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Trump to shine in the 2nd debate?

1. I never said you didn't contribute, I asked if you did. A simple yes just confirms that you stand by your viewpoint and work towards getting it heard. That's far above just quietly putting someone's name on a ballot and walking away. Big difference between the two and better in the grand scheme of things.

2. A write-in where there's a chance that you're the only voter doing so is a wasted vote. It's like saying you're voting for Joe Shmo just because you think he's qualified but the guy isn't even running for the office. There's no support there for that person so it just seems to me like an empty gesture. It's a whole different matter if you're voting for an independent who does appear on the ballot. At least then there's a chance your vote means something.

3. Again, valid and honest effort to vote your conscience over just going with the flow. Kudos to you.

Your criteria for voting is very sound... I don't have a problem with it, I just thought your initial description was very incomplete.
I don't see the point in voting straight D or R or what have you either.
We should all try to be educated voters, even in the face of the opposition that has the deepest pockets and best commercials.

1) There's no question anywhere in the first segment. Sorry, I wasn't taking it as s question.

2) The only wasted vote is one made for a candidate because of the letter that follows their name on the ballot and/or one made because you don't like the other guy. This isn't high school. This American Idol circus that goes on is absurd.

3) Earlier you said something along the lines of numbers and what difference/impact/accomplishment. Gary Johnson got 2% of the popular vote lady time. And everyone sees that and says he got walloped. And in the grand scheme of things, he did indeed get it handed to him. But then you look a little harder and realize that's about 3 million people who voted for him.
THAT most certainly is an accomplishment.

We ALL need to pay attention to the lawsuit against the Presidential Debate Commission. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson should have been on the stage in 2012 and we'll hopefully have more than just Hilliary and Jeb on the stage in 2016.
Fedderone speaks the truth. I used to be a Republican. I am a constitutionalist, I am for conservative government and personal liberty. When the GOP started trotting out candidates and publishing platforms that were a whisker away from the ideology of the Neo-Socialists I realized the GOP had left me. I will vote for an actual small government pro liberty conservative in the primary. The only one that is in the race right now is Rand Paul. If he does not get the nomination then I will vote for the Libertarian candidate again like I did last time. If the GOP wants to get my vote they will have to provide me with a good candidate not the lesser of two evils. If they want to win they will embrace conservatism and personal liberty again to energize their base. They can't compete with the DNC offering to give away "Free" stuff.
I just read the best written summary of the debate I've seen to date. This style of writing reminds me of tamed down Fred.

His last chapter reads....

By Matthew Walther

Imagine what it would be like if we had real debates, where people spoke for more than 30 seconds at a time and pared down their arguments in response to timed rebuttals and faced planted hecklers. Santorum and Rubio could go head to head on the subject of immigration, with Santorum making the restrictionist case, citing evidence of lower wages and increasing unemployment, and Rubio taking the Reaganite line about aspiration and perhaps, à la Bush and Kasich, throwing in a line about Christian charity. Paul and Huckabee on drugs or Fiorina and Jeb on defense or Trump and anybody on any subject under the sun: all of these would be edifying and enjoyable. Would Cruz, the former national debate champion, shine through in a way that we haven’t seen? Would Carson simply refuse all comers out of politeness?

For a whole host of reasons, personal, logistical, financial, tactical, all of them intertwined and most of them silly, these questions are likely to remain unanswered. What a pity. Middle-school kids do this stuff. Why not the future president?

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That's the ticket!

Ted Cruz Schools John Kasich on the Horrendous Iran Deal

I thougt Kasich came across pretty well on economic issues but so weak and pandering on everything else.
I thougt Kasich came across pretty well on economic issues but so weak and pandering on everything else.

I think Kasich can really benefit from Bush's decline. He's very solid, likable ad comes across trust worthy. He's the best chance we have to win Ohio. Without Ohio, Rep's are not going to win.

I think Carson will start to fade. And Trump will pick up many of those who jump off his band wagon as he's another " outsider ". Carson did not have a good debate. Two month from now, Trump could be the big winner from 2nd debate.

Still I see a great role for Carson, as Surgeon General.
1) There's no question anywhere in the first segment. Sorry, I wasn't taking it as s question.

2) The only wasted vote is one made for a candidate because of the letter that follows their name on the ballot and/or one made because you don't like the other guy. This isn't high school. This American Idol circus that goes on is absurd.

3) Earlier you said something along the lines of numbers and what difference/impact/accomplishment. Gary Johnson got 2% of the popular vote lady time. And everyone sees that and says he got walloped. And in the grand scheme of things, he did indeed get it handed to him. But then you look a little harder and realize that's about 3 million people who voted for him.
THAT most certainly is an accomplishment.

We ALL need to pay attention to the lawsuit against the Presidential Debate Commission. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson should have been on the stage in 2012 and we'll hopefully have more than just Hilliary and Jeb on the stage in 2016.

Thanks, but no, I think I'm the one who should apologize -- re-reading my initial comments now I never really did ask you a question, my phrasing was vague.

I guess my point was really that a blind vote for just someone you like who doesn't even appear on a ballot is an empty gesture, but you clearly put thought into the choices you make.
I like voting for candidates with my similar beliefs who actually have a chance to win. And some times that means voting to keep the WORSE of two evils out.
I like voting for candidates with my similar beliefs who actually have a chance to win. And some times that means voting to keep the WORSE of two evils out.

The thing is all these RINOs the GOP has trotted out in the last two election cycles are talking about being conservative and promising to do or have done things right out of the a Neo-Socialist hand book. If you aren't okay with being spied on and the government growing at a 20% rate under a democrat why are you okay with being spied on and the government growing at a 20% rate under a republican?
As a moderate republican and with lots of right AND left positions on issues there are about half of the current republican candidates that if nominated will probably make me vote democrat.

Trump, Carson, Cruz, Huckabee, Walker and Fiorina.

I've pretty much decided I'm not going down that path with any of them.

That leaves Bush, Kasich, Christie, Paul and Rubio.

I'm sure that doesn't make anyone here at FOX News happy, but that's the way it's shaking out in my political world. And again, it probably doesn't matter. I live in a state with 3 electorate votes that hasn't voted Republican since 1988.

I will still vote because I still think (even if counting by electorates) that the popular vote matters. And as long as I vote, politicians know I'm there. You stop voting, politicians assume you will never vote.
This man is a hero to many of you:


Questioner (wearing Trump T-shirt) to Donald Trump last night in New Hampshire: “We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims. You know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American."

Trump (chuckling): "We need this question. This is the first question."

Questioner, continuing: "Anyway, we have training camps growing where they want to kill us. That's my question: When can we get rid of them?"

Trump: “You know, a lot of people are saying that and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening. We're going to be looking at that and many other things."

That was the response of the Republican Party’s current leading candidate for President of the United States. Trump should be ashamed. So should the Republican Party. So should any of us who allow ignorant and bigoted people to spout their hatred without confronting them with the truth.

Your view?
Watch Hillary dodge Carly's dare

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This man is a hero to many of you:


Questioner (wearing Trump T-shirt) to Donald Trump last night in New Hampshire: “We have a problem in this country. It's called Muslims. You know our current president is one. You know he's not even an American."

Trump (chuckling): "We need this question. This is the first question."

Questioner, continuing: "Anyway, we have training camps growing where they want to kill us. That's my question: When can we get rid of them?"

Trump: “You know, a lot of people are saying that and a lot of people are saying that bad things are happening. We're going to be looking at that and many other things."

That was the response of the Republican Party’s current leading candidate for President of the United States. Trump should be ashamed. So should the Republican Party. So should any of us who allow ignorant and bigoted people to spout their hatred without confronting them with the truth.

Your view?

My view is that Trump did not say any of those things, yet it's all being attributed to him. Biased reporting if anything.

Did Donald Trump say that President Obama is a Muslim? No -- the questioner did.
Did Donald Trump say that President Obama is not an American? No -- at least not in that sequence of comments
Did Donald Trump say that there are Muslim training camps in the US? No -- the questioner did.
Did Donald Trump say that they would look into a lot of what people are saying? Yes.

Now he may actually agree with all those things, but he certainly didn't say it in that dialogue.

I think the real problem is that Trump is just playing up to the crowd, like any entertainer would. As a Presidential candidate, he shouldn't allow the crowd to steer the conversation in that direction.

Y'know... the country is SO F'd up when it comes down to celebrity that it's only a matter of time before President Macho Camacho gets elected.

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Your view?

That he, clearly, blew off the guy's question and that Libs will jump at ANY thing to make someone with an (R) look bad. Re-*******-diculous the brouhaha that has been made of this. There shouldn't have been one ******* story and it is all you hear all ******* day.
I watched the whole thing and was fascinated by it all.

Thought almost everyone on stage had their moments (both high and low). My opinion:

Trump - Nothing new. The CNN moderators were clearly trying to make this whole debate into them attacking each other. Every questions was "this candidate said this about you, how do you respond?". And since Trump has spoken the most about all the other candidates, he was involved in this tactic the most. For the most part he held his own but he still has significant holes in his game plan. I continue to think he will fail with women voters in the long run and that will be the end of him. His low point was the vaccine/autism point. He looked like an idiot (even more than normal).

Carson - Very likable as always, but I was shocked he didn't take a stronger stand on the vaccine/autism point. There was his moment to show some presidential backbone on a subject he knows better than everyone up there and he had a chance to BURY his chief competition in Trump and he failed miserably. He was just so soft on that topic like he was tippy-toeing and figuring out what the best answer was. I was extremely disappointed in him at that moment and have serious questions about his ability to make tough choices in a crisis.

Bush - He's just such a dork and a typical politician. He can't say anything off the cuff. Everything looks rehearsed with him. If he didn't have the biggest war chest, he's probably insignificant in this race, but you can't discount all that money and backing. In many ways, if he ends up being the nominee, that's a sad indictment on just how much power/influence money means in this process.

Rubio - He's still a dark horse. Would do very well with minorities but since so few are registered Republican it isn't helping him much in the primaries. Some of the stuff he talks about hits home with voters. Low point was when he was called out on his attendance record in congress. That hurt him a lot. Looks like the little brother of the group. No one really wants to take him on.

Kasich - I'm actually starting to think Kasich would make the best President. He's not going to make everyone happy, but the guy clearly has a realistic view on what is and isn't doable as a president. While all the others are grandiose in the changes they will make, Kasich (correctly) acknowledges that none of this stuff is going to happen (both domestically and internationally) without compromise, allies and time. He's the complete opposite of Ted Cruz. I also think Kasich could beat Hillary. He'd have Ohio rapped up and I think he would be very appealing to Florida voters. Something like Kasich/Rubio would be unbeatable in my opinion.

Cruz - The guy's a nutbag. He's so off the farm right-leaning that he scares me the most of everyone on stage (including Trump). His extremism will do well during the primary season, but he's just way too out there for a general election. I know some here love his gun-toting, religious touting, constitutionalism, but I just think that political position is gone and will never win on a national level.

Fiorina - She's clearly an exceptional speaker. Maybe the best in the room. And this is the first I've heard her talk for an extended time frame. But there are some skeleton's in her past I might need to look into. Her track record at HP has some chinks. Her record of laying off thousands of workers while giving/approving herself huge bonuses hits home for much of America in a negative way. She interrupted a lot of people last night and she's probably a bulldog in real life to get where she has. I don't think she's a serious candidate for POTUS, but she could be a viable VP candidate.

Paul - The truth is Paul isn't a republican. He's a federalist. And on many issues you see the differences sort of emerge as to how he'd like to govern. I thought he had some great points and sounded super intelligent at times, but he beat the medicinal marijuana "Mom and kid" thing to death against Christie and I thought he looked a bit petty on that issue. That's partly Paul's problem. When he really tries to drive a point home or gets a bit angry, he looses his appeal in a hurry. He just looks like a whiny kid not getting his way.

Christie - As a northeastern, registered Republican, Christie kind of appeals to me. He's no nonsense. He's non-secular. His platform isn't all pro-gun, pro-life. But I am so tired of every one of his answers starting with "When I was governor or New Jersey...." He comes across and loud and obnoxious at times and it's not working so far in the polls and he's giving himself way to much credit for things happening in Jersey. Jersey's not a picnic state to live in and there's still plenty of ******** that live there. I would be very careful how proud he is of that state's record to republican voters.

Huckabee - He's basically just a platform of religion at this point. He blew it being at the joke of a rally for Kim Davis. He'll get his 5% of the super religious wackos out there, but that's it. He should be the next to withdraw in my opinion. Looks old and out of touch. More minister than president.

Walker - Walker's done too. Should withdraw sooner rather than later and quit wasting our time. I'm tired of hearing how "threatened" he was when he went against those evil unions. He makes it sound like he was serving in Iraq. He comes across as condescending. And his platform lacks focus. He's trying to be all things to everyone (everyone meaning republicans).

I think we'll see Huckabee/Walker out soon.

Carson will eventually drop out. So will Fiorina. So will Christie. I really think it's a 4-man race: Trump/Bush/Kasich/Rubio. I think Cruz and Rand might be in it very deep because they will become "unique" and have some core followers.

After last night's debate, I'm leaning Kasich.

Very accurate & well said. Pretty spot on assessment of the debate. Nice to hear some common logic,sense,& truth.
A walker post said " Trump had to fight off attackers all night"

First question off the debate was directed towards Trump and his response is
"I don't even know why Rand Paul is'on this stage "
I almost fell off the couch laughing. It was awesome.

The question had nothing to do with Rand Paul.

Also Bush looked like he was going to jump out of his skin at one point and scream
" it isn't suppose to be like this"

He is infuriated that Trump is not acting like a traditional politician and he is leading the polls.

He couldn't get any traction & was so rattled. Then Trump says " well at least you got more energy tonight"

Hard to get any substance from these candidates right now. Press needs stories and Trumps antics are providing most of them.

Christie blew his chance in 2012. He now looks desperate.

Carson acts like he is not sure this is what he was to do.

Walker has no new material and is using the same lines from last elections.

The UN politicians seem like a breath of fresh air & it's making the career guys look stale & tired.

Even without hard substance.
Ted Cruz on Republican Leadership: ‘We’ve Got a Bunch of Weenies’

“If you look at the left, if you look at Barack Obama, or Sen. Reid or Pelosi they are committed to their liberal principles. They are commited to their policy agenda that frankly is destroying this country.” Cruz explained, “They will crawl over broken glass with a knife between their teeth to advance their policy agenda.”

“On our side, we’ve got a bunch of weenies!”

Cruz explained that in every fight between Obama and Congressional leadership, Congress surrenders. He points to funding Obama’s executive amnesty, among other policies, if Obama threatens a veto.

Cruz said the GOP leadership has buckled to Obama’s veto threat repeatedly and predicts that it will happen again regarding the Congressional budget in regards to funding Planned Parenthood.

Cruz questioned, “What the heck is the point of having elections if the people we elect won’t stand and fight?”

He said GOP leadership has one tactic, “surrender.”

That he, clearly, blew off the guy's question and that Libs will jump at ANY thing to make someone with an (R) look bad. Re-*******-diculous the brouhaha that has been made of this. There shouldn't have been one ******* story and it is all you hear all ******* day.

See how the libs switch ideological positions when it benefits them.

All of sudden being Muslim is a bad thing. So what if Obama is a Muslim, whats wrong with being a Muslim? Muslims are people too.

Its not Trumps position to certify Obamas religion. He ignored the mans accusations of Obama being Muslim as he should.

If Trump was smart he should have responded to the guy "I don't know why Obama being Muslim is relevant. The vast majority of Muslims are good people"....that would have short-circuited the liberal brain because he doesn't deny Obamas Muslimhood while at the same time shows affection toward them.

How outrageous of anyone to suggest Obama is a Muslim...not a smidgen of evidence.

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I think the Trump guy has to be a plant, and I'm guessing Bush was responsible.
I personally think Obama is closer to being agnostic/atheist than either Christian or Muslim. But God forbid anyone comes out and runs for President being an agnostic/atheist in a country that is supposed to govern with separation of Church and State. Even if we're growing more and more non-religious.

I sort of suspect being atheist is worse than Muslim to some of you.
I personally think Obama is closer to being agnostic/atheist than either Christian or Muslim. But God forbid anyone comes out and runs for President being an agnostic/atheist in a country that is supposed to govern with separation of Church and State. Even if we're growing more and more non-religious.

I sort of suspect being atheist is worse than Muslim to some of you.

It wasn't all that long ago having a Catholic run for President was a big deal.
I am not sure how 50% of people polled say Trump won the debate. I think he did better than the first debate, but in no way did he win. He was under constant attack, but he brought alot of that on to himself. He got knocked down a few times, most notably by Carly. I do not think Trump had a horrible debate, but I think he stood his ground at best.
I like Carson, but listening to him could put you to sleep. He is very smart and has good humor, but his delivery is poor. I also think he needs to get more of an edge if he truly wants to win. I think Carson may not attack because he is setting himself up to be someones VP or high cabinet member.
I think Carly won the debate due to her planned parenthood attack and also her handling of trump. She would not be my first choice for president though.
I do not like Cruz. I do not mind what he says, but I get the "im a phony politician vibe from him" more than the others.
The other ones are pretty much lumped together, except rand paul I do not like him either
I think the Trump guy has to be a plant, and I'm guessing Bush was responsible.

Thank you. The whole thing looked staged. The guy had a delivery like a paid actor. Of course, the media did their due dilligence, and interviewed the guy afterward.....not. What they did was go after Trump, wondering why he didn't respond......typical hit piece. Donald didn't respond,.....so what. Why is he obligated to defend Obama?