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Unemployment at 4.9% Here's Obama by the numbers

A lot of contractors are doing that these days. What used to be known as "employees" are now known as "subcontractors". They're still being paid the same $15-20 an hour, only now they are on the hook for the entire 12.4% in OASDI taxes instead of paying 6.2 and the employer the other 6.2. Same with the Medicare. As a sub you pay the whole 2.9 instead of the 1.45 with the employer matching. Plus the employer pays nothing into comp, unemployment, and of course no benefits. If one of these guys gets hurt at work, they are on their own. So I imagine if his company has a lot of work and this is how he pays his guys, he is making a **** ton of money. That's how it's done these days.

is it wrong to to do that?
is it wrong to to do that?

Is it wrong for someone who was described as millionaire to make his 40K a year employees that do all the work that makes his company all that money pay roughly 8 more cents of every dollar they make just so he, the millionaire, can make more? Not to mention no comp coverage if they electrocute themselves or fall off if a ladder.... no unemployment insurance if they get laid off. No it's not wrong... just a chicken **** move if you ask me. See I work construction too and my boss pays us a good wage, benefits, pays into comp, unemployment, and he still makes a very comfortable living. He lives in a beautiful home, drives a new truck, travels, basically has a very nice life. But that's enough for him. See, he appreciates the guys that show up everyday and work hard for him. He understands that it's our hard work that enables him to live the life he does... and he treats us accordingly. Obviously not everyone is like him. Most bosses could give a **** about the guys that work for them. Why do you think so many of them hire Mexicans.... Because you can treat them like ****, pay them ****, and they'll show up tomorrow because they have no other options.
Most bosses could give a **** about the guys that work for them. Why do you think so many of them hire Mexicans.... Because you can treat them like ****, pay them ****, and they'll show up tomorrow because they have no other options.

These people must be the racists we keep hearing about.
wait... hold up ...

is someone FORCING the "40k a year employees" to work there? why can't they find work elsewhere for better pay and working conditions?
wait... hold up ...

is someone FORCING the "40k a year employees" to work there? why can't they find work elsewhere for better pay and working conditions?

Why can't they find work elsewhere that pays better and offers better work conditions.... Hmmm.. You know I never thought of that and I will bet ya they haven't either. I will call them tonight and tell them that if you don't like the job you have just go out to the old job tree and pluck yourself off one that pays better. Problem solved. That is some solid advice. I think you've unknowingly fixed the economy. Having problems paying your bills because your current job don't pay enough? Well just go out and get yourself one that pays more. ******* genius. You should apply for Secretary of Labor.
Why can't they find work elsewhere that pays better and offers better work conditions.... Hmmm.. You know I never thought of that and I will bet ya they haven't either. I will call them tonight and tell them that if you don't like the job you have just go out to the old job tree and pluck yourself off one that pays better. Problem solved. That is some solid advice. I think you've unknowingly fixed the economy. Having problems paying your bills because your current job don't pay enough? Well just go out and get yourself one that pays more. ******* genius. You should apply for Secretary of Labor.

Well there must be a job tree if unemployment is at 4.9%.
We won't need a job tree for very long. If you are so inclined to believe our lying Gubmint, there won't be no so thing as unemployment for very long.

Check out this here purty picture...


problem bein', them bastages are forgettin' all about the 93 million people, 37% of the population that run out of bennies....they don't count !


Ain't no job tree, it's got to be a damn forest.
Subway mom:

What does your husband do for a living? Oh, not married.

Well, how much does he pay to help you raise your kids (he's the father, for @#$% sake)? Nothing?

So what you really want is not $15/hour, but instead for the taxpayer to act as the kids' father and your husband and help you pay your way, right?

Sorry. I have my own wife and two kids, and am busy paying for our own ****.

Yeah thats pretty much it.
I thought Liberals wanted people to abort as many babies as possible? I'm confused now.

It's all about "choices" isn't it? Good ones and bad ones. It used to be you were penalized for bad choices. Now we're penalized for making good choices! Now I'm confused.
I was seventeen and running to my bus stop in an inebriated state. I was upset and crying. A cop yelled at me to stop. I kept running. He yelled "Halt or I'll shoot!!". I stopped practically mid-stride. I'm thinking what possible reason could he have to threaten me like that? Then he talked me down and sent me on my way. That bothered me for some time.

Also, I was profiled by police plenty because I drove a crappy car. They loved pulling me over and checking me out. If I was speeding sometimes I got warning and sometimes a ticket. In my area anyway, I think it is often more about money than about race. I've driven nicer cars for the last couple of decades and my interactions with police have been few and far between. If I have been stopped they are definitely more respectful and professional than when I was younger and not able to afford decent vehicles. I think it's terrible that they target the people who can't afford it oftentimes.

I am not oblivious to differing racial relations across the country though. When my brother married they lived in my sister-in-law's home state of Mississippi and had the wedding there. We all flew down to attend. It was 1989. I felt like I was in another country. I stood in a line at a Piggly Wiggly (bwhahahaha) and watched a red-headed, five year old looking boy tell a 40 something black man to "get out of my way N*****". The black man stepped aside without a second glance. You could've picked my jaw up off of the ground. I had never, ever seen anything like that in my entire life. I did not think fondly of the people on the other side of the aisle at that wedding. I did not appreciate being called those "uppity notherners". Racism such as this has no place in my life. I doubt that I will ever forget how different it was down there. It has definitely formed my opinions about racism and opened my eyes to the reality that some people are faced with.

I work at a human service agency. We are VERY diverse. One of my very best friends in the entire world is black and a former employee. We have been friends now for 22 years despite the fact that they haven't worked there since 2003.

It may not sound important to some but it is very important to me that I have given the local United Way thousands of dollars in payroll deductions over the years. I volunteer at the most diverse high school in my state. I am on the board of the most diverse soccer rec club in my area and volunteer countless hours every year. We offer scholarships for needy youth as needed and requested. I do all of this because I hope to do my small part to make the world a better place. I can't do it alone. I know that.

I truly hope that race relations can improve rather than get worse in this country. It is an amazing place that shouldn't be lost in our divisions.

I posted this representation of me trying to help people struggling in my area....below is what could have prevented me from doing so if I hadn't been dirt poor as a child or had my eyes opened. I try to keep my commentary short and sweet or I'll start babbling like i do below lol. Sorry for the rant:

I went to a middle school in Denver, one of 9 different schools I went to as a middle school age youth. The school was 50-50 rich white kids/black kids bussed from near the old airport. We lived in an apartment complex on the borderline. The rich kids were snobs and would have nothing to do with me. The black kids were pissed off and hostile. One kid was "cool" and we discussed his newfound love for Led Zeppelin, Lynrd Skynrd (spelling?), etc. I had loved those bands since grade school lol. I was repeatedly bullied in class. The teacher looked at the ceiling when I looked to him for any assistance. I lived through a riot that literally had the school on lock down. I was looking for someone in the office and it was like a ghost town. I turned to walk back to my classes and approximately 200-300 black kids with bats, clubs, etc were running towards me, filling the hall completely. I froze in terror...I felt a "presence" pull me into a doorway and I watched them run past, destroying lockers, breaking windows, etc as they went. When they had all run by I peeked out, and the coast being clear, I ran the other direction. A teacher found me in the lobby and took me upstairs where we sat locked in a room until the police came and restored order. We were told that we could leave and sent outside with our things. I have never seen so many yellow cabs in my life. Each student was taken home in their own cab. That place was hell. Teachers were rumored to have guns. The teachers were so detached that it didn't appear that they cared if any of us learned or not. It is the worst school that I’ve ever went to. When the time came to take the state aptitude tests, I scored in higher college level in all but one category as a ninth grader. They gave me all kinds of tests…IQ, career assessment, etc and put me in a “special” class that was full of other kids like me who didn’t fit in to their class structure.
It could have left me with some biases and it was certainly hard to not have any. I joined Job Corps a year later. It had a black population of around 10%. I got along great with every single one of them. In fact, as I was walking through another dorm one day a newish black resident said to me "This isn't your dorm. Get out of here." I just looked at them...the kid I was heading to see was black lol. The kid sitting on the couch with this newish resident was also black and looked at the newbie and said "That's ****. They're cool. You leave them alone". I didn't even really socialize with this person yet they had MY back. I wasn't your usual local yokel and got along with everyone. I am still that same way.
That "presence" that pulled me into the doorway to escape the riot felt very much like the hand of God. My feet were rooted, planted. Something moved me from harms way. I'll never forget it.
A lot of contractors are doing that these days. What used to be known as "employees" are now known as "subcontractors". They're still being paid the same $15-20 an hour, only now they are on the hook for the entire 12.4% in OASDI taxes instead of paying 6.2 and the employer the other 6.2. Same with the Medicare. As a sub you pay the whole 2.9 instead of the 1.45 with the employer matching. Plus the employer pays nothing into comp, unemployment, and of course no benefits. If one of these guys gets hurt at work, they are on their own. So I imagine if his company has a lot of work and this is how he pays his guys, he is making a **** ton of money. That's how it's done these days.

is it wrong to to do that?

It depends. The IRS has a list of about eight questions regarding subcontractors and if your answer to most of them is "yes" then they are employees and not subcontractors. In my case my people are employees and work comp insurance costs a **** ton of money and is one of the things that is driving me out of business when there are a lot of people who work under the table for much less because they're not paying taxes and insurance like I am. Most customers don't really care, they just want the work done for cheap and only call us when they can't find anyone under the table.
A lot of contractors are doing that these days. What used to be known as "employees" are now known as "subcontractors". They're still being paid the same $15-20 an hour, only now they are on the hook for the entire 12.4% in OASDI taxes instead of paying 6.2 and the employer the other 6.2. Same with the Medicare. As a sub you pay the whole 2.9 instead of the 1.45 with the employer matching. Plus the employer pays nothing into comp, unemployment, and of course no benefits.

They might as well work a job that pays near minimum wage but has full benefits.
A lot of contractors are doing that these days. What used to be known as "employees" are now known as "subcontractors". They're still being paid the same $15-20 an hour, only now they are on the hook for the entire 12.4% in OASDI taxes instead of paying 6.2 and the employer the other 6.2. Same with the Medicare. As a sub you pay the whole 2.9 instead of the 1.45 with the employer matching. Plus the employer pays nothing into comp, unemployment, and of course no benefits. If one of these guys gets hurt at work, they are on their own. So I imagine if his company has a lot of work and this is how he pays his guys, he is making a **** ton of money. That's how it's done these days.

That's not what he's doing. He's not incorporated.

First, most of his jobs are working for G.C.'s. And instead of paying himself the bullshit prevailing wages that unions leaders and liberals "decide" is the correct wage (like $75/hour for an electrician in New Castle County, Delaware), he works for G.C.'s as an independent contractor FIRST. For himself. He pays his own insurance out of what he gets.

When the job is too big, he makes a few calls to his electrician friends and they work as "independent contractors" for him and he gets a cut for getting them work. Again, why should a company try and pay a ******* ludicrous prevailing wage that politicians and union leaders decide is fair when it's not even close? A non-prevailing wage electrician might make $30-$35/hour. Now it's magically $75? $75/hour is a $150k salary. That's not REASONABLE.

He gets the job done for the GC (and the taxpayer) a lot cheaper than $75/hour electrician. He makes out. The guys he brings into it make out. They all pay their own taxes, own insurance, own benefits.

Don't blame contractors for scamming the system. The ones to blame are the idiots that decide a laborer gets $40/hour and operators get $70/hour and electricians get $75/hour. FOR TAXPAYER SUPPORTED PROJECTS like schools and roads and bridges!

Prevailing wages are KILLING public works projects and making every dollar taxpayers pay go about .80 cents on the dollar what it should be. And people wonder why infrastructure isn't getting fixed fast enough? Get the ******* unions out of public works and get the politicians out of deciding wages in a crazy, unfair way. It's a joke.
We are just over the limit for ANY assistance at all. Whoever formulated the FAFSA bottom line is mentally challenged in my opinion. There is no way we can afford to pay what they think we can. I suppose unlike my daughter's friends who are getting free rides and their families we should be driving 20 year old vehicles and living in squalor. Thanks gubmint for making everything so fair!!!! /sarcasm

but you are probably an evil white person who pays his own bills. College is not intended for your children.

How can an economy be bad if unemployment is at 4.9% and we have record job openings. Many
fields can't find qualified candidates. Are the unemployed responsible for preparing themselves for
the jobs of the future or should the government be responsible?

I personally no nobody unemployed.

because, for the 900th time, the numbers are NOT right.
equate them to elfie's global warming mistake where she/he/it said that it's not that they're wrong, it's how wrong they are. and, indeed, the job numbers are wrong.
Lolz. I don't even have to be here to prove my point.

Three pages back Vincent said Blacks should go back to Africa.

NOT ONE of you supposedly "not racist" conservatives called him out on it. This is AFTER he posted a link to white nationalist propaganda.

You're all telling on yourselves.
oh, to the pic of the precious innocents in their black power garb?

i guess, like you, since we don't openly condemn something, that doesn't mean we support it, either.
but go on and keep telling us how whitey is holding you down.
Lolz. I don't even have to be here to prove my point.

Three pages back Vincent said Blacks should go back to Africa.

NOT ONE of you supposedly "not racist" conservatives called him out on it. This is AFTER he posted a link to white nationalist propaganda.

You're all telling on yourselves.

I went back lookin' for that " white nationalist propaganda." and only found that Colin Flaherty is the author of the Amazon #1 Best Seller: "White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence and How the Media Ignore It." And "Don't Make the Black Kids Angry: The Hoax of Black Victimization and Those Who Enable It."

Thomas Sowell: "Reading Colin Flaherty's book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities." - National Review.

Anthony Cumia: "Great Book."

Alex Jones of Inforwars.com: "Brilliant. I could not put it down."

From the Bill Cunningham show. It is official: "A wonderful book. Colin Flaherty is a great American."

This one is the most telling though......

Neal Boortz: "ColinFlaherty has become Public Enemy No.1 to the leftist media because of the research he's done on the black culture of violence."

Methinks maybe the truth hurts a bit, huh SV ?
Methinks it is only " white nationalist propaganda." to arrogant people in denial maybe ?
Or is it just " white nationalist propaganda." to narrow minded people with an personal agenda maybe ?

What is it SV, help us out here. How can you see this so differently ? Better yet, instead of slingin' arrows at white people, maybe it's time to look for solutions in those neighborhoods that feed the material for those evil " white nationalist propaganda." books.

You think that book is propaganda then you don't want to go near the common sense of Fred Reed, your head will asplode.

White Privilege is real, of course. It is a combination of high genetic intelligence, studiousness, a tendency toward intellectual exploration, the capacity to organize, sustained hard work, and conscientiousness. There is a reason why whites design Mars landers and black athletes do not.

But the antics at Missouri are only one instance of a far larger disease. Daily the country ties itself in knots to keep blacks happy, which is impossible—to placate them, to soothe their disturbances, give them everything they want but can’t or won’t earn. Nothing satisfies them. They shut down political meetings, loot shoe stores, burn cities. We back away.

Nobody ever, ever, tells them “No.” Might this be called Black Privilege?

Face it SV, you are not battling racists, just people sick of 60 years of giving and getting no thanks whatsoever, just more demands and threats.
I went back lookin' for that " white nationalist propaganda." and only found that Colin Flaherty is the author of the Amazon #1 Best Seller: "White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence and How the Media Ignore It." And "Don't Make the Black Kids Angry: The Hoax of Black Victimization and Those Who Enable It."

Thomas Sowell: "Reading Colin Flaherty's book made painfully clear to me that the magnitude of this problem is greater than I had discovered from my own research. He documents both the race riots and the media and political evasions in dozens of cities." - National Review.

Anthony Cumia: "Great Book."

Alex Jones of Inforwars.com: "Brilliant. I could not put it down."

From the Bill Cunningham show. It is official: "A wonderful book. Colin Flaherty is a great American."

This one is the most telling though......

Neal Boortz: "ColinFlaherty has become Public Enemy No.1 to the leftist media because of the research he's done on the black culture of violence."

Methinks maybe the truth hurts a bit, huh SV ?
Methinks it is only " white nationalist propaganda." to arrogant people in denial maybe ?
Or is it just " white nationalist propaganda." to narrow minded people with an personal agenda maybe ?

What is it SV, help us out here. How can you see this so differently ? Better yet, instead of slingin' arrows at white people, maybe it's time to look for solutions in those neighborhoods that feed the material for those evil " white nationalist propaganda." books.

You think that book is propaganda then you don't want to go near the common sense of Fred Reed, your head will asplode.

Face it SV, you are not battling racists, just people sick of 60 years of giving and getting no thanks whatsoever, just more demands and threats.

So you believe that black folks should be thanking white America for everything they've done for them in the last 60 years. Did it ever occur to you that maybe all that generosity that they should be so grateful for wouldn't have been necessary had they not been treated like cattle for the first 150 years and like 3rd class citizens for the next 100 ? I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on the thank you note you think you deserve.
So you believe that black folks should be thanking white America for everything they've done for them in the last 60 years. Did it ever occur to you that maybe all that generosity that they should be so grateful for wouldn't have been necessary had they not been treated like cattle for the first 150 years and like 3rd class citizens for the next 100 ? I wouldn't hold my breath waiting on the thank you note you think you deserve.

Well Red, I have never treated anybody like cattle and I wasn't around 150 years ago. In fact I wasn't around for most of that next 100 you're talkin' about either, so yeh..a thank you for all the free ****, the grading curves, the job priorities and admissions quotas would be nice, but you're right...I won't hold my breath waiting.

My ancestors were not treated much better than the blacks that were brought here by the African traders and they didn't get any special favors they didn't earn. You would think that blacks would be after the Democrats for the slavery issue since it was the Dems thru out history that kept them on the Plantation but no, it's somehow the White Privileged Republicans fault now. If you are lookin' for some guilt, look somewhere else, I don't have none for ya.