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Unemployment at 4.9% Here's Obama by the numbers

Once Michael Brown broke contact with the officer he was no threat. It's a matter of conjecture whether or not he charged at the officer. The grand jury chose to believe the officer rather than the witnesses on site. I still have questions and I do not believe that the evidence was properly presented to the grand jury. But I'm not going to go into that whole thing again.

It was not a question of who the grand jury "chose" to believe. It was a question of liars having been proven to be lying. ...a couple of them recanted...a couple of them had their stories fall apart under questioning because they testified to having seen things that completely contradicted the physical evidence. The media narrative was that Michael Brown was shot with his hands up (some even said shot in the back, which proved to be false)and a bunch of people came forward and told the police that's what they had seen.
The issue of Blacks in the system has alot more to do with targeting and profiling. Drug use rates in Black and white communities of similar economic means is roughly equal. Yet it's Blacks who are vastly more likely to be busted. If it's not racial targeting, how do you explain the disparity?

Because police are concentrated in areas where crime is concentrated. Targeting and profiling enter into it but to say it's mostly targeting and profiling is ridiculous. Cops don't generally bust down doors of quiet homes looking for people smoking weed. Generally people are arrested for possession because they are either driving (erratically in a car that often is not properly licensed registered or inspected) or acting out in public or involved in dealing or in prostitution or some other crime. My first husband was a big druggie sad to say and several of his white friends had been arrested for possession...not while sitting in their living rooms doing drugs, but because they took risks that led to them being caught.

Poverty and lack of economic opportunity are the real reasons for the disparity, we ought to be fighting tooth and nail for school choice number one. I can't for the life of me understand why people who live in urban areas continue to vote for Dems who want to keep them trapped in these abominable schools by virtue of the zip code they can afford to live in.

But you can't deny that large numbers of black men are abdicating their responsibilities for supporting and raising their children and that is the root of a lot of this. It's a vicious cycle to some degree but some things society can't fix. Some things have to be fixed from within.
I've seen this thrown around here a lot, like loose change. Could you pontificate on this claim? Specifically how has Obama "divided the country along racial and economic lines?" Appreciate it.

See below.

The Harvard cop was stupid, even though I just read a headline and have no facts of the incident at this point. Clearly the cop is racist because he responded to a call from a concerned neighbor.
Trevon Martin could have been my son. Even those of Hispanic decent are racist against black people because there's no other explanation.

Please tell us what steps he took in Ferguson or Baltimore to quell the swell of tension and rioting that took place where buildings were destroyed and fireman were assaulted while attempting to put out a fire started by the same citizens.
Couldn't have made a speech ( like all his crying gun ban speeches ), couldn't have made a trip to the scene?

There WAS so much hope when he was elected.
But he quickly destroyed that and stoked the flames of division, racial inequality, and financial inequality.

As far as the finance portion...........
Check out how he's trying to set himself up after his term expires next January with the secret service and pension.
Things he wants to change to better himself.....not the average citizen.

If that isn't racism, I don't know what is.

Every complaint about Obama in this thread is a regurgitated Fox News talking point.

That's interesting because it seems none of the Obama haters have any home grown opinions. "Obama is racist" "Obama hates America". This is boilerplate Fox News propaganda, and apparently it's working.

It is a laughable joke to argue that Obama created the racial division in America. No one said he created it. He's exacerbated it....blatantly and egregiously. Trayvon was an unarmed teenager who was shot to death over a fistfight, By a hispanic. Why do you continue to vilify hispanics?and angry whites were determined to create a villain out of him. Obama did not do that. Eric Garner was strangled to death in the middle of the street by the police. On camera, broad daylight, 40 witnesses, over a FALSE ARREST. Angry whites insisted that Mr. Garner died not because of the officer's illegal choke hold, but because lazy Mr. Garner was fat. Nope......it's because he did not obey lawful commands....ha he done so, no story.Conservative white people hold a very low opinion of Black people. Obama did not create that. Conservative whites managed to accomplish this all on their own. And when cornered to answer why they're so hostile towards Black people, I'm not....I'm hostile towards criminality and criminals.first they claim they aren't, then they start quoting crime statistics.Quote some crime stats that show honkeys killing one another by the thousands....or for that matter showing how the evil whiteys lead any criminal category as a group......I'll wait. Obama did not create that. Conservative whites managed that all on their own.

Sorry to keep "bullying" you.

It wasn't always this way. The moderates that were on this board 10-12 years ago have all been run off. Some of it has to do with this board reconstituting itself every year or so. Each time the board starts over, a certain number of people leave or change names. But alot just has to do with the obnoxious bully style bandwagon tactics used by guys like Farva and Tim. Guys who are trying to have a serious discussion get bombarded by 6th grade name calling tactics and it gets old fast.

I admit to resorting to calling you a mental case but liberalism does seem to be a mental disorder. It seems to demand that one deny what their own eyes and brain see and tells one to instead convolute and contort those sights and impressions into a shape that fits one's preconceived beliefs.....a prejudice, see? BUT( and this is a biggie )....I only devolve to labeling after one has been intellectually engaged and ignores the engagement as if they are above responding. I know, I know I'm an "obnoxious, bandwagon style bully" and deserve no response and to be perfectly frank that's fine. But if you choose to ignore me in normal discourse please don't use me to try and bolster your other arguments. It's just.....disingenuous and sad.
And no, I won't go back through every thread to show you or anyone else where you've failed to respond to genuine discourse.....you (and everyone else know where that's happened).

So all you have left are the hardcore ideologues, the haters, and the sheep I've won more arguments than I can count. .You and elfie should start an "I won an argument on the interwebs because I say I did club." The trophy could have a little guy with his fingers in his ears, his eyes closed and mouth open.....maybe even a little button you could push so it goes "lalalala, I can't hear you." And when you nail one of these guys, and debunk their bullshit, the same thing happens every time. They run out of the thread, the bullies come in to vandalize the discussion with insults, or both. It's not like most of these guys don't know their full of ****. Go read DBS's Israel thread. I smashed the entire pro-Zionist argument in like 1 or 2 posts, and these supposed champions of Israel ran out of that thread like roaches when the lights come on. They know Israel is an apartheid regime. They know her actions are indefensible when reconciled with our own American values of equality, justice, and integration. Yet they claim support for Israel because of the "enemy of my enemy is my friend" mentality and they absolutely HATE Muslims.

I wish there was a magic pill that would make people reasonable. Make them open minded. Get them to discuss things rationally instead of going off on emotional tangents and giving in to tribal loyalties. But I don't have that magic, so the struggle for truth and justice continues. For me, this board is a catharsis of sorts. Trying to understand how people can be so willfully ignorant. In the end, it seems people just believe what they want to believe rather than objectively learning about the world. They cherry pick facts that support their existing world view rather than seeking enlightenment with an open mind. The status quo, I guess, is more comforting.

I totally agree with that last paragraph.

Good lord. You asked. I'm wringing my hands together on this one. Prepare for carpet bombing....

Let's start first with what Americans think, based on survey.


• 20% of Likely U.S. Voters believe President Obama has brought Americans of different races closer together
• Forty-seven percent (47%) think Obama has driven those of different races further apart instead.
• Perhaps the most visible manifestation of racial division these days is the growing tension between the police and black Americans, especially those in the inner city. Following the recent murders of police officers in Texas and Illinois, 58% of voters think there is a war on police in America today
• This past January, just 17% of all Americans rated race relations in this country as good or excellent, down by half from 34% the year before.* Only*eight percent (8%) of voters think race relations have gotten better since Obama’s election in 2008, and unlike many questions dealing with race, blacks and whites don’t disagree much on this one.*
• Among voters who think there is now a war on police, 63% blame Obama for driving the races further apart.

Now, there's only 588,000 Google results for "how obama has racially divided the country" and one could spend all day going through the links. But the facts are out there, even for you deniers

"The number of people who think blacks and whites do not get along has increased throughout Obama’s presidency, from 19 percent in late 2009 to 28 percent in 2014, according to polls conducted by the Pew Research Center and USA Today."

One can look at just a handful of the incidents under Obama's leadership for 7.5 years:
• Racial incidents at the University of Missouri and Ithaca College
• Ferguson. Notably Obama sending White House representatives to his funeral, but mind-numbingly not sending WH reps to the funeral of Maj General Harold Greene or to Nancy Reagan's funeral.
• Trayvon Martin. Obama jumping into the fray prior to the facts being known and sharing his sympathies for Trayvon Martin and swaying the public's opinion of the case based on race.
• Knock-Out. Obama's DOJ actually filed hate crimes against a white knock-out assailant who attacked a black person. Hundreds, if not thousands of black knock-out assailants have never been charged with a hate crime. Message heard.
• Further to the above, the recent case of the US Marine beaten to within inches of his life by a gang of black thugs shouting "Black Lives Matter" were not charged with hate crimes by the DOJ. Message heard.
• Black Lives Matter. Enough said. They have issued a war on police. Police killings have skyrocketed in the past year.
• The Baltimore riots.
• On the police, Obama has, on numerous occasions, publicly vilified the police exacerbating the problem we face today.

This may be the best summation of the situation Obama has brought to bear on race relations. While dated, and I wish it were more current, it's damning:

How Obama Poisoned Race Relations in America

A legacy of race hatred.

Where all the refutation at?

Really? The behaviour of citizens in a country is a manifestation of the president, his views, his wishes? So if statistics for bank robberies goes up during a given period, that must mean the president is promoting a culture of bank robbery? Race relations took a downturn after multiple instances of police overstepping their bounds with inner city youth. Justice has not been blind, as it should be. Simple as that. To say the president somehow negatively affected race relations is a strawman argument if there ever was one.

Please. You are just being willfully ignorant Tibs.

Agreed, of course it's not a good thing. But you guys have the cause and effect all wrong. I think the deep resentment of minorities by whites has been strengthened by the fact we've had an African American in the White House. Whatever's ailed people, there was an easy scapegoat, the fact we have a black president. It has nothing to do with what Obama is doing, or not doing. You guys act like he's been Louis Farrakhan preaching hate and divisiveness. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Yep..........all them honkeys that voted for this guy just did it for fun so they'd have someone to blame for all their problems. And he DOES advocate hate and divisiveness. See all of the examples above cited by fedderone and Tim and below by onefor...... They didn't make that **** up.

That's just pure unadulterated bullshit sorry.

When you have a president who immediately leaps into situations where facts are not known and condemns law enforcement officers without an investigation that is exactly what he's doing. It's more insidious than Farrakhan but more effective.

Really? So Eric Garner just had it coming for standing on the sidewalk (which is the only thing he was guilty of the day he was murdered by the police)?

Once again, Black is killed and the first thing out of your mouth is "What about the poor cop who murdered him? He's the real victim!"

In the case of the Ferguson shooting, the cop had to give up his career and move his family if I'm not mistaken. So, yeah......

How many negative interactions have you had with the cops? How many times have you been profiled? Abused? Searched? Harassed? This statement shows that you're either totally dishonest, or completely out of touch with what cops are really like.

How many times have you? Or are you a cop? You seem to be pretty secure in your knowledge of these things is the reason I ask and the only way to truly know is to have been on one end or the other.

I'm not racist, I wave at a black guy just about every day on the way to work.....

Yeah, but grudgingly I bet.
My last words on all this, that started out as an economic post and turned into a racial one.

Some agree with Obama's policies/actions, some do not.
But for those of you incessantly citing racism as the "real" reason everyone is picking on Obama, riddle me this..........

How exactly did this black man get elected president TWICE, when our population consists of 63% white, 17% hispanic, and 13% black?
17 + 13 in my non-common core math tells me that's only 30%.
And adding the other single digit minorities in there still only gets to 37%.
I guess that would mean some of those evil white devils you keep pointing to must have actually voted for this black man.
Yeah, 'Merica - you racist bigots you.

Interjecting logic into an argument and/or disagreeing with someone's position on something doesn't make you racist/sexist/whateverist.
It makes you a dissenter.....for whatever reason.

I fully acknowledge that there actually are racists and sexists and whateverist that exist. I'm not denying that.
I just loathe when idiots point and scream those terms because someone has an opposing view.
It just indicates to me that you're a mindless sheep that cannot process data for yourself so instead you clamp onto the lowest hanging fruit there is.
THIS is why we fail as a nation.
Don't have open dialogue with someone as a means to find out about your differences and see what mutual ground you may have.
Shout them down and name call them until they just shut up.
Once Michael Brown broke contact with the officer he was no threat. It's a matter of conjecture whether or not he charged at the officer. The grand jury chose to believe the officer rather than the witnesses on site. I still have questions and I do not believe that the evidence was properly presented to the grand jury. But I'm not going to go into that whole thing again.

Witnesses on site had varying stories. There wasn't one story. Some said he charged the officer, head down. "He kept comin', he kept comin'."
My last words on all this, that started out as an economic post and turned into a racial one.

Some agree with Obama's policies/actions, some do not.
But for those of you incessantly citing racism as the "real" reason everyone is picking on Obama, riddle me this..........

How exactly did this black man get elected president TWICE, when our population consists of 63% white, 17% hispanic, and 13% black?
17 + 13 in my non-common core math tells me that's only 30%.
And adding the other single digit minorities in there still only gets to 37%.
I guess that would mean some of those evil white devils you keep pointing to must have actually voted for this black man.
Yeah, 'Merica - you racist bigots you.

Interjecting logic into an argument and/or disagreeing with someone's position on something doesn't make you racist/sexist/whateverist.
It makes you a dissenter.....for whatever reason.

I fully acknowledge that there actually are racists and sexists and whateverist that exist. I'm not denying that.
I just loathe when idiots point and scream those terms because someone has an opposing view.
It just indicates to me that you're a mindless sheep that cannot process data for yourself so instead you clamp onto the lowest hanging fruit there is.
THIS is why we fail as a nation.
Don't have open dialogue with someone as a means to find out about your differences and see what mutual ground you may have.
Shout them down and name call them until they just shut up.

Fed, shhhhhh....they about to tell you that the whites that voted for 'Ole Darkie in '08 and '12 were 100% Liberal Democrats and them there Dems is liberated, educated folk, not bigoted racists like us here CONservatives. SUre whitey voted for Bammy, but only da good whiteys, dem Liberal whiteys, yes sir!
Every complaint about Obama in this thread is a regurgitated Fox News talking point.

That's interesting because it seems none of the Obama haters have any home grown opinions. "Obama is racist" "Obama hates America". This is boilerplate Fox News propaganda, and apparently it's working.

Its obvious that you don't watch Fox and are regurgitating your side's talking points. Fox speaks respectfully of the Kenyan interloper. Some on this board, myself included, do not. That is among the reasons that Fox "doesn't do it for me". Another is that they are little more than Marcomms for the RNC, which I have stated previously.

You lefty stunads entirely miss the "extreme right wing talk radio", Fox phenomenon. Talk radio and Fox resonate with their audiences. They do not lead their audiences with "propaganda". These audiences are independent and do not seek to be led. They are productive, and in most cases, successful people that may fill in some drive time with the radio, or because they are completely alienated and offended by the leftist drivel that oozes from every other channel except Velocity, might click to Fox just to see "what's up". Extend that to Trump. Trump's candidacy succeeds because he resonates. And he continues to succeed even while at odds with Fox, and every other media outlet.

Contrast that with you NLP numbed bots that actually believe the main stream media are, (compose yersef Vincent, I'm trying, honestly), er, "journalists", and find (I cant get over this) the Kenyan riveting.

Racial targeting is a real thing, unfortunately.

Deed it ee-iz.
Last edited:
Profiled once (because I was driving my boyfriend's car which was covered in Grateful Dead stickers).

In days of yore, any kid driving a British sports car was "profiled" and harassed by the man. It was a right of passage. And we all became better men for it.
In days of yore, any kid driving a British sports car was "profiled" and harassed by the man. It was a right of passage. And we all became better men for it.

Or a bright blue Firebird with mags and big tires.

Wow. You actually did it. You posted White Nationalist propaganda to support your case. Why am I not surprised at all that Tim dropped a "like" on this post.



In days of yore, any kid driving a British sports car was "profiled" and harassed by the man. It was a right of passage. And we all became better men for it.

As well they should be when an Italian alternative could be had for the same money.
Wow. You actually did it. You posted White Nationalist propaganda to support your case. Why am I not surprised at all that Tim dropped a "like" on this post.

Oh thank you SV. These other 'white nationalist propagandists' agree.

"Reading Colin Flaherty's book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities." - Thomas Sowell

"Colin Flaherty won First Place in the Washington Post Spy Novel Writer's contest. He is the only two-time winner. David Ignatius, best selling author and Washington Post editor, said Flaherty's writing was his "strong favorite," and was "very deft." - Washington Post - June 2011

"Colin Flaherty was one of the best reporters I've ever worked with. He was a total bulldog with great sources. If I could assemble a dream-team reporting staff, Colin would be on it!" - Christi Dunn, Editor - San Diego Business Journal

And iffin you like "White Girl Bleed a Lot", you'll love "The Knock Out Game".

As well they should be when an Italian alternative could be had for the same money.

I was seventeen and running to my bus stop in an inebriated state. I was upset and crying. A cop yelled at me to stop. I kept running. He yelled "Halt or I'll shoot!!". I stopped practically mid-stride. I'm thinking what possible reason could he have to threaten me like that? Then he talked me down and sent me on my way. That bothered me for some time.

Also, I was profiled by police plenty because I drove a crappy car. They loved pulling me over and checking me out. If I was speeding sometimes I got warning and sometimes a ticket. In my area anyway, I think it is often more about money than about race. I've driven nicer cars for the last couple of decades and my interactions with police have been few and far between. If I have been stopped they are definitely more respectful and professional than when I was younger and not able to afford decent vehicles. I think it's terrible that they target the people who can't afford it oftentimes.

I am not oblivious to differing racial relations across the country though. When my brother married they lived in my sister-in-law's home state of Mississippi and had the wedding there. We all flew down to attend. It was 1989. I felt like I was in another country. I stood in a line at a Piggly Wiggly (bwhahahaha) and watched a red-headed, five year old looking boy tell a 40 something black man to "get out of my way N*****". The black man stepped aside without a second glance. You could've picked my jaw up off of the ground. I had never, ever seen anything like that in my entire life. I did not think fondly of the people on the other side of the aisle at that wedding. I did not appreciate being called those "uppity notherners". Racism such as this has no place in my life. I doubt that I will ever forget how different it was down there. It has definitely formed my opinions about racism and opened my eyes to the reality that some people are faced with.

I work at a human service agency. We are VERY diverse. One of my very best friends in the entire world is black and a former employee. We have been friends now for 22 years despite the fact that they haven't worked there since 2003.

It may not sound important to some but it is very important to me that I have given the local United Way thousands of dollars in payroll deductions over the years. I volunteer at the most diverse high school in my state. I am on the board of the most diverse soccer rec club in my area and volunteer countless hours every year. We offer scholarships for needy youth as needed and requested. I do all of this because I hope to do my small part to make the world a better place. I can't do it alone. I know that.

I truly hope that race relations can improve rather than get worse in this country. It is an amazing place that shouldn't be lost in our divisions.
Conservatives tell black people that they should go to school, get educated or learn a trade and become self sufficient.

Liberals tell blacks that they can't possibly compete and need extra help. Black people are so incompetent that can't even be expected to arrange to get a free ID card to vote.

Which side is racist?
Once again, everyone knows the economy blows, and the government is just massaging numbers to make it look better, so **** it - vote for Trump.
I was seventeen and running to my bus stop in an inebriated state. I was upset and crying. A cop yelled at me to stop. I kept running. He yelled "Halt or I'll shoot!!". I stopped practically mid-stride. I'm thinking what possible reason could he have to threaten me like that? Then he talked me down and sent me on my way. That bothered me for some time.

Also, I was profiled by police plenty because I drove a crappy car. They loved pulling me over and checking me out. If I was speeding sometimes I got warning and sometimes a ticket. In my area anyway, I think it is often more about money than about race. I've driven nicer cars for the last couple of decades and my interactions with police have been few and far between. If I have been stopped they are definitely more respectful and professional than when I was younger and not able to afford decent vehicles. I think it's terrible that they target the people who can't afford it oftentimes.

I am not oblivious to differing racial relations across the country though. When my brother married they lived in my sister-in-law's home state of Mississippi and had the wedding there. We all flew down to attend. It was 1989. I felt like I was in another country. I stood in a line at a Piggly Wiggly (bwhahahaha) and watched a red-headed, five year old looking boy tell a 40 something black man to "get out of my way N*****". The black man stepped aside without a second glance. You could've picked my jaw up off of the ground. I had never, ever seen anything like that in my entire life. I did not think fondly of the people on the other side of the aisle at that wedding. I did not appreciate being called those "uppity notherners". Racism such as this has no place in my life. I doubt that I will ever forget how different it was down there. It has definitely formed my opinions about racism and opened my eyes to the reality that some people are faced with.

I work at a human service agency. We are VERY diverse. One of my very best friends in the entire world is black and a former employee. We have been friends now for 22 years despite the fact that they haven't worked there since 2003.

It may not sound important to some but it is very important to me that I have given the local United Way thousands of dollars in payroll deductions over the years. I volunteer at the most diverse high school in my state. I am on the board of the most diverse soccer rec club in my area and volunteer countless hours every year. We offer scholarships for needy youth as needed and requested. I do all of this because I hope to do my small part to make the world a better place. I can't do it alone. I know that.

I truly hope that race relations can improve rather than get worse in this country. It is an amazing place that shouldn't be lost in our divisions.

I agree 100% with the tone and tenor of this post.

People have to see humanity in one another. Supe and Ron have both said in unequivocal terms that they "hate" Muslims. The dehumanization we do to each other hurts us as much or more than it hurts the people we direct our hatred towards. Black Lives Matter is a horrible movement that set Black people back 40 years. Opportunists who claim to be "Black leaders" are just using poor and ignorant people for their own personal enrichment. And the people Blacks need to help alleviate their legitimate gripes are largely middle class whites, who their movement is alienating.

In that way, hate becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Blacks and whites hate each other and that hate bounces off the intended target and reflects back on themselves. Eventually the only real reason to hate is because you think the other group hated you first, and you get a stalemate.

I love everybody. I think poor whites and poor Blacks have more in common with each other than either side does with their political "leaders". Which brings me to the other point: a lot of the conflict is manufactured by celebrities, the news media, and politicians who have a vested fiduciary interest in perpetuating the conflict. I wish there was a way to get Civil Libertarianism to take root, a pragmatic set of solutions that would give both sides some relief. But the Vested Interest crowd will never let that happen. The Left demonizes us as Right wingers. The Right castigates us as "Liberals". And the mainstream media mocks us as Anarchists.

Most of what's between Blacks and whites is petty and small. In the Army we lived as one people. I miss it. We had this Same Boat mentality that I wish I knew how to spread to the rest of America. I never thought racial harmony was possible until I spent three years as a Soldier, traveling around the world with men who looked nothing like me but were closer to me than my own brother. It is possible, but the how always seems to elude me...
Conservatives tell black people that they should go to school, get educated or learn a trade and become self sufficient.

Liberals tell blacks that they can't possibly compete and need extra help. Black people are so incompetent that can't even be expected to arrange to get a free ID card to vote.

Which side is racist?

It is quite ironic how lefties have turned this around. It's weird that when you're of that mindset there is little doubt in your mind who the racists are...conservatives are greedy (not hardly), hateful (I don't truly hate anyone) and xenophobic (I'm from a family of immigrants ). The stereotypes couldn't be farther from the truth. Activist lefties can be violent when opposing views and their charitable contributions are not in line with conservatives at all. Their views on wide open immigration are bankrupting this country. It's all so what's good is deemed bad and vice versa.

I wish a true leader could right this ship.
Wow. You actually did it. You posted White Nationalist propaganda to support your case. Why am I not surprised at all that Tim dropped a "like" on this post.




Actually, the only true colors that perpetually show through are your bullying, racist colors Steel. I love being told, by a Liberal, using the Alinsky playbook, that I'm a racist. That Conservatives are all racist.

These are my true colors Steel. My football team (lotta white faces, eh?), my wife sitting with our personal friend who spends 2 weekends a month with us and is about to spend spring break with us. Yep, that's him sound asleep on my arm on my couch. My sons and I out to dinner with another of their/our tight friends, a bi-racial family we love and hug and see frequently.

Just me and some of the True Colors I surround myself with on a daily basis.

They are, in this case, TRUE - because I live them. I walk the walk.

You keep on talkin' your talk - which is just plain racism at its finest.

Come back when you can do more than call names.

What is your point? That racist people exist in the US? Did anyone ever say they didn't?

Yes they do and evidence shows us time and time again that blacks have at least an equal share of the blame.


Princeton's politically correct protesters denounced Woodrow Wilson's portrait in the student union because he was raised in segregated Georgia. They demand his name and portraits be taken down. Wait until they find out how many Asians we killed using Obama's home state as a naval base.

Since the races have very different ideas of the purposes of schooling and the manner of effecting it, why force them to mix? For example, why not let universities decide whether to be white, black, or mixed? We could call it something like “freedom of association.” White universities could require spelling and grammar, set entrance standards as high as they liked, and teach subjects of interest to whites, or some whites, such as European history. The black universities could decide for themselves what to teach and require. They may have no interest in European history, as blacks have no connection to it. Should this not be their decision?


It sets one to pondering the racial disaster that we never call a racial disaster. The usual pattern is that a black man dies or is roughly handled while being arrested. The police may or may not have misbehaved. It doesn’t matter. The media then assert that “the victim”—not “the criminal”–was a gentle giant, wanted to help people, planned to go to divinity school, and was only inadvertently committing burglary or selling drugs. Later it transpires that he had seventeen felony arrests. It doesn’t matter.

Nothing does. The talking heads and headesses, aflame with indignation, treat any shooting as unprovoked racial murder not requiring investigation and tell “African-Americans” (what a pretentious designation) that they are, as always, victims of discrimination, racism, oppression, structural racism, microaggressions, anything and everything but responsible for their own actions. Such as being burglars or drug dealers.

A casual glance at headlines around the internet on almost any day might give them a clue to the seriousness of things:

“Black lives Matter Protest Turns Violent in Texas”

“Anniversary of Michael Brown’s Death Brings Gunfire in Ferguson”

“Farrakhan. We Must Rise UP and Kill Those Who Kill Us. Stalk Them and Kill Them”

“Sandra Bland Protest: All White People Should Be Killed”

Does this sound like a road to a happy ending?


A while back Bernie Sanders, presidential candidate, aged 73, was speaking when a mob of blacks mounted the stage and shut the event down. Why do they do this? First, hatred. Second, because they know they can get away with it. Parents have forever known that if you let children behave badly, they will behave worse.

To suggest that blacks need to make their kids do their homework is racism. To suggest that marriage is key to upward mobility is racism. To suggest that blacks really need to stop shooting each other is racism. To suggest that PhDs ought to be required to write English is racism.

A country deserves what it tolerates. And gets more of it.

Curious. When I was a lad ages ago, I thought well of Brown vs. the School board. Southerners said that integration would never work and they were right, but what came before was just wrong. I thought so then, and I think so now. I favored the civil-rights acts. I reluctantly favored affirmative action (I was very young) thinking it meant a hand up instead of an entitlement. I was hopefull of the prospect of educating blacks.

But look what happened. We now see forced hiring of the incompetent as a right, endless accounts of blacks destroying shopping malls, burning cities, brutally attacking whites in gangs, and the giving to blacks of anything they want because they are black. You don’t like the Confederate flag, Jesse? Why then, it must go. Whatever you say, Jesse.

The economy declines, people out of college can’t get jobs, the ghettoes simmer, automation surges across the board, and one day soon we will have cutbacks in the entitlements. When groups begin competing for dwindling resources, things could get really ugly.

Not a good idea, but we go that way.

Tick Tick. Tick.

Most of what's between Blacks and whites is petty and small. In the Army we lived as one people. I miss it.

me too SV...me too
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Or a bright blue Firebird with mags and big tires.

Or a 68 Impala, with glass packs, a hole cut in the floor hump via chisel (and covered with cardboard wrapped in foil) to accommodate the Muncy 4 speed replacement for the automatic that could never get more than 10 miles w/o the drive shaft falling down, bad starter that had to be jumped every time you shut it off and missing hood hinges which made that an adventure.

Wow. You actually did it. You posted White Nationalist propaganda to support your case. Why am I not surprised at all that Tim dropped a "like" on this post.




It's only propaganda when it's not true.

I agree 100% with the tone and tenor of this post.

People have to see humanity in one another. Supe and Ron have both said in unequivocal terms that they "hate" Muslims. The dehumanization we do to each other hurts us as much or more than it hurts the people we direct our hatred towards. Black Lives Matter is a horrible movement that set Black people back 40 years. Opportunists who claim to be "Black leaders" are just using poor and ignorant people for their own personal enrichment. And the people Blacks need to help alleviate their legitimate gripes are largely middle class whites, who their movement is alienating.

In that way, hate becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Blacks and whites hate each other and that hate bounces off the intended target and reflects back on themselves. Eventually the only real reason to hate is because you think the other group hated you first, and you get a stalemate.

I love everybody. I think poor whites and poor Blacks have more in common with each other than either side does with their political "leaders". Which brings me to the other point: a lot of the conflict is manufactured by celebrities, the news media, and politicians who have a vested fiduciary interest in perpetuating the conflict. I wish there was a way to get Civil Libertarianism to take root, a pragmatic set of solutions that would give both sides some relief. But the Vested Interest crowd will never let that happen. The Left demonizes us as Right wingers. The Right castigates us as "Liberals". And the mainstream media mocks us as Anarchists.

Most of what's between Blacks and whites is petty and small. In the Army we lived as one people. I miss it. We had this Same Boat mentality that I wish I knew how to spread to the rest of America. I never thought racial harmony was possible until I spent three years as a Soldier, traveling around the world with men who looked nothing like me but were closer to me than my own brother. It is possible, but the how always seems to elude me...

I see you went waaayyy out of your way to capitalize "black" but not "white." Racist!!!! Self loathing honkey!
The Annenberg Foundation gave Obama $49 Million but hey, that's not as damning as claiming people at the WSJ may watch Fox News
The Annenberg Foundation gave Obama $49 Million but hey, that's not as damning as claiming people at the WSJ may watch Fox News

Fox News is the Debbil.
Judge Jeanine Pirro, I would love her long time.
Or a 68 Impala, with glass packs, a hole cut in the floor hump via chisel (and covered with cardboard wrapped in foil) to accommodate the Muncy 4 speed replacement for the automatic that could never get more than 10 miles w/o the drive shaft falling down, bad starter that had to be jumped every time you shut it off and missing hood hinges which made that an adventure.

We had a '68 Impala when I was a kid. First brand-new car my dad ever bought. Two door, green, 307 Powerglide, vinyl top, and fender skirts. Straight pimpin' yo.
My mom loved that car. She just thought the vinyl top and fender skirts were the ****.
My '68 Firebird was bought new by my grandmother. My dad loved it and said he'd buy it whenever she was ready to trade it in, which she did in 1973. Dad drove it for a few years and handed it down to me in 1976 when he got a new car.
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