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Trump - Make America Great Again!

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...will defend their racism, illegalities, theft, Anti-Americanism, and corruption...
Please show me some examples of Bernie Sanders' "racism, illegalities, theft, Anti-Americanism, and corruption" and I'll try to go back in these threads and figure out where I've defended him on it. Thanks.
Do you really consider me a thuggish, racist, xenophobic, thug that is part of the Neo Confederate right?
I don't know you well enough to answer that. I think the far-right, tea party faction of this board does indeed wear those colors proudly. Maybe none of you actually believe that crap, and it's just part of an online persona that talks tough and projects machismo....I don't know. I have a hard time believing IndySteel in real life matches his bull-in-a-china-shop persona on the board. He might actually be a decent, normal, nice guy, you never know. That's just one example. But look what's happening online and at Trump rallies. Look at the visceral, angry far-right voting base. What do they project if not "thuggish, racist, xenophobic" behaviour? You tell me.
Time, and time again, you, yourself, admonish others of being hateful, yet you post the most vile and hateful rhetoric from far left wing hate merchants.


But it's commonplace for liberals. They constantly whine about hateful right-wingers while they are blind to the hatred they spew. From hurling obscenities and eggs at Bush's first inaugural motorcade to attacking his children to attacking Palin's disabled child to inventing fake conservative rapists (Lena Dunham), the hatred they spew seems to have no boundaries. And what is the "racism" and "thuggish behavior" of conservatives? Wanting laws obeyed and enforced? Wanting to put the brakes on mass immigration from countries where people despise us and want to kill us? That's racism and xenophobia? Really?
His bigoted, xenophobic, racists views are another matter. Perhaps he's not a racist at heart, but feels he needs to project as such to continue getting the 'angry, white' vote and keep his poll numbers strong with the pro-Trump crazies.

Yes, of course, he needs to get that crucial racist vote. You know, the same vote that elected Obama twice.

Is that about right?
Please show me some examples of Bernie Sanders' "racism, illegalities, theft, Anti-Americanism, and corruption" and I'll try to go back in these threads and figure out where I've defended him on it. Thanks.

Very nice attempt. Swing...miss. You do defend the "Left" (did I specify only Bernie?) and their criminality and their anti-Americanism incessantly on this board, simply because they are "Left." Case in point, Hillary. The popcorn trail is long with this one. Hell, this is just a 3 minute investigation into one thread.

You once stated on this board: Tibs: "Yeah, I think Hillary Clinton will probably be the next president. I'm not wild about the idea, just too much baggage and we've had enough of the Bush/Clinton dynasties."

For someone who's not wild about Hillary being President, you sure do look like you're campaigning for her, especially in this thread, defending her corruption (3 minutes of hunting and pecking yielded these gems):


This was one of my favorites...trying to say that Hillary is Mother Theresa compared to Donald Trump. That was rich:


This one was a true character-revealing post:
"The biggest **** in the room - by a large margin - was this ****. Perfect example of the right-wing gone wrong in America."

Yep. Case made. If it looks Left, smells Left, speaks Left, Tibs will defend it, no matter the felonies involved, no matter the corruption, no matter if this person isn't even Tibs choice for President and he isn't a big fan...you'll defend them.

Case closed.

Thanks for making my day Tibs LOL
Thanks for making my day Tibs LOL
You're welcome.

No I don't like Hillary. Did I defend her in the partisan witchhunt that was Bengazi? Yes I did. I just call it like I see it. There are plenty of things she's done I won't defend her on. I don't think she's fit to be president, hence my support for Bernie. If there was even a half-decent conservative candidate, I'd seriously consider that as well, as unbelievable as that sounds coming from me. But it's true.

Have a nice day Tim.
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You're welcome.

No I don't like Hillary. Did I defend her in the partisan witchhunt that was Bengazi? Yes I did. I just call it like I see it. There are plenty of things she's done I won't defend her on. I don't think she's fit to be president, hence my support for Bernie. If there was even a half-decent conservative candida

Tell the families of those who died it was a "partisan witchhunt". She lied. Blatantly. To their faces. There are multiple accounts of this. But when it's a Dem no one cares.
As I have said multiple times in this very thread. Trump will win and it won't even be close.

I can't see how it can be stopped. The die has been cast for a long time.

James Burnham, the ex-Trotskyite and Cold War geostrategist , called liberalism “the ideology of Western suicide.” If the West embraces, internalizes and operates on the principles of liberalism, Burnham wrote, the West with meet an early death.

“Sooner or later, as the globalist elites seek to drag the country into conflicts and global commitments, preside over the economic pastoralization of the United States, manage the delegitimization of our own culture, and the dispossession of our people, and disregard or diminish our national interest and national sovereignty, a nationalist reaction is almost inevitable and will probably assume populist form when it arrives. The sooner it comes, the better.”[From Household to Nation, March 1996 ]

So you see, they have predicted this for at least 20 years. Hows that sayin' go....."What we saw through a glass darkly then, we now see face to face."

And when one considers the millions who are flocking to Trump and Sanders, it is hard to believe that the establishments of the two parties, even if they defeat these challengers, can return to same old interventionist, trade, immigration and war policies. For Trump is not the last of the populist-nationalists.

Given his success, other Republicans will emulate him. Already, other candidates are incorporating his message. The day that was predicted was coming, appears to have arrived.


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This man is running for president. Even scarier, what he's saying is actually true.

<iframe src="https://vine.co/v/iiBTWtmM7dW/embed/simple" width="600" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe><script src="https://platform.vine.co/static/scripts/embed.js"></script>
You're welcome.

No I don't like Hillary. Did I defend her in the partisan witchhunt that was Bengazi? Yes I did. I just call it like I see it. There are plenty of things she's done I won't defend her on. I don't think she's fit to be president, hence my support for Bernie. If there was even a half-decent conservative candidate, I'd seriously consider that as well, as unbelievable as that sounds coming from me. But it's true.

Have a nice day Tim.
Sanders makes all of the Republican candidates look like geniuses by comparison. He doesn't know how anything actually works. He is a dolt.
Palin represents the first big endorsement of Trumps campaign by anyone with any kind of name value that I can recall. As of now he has no reps/senators/govs endorsing his candidacy. Likely he promised her something like a minor cabinet position for the endorsement and at this stage of the game it's a good move for him.
Palin represents the first big endorsement of Trumps campaign by anyone with any kind of name value that I can recall. As of now he has no reps/senators/govs endorsing his candidacy. Likely he promised her something like a minor cabinet position for the endorsement and at this stage of the game it's a good move for him.

Phyllis Schlafly
Trump has already won

Michael R. Bloomberg, sensing an opening, explores plans for an independent presidential bid

Galled by Donald J. Trump’s dominance of the Republican field, and troubled by Hillary Clinton’s stumbles and the rise of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on the Democratic side, Michael R. Bloomberg has instructed advisers to draw up plans for an independent campaign in this year’s presidential race.

Mr. Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, has in the past contemplated running for the White House on a third-party ticket, but always concluded he could not win. A confluence of unlikely events in the 2016 election, however, has given new impetus to his presidential aspirations



That would be great entertainment
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Trump has already won

Michael R. Bloomberg, sensing an opening, explores plans for an independent presidential bid

Galled by Donald J. Trump’s dominance of the Republican field, and troubled by Hillary Clinton’s stumbles and the rise of Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont on the Democratic side, Michael R. Bloomberg has instructed advisers to draw up plans for an independent campaign in this year’s presidential race.

Mr. Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, has in the past contemplated running for the White House on a third-party ticket, but always concluded he could not win. A confluence of unlikely events in the 2016 election, however, has given new impetus to his presidential aspirations



That would be great entertainment

He does that and Trump (if he is the nominee) easily wins New York.

Now figure out the path to 270
Well that would be a third-party candidate who would take votes away from Hildebeast.
He does that and Trump (if he is the nominee) easily wins New York.

He said he'll only run if Bernie is the nominee

Everyone knows he's a northeast liberal with very anti-2nd amendment positions and pushes for all nanny-state laws
Donald Trump is the favorite to be the Republican nominee. Period.

The Iowa caucuses are 10 days from Friday. And Donald Trump, the larger-than-life real estate reality star, is -- still -- the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination. Not only has Trump not disappeared or imploded -- as everyone everywhere predicted he would -- he appears to be getting stronger in both early-state and national polling as actual votes draw closer.

At this point, Trump's path to putting the nomination away quickly is far easier than the one Hillary Clinton must travel to capture the Democratic nomination

Ha! Does anyone besides really angry feminists like Hilary?

Markie Post.
Chris Matthews.
Rachel Madcow.
Wolf Blitzer.
Everyone at Salon and HuffPo and Mother Jones.
35-45% of other Americans.
If that were the case, Bernie wouldn't be giving her trouble.

I threw out a range. Since you know better, you tell me. What can she get in the popular vote, then we'll figure out what it represents in real numbers.

We can compute it as:
(Angry Feminists) + (25% of the popular vote? you tell me) = One Hell of a Lot More Than Just Angry Feminists who like Hillary
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I threw out a range. Since you know better, you tell me. What can she get in the popular vote, then we'll figure out what it represents in real numbers.

We can compute it as:
(Angry Feminists) + (25% of the popular vote? you tell me) = One Hell of a Lot More Than Just Angry Feminists who like Hillary

My point is that she is unimaginably unpopular relative to where I think most people thought she would be polling.

She is trying her damnedest to get voters to like her and there is little indication that its working.

I suspect she never would have run if she knew this is how it would be going.
Instant classic...

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