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Trump vs. Hillary The Great Debate thread !

There are a lot of ****** coming out to vote for Hillary

Madonna Thinks Her Topless Photo Will Encourage People To Vote For Hillary Clinton


Q: What do Madonna's **** and Hillary Clinton's polling lead have in common?

A: They are both sagging.

Fox News Vice President to Hannity: Stop using bullshit polls claiming Trump won debate

Sean Hannity has reportedly been reprimanded by Fox News for using inaccurate online polls to try to prove that Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in Monday night’s debate.

Hours after the debate, Hannity said “I’ll give you the list of polls. Time Magazine, Drudge report, CNBC, The Hill, CBS. The only one that has Hillary winning is CNN and they’re the Clinton News Network anyway.”

Hannity claimed that “hundreds of thousands if not millions” of participants chose Trump as the victor in various online polls. However, professional pollsters say that the number of respondents is not nearly as important as whether the respondents reflect the population that the poll is claiming to represent.

Fox News hosts Steve Doocy and Martha MacCallum also misrepresented the polls on their programs. Doocy said “I think a majority of the online polls show, according to the stuff we saw this morning, they show that he’s leading,” later adding as an afterthought that “It’s not scientific.”

MacCallum didn’t identify her sources as online polls at all, saying only that “A lot of polls show him winning last night,” she said. “Fascinating, right? It’s fascinating.”

A memo from Fox News vice president of public-opinion research Dana Blanton has since been acquired by Business Insider, in which the VP tells the hosts to stop citing these misleading polls.

“As most of the publications themselves clearly state, the sample obviously can’t be representative of the electorate because they only reflect the views of those Internet users who have chosen to participate,” Blanton wrote. “Another problem — we know some campaigns/groups of supporters encourage people to vote in online polls and flood the results… These quickie click items do not meet our editorial standards.”

“News networks and other organizations go to great effort and rigor to conduct scientific polls — for good reason,” Blanton continued. “They know quick vote items posted on the web are nonsense, not true measures of public opinion.”

Despite this memo, Hannity and other Fox News hosts continued to use online polls during their segments Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.

“You’ve got this list of polls, Donald Trump wins,” Hannity said. “You watch TV, Hillary Clinton wins.”

Trump ENRAGED After Disgusted Advisers Demand He Stops Being A Moron For Next Debate

Republican nominee Donald Trump’s performance at the debates left American viewers shaking their heads at how such a moron can be one election away from the presidency. It also left much of the country horrified at the prospects. If Trump’s communication skills are any indication of what he’ll be like as president, we are all in for a miserable future.

His embarrassing performance has caused his own close advisers to demand a change is his ways and they are calling for an intervention. Here are some of their ideas to try to get Trump not to come off as a total idiot for the next debate:

“Some of the advisers want to practice getting under his skin, as Mrs. Clinton did, to gauge his response, but they offered no details about doing so. Others wanted practice sessions built around the next debate’s format, a town-hall-style meeting, where Mr. Trump is likely to engage with undecided voters asking him questions and, at times, move from his chair to walk the stage. Mr. Trump has little experience with the format, which can be challenging for people who do not practice managing their body language and movements.”

One can only imagine the difficulty his advisers will incur trying to convince this pouting child to change his ways. Trump has been propagating the idea that he actually won the debate. However, for the 100 million viewers who saw his performance, his lack of control and incomprehensible rants proved that he definitely is not presidential material. Here are some other desperate ideas on the part of Trump’s advisers that have infuriated him. After all, how can anyone question the Donald?:

“Several advisers also want to impress upon him the need to stick to a strategy and a plan of battle against a female candidate — the kind of opponent he has less experience facing — rather than spend time polishing a string of disparate zingers that Mrs. Clinton, a skilled debater, was able to easily parry Monday night.”

However, it’s too little too late for this sinking ship and you can bet that there will come a day when anyone closely associated with this bigot will come to regret it.
Trump ENRAGED After Disgusted Advisers Demand He Stops Being A Moron For Next Debate

You know Tibs i never wanted to believe that Trump himself was a racist I believed he was merely pandering to the racist element in the Repugnican party.

After reading about the lawsuit that Hillary brought up in the debate though , It's obvious that Trump is undoubtedly a racist. They would mark rental applications with a character to indicate the applicant was a minority so he/she would be denied. Absolutely despicable.
When he first started running I warned several very democratic friends that if he got the nomination, running hillary against him was stupid because she has way too much baggage... "Its their turn" candidates rarely win. Hillary is a lot like bob dole when he ran... Clinton was vulnerable but he was the worse option to challenge him...
The wikileaks are dumping more and more **** on her... And frankly while trump has some of the same stuff in his closet, his voters are energized by the idea he is something different, so they literally dont care what is brought up... Clinton has no such energy behind her.. People are voting against trump, not for her... Its harder to get people to vote against a guy who they dont like than for one they love...

Also a great many people have this weird rational for not saying they are voting trump because of some stigma that goes with it...

I thought the republicans undersold him and i think the dems did too.. I dont even think he wants to win, but he sold an ideal that people are getting behind... **** the politicians... Nearly the same reason bernie steamrolled clinton....
LOL Spike, like that's not happening - on a pretty massive scale - on the other side.


US election 2016: Clinton gathers Republican endorsements

Wednesday's endorsement by the Arizona Republic's editorial board is the latest from a typically Republican-leaning newspaper.

She has already been endorsed by the conservative-leaning newspapers such as the Dallas Morning News, the the Houston Chronicle, and the Cincinnati Enquirer.

"Since The Arizona Republic began publication in 1890, we have never endorsed a Democrat over a Republican for president. Never. This reflects a deep philosophical appreciation for conservative ideals and Republican principles. This year is different. The 2016 Republican candidate is not conservative and he is not qualified,"
the editorial in the Republic, the state's largest, says.

Mr Trump has yet to receive the backing of a major publication.

Republicans for Hillary

Republicans for Hillary? Clinton campaign woos those lost by Trump

“It’s an honor to be here, and candidly, it’s also a shock,” said Elmets, a former spokesman and speechwriter for Ronald Reagan.

The existence of Republicans who support Clinton, such as Elmets, is one of many plot twists in an extraordinary presidential election cycle. Conservative men and women have rejected their natural nominee in favor of a candidate their party has spent two decades tearing down.
Drumming up the overlords vote too

This just in......

Debate Aftermath - Hillary's Dressing Room

HEMPSTEAD, New York (World News Bureau) - A photo taken in Hillary Clinton's dressing room at Hofstra University Monday night may show how the candidate was able to endure nearly 90 minutes on her feet.

Reportedly snapped by a cleaning person after the debate, the image shows bottles of vodka, empty cans of Red Bull, a box of No-Doze, and a partially used package of XL-sized Depends (below). Sources say an attached bathroom trash can also contained several used amyl nitrite ampules and a "feminine irrigation device partially filled with what appeared to be coffee grounds."


snark..snicker...tee hee
This just in......

Debate Aftermath - Hillary's Dressing Room

HEMPSTEAD, New York (World News Bureau) - A photo taken in Hillary Clinton's dressing room at Hofstra University Monday night may show how the candidate was able to endure nearly 90 minutes on her feet.

Reportedly snapped by a cleaning person after the debate, the image shows bottles of vodka, empty cans of Red Bull, a box of No-Doze, and a partially used package of XL-sized Depends (below). Sources say an attached bathroom trash can also contained several used amyl nitrite ampules and a "feminine irrigation device partially filled with what appeared to be coffee grounds."


Is this serious???
Last edited:
No conflict of interest here

NBC Donated $5.6 Million To Democratic Party, Provided First Debate’s Moderator

NBC parent company Comcast donated $5.6 million to the Democratic Party during its convention in Philadelphia, and NBC provided Monday night’s presidential debate moderator.

The Democratic Party released a comprehensive list of donors right before the momentous debate

This just in......

Debate Aftermath - Hillary's Dressing Room

HEMPSTEAD, New York (World News Bureau) - A photo taken in Hillary Clinton's dressing room at Hofstra University Monday night may show how the candidate was able to endure nearly 90 minutes on her feet.

Reportedly snapped by a cleaning person after the debate, the image shows bottles of vodka, empty cans of Red Bull, a box of No-Doze, and a partially used package of XL-sized Depends (below). Sources say an attached bathroom trash can also contained several used amyl nitrite ampules and a "feminine irrigation device partially filled with what appeared to be coffee grounds."


snark..snicker...tee hee

Not as bad as Trump getting coked-up for the debate.
You know Tibs i never wanted to believe that Trump himself was a racist I believed he was merely pandering to the racist element in the Repugnican party.

After reading about the lawsuit that Hillary brought up in the debate though , It's obvious that Trump is undoubtedly a racist. They would mark rental applications with a character to indicate the applicant was a minority so he/she would be denied. Absolutely despicable.


Omarosa, former contestant on Donald Trump’s reality TV show The Apprentice, stepped up to the plate in defense of the Republican presidential candidate, saying “he certainly is not a racist.”

Omarosa appeared with Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren to discuss Trump’s comments about Mexican-American Judge Gonzalo Curiel.

Trump has been widely criticized for his remarks about Judge Curiel, who is overseeing lawsuits against Trump University.

Curiel, he claimed, has “an absolute conflict” in presiding over the litigation, given that he was “of Mexican heritage” and a member of a Latino lawyers’ association.

Omarosa however, says these comments are not indicative of Trump’s racism.

“I know him personally, and he certainly is not a racist, he doesn’t have issues with people of color,” she said.

Omarosa, an African-American woman, added “I think it’s important to note that he will not become the poster child for race in this country.”

Wisconsin Sheriff David Clarke hit back against claims from the Hillary Clinton campaign that Donald Trump is “racist,” offering something of a history lesson on what he said is a long history of “racism” within the Democratic Party.

Appearing on “Fox and Friends Weekend” on Saturday, Clarke said Clinton is the recipient of Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger Award, named after the group’s founder.

“She was a eugenist who supported the extermination of the black race — she called the black race a ‘weed.’ [Clinton] embraces that award, she embraces and is supportive of an organization…that kills more black babies than any other race,” the sheriff said.

He continued, “This is a party, the Democrat Party, that stood in the way of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, that stood in the way of Lincoln trying to free the slaves, that embraced and endorsed and voted for Sen. Robert Byrd, a former klansman, they welcomed him into the party as they did George Wallace.”

Because of the party’s history, Clarke said he’s “not going to sit up here and be lectured by Mrs. Bill Clinton about who’s a racist or who is not a racist.”

Clarke also argued that the Republican Party must unite behind Trump in order to defeat Clinton in the general election, something several conservative leaders have thus far refused to do.

Mr. Trump also has resorted to the courts to secure his foothold here, and many residents wince at the attention his legal battles with the town have drawn — to the town in general, and to the admission practices at some of Palm Beach’s older clubs in particular.

…The culture clash began to approach a climax last fall, when Mr. Trump’s lawyer sent members of the town council a copy of the film “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner,” a film that deals with upper-class racism. Mr. Trump then approached the town council about lifting the restrictions that had been placed on the club. He also asked some council members not to vote on the request because their membership in other clubs created a conflict of interest.

Last December, after the council refused to lift the restrictions, Mr. Trump filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Palm Beach, alleging that the town was discriminating against Mar-a-Lago, in part because it is open to Jews and African-Americans. The suit seeks $100 million in damages.

… Mr. Foxman seems pleased that Mr. Trump has elevated the issue of discriminatory policies at social clubs. “He put the light on Palm Beach,” Mr. Foxman says. “Not on the beauty and the glitter, but on its seamier side of discrimination. It has an impact.”

In recent weeks, Mr. Foxman says, the league has received calls from Jewish residents telling of how Palm Beach clubs are changing. Locals concur that in the past year, organizations such as the Bath and Tennis Club have begun to admit Jewish patrons. The Palm Beach Civic Association, which for many years was believed to engage in discriminatory behavior, this month named a Jewish resident as its chief officer.
Report: Trump angry at own aides after they concede he lost debate

People close to Trump are admitting he got thrashed by Hillary Clinton on Monday. But they're doing so on condition of anonymity and pharaoh is displeased.

In a conference call with surrogates Wednesday afternoon, Trump aides made clear the Republican nominee is upset that his allies publicly acknowledged they pushed him to change his preparation and tactics before his next bout with Hillary Clinton.

And he wants them to stop it immediately.

The message was "not subtle," a source familiar with the call said.

Trump wants his supporters to make an energetic defense of his performance and refuse to concede that he didn't nail it.

The hope among his aides was that the shellacking (YouGov had her 57/30 percent, CNN 62/27 and PPP 51/40) would convince him to study for the next one, but in Trump's view, the only debate poll that mattered is the WhiteCultureDefenseAndPepeMemes.com javascript clicker and it had him way ahead.

Accompanying this lurid shitshow is a) the suspicion it's all a ruse and that Trump really is going to prepare for the next one, and b) the knowledge that none of it matters anyway.
He's still leading in votes by the commies in L.A.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is still leading Hillary Clinton in the L.A. Times daily tracking poll following the first presidential debate.
The poll shows Trump with 46.7 percent support while Clinton has 42.9 percent—a 3.8 percent lead.
ha ha - she's toast

Poll: Hillary Clinton has the edge among people planning to skip election

Hillary Clinton has the edge among people who aren’t planning to vote in November’s election, according to a new Bloomberg Politics national poll.

The survey found 38 percent of people not intending to vote, support Clinton.

More than half of non-white people are likely voters in the poll and 48 percent said they don’t plan to vote.

The poll also found that a majority of people under the age of 35, 54 percent, are more likely to be non-voters

Anyone who is in business for themselves or works for a small business and has the company's best interest in mind, they would never for a second think of voting for Hillary.
