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Unemployment at 4.9% Here's Obama by the numbers

Conservative white people hold a very low opinion of Black people. Obama did not create that. Conservative whites managed to accomplish this all on their own. And when cornered to answer why they're so hostile towards Black people, first they claim they aren't, then they start quoting crime statistics. Obama did not create that. Conservative whites managed that all on their own.

How many "conservative white people" have you ever heard speak ill of a black? You. Not you heard, or heard through some media outlet. You yourself. Spill.

I have known "conservative white people" my entire life and have yet to hear anything that could be even loosely construed as a "low opinion of Black people". In fact, the "conservative white people" I have known are the first to launch on anything anybody says about blacks.

Me personally, I have bought 5 houses in my lifetime. Three were next door to black families. One had a black family behind as well.

"Conservative white people" are getting sick and damn tired of being slandered by "love me I'm a liberal" ********.
How many "conservative white people" have you ever heard speak ill of a black? You. Not you heard, or heard through some media outlet. You yourself. Spill.

I've had the "Black people are dangerous, therefor police profiling/harassment/brutality is justified" in person more times than I could count. In fact, when I was a young man in the 90s, so much of the conversation that was NOT had on television was about conservative whites frustration that the police had to even answer for their actions. The deep authoritarianism vein that runs though conservative thought presupposes that not only are Black people inherently dangerous, but that the only thing protecting whites from Blacks are militant police departments.

I have known "conservative white people" my entire life and have yet to hear anything that could be even loosely construed as a "low opinion of Black people". In fact, the "conservative white people" I have known are the first to launch on anything anybody says about blacks.

Me personally, I have bought 5 houses in my lifetime. Three were next door to black families. One had a black family behind as well.

"Conservative white people" are getting sick and damn tired of being slandered by "love me I'm a liberal" ********.

I'm not a liberal. But because this board is so extremely right wing, any moderate voice sounds like a commie pinko. But since we're discussing people's views, I find it suspicious that you've discussed these issues in the past and have not come across conservative whites who presuppose the guilt and culpability of Blacks for their abuses at the hands of police. I simply don't buy that at all. Literally every anti-Trayvon/pro-Zimmerman argument comes to to the same essential premise: Black people are dangerous, and sometimes you just have to kill one of them.
They are one and the same.

And the fact that you didn't know that PROVES my point that you haven't done your due diligence.

You are profoundly, deeply, impressively, astonishingly ignorant if you believe the WSJ is not the best source for financial news in the United States. You are so focused on politics that you have no perception of the incredible job the WSJ does in evaluating monetary policy, economic trends, business growth or decline, stock market bubbles, real estate trends, etc.

The Journal is ranked as one of the five best financial news sources in the world, among the Financial Times, the Economist (a weekly), Barron's (a monthly), and the NYT financial section.

"For American financial news, it’s hard to beat The Wall Street Journal."


Your world view limits your ability to evaluate information, including the fact that the WSJ is the best financial daily news source published in the United States. The fact that NewsCorp owns the WSJ means squat in terms of its financial news.
You are profoundly, deeply, impressively, astonishingly ignorant if you believe the WSJ is not the best source for financial news in the United States. You are so focused on politics that you have no perception of the incredible job the WSJ does in evaluating monetary policy, economic trends, business growth or decline, stock market bubbles, real estate trends, etc.

The Journal is ranked as one of the five best financial news sources in the world, among the Financial Times, the Economist (a weekly), Barron's (a monthly), and the NYT financial section.

"For American financial news, it’s hard to beat The Wall Street Journal."


Your world view limits your ability to evaluate information, including the fact that the WSJ is the best financial daily news source published in the United States. The fact that NewsCorp owns the WSJ means squat in terms of its financial news.

All that **** may be true, but it doesn't change the fact that the WSJ DOES discuss politics and it DOES use Fox News propaganda/talking points when doing so.

Are you now going to tell me that you only read the WSJ for financial info and NEVER read the political columns? I bet you read Playboy JUST for the articles too...

Once again a member of this board is caught with his pants down and can't just own it.
I've seen this thrown around here a lot, like loose change. Could you pontificate on this claim? Specifically how has Obama "divided the country along racial and economic lines?" Appreciate it.

Good lord. You asked. I'm wringing my hands together on this one. Prepare for carpet bombing....

Let's start first with what Americans think, based on survey.


• 20% of Likely U.S. Voters believe President Obama has brought Americans of different races closer together
• Forty-seven percent (47%) think Obama has driven those of different races further apart instead.
• Perhaps the most visible manifestation of racial division these days is the growing tension between the police and black Americans, especially those in the inner city. Following the recent murders of police officers in Texas and Illinois, 58% of voters think there is a war on police in America today
• This past January, just 17% of all Americans rated race relations in this country as good or excellent, down by half from 34% the year before.* Only*eight percent (8%) of voters think race relations have gotten better since Obama’s election in 2008, and unlike many questions dealing with race, blacks and whites don’t disagree much on this one.*
• Among voters who think there is now a war on police, 63% blame Obama for driving the races further apart.

Now, there's only 588,000 Google results for "how obama has racially divided the country" and one could spend all day going through the links. But the facts are out there, even for you deniers

"The number of people who think blacks and whites do not get along has increased throughout Obama’s presidency, from 19 percent in late 2009 to 28 percent in 2014, according to polls conducted by the Pew Research Center and USA Today."

One can look at just a handful of the incidents under Obama's leadership for 7.5 years:
• Racial incidents at the University of Missouri and Ithaca College
• Ferguson. Notably Obama sending White House representatives to his funeral, but mind-numbingly not sending WH reps to the funeral of Maj General Harold Greene or to Nancy Reagan's funeral.
• Trayvon Martin. Obama jumping into the fray prior to the facts being known and sharing his sympathies for Trayvon Martin and swaying the public's opinion of the case based on race.
• Knock-Out. Obama's DOJ actually filed hate crimes against a white knock-out assailant who attacked a black person. Hundreds, if not thousands of black knock-out assailants have never been charged with a hate crime. Message heard.
• Further to the above, the recent case of the US Marine beaten to within inches of his life by a gang of black thugs shouting "Black Lives Matter" were not charged with hate crimes by the DOJ. Message heard.
• Black Lives Matter. Enough said. They have issued a war on police. Police killings have skyrocketed in the past year.
• The Baltimore riots.
• On the police, Obama has, on numerous occasions, publicly vilified the police exacerbating the problem we face today.

This may be the best summation of the situation Obama has brought to bear on race relations. While dated, and I wish it were more current, it's damning:

How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

A legacy of race hatred.

A new poll by NBC News and the Wall Street Journal reveals that public perceptions about race relations in America have taken a devastating hit since the election of Barack Obama. At the beginning of the president's first term, 79 percent of whites and 63 percent of blacks had a positive view of American race relations. Those numbers have plummeted to 52 percent and 38 percent, respectively. Meanwhile, 45 percent of whites now consider race relations fairly or very bad, compared with 20 percent in 2009, and the negative views held by black Americans has jumped from 30 percent to 58 percent. Thus, the idea that the election of Barack Obama would usher in a golden age of so-called post-racial relations has exploded. And the president and his administration bear the lion's share of the responsibility for lighting the fuse.

The poll, conducted in mid-July by Hart Research Associations and Public Opinion Strategies, has tracked Americans' attitudes about race since 1994. And despite only a single poll question regarding the Zimmerman trial, which asked whether the outcome increased, decreased, or didn't affect one's confidence in the legal system, the steepest decline in positive views, and greatest increase in negative views, occurred in the last two years. That the timeframe largely coincides with the Trayvon Martin shooting controversy is likely no coincidence.

The Trayvon Martin case is one of the most visible examples of the Obama administration's deliberate poisoning of race relations; all in coordination with the NAACP, the racial grievance industry and the corrupt leftist media. We now know that the administration had direct involvement in fanning the flames of racial discord that brought the case to the national stage. The Eric Holder-led Justice Department's Community Relations Service (CRA) was sent to Sanford, FL to help set up meetings and organize protests. Among other services, the administration arranged an escort for college students participating in a 40-mile march to "demand justice" for Trayvon. When the situation erupted, Obama then famously took the racial motif national, saying, "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon."

Even after the jury rendered its not guilty verdict in the Zimmerman trial, Obama, once again, injected himself into the case, this time noting that "Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago," and launching into a lecture on race -- despite the fact that a Martin family lawyer, Trayvon's stepmother, the Sanford police, and an investigation conducted by the FBI all concluded the case had nothing to do with race.

However, well before the Trayvon Martin shooting, Obama made clear he would use the presidency to provide a platform for the race agitation industry. Prior to his election in 2008, the president sought to belittle small town "bitter clingers" who demonstrate "antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment[.]" In July 2009, when black Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. was arrested in front of his Cambridge home after antagonizing police, Obama, despite admitting that he had not seen "all the facts," still came to the conclusion that "the Cambridge police acted stupidly." In a radio interview that aired on Univision in 2010, the president urged his Latino supporters to "punish our enemies and reward our friends," in the upcoming election. That was the same year he made an unsubtle reference to Rosa Parks and segregation in order to belittle Republicans. "We don't mind the Republicans joining us," the president told supporters in Rhode Island. "They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back."

At a January 2012 Washington fundraiser, the president made subtle references to the idea that if he weren't reelected, minorities would be denied opportunities to pursue the American dream, while he implied Republicans would be the ones do the denying. "The notion that we’re all in this together, that we look out for one another--that’s at stake in this election," he warned. "Don’t take my word for it. Watch some of these [Republican] debates that have been going on up in New Hampshire." The following August in Colorado, Obama kept that meme alive, insisting that Republicans, "want to take us back to the policies more suited to the 1950s than the 21st century."

If such a divisive attitude were limited to the president himself, maybe race relations might not have soured as much as they have. Unfortunately, many members of his administration have also been more than willing to fan the flames of racial discord. Former Green Jobs Czar Van Jones, who referred to Republicans as "********," insisted that "white polluters and the white environmentalists are essentially steering poison into the people-of-color communities." Addressing the annual NAACP convention in Orlando, FL on July 17, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius likened those who oppose ObamaCare to those who opposed civil rights legislation in the 1960s, comparing the fight against them to “the fight against lynching and the fight for desegregation.” On August 14, 2012, Vice President Joe Biden told a largely black audience in Danville, Virginia, that Republicans wanted to "put y’all back in chains.” Former Assistant Attorney General and current Labor Secretary Thomas Perez viewed virtually every aspect of his former job through a racialist lens, from prosecuting banks for lending discrimination based on dubious "disparate impact" studies, to promoting the expansion of hate crimes prosecution, which he insisted was a largely white-on-black problem.

And then there is Eric Holder. Holder, who runs the most racially polarized Justice Department in modern history, wasted no time burnishing his racialist credentials, telling Americans soon after he was confirmed in 2009 that "in things racial we have always been and continue to be, in too many ways, essentially a nation of cowards." In 2010, after being stonewalled by his own department, Christopher Coates, former voting chief for the DOJ’s Civil Rights Division, testified that Holder's decision to drop an already-won voter intimidation case against the New Black Panther Party was due to "pressure" from the NAACP. Furthermore, he corroborated earlier testimony by J. Christian Adams, a former DOJ attorney, revealing that the DOJ cultivates a "hostile atmosphere" against "race-neutral enforcement" of the Voting Rights Act.

Holder also turned a blind eye when the Panthers offered a $10,000 bounty to capture George Zimmerman "dead or alive." As for race-neutral enforcement of the the Voting Rights Act, as recently as yesterday Holder vowed to continue insisting that states "pre-clear" with the DOJ any changes to their voting laws. This represents nothing less than a determination to defy a recent Supreme Court ruling that effectively nullified his ability to do so. Texas is his current focus, but in a speech in Philadelphia, he promised that the decision to target the Lone Star State "will not be our last.'' The motivation of this effort is clear: to portray red states and whites in general as abusive toward minority voters -- as seeking to reinstitute "Jim Crow" through commonsense voter ID laws, as the Democratic Party propaganda goes.

This follows Holder's decision to continue pursuing the possibility of civil rights charges against George Zimmerman, without a shred of evidence for doing so, making good on a promise he first made during an appearance at racial arsonist Al Sharpton's National Action Network on April 11, 2012. After praising Sharpton “for your partnership, your friendship, and your tireless efforts to speak out for the voiceless, to stand up for the powerless, and to shine a light on the problems we must solve, and the promises we must fulfill," Holder made his intentions clear. “If we find evidence of a potential federal criminal civil rights crime, we will take appropriate action,” he warned. To that end, Holder has set up "tip lines" trolling for information he can use to prosecute Zimmerman. The "investigation" has now been ongoing for over a year.

The reason for fomenting this sort of racial animosity is transparently political. Just like in 2010, and 2012, Obama is determined to agitate and mobilize voters for the 2014 election and beyond and to weaken the Republicans with racial innuendo and accusations. He has tainted Democrats by presiding over the weakest recovery on record, one which is currently losing even more steam, with growth rates being revised downward, and one of the worst corporate revenue performances on record. The same is true of ObamaCare, which will be so damaging to Democrats that the administration unilaterally decided to postpone the employer mandate until 2015, usurping congressional authority in the process. This is to say nothing of Democrat-led foreign policy, with Egypt and Syria in free fall, Iraq and Afghanistan on the verge of reverting back to the failed states they were, Iran pursuing nuclear weapons absent any fear whatsoever, and both China and Russia signaling their intentions to fill the leadership vacuum the president’s "leading from behind" approach has produced.

Meanwhile, minority populations continue to suffer and grow disaffected under the reign of liberal policies. Majority-black Detroit is bankrupt. Chicago seethes with black-on-black gun crime, including 62 people wounded and 12 killed during the Fourth of July holiday weekend alone. Black unemployment is 13.7 percent, compared to 6.7 percent for the nation as a whole. The black American illegitimacy rate, one of the surest predictors of poverty, is approaching 75 percent.

Yet in his most recent speech on economics, Obama addresses none of these realities, preferring to blame the lot on Republicans (who have only ever controlled the House since 2010) and warning that if America fails to embrace his policies, "ocial tensions will rise as various groups fight to hold on to what they have, or start blaming somebody else for why their position isn't improving." In the Obama era, this should be interpreted as an ultimatum.

It's going to be a long, divisive slog to the 2014 elections, and racial division continually promoted by the Obama administration is guaranteed to be an integral part of the mix. The fact that Americans view race relations as far worse than they've been in years should surely be an embarrassment for the first elected president of African descent. Odds are, however, he views it as an electoral boon for his party.
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All that **** may be true, but it doesn't change the fact that the WSJ DOES discuss politics and it DOES use Fox News propaganda/talking points when doing so.

So go ahead and tell me .. what does that have to do with its financial reporting?

Also, you do realize, don't you, that the WSJ was a bastion of conservative political thought and editorials decades before the Fox network was even founded? Oh, I guess that does not fit your narrative that the WSJ is a "Fox news mouthpiece," including relative to financial news and reporting.
I wish there was a magic pill that would make people reasonable. Make them open minded. Get them to discuss things rationally instead of going off on emotional tangents and giving in to tribal loyalties.

Coming from you, that is indeed rich LOL.

You find reason only in those that agree with you. Anyone who opposes your viewpoint is unreasonable. You are indeed in the right party.
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Are you now going to tell me that you only read the WSJ for financial info and NEVER read the political columns? I bet you read Playboy JUST for the articles too....

Once again, tell me what that has to do with its financial reporting? Please, enlighten us all.

Also, since you impugn the WSJ's financial reporting, please give us examples of the Journal offering false financial news due to a political bent.

Please, go ahead. I'll wait ...

Once again a member of this board is caught with his pants down and can't just own it.

So go ahead and show how the WSJ is not a reliable source for financial information - stock trends, market trends, real estate bubbles and trends, interest rate, monetary policy, public spending, economic growth or decline, etc. Go ahead.

And when you can't, why don't you go ahead and "own it."
They can't really measure it, but I'll bet we currently have the highest working under the table rate in US history.
Never heard anyone talk about it, but the internet greatly facilitates working under the table.
One can look at just a handful of the incidents under Obama's leadership for 7.5 years.
Really? The behaviour of citizens in a country is a manifestation of the president, his views, his wishes? So if statistics for bank robberies goes up during a given period, that must mean the president is promoting a culture of bank robbery? Race relations took a downturn after multiple instances of police overstepping their bounds with inner city youth. Justice has not been blind, as it should be. Simple as that. To say the president somehow negatively affected race relations is a strawman argument if there ever was one.
Really? The behaviour of citizens in a country is a manifestation of the president, his views, his wishes? So if statistics for bank robberies goes up during a given period, that must mean the president is promoting a culture of bank robbery?

Not TSF's point at all, Tibs. He provided evidence showing how America's thought process, opinions and views on race relations had changed for the worse. That is not a good thing. Also, the downward trend in how we view race relations - on all sides, by the way - leads to more belligerence relative to race relations. Again, not a good thing.
It wasn't always this way. The moderates that were on this board 10-12 years ago have all been run off. Some of it has to do with this board reconstituting itself every year or so. Each time the board starts over, a certain number of people leave or change names. But alot just has to do with the obnoxious bully style bandwagon tactics used by guys like Farva and Tim. Guys who are trying to have a serious discussion get bombarded by 6th grade name calling tactics and it gets old fast.

Oh please. A lot of the liberals are run off when their Democratic Underground propaganda gets refuted with facts and they can't come up with any good arguments against them. Bullying and name calling goes both ways here, that's for sure...if you cant take the heat go ahead and get out of the kitchen. The only reply to facts by liberals is to impugn the source. Yeah, sorry that Mother Jones and Huffington Post don't publish facts that disprove their arguments. I've posted facts here that came from the Congressional Budget Office or the US census but because I got them from Heritage they are discounted. Let's face it, we all believe what we want to believe. Liberals (and so-called moderates) are no exception.
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Every complaint about Obama in this thread is a regurgitated Fox News talking point.

That's interesting because it seems none of the Obama haters have any home grown opinions. "Obama is racist" "Obama hates America". This is boilerplate Fox News propaganda, and apparently it's working.

It is a laughable joke to argue that Obama created the racial division in America. Trayvon was an unarmed teenager who was shot to death over a fistfight, and angry whites were determined to create a villain out of him. Obama did not do that. Eric Garner was strangled to death in the middle of the street by the police. On camera, broad daylight, 40 witnesses, over a FALSE ARREST. Angry whites insisted that Mr. Garner died not because of the officer's illegal choke hold, but because lazy Mr. Garner was fat.

Conservative white people hold a very low opinion of Black people. Obama did not create that. Conservative whites managed to accomplish this all on their own. And when cornered to answer why they're so hostile towards Black people, first they claim they aren't, then they start quoting crime statistics. Obama did not create that. Conservative whites managed that all on their own.

Michael Brown says "yeah, you tell them about those racist white ********" from the grave.

"Conservative white people hold a very low opinion of Black people"
if that's not racist, then what is? is this a fact? could you provide a link to stated fact?
Not TSF's point at all, Tibs. He provided evidence showing how America's thought process, opinions and views on race relations had changed for the worse. That is not a good thing. Also, the downward trend in how we view race relations - on all sides, by the way - leads to more belligerence relative to race relations. Again, not a good thing.
Agreed, of course it's not a good thing. But you guys have the cause and effect all wrong. I think the deep resentment of minorities by whites has been strengthened by the fact we've had an African American in the White House. Whatever's ailed people, there was an easy scapegoat, the fact we have a black president. It has nothing to do with what Obama is doing, or not doing. You guys act like he's been Louis Farrakhan preaching hate and divisiveness. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Agreed, of course it's not a good thing. But you guys have the cause and effect all wrong. I think the deep resentment of minorities by whites has been strengthened by the fact we've had an African American in the White House. Whatever's ailed people, there was an easy scapegoat, the fact we have a black president. It has nothing to do with what Obama is doing, or not doing. You guys act like he's been Louis Farrakhan preaching hate and divisiveness. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Here is my take:

First, if an American citizen resented Obama for the color of his skin, then he or she was a racist before and after the election. His or her response to the opinion survey likely would not have changed over the course of the Obama administration, no?

Second, Obama has made several mistakes in his approach towards race relations in this nation, including his supportive comments about Trayvon Martin when an investigation was still going on, his comment that a police officer acted "stupidly" in his dealings with an African-American homeowner when in fact the cop did and said nothing inappropriate and was investigating because the neighborhood had suffered some robberies recently, his decision as the chief law enforcement officer in the nation to dismiss a civil action that had already gone to judgment against New Black Panthers who stood outside a voting station holding night sticks and intimidating voters:

Bartle Bull, a former civil rights lawyer and publisher of the left-wing Village Voice, calls "the most blatant form of voter intimidation I've ever seen"—began on Election Day 2008. Mr. Bull and others witnessed two Black Panthers in paramilitary garb at a polling place near downtown Philadelphia. (Some of this behavior is on YouTube.) One of them, they say, brandished a nightstick at the entrance and pointed it at voters and both made racial threats. Mr. Bull says he heard one yell "You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker!"


What was so incredible about that event was that the government filed a civil action against the wrongdoers for voter intimidation, and obtained a default judgment against them. Nothing more needed to be done to win the case and enforce the judgment ... but Obama dismissed the case.

When none of the defendants filed any response to the complaint or appeared in federal district court in Philadelphia to answer the suit, it appeared almost certain Justice would have prevailed by default. Instead, the department in May suddenly allowed the party and two of the three defendants to walk away. Against the third defendant, Minister King Samir Shabazz, it sought only an injunction barring him from displaying a weapon within 100 feet of a Philadelphia polling place for the next three years—action that's already illegal under existing law.

So Tibs, how would you feel if three clowns dressed in white robes held night sticks outside a voting station, yelled racial comments at voters, failed to defend their actions in a civil suit, went into default, but then a white law enforcement officer said, "Forget about it" and dismissed the action?

Obama is responsible for his decisions, and several of those related to race relations have been bad - exceedingly bad. Therefore, he does indeed bear significant responsibility for the change in how Americans view race relations.
I think the deep resentment of minorities by whites has been strengthened by the fact we've had an African American in the White House.

That's just pure unadulterated bullshit sorry.
You guys act like he's been Louis Farrakhan preaching hate and divisiveness. Nothing could be further from the truth.

When you have a president who immediately leaps into situations where facts are not known and condemns law enforcement officers without an investigation that is exactly what he's doing. It's more insidious than Farrakhan but more effective.
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Once again, tell me what that has to do with its financial reporting? Please, enlighten us all.

Also, since you impugn the WSJ's financial reporting, please give us examples of the Journal offering false financial news due to a political bent.

Please, go ahead. I'll wait ...

Since I made no comment whatsoever about their financial reporting, only their political bent, I don't see the relevance here.

So go ahead and show how the WSJ is not a reliable source for financial information - stock trends, market trends, real estate bubbles and trends, interest rate, monetary policy, public spending, economic growth or decline, etc. Go ahead.

And when you can't, why don't you go ahead and "own it."

Again, show me where I made any mention of their financial side. I simply didn't.

They can't really measure it, but I'll bet we currently have the highest working under the table rate in US history.
Never heard anyone talk about it, but the internet greatly facilitates working under the table.

Alot of the people who are "unemployed" work from home. Selling a wide variety of things, working E-bay, and buying/selling on Craigslist. I know alot of landscapers and other independent laborers don't declare their income. So the numbers are skewed both ways.
That's just pure unadulterated bullshit sorry.
If you say so...

10 Horrifying Racist Attacks on Obama

The warm months of 1969 came to be known as the "summer of love." Surely the past months of 2009 will go down in history as the "summer of hate" -- with fearsome crowds of thuggish, and almost entirely white, conservatives railing against Barack Obama's stimulus package and proposals for health care reform and "cap-and-trade" climate legislation.

At least, those are the ostensible targets.

But the overheated rhetoric masks a more fundamental complaint about the perceived loss of white America's tribal power in an era with the first African American president.

At this summer's "tea parties," town hall meetings and the recent march on Washington organized by Fox News talker Glenn Beck, signs with Obama portrayed as an African witch doctor, complete with a bone through his nose, and signs claiming Obama is the rightful president only of Kenya and other thinly disguised racial markers have been commonplace.

Clearly, these demonstrations of inchoate rage are about more than public policy. Former President Jimmy Carter stepped into the fray this week, stating the obvious: "intensely demonstrated animosity" toward Obama, the 39th president said, is "based on the fact that he is a black man." This elicited a torrent of angry denunciations from right-wing media.

While Carter might have overstated the degree to which the anger is motivated by racial animus -- saying it was behind "an overwhelming portion" of the criticisms lobbed at Obama -- it's clear not only from the street protests, but also from the rhetoric employed by the conservative media elite that racism is indeed alive in "post-racial America," and is certainly ratcheting up the temperature of the country's discourse.

We took a tour of that discourse and present 10 recent examples of the kind of racially charged barbs that played a part in Carter's statement.

1. Oh no! Evil monkeys stole our balls!

You know who really had their act together? British colonists in India. But oppressing a country of hundreds of millions for more than a century was not without its dangers. For instance, sometimes monkeys descended on the Brits' golf courses and stole their balls.

And that it is how former House Whip Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., chose to illustrate the challenges facing conservatives in the Obama era. Friday, AlterNet's Adele Stan reported Blunt's words to the conservative Values Summit:

"... Something they didn't anticipate was monkeys came running out of the jungle, and they grabbed the golf balls ... and they might throw the golf ball back at you. ... So for this golf course, and this golf course and this golf course only, they passed a rule, and the rule was, you have to play the ball where the monkey throws it."

The crowd roared with laughter.

He went on to say that he recently saw a bumper sticker he liked that read: "Don't let Obama find out what comes after a trillion."

2. Rush Limbaugh, worried about future of favorite cookie, blows off steam by making racist joke about Obama

In a July broadcast, Rush Limbaugh voiced his displeasure -- nay, outrage -- about food-safety advocates potentially "going after" Oreo cookies. Added the great wit: "Might have to put that off until Obama's out of office, but they'll eventually go after Oreos."

Get it?

3. When you weren't looking, Obama snuck reparations into the health care bill

This is why we have to be vigilant. According to Beck and Limbaugh, Obama is using health reform to force reparations for slavery from white America. Beck: "Everything getting pushed through Congress -- including this health care bill -- is transforming America. And it's all driven by President Obama's thinking on one idea: reparations. ... He believes in all the 'universal' programs because they ‘disproportionately affect' people of color" (All of whom Obama knows personally, cause … you know … ).

Not one to be outdone, Limbaugh cast a wider net, saying: "Obama's entire program is reparations!"

4. Addendum: When you weren't looking, Obama snuck affirmative action in the health care bill

Obama's plan to make African Americans the white man's evil overlords doesn't end with secret reparations: Apparently, the health care bill is also being used to smuggle in affirmative action. "The medical schools will get more federal dollars if they have proven … that they are putting minorities ahead" according to Beck.

5. Obama responsible for school bullying

Last week, a Drudge headline screamed: "White Student Beaten on School Bus; Crowd Cheers."

Drudge is presumably aware that this isn't the first time school children have engaged in fisticuffs. But in highlighting the item as breaking "news," the site was clearly trying to tap into the bizarre race paranoia sweeping Wing-Nut Nation. It did not take long for Limbaugh to make Drudge's implicit race bating explicit:

"In Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, 'Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on,' " said Limbaugh, in a very accurate approximation of how black kids talk, of course.

6. Limbaugh comes up with a solution to America's complex race issues: Separate but equal!

Then, Limbaugh used the incident to essentially propose a return to the doctrine of "separate but equal," saying, "I mean, that's the lesson we're being taught here today. Kid shouldn't have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses -- it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama's America."

Or, you know, the black kids could just sit in the back of the bus.

7. Our president is angry?

Obama comes across as a pretty even-keeled, pleasant person. But maybe it's all an act, meant to mask his true nature, which, according to Limbaugh, is that of a really common racist archetype: the angry black man.

"[T]hey're finally hearing me. 'He's an angry black guy.' I do believe that about the president. I do believe he's angry. I think his wife is angry."

Surprisingly, Limbaugh did not add that Michelle Obama was also good at nursing other people's kids or preparing pancakes.

8. Birther conspiracy

A while back, a bunch of people felt kinda weird publicly saying that Obama shouldn't be president because he's black. They came up with this enterprising solution: latch onto an insane conspiracy theory claiming that the president is illegitimate because he's not a natural-born citizen of the U.S.

One of those people was Lou Dobbs, who managed to destroy the last shreds of his reputation and dignity by pushing the birther conspiracy onto prime time on CNN.

9. Half-white president hates whites?

Carter's remarks that many of the attacks against the president are fueled by racism really, really hurt conservatives' feelings. Beck, for example, sniffed (but didn't break into wild sobbing, as he often does) that it was wrong to accuse someone of racism without hard evidence. This lesson in etiquette is one Beck must have learned recently, because less than two months ago, the shock-jock accused Obama of being a racist with a "deep-seated hatred for white people … and white culture."

Beck did not elaborate on what he meant by "white culture."

10. General tea-baggery

Conservatives are trying to sell town hall disruptions and the various forms of tea-bagging going on as legitimate protests against the Democrats' agenda. While that's certainly true of many people who show up at these events, it's hard not to be a little wary of the real reason some people take part, when we see signs like this, this, this and this.



That's just pure unadulterated bullshit sorry.

When you have a president who immediately leaps into situations where facts are not known and condemns law enforcement officers without an investigation that is exactly what he's doing. It's more insidious than Farrakhan but more effective.

Really? So Eric Garner just had it coming for standing on the sidewalk (which is the only thing he was guilty of the day he was murdered by the police)?

Once again, Black is killed and the first thing out of your mouth is "What about the poor cop who murdered him? He's the real victim!"
Since I made no comment whatsoever about their financial reporting, only their political bent, I don't see the relevance here.

Again, show me where I made any mention of their financial side. I simply didn't.

You criticized me for relying on the WSJ for financial data, and stated that I was "regurgitating talking points" from a source I don't watch. I then challenged you to show that the WSJ is not a pre-eminent source for financial news - the topic under discussion and the reason I referenced the Journal in this thread - and now you admit you were wrong in criticizing me. Specifically, this was the give-and-take:

Every complaint about Obama in this thread is a regurgitated Fox News talking point. That's interesting because it seems none of the Obama haters have any home grown opinions. "Obama is racist" "Obama hates America". This is boilerplate Fox News propaganda, and apparently it's working.

Horseshit. I don't watch Fox News; I have an undergraduate degree in economics, read the WSJ, understand economics, and do my own research. The fact that I provided specific data supporting my criticism of Obama's economic record demonstrates nothing more than my ability to read and use google. Try it some time.

They are one and the same.

And the fact that you didn't know that PROVES my point that you haven't done your due diligence.

You are profoundly, deeply, impressively, astonishingly ignorant if you believe the WSJ is not the best source for financial news in the United States. You are so focused on politics that you have no perception of the incredible job the WSJ does in evaluating monetary policy, economic trends, business growth or decline, stock market bubbles, real estate trends, etc. The Journal is ranked as one of the five best financial news sources in the world, among the Financial Times, the Economist (a weekly), Barron's (a monthly), and the NYT financial section.

You see how you've completely discredited your criticism of me for relying on the WSJ for financial news, don't you?

So time for you to "own it." Go ahead ... I'll wait.
Really? So Eric Garner just had it coming for standing on the sidewalk (which is the only thing he was guilty of the day he was murdered by the police)?

Murdered by police? There was insufficient evidence for a grand jury to indict the officer, Vanguard. For you to suggest that the evidence was sufficient to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the officer murdered Garner is just not true. Indeed, an actual jury disagreed with you.
If you say so...

10 Horrifying Racist Attacks on Obama

The warm months of 1969 came to be known as the "summer of love." Surely the past months of 2009 will go down in history as the "summer of hate" -- with fearsome crowds of thuggish, and almost entirely white, conservatives railing against Barack Obama's stimulus package and proposals for health care reform and "cap-and-trade" climate legislation.

At least, those are the ostensible targets.

But the overheated rhetoric masks a more fundamental complaint about the perceived loss of white America's tribal power in an era with the first African American president.

At this summer's "tea parties," town hall meetings and the recent march on Washington organized by Fox News talker Glenn Beck, signs with Obama portrayed as an African witch doctor, complete with a bone through his nose, and signs claiming Obama is the rightful president only of Kenya and other thinly disguised racial markers have been commonplace.

Clearly, these demonstrations of inchoate rage are about more than public policy. Former President Jimmy Carter stepped into the fray this week, stating the obvious: "intensely demonstrated animosity" toward Obama, the 39th president said, is "based on the fact that he is a black man." This elicited a torrent of angry denunciations from right-wing media.

While Carter might have overstated the degree to which the anger is motivated by racial animus -- saying it was behind "an overwhelming portion" of the criticisms lobbed at Obama -- it's clear not only from the street protests, but also from the rhetoric employed by the conservative media elite that racism is indeed alive in "post-racial America," and is certainly ratcheting up the temperature of the country's discourse.

We took a tour of that discourse and present 10 recent examples of the kind of racially charged barbs that played a part in Carter's statement.

1. Oh no! Evil monkeys stole our balls!

You know who really had their act together? British colonists in India. But oppressing a country of hundreds of millions for more than a century was not without its dangers. For instance, sometimes monkeys descended on the Brits' golf courses and stole their balls.

And that it is how former House Whip Rep. Roy Blunt, R-Mo., chose to illustrate the challenges facing conservatives in the Obama era. Friday, AlterNet's Adele Stan reported Blunt's words to the conservative Values Summit:

"... Something they didn't anticipate was monkeys came running out of the jungle, and they grabbed the golf balls ... and they might throw the golf ball back at you. ... So for this golf course, and this golf course and this golf course only, they passed a rule, and the rule was, you have to play the ball where the monkey throws it."

The crowd roared with laughter.

He went on to say that he recently saw a bumper sticker he liked that read: "Don't let Obama find out what comes after a trillion."

2. Rush Limbaugh, worried about future of favorite cookie, blows off steam by making racist joke about Obama

In a July broadcast, Rush Limbaugh voiced his displeasure -- nay, outrage -- about food-safety advocates potentially "going after" Oreo cookies. Added the great wit: "Might have to put that off until Obama's out of office, but they'll eventually go after Oreos."

Get it?

3. When you weren't looking, Obama snuck reparations into the health care bill

This is why we have to be vigilant. According to Beck and Limbaugh, Obama is using health reform to force reparations for slavery from white America. Beck: "Everything getting pushed through Congress -- including this health care bill -- is transforming America. And it's all driven by President Obama's thinking on one idea: reparations. ... He believes in all the 'universal' programs because they ‘disproportionately affect' people of color" (All of whom Obama knows personally, cause … you know … ).

Not one to be outdone, Limbaugh cast a wider net, saying: "Obama's entire program is reparations!"

4. Addendum: When you weren't looking, Obama snuck affirmative action in the health care bill

Obama's plan to make African Americans the white man's evil overlords doesn't end with secret reparations: Apparently, the health care bill is also being used to smuggle in affirmative action. "The medical schools will get more federal dollars if they have proven … that they are putting minorities ahead" according to Beck.

5. Obama responsible for school bullying

Last week, a Drudge headline screamed: "White Student Beaten on School Bus; Crowd Cheers."

Drudge is presumably aware that this isn't the first time school children have engaged in fisticuffs. But in highlighting the item as breaking "news," the site was clearly trying to tap into the bizarre race paranoia sweeping Wing-Nut Nation. It did not take long for Limbaugh to make Drudge's implicit race bating explicit:

"In Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering, 'Yay, right on, right on, right on, right on,' " said Limbaugh, in a very accurate approximation of how black kids talk, of course.

6. Limbaugh comes up with a solution to America's complex race issues: Separate but equal!

Then, Limbaugh used the incident to essentially propose a return to the doctrine of "separate but equal," saying, "I mean, that's the lesson we're being taught here today. Kid shouldn't have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses -- it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama's America."

Or, you know, the black kids could just sit in the back of the bus.

7. Our president is angry?

Obama comes across as a pretty even-keeled, pleasant person. But maybe it's all an act, meant to mask his true nature, which, according to Limbaugh, is that of a really common racist archetype: the angry black man.

"[T]hey're finally hearing me. 'He's an angry black guy.' I do believe that about the president. I do believe he's angry. I think his wife is angry."

Surprisingly, Limbaugh did not add that Michelle Obama was also good at nursing other people's kids or preparing pancakes.

8. Birther conspiracy

A while back, a bunch of people felt kinda weird publicly saying that Obama shouldn't be president because he's black. They came up with this enterprising solution: latch onto an insane conspiracy theory claiming that the president is illegitimate because he's not a natural-born citizen of the U.S.

One of those people was Lou Dobbs, who managed to destroy the last shreds of his reputation and dignity by pushing the birther conspiracy onto prime time on CNN.

9. Half-white president hates whites?

Carter's remarks that many of the attacks against the president are fueled by racism really, really hurt conservatives' feelings. Beck, for example, sniffed (but didn't break into wild sobbing, as he often does) that it was wrong to accuse someone of racism without hard evidence. This lesson in etiquette is one Beck must have learned recently, because less than two months ago, the shock-jock accused Obama of being a racist with a "deep-seated hatred for white people … and white culture."

Beck did not elaborate on what he meant by "white culture."

10. General tea-baggery

Conservatives are trying to sell town hall disruptions and the various forms of tea-bagging going on as legitimate protests against the Democrats' agenda. While that's certainly true of many people who show up at these events, it's hard not to be a little wary of the real reason some people take part, when we see signs like this, this, this and this.




What is your point? That racist people exist in the US? Did anyone ever say they didn't?
You criticized me for relying on the WSJ for financial data, and stated that I was "regurgitating talking points" from a source I don't watch. I then challenged you to show that the WSJ is not a pre-eminent source for financial news - the topic under discussion and the reason I referenced the Journal in this thread - and now you admit you were wrong in criticizing me. Specifically, this was the give-and-take:

You see how you've completely discredited your criticism of me for relying on the WSJ for financial news, don't you?

So time for you to "own it." Go ahead ... I'll wait.

You changed you claim mid-stream.

Your initial claim is that you got your news from the WSJ. When shown that it's a Fox News propaganda rag, you then PIVOTED to say that you read it for the financial info. After which I asked if you read Playboy just for the articles. Now you're trying to claim that you couldn't have gotten any Fox News talking points from the WSJ because it's financial reporting is so super great. But the truth is, you DIDN'T KNOW that the WSJ was run by Fox News Corporate. Now that you do, you're trying to distance yourself from it's political bent.

You're caught red handed man. Just give it up already.