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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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I misunderstood your post then, I apologize.

I sort of see this the opposite way though...Trump is just third in line of candidates who don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting elected. He's just as much of a RINO as McCain or Romney, with the added special qualities of being a boorish jackass. He's totally alienated women and Hispanics, and young people consider him a big fat joke. I suspect he would drive more people to the polls to vote against him than for him.

If we learned nothing from the two Obama debacles it should have been that old white male voters can no longer carry elections in this country, and they are the only ones who are going to go for Trump in large numbers.

I can't continue being a member of a party that's going to shoot itself in the foot every 4 years. I will switch to independent if he is the nominee. I'm embarrassed that he's even being seriously considered. It just shows how low we've sunk.

No apologies necessary. And I switched to Libertarian the last time my dl expired.

I think Trump's main appeal is that he is not a politician, and he is loud and boisterous. Truth.....also because he's politically incorrect and says what everyone wants to hear. Whether he truly believes what he says? I think people are tired of career politicians and will take nearly anyone not to have another one. Think about it. After propelling the Republicans to winning both houses of congress in consecutive elections, those same politicians showed their appreciation to the voters by doing absolutely nothing they said they were gonna do. That's an embarrassment. I would have felt better if they had just given me the finger.

Yep.....slowest learning bunch I've ever seen.

They are giving you the finger, you just don't see it, because they've shoved it up the public's ***.
Most of them are in politics because it pays well. The rules let them raise money they can personally keep
when they decide not to run again.

Both sides, 21.....both sides. Don't think the d's have some moral high ground there.
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as are their votes.


Grandma was a loyal Republican until the day she died. After that she voted straight Democrat.
They are giving you the finger, you just don't see it, because they've shoved it up the public's ***.
Most of them are in politics because it pays well. The rules let them raise money they can personally keep
when they decide not to run again.

You think I don't see it? Every politician from Obama on down is a ******* lying, self serving scum bag. There will be a second revolution in this country. People have had enough. It's why a dipshit like Trump has any traction.
A lot of the Democrats' support is astroturfed, i.e. manufactured and not real.

Yes, it is. But the Dems's can't have the media's piped piper effect on the underinformed with Trump in the race. Trump gets the best ratings, so he can tell this group which way is up.

This above all else is why I think the Democrats fear Trump as if he was the reincarnation of the bubonic plague for their politics. They ( The Dems ) depend on the media support. If they lose it, 10-25% of their voting base evaporates into thin air.
I don't think dipshit is the right adjective for a successful billionaire who wants to pull this country out of Obama-hell, on his own dime and without the corruption of typical politicians. Blowhard or maybe *******, but not dipshit. See 21 for an example of a dipshit.
A lot of the Democrats' support is astroturfed, i.e. manufactured and not real.

While that may be fun to say and make you feel better, the reality is that Republican candidate has won the popular vote only once sine 1988. America is a center left country and has been for 20+ years. Call it media influence, call it generational change, the bottom line point is that America likes it's democratic presidents.

Trump doesn't pass the smell test. Sarge is right, he's a bafflon, an orange skinned cartoon character. You'd do better trying to get the base to come out for a legitimate candidate like Rubio. I actually think a Rubio/Bush ticket is pretty strong against Hillary/Sanders.
While that may be fun to say and make you feel better, the reality is that Republican candidate has won the popular vote only once sine 1988. America is a center left country and has been for 20+ years. Call it media influence, call it generational change, the bottom line point is that America likes it's democratic presidents.

I'll call it organizing a naive demographic who used to not vote, to show up on Election Day, or in the case of the last two elections, miss out on being the cool generation who elected the black guy.

I don't think the rest of the country has become all that more liberal, at least fiscally.

I suspect there are many voters in their late 20's who voted for Obama 7 years ago, who wouldn't vote democrat now. And very few who are the other way around.

I do think a lot of older Republicans have died.
I suspect there are many voters in their late 20's who voted for Obama 7 years ago, who wouldn't vote democrat now. And very few who are the other way around.

Well yeah, because they have $70,000 in student loans and still can't find a job better than making frappucinos at Starbucks.
While that may be fun to say and make you feel better, the reality is that Republican candidate has won the popular vote only once sine 1988. America is a center left country and has been for 20+ years. Call it media influence, call it generational change, the bottom line point is that America likes it's democratic presidents.

Trump doesn't pass the smell test. Sarge is right, he's a bafflon, an orange skinned cartoon character. You'd do better trying to get the base to come out for a legitimate candidate like Rubio. I actually think a Rubio/Bush ticket is pretty strong against Hillary/Sanders.

Im pretty sure Bush 43 won the popular vote in his second election. And you have it backwards, we are a center right country. The GOP has forgotten this and keeps trotting out big government RINOs as their candidate.
Im pretty sure Bush 43 won the popular vote in his second election. And you have it backwards, we are a center right country. The GOP has forgotten this and keeps trotting out big government RINOs as their candidate.

Yeah, 43 did win the popular vote. I think they called the election early.
Im pretty sure Bush 43 won the popular vote in his second election. And you have it backwards, we are a center right country. The GOP has forgotten this and keeps trotting out big government RINOs as their candidate.

I believe that is who he is referring too. But he neglected to mention that Clinton didn't receive 50% in either of his elections. He is forgetting about Ross Perot. Which is why his stat is bogus.
I honestly think if you really don't want Hillary Clinton to win the election, the right wing is barking up the wrong tree with Trump, Cruz or Bush.

I think the correct choices are Rubio or Kasich as each look poised to be able to hold Florida and Ohio as red states and are moderate enough to get the "middle America" vote by painting Hillary as more and more leftist (which Bernie is bringing out of her).

I think there's a strategy to success, but continuing to fight the moral compass debate, pro-gun, anti-abortion, exclusionist, rural america fight isn't going to work. You guys that keep saying the last couple failed Republicans weren't hard enough right wingers are delusional in my opinion. You'll gain 1 vote for every 2 you lose the more extreme right you go and I don't understand how you don't see that.
I honestly think if you really don't want Hillary Clinton to win the election, the right wing is barking up the wrong tree with Trump, Cruz or Bush.

I think the correct choices are Rubio or Kasich as each look poised to be able to hold Florida and Ohio as red states and are moderate enough to get the "middle America" vote by painting Hillary as more and more leftist (which Bernie is bringing out of her).

I think there's a strategy to success, but continuing to fight the moral compass debate, pro-gun, anti-abortion, exclusionist, rural america fight isn't going to work. You guys that keep saying the last couple failed Republicans weren't hard enough right wingers are delusional in my opinion. You'll gain 1 vote for every 2 you lose the more extreme right you go and I don't understand how you don't see that.

Because it isn't true. The issues in the last election were almost solely on economy and the Reps ran a rino and he lost. You say pro-gun, anti-abortion, and rural America fight isn't going to work but NONE of those were issues in the last election. Romney and McCain were hard core RINO's and they hammered. My guess is that liberals keep saying that because they know it doesn't work and they don't want reps. to win. It's the only thing that makes sense. Talk about delusional. Keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? I don't understand why you can't see that. It's right in front of you.
I honestly think if you really don't want Hillary Clinton to win the election, the right wing is barking up the wrong tree with Trump, Cruz or Bush.

I think the correct choices are Rubio or Kasich as each look poised to be able to hold Florida and Ohio as red states and are moderate enough to get the "middle America" vote by painting Hillary as more and more leftist (which Bernie is bringing out of her).

I think there's a strategy to success, but continuing to fight the moral compass debate, pro-gun, anti-abortion, exclusionist, rural america fight isn't going to work. You guys that keep saying the last couple failed Republicans weren't hard enough right wingers are delusional in my opinion. You'll gain 1 vote for every 2 you lose the more extreme right you go and I don't understand how you don't see that.

It depends if you think it's more important to woo independents or get the base to turn out. Again, we ran moderates the last two times, plus in '86, and lost all three times. Romney in particular lost because the base didn't turn out. I'd rather put up someone who motivates us. Of course that's what you Democrats are afraid of. Your opinion about who the Republican candidate should be doesn't mean jack because you're going to vote for the Democrat anyway.
It depends if you think it's more important to woo independents or get the base to turn out. Again, we ran moderates the last two times, plus in '86, and lost all three times. Romney in particular lost because the base didn't turn out. I'd rather put up someone who motivates us. Of course that's what you Democrats are afraid of. Your opinion about who the Republican candidate should be doesn't mean jack because you're going to vote for the Democrat anyway.

I'm only voting Democrat if it's Trump or Cruz. And I don't think I'm alone in my thinking. Most of my friends feel the same way. College educated middle-of-the-road independents, democrats and republicans. I have friends that are registered in all parties. The feeling is almost 100% unanimous. Trump and Cruz are wack jobs and everyone that has a moral compass and sixth sense sees right through them.

I think the others have a real shot because of the demographics needed to win in Ohio and Florida and Colorado.

Trump will get steamrolled 65%-35% in a national election. Cruz will win his 40-45% hard core guys and all the same red states in 2008. He MIGHT get to 200 electoral votes (North Carolina will probably go Cruz).

But I just don't see any of the states in 2008 switching to Cruz away from Clinton like you guys seem to think. I think you are listening WAY TOO much to like-minded people and not paying attention to the demographics and likely end game that a Cruz vs. Clinton race will bring.

We'll see. I think Cruz is actually the front-runner now and that scares me. He's feeding off the real separatists right now and he's playing the game really well. Cruz is going to do really well on Super Tuesday and might end up knocking Trump/Carson out of the race. I just don't think Rubio will get enough of the moderate Republicans out to vote (which is a shame), but that's how our process works now.

It's been a very interesting process so far. Only a year away really.
Trump and Cruz are wack jobs and everyone that has a moral compass and sixth sense sees right through them.

But you'll vote for Hillary???????????????????????????????????


We, America, are ******. Del, his friends, and millions like them see and think this way. Hillary and Sanders are "moral compasses?"

Jesus God Almighty we are screwed.
But you'll vote for Hillary???????????????????????????????????


We, America, are ******. Del, his friends, and millions like them see and think this way. Hillary and Sanders are "moral compasses?"

Jesus God Almighty we are screwed.

It is remarkable, isn't it? That anyone would view Hillary Clinton as a person with a moral compass of any kind defies logic.
Tim... you're the most right-wing person I know. Period.

You might think that's normal, but it's not. You are as extreme to me as you think Bernie Sanders is.

This is just my opinion. My voice. I'm glad you have yours. It's nice we can talk like this and not have Big Brother over our backs (as far as we know).

I view Cruz as more "out there" than Hillary. I think come general election time, you'll see good-ol' boy Bill come save the day and bring Hilldebeast back to the middle where the Clintons always have been. I can see through some of the far leftist and far rightist bullshit during the primaries but I know a real leftist and real rightist when I see them. And Bernie is a real leftist and Cruz is a real rightist and we all know it. I think those extremes just don't work come election time. And I don't think they work for America.

I know you think Obama is as leftist as they come but that's not true. He's been pretty centrist in my opinion on domestic stuff. Obamacare be damned, we needed a shake up to health care. Whether this is the path has yet to be determined. It's certainly not the Armageddon some have predicted.

I don't much care for Bernie Sanders either. His promises lack fiscal logic. And I know Hillary is playing the game to one-up him, just like Rubio and Kasich and Bush and Trump are trying to keep up with the Cruz's and Huckebees.

We'll see. This is kind of the point of a democracy, right? We all vote. I know Tim is going to vote even if he's in an already decided blue/red state. I'm going to vote too.

I just said I'm not voting for Cruz or Trump. Period. What happens next is still 12 months away.
Tim... you're the most right-wing person I know. Period.

You might think that's normal, but it's not. You are as extreme to me as you think Bernie Sanders is.

This is just my opinion. My voice. I'm glad you have yours. It's nice we can talk like this and not have Big Brother over our backs (as far as we know).

I view Cruz as more "out there" than Hillary. I think come general election time, you'll see good-ol' boy Bill come save the day and bring Hilldebeast back to the middle where the Clintons always have been. I can see through some of the far leftist and far rightist bullshit during the primaries but I know a real leftist and real rightist when I see them. And Bernie is a real leftist and Cruz is a real rightist and we all know it. I think those extremes just don't work come election time. And I don't think they work for America.

I know you think Obama is as leftist as they come but that's not true. He's been pretty centrist in my opinion on domestic stuff. Obamacare be damned, we needed a shake up to health care. Whether this is the path has yet to be determined. It's certainly not the Armageddon some have predicted.

I don't much care for Bernie Sanders either. His promises lack fiscal logic. And I know Hillary is playing the game to one-up him, just like Rubio and Kasich and Bush and Trump are trying to keep up with the Cruz's and Huckebees.

We'll see. This is kind of the point of a democracy, right? We all vote. I know Tim is going to vote even if he's in an already decided blue/red state. I'm going to vote too.

I just said I'm not voting for Cruz or Trump. Period. What happens next is still 12 months away.

Del, if you wanna know what I'm about, I'll tell you so you don't have to pass faulty judgment. I love and want to protect the Constitution. I truly believe it's what's made us great Americans. Beyond that, I have lots of mixed political view points. What I really am though, if you want to label me, is anti-Left wing and anti-Socialism. I'll vote for anyone but a modern-day Liberal. That's really how you oughta label me. I'm really not as Right as you think I am. But whatever.

You view Cruz as more "out there" than Hillary. Now you started this on a "moral" standpoint, but you're switching it to political. Which is it? My comments that you don't like attack your moral statements, not your political statements.

And you can wobble back and forth all you like, but there is no way you can compare the morality of Clinton with anyone else in this race. In a race of character, she comes in dead last, period. Do we really have to bring up everything from her being kicked off of the Watergate committee, to the Clinton dead-bodies list (aka Vince Foster), to her never-ending political flip-flopping, to her horrible stints as State Senator and State Department, where she has literally no accomplishments to point to, to her lying and Benghazi, to her covering for her husband's infidelity, to her corruption (aka the email servers, foreign country campaign donations, etc) to the countless rumors of her own lesbian affairs and running women in and out of the White House as First Lady, to...to...?

You've tried an argument of "normalcy" - that she will be politically a centrist when it's all over, that you're "normal" for liking her, as are your buds. Cool. On the morality front, she's getting her *** kicked. I'm sure you've seen the polls about Clinton regarding likability and trustworthiness, where she's been torn apart and fails miserably? Kinda goes back to that moral compass thing you brought up then interspersed with politics. The majority view her as dishonest and not trustworthy. Being in that camp makes me pretty mainstream.

There is no way you can ever bring up "moral compass" and Hillary Clinton in the same sentence, unless you're using them to point out her lack of morality.

<div id="fb-root"></div><script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script><div class="fb-video" data-allowfullscreen="1" data-href="/caleb.bonham/videos/vb.539169826129951/926979600682303/?type=3"><div class="fb-xfbml-parse-ignore"><blockquote cite="https://www.facebook.com/caleb.bonham/videos/926979600682303/"><a href="https://www.facebook.com/caleb.bonham/videos/926979600682303/">Hillary Clinton on Marriage in 2004</a><p>Hillary probably thought this speech was wiped from the servers too...Hillary is such a liar, she will say anything to get elected!</p>Posted by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/caleb.bonham">Caleb Bonham</a> on Friday, September 18, 2015</blockquote></div></div>
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Tim... you're the most right-wing person I know. Period.

I'm highly offended that Tim beat me out for #1, just so you know.
Moral compass? Bwahahaha

The Dems are crammed so far up Obama's *** the only place you will find an anti-war rally these days is in Moscow


MOSCOW RUSSIA Suvorov Square: Yesterday in Moscow was held anti-war rally "No to war!" 17 Oct 2015
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