world is watching Trump try to convince people he WAS lying. It's pathetic.
Your statement, sir, is daft. Hillary was an immediate part of Bill's staff, kept an office next to his, drove policy, worked on personnel, traveled with the Secretary of State...she created, she ran, she orchestrated.

I stand corrected, didn't realize how involved she was. So while that diminishes my original point it also strengthens and highlights her depth of experience. As Obama has pointed out on many occasion, she may very well be the most highly qualified presidential candidate ever. Your post enhances his point and makes it hard to argue the opposite.

You respond to a statement that in no way refers to Clinton with a ******* dissertation about defending Clinton. WTF?

The whole world is watching Trump try to convince people he WAS lying. It's pathetic.

LOL, when a statement begins with Tool, you've beaten your opponent.

Every statement you've made is to highlight Trump's supposed crimes. The Sandusky/Cosby comments are you saying "they may be out there" (and if they are they are to be believed). Yet you remain mute to actual crimes. Nary a peep about Lolita Airlines. Not a single word of scorn about a woman that enables and defends and props up the criminal perp. Just outrage by you in one direction.

I stand corrected, didn't realize how involved she was. So while that diminishes my original point it also strengthens and highlights her depth of experience. As Obama has pointed out on many occasion, she may very well be the most highly qualified presidential candidate ever. Your post enhances his point and makes it hard to argue the opposite.

Annnddddd....right on cue. As I hit submit, I knew you and the Left would come back with that.

Did you read the whole list? Cattlegate? White Water...committing perjury. Travelgate. Didn't think so.

I'd also now encourage you to go look at the list of "accomplishments" and research them - since you know so little about the candidate for which you are going to cast a ballot.

First, her first job was an abysmal failure - healthcare reform. It was a disaster. Next, look into the other "accomplishments." Find out how many SHE worked, she originated, she drove, then figure out if they were "coat tail" projects. You will find most, if not all of those projects were the idea of someone else, and/or built by someone else, and or organized and driven by someone else and Hillary was given the credit.

Dig. I encourage you. This "list" of accomplishments came from a site favorable to women and to Hillary. It's a whole lot of gloss.
Steeletime you realize this is apples vs. oranges.

The debate we should be having is strictly Hillary vs.Trump. They are the presidential candidates. If we must, on a much lower level and an entirely different scale, we could be having a conversation regarding how the two first ladies (or men) stack up, that is Bill vs. Melania.


Twenty years ago, your party set the standard. President groped women, had blowjobs from an intern half his age, harassed and sexually assaulted women? Does not matter, "It's just sex."

That was the **** your party told us 20 years ago.

So okay, those are the rules. Give up the outrage over Trump's sexual proclivities then. Just give it up ... like the (D)'s did not give a flying **** about Clinton's escapades 1984-1997.
Dig. I encourage you.
Nope, maybe some other year I would. I am so certain that Trump is unfit for the presidency, I would vote for a well-trained Yellow-tailed woolly monkey before I voted for Trump. I know about Hillary's deficiencies, believe me. This is a rare year I would have had an open mind to a GOP candidate. But Trump is potentially the worst thing that could happen to this country, and not in my darkest of dreams could I envision voting for him. It is what it is. Hillary is damaged goods, along with her husband. But if she's the last person standing between Trump and the presidency - and she is - I will run, no, I will sprint to the voting booth.*

*In my case, that's a mail-in ballot.
Actually Conaway was referring to his comment about going after Clinton if he got elected.

So, this is (at least) twice in the past week that the voters are being asked to not take what he said literally.

and he absolutely should go after Clinton and her corruption.
WHY not? WHY should any career politician be allowed to use American people and interests to their own benefit? Politicians work FOR the people. Not the other way around.

and, you failed to see that people quite simply are saying Trump is a blatant sexual assaulter based on bullshit words.

Twenty years ago, your party set the standard. President groped women, had blowjobs from an intern half his age, harassed and sexually assaulted women? Does not matter, "It's just sex."

That was the **** your party told us 20 years ago.

So okay, those are the rules. Give up the outrage over Trump's sexual proclivities then. Just give it up ... like the (D)'s did not give a flying **** about Clinton's escapades 1984-1997.

"It's his private life and doesn't affect his job."
LOL, when a statement begins with Tool, you've beaten your opponent.

Every statement you've made is to highlight Trump's supposed crimes. The Sandusky/Cosby comments are you saying "they may be out there" (and if they are they are to be believed). Yet you remain mute to actual crimes. Nary a peep about Lolita Airlines. Not a single word of scorn about a woman that enables and defends and props up the criminal perp. Just outrage by you in one direction.


Because my argument isn't political, it's merely anti-Trump. It has nothing to do with the Clintons. Saying that Bill had the sense not to brag about his assaults isn't a defense of him, rather an example of what a ******* moron Trump is.

You're so blinded by your hatred for the Clintons, to you, everything against Trump is an endorsement of them.
Because my argument isn't political, it's merely anti-Trump. It has nothing to do with the Clintons. Saying that Bill had the sense not to brag about his assaults isn't a defense of him, rather an example of what a ******* moron Trump is.

You're so blinded by your hatred for the Clintons, to you, everything against Trump is an endorsement of them.

can you show us where Trump indeed sexually assaulted someone in the manner he suggested he did, i.e "grab them by the *****"?
if not, please review how you are interpreting the data presented to you and under what spectrum.
I think a ticket of Kasich/Huntsman would have easily won. Thank Donald for saving the Democrats.
can you show us where Trump indeed sexually assaulted someone in the manner he suggested he did, i.e "grab them by the *****"?
if not, please review how you are interpreting the data presented to you and under what spectrum.


Prove Trump wasn't lying, dammit!

Sometimes you got to stop and take a look at yourself.
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