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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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I hope Trump wins for a few reasons...

#1 . It will stop the incessant whining about the current administration. - I get it, Obama is a complete clown. I know, right? Sam Adams, etal. only whined for so long.....but ******* we've become it's all we do. But the relentless complaining is annoying. You've had 8 years to figure out how to beat Hillary. Do it.
#2. It will make a complete mockery of the entire political system -That bridge was crossed and the precedent set at least 8 years ago. The current state of the US political system is in shambles and guess what, having Trump in the oval office will not be any worse than anything we've already experienced.
#3. I like to watch things burn. Burn baby burn!

All I hope is that whichever conservative wins ( and please no lectures.....I'm not saying I'm sure Trump is one) they use executive orders as well as obama has. THEN you'll hear some whining!
All I hope is that whichever conservative wins ( and please no lectures.....I'm not saying I'm sure Trump is one) they use executive orders as well as obama has. THEN you'll hear some whining!

I think Trump and Cruz are the only ones with the balls to throw it back at them.
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Trump has locked up the dumb vote. His support is mostly among the non-college folks.

White, high-school level voters have turned into the Republican's version of the "black vote". It's over 70% Republican now and one of their strongest demographics. I think some of the frustration with the Republican party can be attributed to this strong voting block and (similar to the Democrats with blacks) how it shapes campaign rhetoric to appeal to that block.

It's why on some level the Republican message appears to have been "dumb downed" by many more educated voters.

Trump has locked up the dumb vote. His support is mostly among the non-college folks.

This is a beautiful thing. Middle class Americans (the backbone of this great country) that are lost in today's Democratic world, witnessing their income dropping, their rights under attack, find a man they have hope in. Almost sounds like a promo for a movie, doesn't it?

As has been stated, it's highly similar to Democrats catering to American minorities. Is there fault in that? One could call that the "dumb" vote as well. Unlike 21, I'll use some decorum.

This folks, is politics.

Edit: I found this while reading and think it's beautiful. You can argue the "which party is smarter" point till the end of time. Have at it. There is no real answer to that question.

Example: Contrast the findings of Rinderman (more intelligent people are thought to be moderate/centrist in their political views) and Kemmelmeier (SAT test results show college students who scored above average in academic achievement tests: a linear trend for more intelligent students to be less conservative overall and a non-linear trend for the most intelligent students to support more extreme (right wing or left wing) political views.

To me, what follows is the real issue you should be concerned with. Intelligence and sound political decision making do not go hand in hand. This we have seen. Intelligence and common sense do not go hand in hand.

For one thing, the smartest people do not necessarily make the best political choices. William F. Buckley once famously declared that he would rather give control of our government to “the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University.” Bruce Charlton, a professor of theoretical medicine at the University of Buckingham, recently coined the term “clever sillies” to describe people who hold wacky political views seemingly because of—rather than despite—their high intelligence. Conservative writer John Derbyshire has also observed that political naivety exists at both extremes of the IQ distribution, not just the lower one. The reason is that brilliant people can sometimes be so consumed by abstract philosophy that they forget common sense. The late Irving Kristol once illustrated this phenomenon with an anecdote about his friend, the novelist Saul Bellow:

People who subscribe to non-traditional ideas probably have above-average intellects, but that does not mean other smart people are going to like those ideas.

Saul, then an undergraduate at the University of Chicago, was, like so many of us in the 1930s, powerfully attracted to the ideologies of socialism, Marxism, Leninism and Trotskyism, as well as to the idea of “the Revolution.” He and a group of highly intellectual and like-minded fellow students would meet frequently at his aunt’s apartment, which was located next to the university. The meetings lasted long into the night, as abstract points of Marxism and Leninism agitated and excited these young intellectuals. Saul’s aunt, meanwhile, would try to slow things down by stuffing their mouths with tea and cakes. After the meetings broke up in the early hours of the morning, Saul’s aunt would remark to him: “Your friends, they are so smart, so smart. But stupid!”
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It's why on some level the Republican message appears to have been "dumb downed" by many more educated voters.

Yes, indeed. I tell you, this contrasts so starkly with the Democratic message to Blacks and Hispanics - you should make what the White man makes, you should have Government subsidies, and you should get everything free. That is an "educated" message no white person with only a high school degree could understand.
It's easy to figure out why this block is angry. They don't like immigrants because they perceive that they have taken their jobs when
really these immigrants have taken low wage jobs that they don't really want. Then they are also angry because you can no longer
come out of high school and get a job at the local factory without enhancing your education further. So they are angry at globalization
that establishment Republicans have supported with open trade policies. In other words they want the government to protect them
from world capitalism and they follow anyone like the pied piper Trump who leads them to believe that is actually possible.

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
It's easy to figure out why this block is angry. They don't like immigrants because they perceive that they have taken their jobs when
really these immigrants have taken low wage jobs that they don't really want. Then they are also angry because you can no longer
come out of high school and get a job at the local factory without enhancing your education further. So they are angry at globalization
that establishment Republicans have supported with open trade policies. In other words they want the government to protect them
from world capitalism and they follow anyone like the pied piper Trump who leads them to believe that is actually possible.

Those days have been gone where I live for 30 years and everybody knows it and plans accordingly. Two of the blue collar jobs that paid decent were construction and truck driving and those jobs are increasingly filled by immigrants, although truck driving and the better construction jobs require schooling.

Regardless, the current Democrat plan of allowing unlimited numbers of unskilled immigrants into the country while simultaneously raising the minimum wage will lead to a train wreck of epic proportion. How do you feel about that, 21? Where are all those $15 an hour jobs for these people going to come from?
Where are all those $15 an hour jobs for these people going to come from?

We better hustle up, only 14 months left to get er done.

Those days have been gone where I live for 30 years and everybody knows it and plans accordingly. Two of the blue collar jobs that paid decent were construction and truck driving and those jobs are increasingly filled by immigrants, although truck driving and the better construction jobs require schooling.

Regardless, the current Democrat plan of allowing unlimited numbers of unskilled immigrants into the country while simultaneously raising the minimum wage will lead to a train wreck of epic proportion. How do you feel about that, 21? Where are all those $15 an hour jobs for these people going to come from?

Libtards don't have enough common sense to grasp basic math.

Trump has locked up the dumb vote. His support is mostly among the non-college folks.


This statement can be misleading. An estimated 68% of Americans do not have college degrees. Therefore, it makes sense that almost anyone's top support is from those with a high-school education or below. Trump is in the lead in most states with those who have college degrees.

It is my opinion that the media is trying to pigeon hole and contain Trump. But back to the point, it is the middle and working class which are being hardest hit by poor trade policies, illegal taking their jobs, and such. Trump would be wise to tell this group this isn't your grandfather's Democratic party.
Yes, indeed. I tell you, this contrasts so starkly with the Democratic message to Blacks and Hispanics - you should make what the White man makes, you should have Government subsidies, and you should get everything free. That is an "educated" message no white person with only a high school degree could understand.

I think it's making it harder for the highly educated to decide since BOTH parties tend to dumb down their platforms. But I do think the somewhat recent success of the Democrats (4 out of the last 6 presidential cycles) is that they've gone away from that rhetoric. You can say what you want but Bill Clinton and O'Bama did not run on socialist or tax-and-spend ideas. They ran on the platform of consensus and getting things done (whether Obama has acted the way he campaigned is another discussion).

I think the Democrats this cycle are getting dangerously close to that old tax-and-spend rhetoric but that's mostly because of Bernie Sanders. I still think come the Democratic Convention time you'll see Clinton(s) start to swing back towards the middle, especially when ole' Bill speaks. That's going to be a watershed moment for Hillary's campaign.

I think the hardest battle Trump will have vs. Hillary is if/when Hillary uses Bill as a campaign tool, how Trump attacks that. Because Trump's rebirth happened in the late 1990's as a result of many of Clinton's laissez-faire economic policies. It's something Hillary is going to pound home if it becomes head-to-head like that.

Trump's (or any Republican's) real attack plan will be to separate Hillary from Bill and Hillary will likely do the opposite. That 40 something crowd that remembers our country's success in the 1990's (including balanced budgets) will be hard to sway because that is a HUGE demographic of people that vote right now.
It's easy to figure out why this block is angry. They don't like immigrants because they perceive that they have taken their jobs when
really these immigrants have taken low wage jobs that they don't really want. Then they are also angry because you can no longer
come out of high school and get a job at the local factory without enhancing your education further. So they are angry at globalization
that establishment Republicans have supported with open trade policies. In other words they want the government to protect them
from world capitalism and they follow anyone like the pied piper Trump who leads them to believe that is actually possible.

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol


If the illegal immigrants were to leave, do you know what would happen? There would be a huge increase for demand in " jobs they don't want ". When there is an increase in demand for a job, the pay goes way up. Economics 101.

Many unemployed Americans who would rather be on poverty than taking a job for minimum wage would have an opportunity to take a job that say pays $15-20 an hour.

I happen to think the USA has given up too much in terms of manufacturing and outsourcing...especially when you consider the amount of cost welfare has on a system over the course of time.

If the illegal immigrants were to leave, do you know what would happen? There would be a huge increase for demand in " jobs they don't want ". When there is an increase in demand for a job, the pay goes way up. Economics 101.

Many unemployed Americans who would rather be on poverty than taking a job for minimum wage would have an opportunity to take a job that say pays $15-20 an hour.

I happen to think the USA has given up too much in terms of manufacturing and outsourcing...especially when you consider the amount of cost welfare has on a system over the course of time.

Except that Liberals don't understand Economics 101 or at best if they do the try to wish it away because if conflicts with what they already believe.

(Pssst.....I have a degree in economics, an MBA, taught college economics part-time for over 20 years, and have a partial writing credit on a college economics textbook.)

I think it's making it harder for the highly educated to decide since BOTH parties tend to dumb down their platforms. But I do think the somewhat recent success of the Democrats (4 out of the last 6 presidential cycles) is that they've gone away from that rhetoric. You can say what you want but Bill Clinton and O'Bama did not run on socialist or tax-and-spend ideas. They ran on the platform of consensus and getting things done (whether Obama has acted the way he campaigned is another discussion).

I think the Democrats this cycle are getting dangerously close to that old tax-and-spend rhetoric but that's mostly because of Bernie Sanders. I still think come the Democratic Convention time you'll see Clinton(s) start to swing back towards the middle, especially when ole' Bill speaks. That's going to be a watershed moment for Hillary's campaign.

I think the hardest battle Trump will have vs. Hillary is if/when Hillary uses Bill as a campaign tool, how Trump attacks that. Because Trump's rebirth happened in the late 1990's as a result of many of Clinton's laissez-faire economic policies. It's something Hillary is going to pound home if it becomes head-to-head like that.

Trump's (or any Republican's) real attack plan will be to separate Hillary from Bill and Hillary will likely do the opposite. That 40 something crowd that remembers our country's success in the 1990's (including balanced budgets) will be hard to sway because that is a HUGE demographic of people that vote right now.

And Trump could simply remind folks that a Republican Congress dragged Slick kicking and screaming into those balanced budgets. he wasn't the worst president ever.....that spot is locked up now, hopefully forever, by the current WH occupant. Bill's biggest damage to the country was to completely make a mockery of the highest office with his sophomoric frat boy treatment of the position.
And Trump could simply remind folks that a Republican Congress dragged Slick kicking and screaming into those balanced budgets. he wasn't the worst president ever.....that spot is locked up now, hopefully forever, by the current WH occupant. Bill's biggest damage to the country was to completely make a mockery of the highest office with his sophomoric frat boy treatment of the position.

Come on now, you'd have a human humidor too if you were married to that cow.
The Godless heathen dems won't like this one

Trump Pledges To Get Political Correctness Out Of Christmas

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump pledges that if elected, he restore the phrase “Merry Christmas” in every U.S. store. While the presidential candidate has not unveiled how he would do this, his declaration was met with cheers among evangelical supporters. Video below.

Trump touted his Christian beliefs at an Oct. 21 campaign rally in Burlington, Iowa, CNN reports.

“I will tell you I’m a good Christian,” says Trump. “I guarantee, if I become president, we’re gonna be saying Merry Christmas in every store… you can leave happy holidays at the corner.”

“I guarantee, if I become president, we’re gonna be saying Merry Christmas in every store”
Brilliant, he's gonna put that in an executive order? Trump is such a dumbass it's not even funny. And people actually take him seriously. Things have gone downhill so fast for the GOP. Where is the bottom, are we even near it yet? There's still a year to go...yikes.
Get 'em while they're hot!

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=95a33bf6c3ff" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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Trump might have a better support that the news wants you to think among the Latino Community. Many of those at his latest rally in Doral Florida, were Latino, and surprisingly enough for Trump' stance on immigration! If this same is an indication of the rest of the USA, he's going to be the next POTUS

Trump repeated his immigration pledge — “We will build a wall!” — and was met with rabid applause from the diverse crowd.

“In this group, I wasn’t so sure I should be talking about walls,” he said, referring to the many Hispanics present. “Let me tell you, you know who wants to stop illegal immigration more than anybody? The Hispanics that are legally in this country.”

Interviews with several Hispanics in the audience revealed many of them agree with Trump’s tough stance.

“I love Donald Trump,” said Gioconda Gutierrez, 59, of West Kendall. “He’s our only hope in this country. He’s telling the truth about all the problems in this country: immigration, the economy. Everything is a mess.”

She called herself a “legal immigrant from the beginning,” arriving from Nicaragua in 1979 — the year then-President Jimmy Carter extended a special immigration status for refugees from that country.

“The immigration that has come here over the past 20 years has been junk,” Oscar Amor, a 72-year-old Cuban American from Miami Lakes, who wore an unofficial Trump T-shirt and cap, told a friend before turning to a reporter. “Trump says things the way they are. He says what the other politicians would like to say. … Trump and the Republican Party — we’re not against immigrants. We’re for law and order.”

Trump could not have been happier with the reception.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/pol...tions-2016/article41271090.html#storylink=cpy
Trump might have a better support that the news wants you to think among the Latino Community. Many of those at his latest rally in Doral Florida, were Latino, and surprisingly enough for Trump' stance on immigration! If this same is an indication of the rest of the USA, he's going to be the next POTUS
Of course, they don't want the competition or the criminals either.
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