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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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Security is the first requirement of Liberty. If you buy a gun to protect yourself, you don't have liberty because you are fearful.
True liberty is a life without fear.

Would Jesus carry a gun? No because he had faith in God. Those that carry a gun for protection have no faith in a God, they are atheists.

Do you actually ever read the **** you spew before you hit post?. The only things I can come up with is you're just a kid that is just following the lead of some other kid, or you are a complete ******* retard.

Oh and by the way they didn't have guns when Jesus walked the earth, but if memory serves me correctly he sure as **** took a whip intothe temple.
Yeh but what worries me is , can he beat the Hildebeast and her loyal libs

50% of 40% of the Country is what....20% of the voters

I'm not of the same mind as DBS, I'll vote R this time no matter what. Let's just say lesson learned about staying home but there's a lot of socialists out there that will make it look like Trump is just another clown car act...(sic-elf)

not just that, but all the Crazy Bernie supporters will undoubtedly go for Hitlery since she's a (D) and they can't stand anyone with an (R) next to their name.
so when/if Carson pulls out, his voters will go elsewhere, too. Same is for Bernie's voters.
right now, it looks like the front runners are Trump and Hitlery. WHY Hitlery is in the conversation, I have no idea. That dried up old hag should be in prison. Bernie's age simply must work against him, if they are to use the tactics the Dems did when referring to the Republicans as the old party.

Trump will come across as abrasive and challenge Hitlery at every turn.
Hitlery will come out as being grandmotherly and gentle. Which will be ******* disgusting.
and to fight that, Trump should find that little girl - who was laughed at after Hitlery successfully defended her rapist - and trot her out on the national stage to expose precisely what Hitlery is.
He's very popular among Republicans without a college degree, not so much among Republicans with a college degree.

college degrees mean ****. ark has a couple.
This is turning into a revolution! You naysayers will finally come around when it boils down to Trump vs. Kankles The Commie. He'll destroy her.
Abraham Lincoln: "That all men are created equal"
JFK: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"
Reagan: "Tear down your walls Mr. Gorbachev"
Trump"I'm a winner and I've always been. And quite frankly all these other people are losers"
college degrees mean ****. ark has a couple.
Me too. I have an MBA but went back to school for a two year associates degree so I could make more money.
I might vote for Trump over Clinton. I haven't decided.

I didn't think I would at first, but I'm convinced he really wouldn't do all that much bad **** in office. I believe he really does want to do what's best for this country and will do it in a legal way.

As I've said many times, I'm not voting for Cruz at all. I'll vote for Hillary over that. He is Ted Bundy smart to me. He's as close to a christian religious zealot/extremist as I can see and it scares me that Trump is making him look less crazy. Trump is being bombastic and sarcastic with half the stuff he says. Cruz really believes this **** in his soul.

I'll vote for Rubio. I probably would have voted for Paul or Kasich or Christie had they made it.

No Carson, No Fiorina, No Huckabee.

Delaware's going Democrat no matter what so it doesn't matter. Although I might have to comb the streets of Philly to get the homeless to vote against Cruz.
Abraham Lincoln: "That all men are created equal"
JFK: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"
Reagan: "Tear down your walls Mr. Gorbachev"
Trump"I'm a winner and I've always been. And quite frankly all these other people are losers"

Clinton: "It depends on what the definition of is is".

Btw...Those things were said AFTER they became president. Must have subconsciously conceded Trump would be our next president.

For you experts in psycology, could that be considered a Freudian Slip lol?

(in Freudian psychology) an inadvertent mistake in speech or writing that is thought to reveal a person's unconscious motives, wishes, or attitudes.
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Me too. I have an MBA but went back to school for a two year associates degree so I could make more money.

What associates degree is that?

I could do better than I am currently doing with my degrees, but that has more to do with ambition and what I'm willing to sacrifice.
Clinton: "It depends on what the definition of is is".

Btw...Those things were said AFTER they became president. Must have subconsciously conceded Trump would be our next president.

For you experts in psycology, could that be considered a Freudian Slip lol?

(in Freudian psychology) an inadvertent mistake in speech or writing that is thought to reveal a person's unconscious motives, wishes, or attitudes.
No. Actually it was a juxtaposition to contrast great leaders to a megalomaniac. WITH THEIR OWN WORDS.
Jesus was a great teacher


Thou shalt lock and load!

Security is the first requirement of Liberty. If you buy a gun to protect yourself, you don't have liberty because you are fearful.
True liberty is a life without fear.

Hey fearless......go chug a gallon of bleach and let us know how that works out. No Fear, right?

Would Jesus carry a gun? No because he had faith in God. Those that carry a gun for protection have no faith in a God, they are atheists.

The Lord helps those who help themselves.
Actual conversation on the FB wall of a Liberal friend of mine this morning between me and a Libtard friend of his. He's a good guy but he posted a news article that says the neo-Nazis and KKK support Trump and Libs of course are quite alarmed, or excited, depending.

Me: President Obama was endorsed twice by the Communist Party USA.
Libtard: Communist Party USA isn't a terrorist organization.
Me: You're missing my point then.
Libtard: Which is? (He's being obtuse and I know this.)
Me: Trump is no more a Nazi or Klansman than Obama is a Communist. (I went easy on him there to set the trap.)
Libtard: True, though that's not the point. Communist Party supported Obama because they believed that he was the best way for their voices to be heard, that he was closest to their own political alignment. The Klan and Nazis endorse Trump for the same reasons.
Me: Bingo.
Libtard: Sure.

Shooting fish in a barrel I tell ya. He's gonna be pissed off the rest of the day now. :joyous:
Abraham Lincoln: "That all men are created equal"
JFK: "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"
Reagan: "Tear down your walls Mr. Gorbachev"
Trump"I'm a winner and I've always been. And quite frankly all these other people are losers"

You forgot one sask......


I just received another one too Rod......

"What the Republican collectivity has to realize is that it is they and the policies they produced that are the reason Trump, Carson and Cruz currently hold an overwhelming majority of Republican votes.

It was the elites of both parties who failed to secure our borders and brokered the trade deals that have de-industrialized America and eviscerated our middle class.

It was the elites of both parties who got us into these idiotic wars that have blown up the Middle East, cost us trillions of dollars, thousands of dead, and tens of thousands of wounded among our best and bravest.

That Republican elites would sit around a dinner table on Capitol Hill and discuss how to frustrate the rising rebellion against what they have done to America, and decide among themselves who shall lead us, is astonishing.

To borrow from the Gipper, they are not the solution to our problems. They are the problem."

Here's the accompanied article from another ultra-right rag that fills in the blanks historically.



I could see those with big egos clashing with Trump.

But make no mistake about it, Trump is on track to win. Once Super Tuesday is over Mark Levin types ( I like Mark ) will change their tune and embrace the winner of the GOP, or face the harsh reality of what type of damage Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders could do as president.

Looking at the GOP field, I think Trump is best suited to call out Hillary for many questionable things. Playing mister nice guy vs Clinton will not work.

I also think Trump's support is understated outside the GOP.
I also think Trump's support is understated outside the GOP.

There's no doubt his numbers are way low. They're just a small sample of people. I've never been polled. As long as he gets the nomination he will win in a landslide.

His lead is larger than Reagan and Bush 1 had at this same point. From the Weekly Standard:

Trump's Primary Lead Is Bigger Than Hillary's
And larger than Reagan's in 1980, and Bush's in 1988.
1:53 PM, Dec 15, 2015 | By ETHAN EPSTEIN

So dominant is Hillary Clinton's polling in the presidential primaries, notes the press critic Howard Kurtz, that the media have essentially stopped paying attention to the Democratic race at all. The logic, for a media organization, is simple: Why lavish limited resources on a fait accompli? The Democrats, after all, have spoken. They are fully ready for (or perhaps fully resigned to) Hillary.

That's certainly not the case on the Republican side, where, we are told (ad nauseam), that the race is still "wide open." With "no clear frontrunner" on the GOP side, the contrast between the Republican and Democratic contests could not be clearer. It will be Hillary representing the Dems, and it could be just about anybody (well, maybe not anybody) who ends up leading the ticket for the GOP.

Yet are the races really all that different?

According to the two latest national polls, conducted as the furor over Trump's call for a temporary moratorium on Muslim migration reached a fever pitch, the real estate magnate leads the Republican field by either 23 or 27 points. Tuesday's Washington Post/ABC News poll has Trump with more than double the support of the second place finisher, Ted Cruz. Indeed, Trump's lead over his primary opponents, this late in the game, is larger than both Ronald Reagan's was in 1980, and George H. W Bush's was in 1988.

The latest national polls of the Democrats, meanwhile, show Secretary Clinton leading Bernie Sanders by a mere 20 or 19 points. And her support appears to be plateauing, while Trump's numbers are surging. All of which is to say, on a national level, Trump is clearly in a stronger position than Clinton is.

Looking at the crucial first two states, Clinton does appear stronger in Iowa than Trump. According to the latest polling averages, Trump is up by only one point in Iowa, whereas Clinton leads Sanders by more than 15. But Trump is in much better shape in New Hampshire. He's up by 16 points in the Granite State, while Clinton is clinging to a tenuous five point lead.

So, does this mean that Trump is a shoo-in for the Republican nomination? Hardly. He has a fight on his hands (good thing he's in such great shape) – but then again, by the same standard, Secretary Clinton does too. The media should behave accordingly.
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There's no doubt his numbers are way low. They're just a small sample of people. I've never been polled. As long as he gets the nomination he will win in a landslide.

I'd love to see a poll on Union based voters!

A majority of union members say they would vote for Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential race, although their support is by no means monolithic. While 57% of union workers who are registered to vote would support Obama, 35% would vote for Mitt Romney.

Trump, with his renegotiation to bad trade deals, and USA based jobs message could very well flip the tables on the union vote.

I also think Trump's support among the African American community is around 25%, which could really cause problems for the Dems. GW Bush, got just 11% and that was considered a high mark at the time.


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