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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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A lot of people are saying that people who support Trump are very weak, scared and unintelligent people. I mean a lot of people are saying that. And I'm going to take a lot of criticism here I know that. Am I saying that they are weak, or scared. I don't know. But a lot of people are saying that . A lot of people. A lot of people are afraid if a maniac like him gets in power. A lot of people. They are saying things like Hitler and nazism. Now I'm not going to say that , its just that a lot of people are saying that. we don't really know right now. That's all I'm saying is that we don't know and a lot of people don't know. Thats all I'm saying. Really this time, thats all I'm saying.
A lot of people are saying that people who support Trump are very weak, scared and unintelligent people. I mean a lot of people are saying that. And I'm going to take a lot of criticism here I know that. Am I saying that they are weak, or scared.

I guess you have to ask what basis they are making this determination? Sounds like a talking point to me.

If you oppose illegal immigration, you are not racist, scared a Nazi or anything like that.

If you oppose letting masses of refugees into the states without (clearly) any way to properly background check them, it doesn't make you any of those things either.

If you carry a gun or support those who do, it doesn't make you any of those things.

What, specifically, makes the Trump supporters 'weak' or 'scared'? Maaaybee, scared of a Hillary presidency?

What, specifically, makes them unintelligent? See, I can say, in general, that Bernie's supporters are unintelligent because he, clearly, has no clue how economics works, yet millions seem to support him. FREE FREE FREE. if that is the case, they must not know economics either. Of course, you don't NEED to know economics to be considered intelligent, but you do need to be able to think logically. Logically, his proposals do not work AND keep this nation a Republic.
But see I'm not saying those things. I'm saying a lot of people are saying them. A lot of people are. And I mean a lot of people are very worried. And I don't know it is very scary. We don't know what he is going to do. And if he doesn't get in will it be Cruz. I mean is he even a real American. We don't know. We really don't. He could be, maybe the courts should decide. Is he really a Canadian. I don't know, but he could be. And Canadians do have good poutine, but is that really what America is looking for I don't know. That is all I'm saying we just don't know.
1. Keep the dogma simple. Make only one or two points: Trump boils things down to a couple of things. When it is about illegal immigrants its about that. Its not about big picture things. Its small pieces of the puzzle one or two main ideas.
2. Be forthright and powerfully direct: Trump says things in a telling mode. He tries to cut to the heart of the matter as he sees it.
3. As much as possible reduce concepts down to stereotypes which are black and white Trump consistently avoids nuance or grey areas.
4. Speak to peoples emotions and stir them constantly Everything is emotion. Fear being the most prevalently used by Trump.
5. Use lots of repetition, repeat your points over and over again Do I have to speak on this. Read the transcript of any of Trumps speeches.
6. Forget Literary Beauty, scientific reasoning, balance or novelty I would most like to focus on balance. Most reasonable people will admit that good ideas can come from lots of political spectrum and thoughts. There is absolutely no balance here and certainly none in Trumps agenda or speeches. Everyone who opposes him is either weak or some type of opponent to freedom or Allie to the terrorists. The stronger the criticism the more intense the platitude.
7. Focus solely on convincing people and creating zealots Trumps whole shtick is about creating argument appealing to pieces of things that people hold close. Especially to fear of the known and fear of scary elements around them. And read the **** in hear if you are wondering about zealots
8.. Find simple slogans which can be used to drive the movement forward Make America Great Again, and focus on the word AGAIN. Like America has somehow lost its greatness, but he will restore it. Like anyone, but a certain segment of the American population truly believes this. And how has America lost its greatness. It certainly isn't you fine sir. It is him, and those people and those others.
I ask any free thinking intelligent person who reads this to connect the dots for themselves.
But see I'm not saying those things. I'm saying a lot of people are saying them. A lot of people are. And I mean a lot of people are very worried. And I don't know it is very scary. We don't know what he is going to do. And if he doesn't get in will it be Cruz. I mean is he even a real American. We don't know. We really don't. He could be, maybe the courts should decide. Is he really a Canadian. I don't know, but he could be. And Canadians do have good poutine, but is that really what America is looking for I don't know. That is all I'm saying we just don't know.

My point is, if you hear someone saying that Trump supporters are scared, weak or unintelligent, ask them the questions I asked. "What makes you think they are scared, weak or unintelligent?" My guess is (for the most part) that it is because that is what they are being told by the DNC, and its cohorts in the MSM.

Some people are worried? So what. I was worried (and rightly so as it seems) when the Big O was going to be elected. Especially for the second time. A lot of people are worried that Hillary or Sanders will be elected. Big deal.

What is scary about a Trump presidency? I assume it is scary to you, but I don't, really, know why. I don't really want him as president, but he is far less scary than Hillary or Sanders, IMO.

What we don't know about Trump or Cruz is far less scary than what we do know about any of the Dem candidates.

I could imagine that a **** ton of people might be scared that a gravy train of government handouts would be about to end. I'm scared they WON'T end under ANY presidency.
1. Keep the dogma simple. Make only one or two points: Trump boils things down to a couple of things. When it is about illegal immigrants its about that. Its not about big picture things. Its small pieces of the puzzle one or two main ideas.
2. Be forthright and powerfully direct: Trump says things in a telling mode. He tries to cut to the heart of the matter as he sees it.
3. As much as possible reduce concepts down to stereotypes which are black and white Trump consistently avoids nuance or grey areas.
4. Speak to peoples emotions and stir them constantly Everything is emotion. Fear being the most prevalently used by Trump.
5. Use lots of repetition, repeat your points over and over again Do I have to speak on this. Read the transcript of any of Trumps speeches.
6. Forget Literary Beauty, scientific reasoning, balance or novelty I would most like to focus on balance. Most reasonable people will admit that good ideas can come from lots of political spectrum and thoughts. There is absolutely no balance here and certainly none in Trumps agenda or speeches. Everyone who opposes him is either weak or some type of opponent to freedom or Allie to the terrorists. The stronger the criticism the more intense the platitude.
7. Focus solely on convincing people and creating zealots Trumps whole shtick is about creating argument appealing to pieces of things that people hold close. Especially to fear of the known and fear of scary elements around them. And read the **** in hear if you are wondering about zealots
8.. Find simple slogans which can be used to drive the movement forward Make America Great Again, and focus on the word AGAIN. Like America has somehow lost its greatness, but he will restore it. Like anyone, but a certain segment of the American population truly believes this. And how has America lost its greatness. It certainly isn't you fine sir. It is him, and those people and those others.
I ask any free thinking intelligent person who reads this to connect the dots for themselves.

How is this any different than what Hillary or Sanders is doing? Why is it bad for Trump but not bad for others?
Nice try. Go through Sanders and Clinton's speeches and comments and show me on multiple occasions where that occurs. Ever. But again real nice try. I've listened to both of them speak many times, and while my political beliefs are far different then theirs, they do not do that.
Nice try. Go through Sanders and Clinton's speeches and comments and show me on multiple occasions where that occurs. Ever. But again real nice try. I've listened to both of them speak many times, and while my political beliefs are far different then theirs, they do not do that.

I used Hillary and Sanders as examples and as a whole of my experience with their thoughts and words, not, directly, recent speeches. mostly, I can't stand listening to many of them for more than a few minutes, anyway.

What part don't they do?

They don't use dogma to make their points?
They don't cut to the heart of the matter as they see it?
They don't avoid nuance or gray areas? This one is easy. They both are on the side of the people that use the MSM to make sure everyone know that the GOP is out to starve their kids and kill the old people to save money. They want to enslave the population to avoid paying $5.00 per hour. They want to destroy your medicated, SS, -insert whatever here-. You cannot be taken seriously, if you do not see this.
I suppose Sanders/Hillary don't, themselves, have to use repetition since the MSM gladly parrots their ideas and supplies cover. However, when taken as a totality, all politicians do this. If they don't their ideas don't get across.
When do either seek balance? Neither wants balance with the other side. They may SAY, they do, but they don't. The Donald is more up front about it.
I don't have time to keep typing this, but, again, if you don't see 7 and 8, you ain't looking.
I don't think Trump will win.

I think his Nationalism message has changed the Republican party forever. The next Nationalist candidate (and it will start on local, state and congressional elections in 2018) to come along and run for president won't have Trump's baggage and won't stick his foot in his mouth as often.

It will be 2020 that you will potentially see the ripple effects of his presidential run actually get into the White House. I truly believe that the Nationalist message is a direct result of the Europeination of the democratic party and the continued demagoguery of white, christian america by the liberal and educational elite. For the entire Obama presidency, all causes of racial injustice, foreign policy failures, social welfare, religious differences and economic inequality (both past and present) is being dumped ENTIRELY at the feet of white America. To say any minority, ever in time, contributes to any social, economic, racial, religious or foreign disorder is to be called racist, persecuted in social media and labeled uneducated. White America is the problem, not the solution, according to so many left-leaning experts now that the growing backlash against it has grasped onto a candidate even as unworthy and questionable as Donald Trump, just because he's the only one saying it.

Trump's message that White America shouldn't feel ashamed and that America is still a great, free, powerful and opportunistic country is resonating.

President Obama is going to have a State of the Union that isn't going to praise any of these things. He's going to praise himself and big government. He's not going to thank Americans for hanging tough and pinching pennies while Government spun their wheels in ineptitude (possibly helping, possibly not). Time cured the economy, not some great government mandate or program. He's going to tell us how Obamacare has provided healthcare to millions while never mentioning the cost per person (which is far exceeding his estimates and rising). He's going to tell us how great his Iran deal while we still don't know exactly what is going on and numerous sanctions are still be broken (as we speak). He's going to tell us all the jobs he's created while failing to mention stagnate wages or a whole class of "part-time" 30-hour workers that he's created with his policies and taxes on small business. He's going to tell us how he withdrew 90% of ground forces out of the Middle East but failing to tell us the millions that have been killed, displaced and living under terror because we left.

Again, Trump is a poor messenger, and probably won't get elected because of it. But the message and what it says is a wave that I don't think ends in 2016.

For those that say this Nationalist message is no different than all the others in history based on fear and racism, I say this could be different with the right candidate. If the message is humane and based in sound, legal policies, there is no reason to believe it can't succeed on a national platform and win in swing states. There is nothing racist about border control. There is nothing racist about improving and growing LEGAL immigration. There is nothing racist about mistrust/disagreement of Islamic Sharia and its use as a basis in governance. There is nothing racist about wanting to revamp a failed welfare state even if 80% of welfare recipients are African-American. There is nothing racist about persecuting gun violence in cities when 80% of gun violence in cities is black-on-black.

Someone has to stand up on these issues and continue Donald Trump's message. It just can't be Donald Trump (and it can't be Ted Cruz either).
I'm less scared of a Trump presidency than almost any other. I am woefully on edge about Hillary or Bernie being president. Hillary is a classless douchebag ***** who can't own up to the responsibilities of her previous position, while Bernie tends to only suggest free things for the masses.

I'm a gun-totin', anti-Bomma, flag waving American and will be the first to admit that when Bomma was running his first campaign, I was intrigued. He was not of the same "ilk" of the previous candidates, and did not seem to be one to tow the party line. He seemed to command a huge following and also seemed, at the time, to be a break from status quo. Especially with his "transparent administration" promises.

Though, he, too, was offering "free" stuff.

I'm not an economics major, but it made me wonder how all this "free" stuff would be paid for. Quite obviously the American taxpayer would be footing these bills. Which I am an American taxpayer. So I would be paying more from my pocket for the leeches of society to sit around and do jack **** while I worked, went to school and couldnt afford to take a ******* day off. But, if that was what made America better, then maybe it was for the best, though I was dead against it. So I didn't vote for Bomma. Either time.

The "transparent administration" **** stunk to high heaven even before he was sworn in. The birthers were out en masse, and their presumptions and questions raised a lot of eyebrows. What did Bomma study in college? How did he afford such tuition to Ivy League schools? Is he even eligible to hold office? Eight years later, it doesnt matter about any of that. His presidency is a black eye on the country's history. Worst president ever. Job numbers prove that, despite his self-fellating over "creating" jobs. The economy has gotten better, but that's cyclical, as history has proven. We are not safer, as there are 5 terrorists released for one deserter. There is an uncomfortable-ness of allowing Syrian refugees into our country when we can't PROPERLY vet them.

Then comes Trump. He speaks what a lot of people are thinking. he doesnt seem to give a **** about what the MSM thinks of him. he will call them out. he will post his **** online to get his message out. He's intriguing. He's DEFINITELY not of the same status quo. his message resonates within a **** ton of Americans. Will he win? I don't know. Though I can state that if I had to vote between Trump and Hillary or Trump and Bernie, I know Trump would get my vote.
I don't see any other candidate either Democrat or Republican that seems to stand there with all the answers. Don't worry I got this. It is real scarry out there but I' ll take care of it. But you see a centrist like myself will concede that not only every politician but every leader would show some of those traits. Because the psychology of that transfers to other more positive initiatives and agendas. However, in my lifetime I've never seen a serious democratic first world leader that so closely resembled what those points state. Someone who cannot see that has either bought into (is a zealot) or is not very versed in world history.
I don't think Trump will win.

I think his Nationalism message has changed the Republican party forever. The next Nationalist candidate (and it will start on local, state and congressional elections in 2018) to come along and run for president won't have Trump's baggage and won't stick his foot in his mouth as often.

It will be 2020 that you will potentially see the ripple effects of his presidential run actually get into the White House. I truly believe that the Nationalist message is a direct result of the Europeination of the democratic party and the continued demagoguery of white, christian america by the liberal and educational elite. For the entire Obama presidency, all causes of racial injustice, foreign policy failures, social welfare, religious differences and economic inequality (both past and present) is being dumped ENTIRELY at the feet of white America. To say any minority, ever in time, contributes to any social, economic, racial, religious or foreign disorder is to be called racist, persecuted in social media and labeled uneducated. White America is the problem, not the solution, according to so many left-leaning experts now that the growing backlash against it has grasped onto a candidate even as unworthy and questionable as Donald Trump, just because he's the only one saying it.

Trump's message that White America shouldn't feel ashamed and that America is still a great, free, powerful and opportunistic country is resonating.

President Obama is going to have a State of the Union that isn't going to praise any of these things. He's going to praise himself and big government. He's not going to thank Americans for hanging tough and pinching pennies while Government spun their wheels in ineptitude (possibly helping, possibly not). Time cured the economy, not some great government mandate or program. He's going to tell us how Obamacare has provided healthcare to millions while never mentioning the cost per person (which is far exceeding his estimates and rising). He's going to tell us how great his Iran deal while we still don't know exactly what is going on and numerous sanctions are still be broken (as we speak). He's going to tell us all the jobs he's created while failing to mention stagnate wages or a whole class of "part-time" 30-hour workers that he's created with his policies and taxes on small business. He's going to tell us how he withdrew 90% of ground forces out of the Middle East but failing to tell us the millions that have been killed, displaced and living under terror because we left.

Again, Trump is a poor messenger, and probably won't get elected because of it. But the message and what it says is a wave that I don't think ends in 2016.

For those that say this Nationalist message is no different than all the others in history based on fear and racism, I say this could be different with the right candidate. If the message is humane and based in sound, legal policies, there is no reason to believe it can't succeed on a national platform and win in swing states. There is nothing racist about border control. There is nothing racist about improving and growing LEGAL immigration. There is nothing racist about mistrust/disagreement of Islamic Sharia and its use as a basis in governance. There is nothing racist about wanting to revamp a failed welfare state even if 80% of welfare recipients are African-American. There is nothing racist about persecuting gun violence in cities when 80% of gun violence in cities is black-on-black.

Someone has to stand up on these issues and continue Donald Trump's message. It just can't be Donald Trump (and it can't be Ted Cruz either).
Dead on.
Yet still which of those wealthy people is running on a platform of making America strong again because it has grown soft and Weak.

That is his platform?

You are so lost. And you claim to be a big Canadian hunter?

SMH (again)
A lot of people are saying that people who support Trump are very weak, scared and unintelligent people. I mean a lot of people are saying that. And I'm going to take a lot of criticism here I know that. Am I saying that they are weak, or scared. I don't know. But a lot of people are saying that . A lot of people. A lot of people are afraid if a maniac like him gets in power. A lot of people. They are saying things like Hitler and nazism. Now I'm not going to say that , its just that a lot of people are saying that. we don't really know right now. That's all I'm saying is that we don't know and a lot of people don't know. Thats all I'm saying. Really this time, thats all I'm saying.

How many times, in one paragraph, can one Canuck say "a lot of people?"

Apparently 8 times.

Mary Mother of Nazareth.
I don't see any other candidate either Democrat or Republican that seems to stand there with all the answers. Don't worry I got this. It is real scarry out there but I' ll take care of it. But you see a centrist like myself will concede that not only every politician but every leader would show some of those traits. Because the psychology of that transfers to other more positive initiatives and agendas. However, in my lifetime I've never seen a serious democratic first world leader that so closely resembled what those points state. Someone who cannot see that has either bought into (is a zealot) or is not very versed in world history.

So, you missed when The Big O's speech talkyd about this will be remembered as (paraphrased) the day when the seas began to recede? That doesn't sound like "I have the solutions"?
"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

A whole site claiming he has the answers. Clearly, based on dogma and the issues as he sees them. Uses very little grey and a lot of black and white.

Mostly, it is full of ****.

When you go to the site, you get this platitude :
Nobody who works 40 hours a week should be living in poverty.
Horseshit, the time is now.

A lot of people agree with you. Just not enough to get Trump elected. It still comes down to who shows up and what leaver they pull. The fact Donald Trump might get 40% of the popular vote is AMAZING. Just debating that fact means his message has HUGE implications for politics over the next decade.

There is nothing admirable about Donald Trump the person, but the message is carrying his ticket. Think about that. In almost every other election, it's the opposite. We vote for the person we LIKE and TRUST the most. Donald Trump is turning that upside down. Millions of people are going to vote for him, even though they don't really like him or trust him.

When someone comes along that America can like, can trust and says the same message? Watch out. Now we really are talking about another Ronald Reagan (not in respect to message, but to general popularity).
Walking my dog and thinking about this **** and being called a Libtard or what the **** ever else, when I view myself very far from an actual liberal I asked myself the following question. If I was an American and had a vote for the elections of my life who would have I voted for. Trying as much as possible to not use hindsight.
Carter/ Ford: I would have voted Carter. I would have found him to be very intelligent and the stink of Nixon and Watergate would have left me no choice. However, it would have been a failed vote. I think Sanders is Carter 2. I think he is real smart and very well meaning, but they are both socialists and square pegs in a round hole fit for the US.
Carter/ Reagan: The economy and the energy crisis had the US in the ******* and clearly Carter was a poor fit. I think there are some comparisons between Reagan and Trump, Reagan still seemed like a more positive less in your face candidate. I would have voted for Reagan.
Reagan/ Mondale: Things were rolling and many of Reagan's view match mine. I wouldn't have changed.
Bush. Dukakis: I think Bush senior is probably the best President of my lifetime. He was smart, experienced in foreign affairs extremely nuanced and balanced. Great president. Got totally screwed by an downturn from some of the fake parts of the Reagan economy.
Bush/ Clinton: I'd have voted for Bush. No question. He lost the election because above and Ross Perot. Another super rich screw tard who thought he should fix it.
Clinton/ Dole: I would have voted for Slick Willy like I would have voted for Reagan. Things were rolling economically. Like Ben in Georgia, I really don't care who gets blowjobs where.
Bush 2/ Gore: Bush 2. I found Gore douchey and annoying. I would have hoped Bush was like his dad (but in hindsight I don't think he was near as smart). At any rate Bush seemed a lot more down to earth and common sense.
Bush 2/ Kerry: I would have doubled down on W. It was a wartime. It wasn't the time to duck and cover. Much like Carter I would have regretted it.
Obama/ Mccain: I'd have went for hope cause when all else fails give me hope.
Obama/Romney: Probably the most difficult pick. I think Romney was pretty smart for the most part. I might have given Obama a mulligan for the mess he inherited. I would have had to look real close to decide.
I can't wait to read what Trump tweeted during Odumma's very looooooooooong winded SOTU diatribe.
Walking my dog and thinking about this **** and being called a Libtard or what the **** ever else, when I view myself very far from an actual liberal I asked myself the following question. If I was an American and had a vote for the elections of my life who would have I voted for. Trying as much as possible to not use hindsight.
Carter/ Ford: I would have voted Carter. I would have found him to be very intelligent and the stink of Nixon and Watergate would have left me no choice. However, it would have been a failed vote. I think Sanders is Carter 2. I think he is real smart and very well meaning, but they are both socialists and square pegs in a round hole fit for the US.
Carter/ Reagan: The economy and the energy crisis had the US in the ******* and clearly Carter was a poor fit. I think there are some comparisons between Reagan and Trump, Reagan still seemed like a more positive less in your face candidate. I would have voted for Reagan.
Reagan/ Mondale: Things were rolling and many of Reagan's view match mine. I wouldn't have changed.
Bush. Dukakis: I think Bush senior is probably the best President of my lifetime. He was smart, experienced in foreign affairs extremely nuanced and balanced. Great president. Got totally screwed by an downturn from some of the fake parts of the Reagan economy.
Bush/ Clinton: I'd have voted for Bush. No question. He lost the election because above and Ross Perot. Another super rich screw tard who thought he should fix it.
Clinton/ Dole: I would have voted for Slick Willy like I would have voted for Reagan. Things were rolling economically. Like Ben in Georgia, I really don't care who gets blowjobs where.
Bush 2/ Gore: Bush 2. I found Gore douchey and annoying. I would have hoped Bush was like his dad (but in hindsight I don't think he was near as smart). At any rate Bush seemed a lot more down to earth and common sense.
Bush 2/ Kerry: I would have doubled down on W. It was a wartime. It wasn't the time to duck and cover. Much like Carter I would have regretted it.
Obama/ Mccain: I'd have went for hope cause when all else fails give me hope.
Obama/Romney: Probably the most difficult pick. I think Romney was pretty smart for the most part. I might have given Obama a mulligan for the mess he inherited. I would have had to look real close to decide.

Pretty damned close to how I voted.

Bush Sr.
Bush Sr.
Bush Jr.
Bush Jr.

When McCain picked that wack-job Tea Party ***** as vice president, I ran for the hills. **** the Tea Party religious horse ****. From now until the next ******* messiah (which they all this is right around the corner).

The one reason I might consider voting for Trump is that he doesn't sit there and believe he's the next coming of Christ or somehow God is whispering in his ears or thinks he can become some great religious martyr. Overly religious people have no business close to the red button.
Pretty damned close to how I voted.

Bush Sr.
Bush Sr.
Bush Jr.
Bush Jr.

When McCain picked that wack-job Tea Party ***** as vice president, I ran for the hills. **** the Tea Party religious horse ****. From now until the next ******* messiah (which they all this is right around the corner).

The one reason I might consider voting for Trump is that he doesn't sit there and believe he's the next coming of Christ or somehow God is whispering in his ears or thinks he can become some great religious martyr. Overly religious people have no business close to the red button.
The tea party is my breaking point as well. If Trump stuck to one simple message- **** the special interest groups, I don't need them, I will support all people who want to work hard and contribute and EVERYONE pays their fair share, I'd be fine. I simply find his personality totally douche bagged and repugnant. I find his persona and what I said about the 8 points to be scary. Particularly the othering of people and the way he insults and attacks people and cowardly hides behind the statement "a lot of people are saying".
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