As I have said multiple times in this very thread. Trump will win and it won't even be close.
I can't see how it can be stopped. The die has been cast for a long time.
James Burnham, the ex-Trotskyite and Cold War geostrategist , called liberalism “the ideology of Western suicide.” If the West embraces, internalizes and operates on the principles of liberalism, Burnham wrote, the West with meet an early death.
“Sooner or later, as the globalist elites seek to drag the country into conflicts and global commitments, preside over the economic pastoralization of the United States, manage the delegitimization of our own culture, and the dispossession of our people, and disregard or diminish our national interest and national sovereignty,
a nationalist reaction is almost inevitable and will probably assume populist form when it arrives. The sooner it comes, the better.”[From Household to Nation, March 1996 ]
So you see, they have predicted this for at least 20 years. Hows that sayin' go....."What we saw through a glass darkly then, we now see face to face."
And when one considers the millions who are flocking to Trump and Sanders, it is hard to believe that the establishments of the two parties, even if they defeat these challengers, can return to same old interventionist, trade, immigration and war policies. For Trump is not the last of the populist-nationalists.
Given his success, other Republicans will emulate him. Already, other candidates are incorporating his message. The day that was predicted was coming, appears to have arrived.