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US Capitol breached

I wonder what would happen if Trump was gay and Twitter refused to bake him a cake.


He still wouldn't be the right kind of gay. If you aren't a mincing in your face flamboyantly gay faery leftist you ain't the right kind of gay. Just like Black Conservatives aren't black they are Uncle Toms. The left only wants shiftless government dependent reparations demanding radical socialist supporting give me money whitey black people who will stay on the DNC vote plantation. It aint about racism or intersectionality with the alphabet squad its about getting and keeping political power for the communists.
Please do explain post #2922 in the Election Day 2020 thread where you refer to the ******* ******** as “Patriots responding to a call to arms”.

Yeah just let massive election fraud slide.
I went to a smaller, local gun show yesterday...the first one I have been to since late summer or early fall. Anyway, it was nuts to butts. I have been going to gun shows for years, and I will tell you that the type of people who are attending them now and buying firearms has certainly changed. Firearms are no longer the bastion of white males, like the left tells us.

It is going to get interesting with Biden and these other idiots coming in. Do they recognize that? Do they realize that since the summer, millions of people have become new gun owners? They ain't all Trump voters either. Which is a discussion in it's own right...if you want the freedom to own a firearm, how do you vote for the party that vows to limit them?

I hope and pray that if there is any common sense among in the new administration, they will just let this alone. If you want to calm people down, just stop with the gun control crap. But if that is one of the first things they try to do, look out. I have a feeling though that it will be. Everything today is gotcha politics. I saw Pelosi said something about the demonstrators choosing their whiteness over democracy. Oh, boy, that helps. I wonder if, when she was in the salon getting her hair done, if that was choosing her whiteness over people's safety?

Friday afternoon I passed my Handgun Qualification Licensing (HQL) class in MD. Got to shoot 15 rounds through a G17 as well. 4 hour mandatory class. Included licensing, fingerprinting, what not. Wait 2-3 weeks, get approved, then go purchase a gun, fill out two more forms, pay more $$, wait 7 days, then can pick up said weapon.

Instructor shared a really cool fact, to the point of your post.

Each time a gun is sold in MD, it gets a sequentially-provided "license" number. So on January 1 of any year, the first gun sold in MD gets license #1. Next gun, license #2. So gun dealers can tell you specifically how many guns have been sold.

Instructor said in 2019, MD sold 14,831 guns to residents. He said "today is January 8. I sold a gun this morning, the license # for that gun was 3,147. In 8 days....over 20% of the annual total from the prior year was already sold.

People are lining up in droves buying guns.

The Washington Football Team actually plays in Bumfuck, Maryland.

I don't want to jump too hard on this, but what do you mean by "bumfuck" MD? Do you know where the stadium actually is?

Urban Dictionary says bumfuck means "the middle of nowhere" or a town in a low population density area.

FedEx Field is INSIDE the Washington DC beltway. Perhaps you're not familiar with the geography here. That's as DC as DC gets without being inside DC, which from a square mileage standpoint, is actually tiny. FedEx Field is 3 miles from the DC border.

Think of the DC Metro area as 3 layers: DC itself, DC Inside the Beltway and the DC Metro Area which is outside the beltway.

DC includes DC proper (in blue below), DC Inside the Beltway is everything in yellow inside the metro Beltway, and everything outside the yellow is the 3rd part of the metro area. Locally, anything inside the Beltway is still considered "DC." Even outside the Beltway, you have very large population areas like Montgomery County, Fairfax County, PG County.

DC itself is tiny. 68 square miles only.

Regardless, FedEx Field is not in "bumfuck." It's dead at the heart of the urban area.

Bumfuck MD would be considered as these areas in yellow, like Western MD, the Eastern Shore or Southern MD.

You're probably thinking of Foxborough Stadium which is 35 minutes from Boston.
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Friday afternoon I passed my Handgun Qualification Licensing (HQL) class in MD. Got to shoot 15 rounds through a G17 as well. 4 hour mandatory class. Included licensing, fingerprinting, what not. Wait 2-3 weeks, get approved, then go purchase a gun, fill out two more forms, pay more $$, wait 7 days, then can pick up said weapon.

Instructor shared a really cool fact, to the point of your post.

Each time a gun is sold in MD, it gets a sequentially-provided "license" number. So on January 1 of any year, the first gun sold in MD gets license #1. Next gun, license #2. So gun dealers can tell you specifically how many guns have been sold.

Instructor said in 2019, MD sold 14,831 guns to residents. He said "today is January 8. I sold a gun this morning, the license # for that gun was 3,147. In 8 days....over 20% of the annual total from the prior year was already sold.

People are lining up in droves buying guns.

I don't want to jump too hard on this, but what do you mean by "bumfuck" MD? Do you know where the stadium actually is?

Urban Dictionary says bumfuck means "the middle of nowhere" or a town in a low population density area.

FedEx Field is INSIDE the Washington DC beltway. Perhaps you're not familiar with the geography here. That's as DC as DC gets without being inside DC, which from a square mileage standpoint, is actually tiny. FedEx Field is 3 miles from the DC border.

Think of the DC Metro area as 3 layers: DC itself, DC Inside the Beltway and the DC Metro Area which is outside the beltway.

DC includes DC proper (in blue below), DC Inside the Beltway is everything in yellow inside the metro Beltway, and everything outside the yellow is the 3rd part of the metro area. Locally, anything inside the Beltway is still considered "DC." Even outside the Beltway, you have very large population areas like Montgomery County, Fairfax County, PG County.

DC itself is tiny. 68 square miles only.

Regardless, FedEx Field is not in "bumfuck." It's dead at the heart of the urban area.

Bumfuck MD would be considered as these areas in yellow, like Western MD, the Eastern Shore or Southern MD.

You're probably thinking of Foxborough Stadium which is 35 minutes from Boston.

Sorry you didn’t need to go through all of that. Mr. OFTB is a DC native and we had season tickets 20+ years ago first at RFK then at Jack Kent Cooke. To us Landover Maryland was bumfuck compared to RFK. But I haven’t lived in the DC area in 18 years, I know it’s changed a lot. My apologies.
Yeah just let massive election fraud slide.

So you condone what happened? SMH

And TRUMP’S justice department and TRUMP’’S judges don’t know what the **** you’re talking about unless you’re referring to the mathematically challenged Trumps attempting to get Georgia come up with tens of thousands of non-existent votes.
Sorry you didn’t need to go through all of that. Mr. OFTB is a DC native and we had season tickets 20+ years ago first at RFK then at Jack Kent Cooke. To us Landover Maryland was bumfuck compared to RFK. But I haven’t lived in the DC area in 18 years, I know it’s changed a lot. My apologies.

I laughed reading that. I'm not offended it's not my team. I grew up in a "bumfuck" and always considered it to be "far far away." To me and most locals, Landover is still inside the beltway and therefore considered DC.

Maybe my over-explanation will help someone else LOL
So you condone what happened? SMH

Seriously...shut the **** up.

You condoned and/or wouldn't condemn 10 months of violence. Your non-paying, bandwidth-using-*** doesn't get to selectively condemn violence now.
Brushing by police officers to get into the halls of Congress.

Disappointing, but not at all surprising, to see you downplay the violence carried out by the seditionsist MAGA mob.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Republican Trump supporters murdering Officer Sicknick while he tries to defend the Capitol. <a href="https://t.co/Lym4qeDx7z">pic.twitter.com/Lym4qeDx7z</a></p>— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) <a href="https://twitter.com/RonFilipkowski/status/1348324850037891075?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 10, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

So you condone what happened? SMH

If you've seen any of DBS's posts on this board, you would know he was likely cheering on the insurrection, along with the violence and mayhem that came with it.

To nobody's surprise, the hardcore MAGA base showed their true colors on Wednesday in the Capitol and here on the board.

The silver lining has been to see a handful of Trump supporters here denounce what happened, and walk back the lies about election fraud.

That should give us a sliver of hope, moving ahead.
So you condone what happened? SMH

And TRUMP’S justice department and TRUMP’’S judges don’t know what the **** you’re talking about unless you’re referring to the mathematically challenged Trumps attempting to get Georgia come up with tens of thousands of non-existent votes.

The DOJ and the courts kicked the can down the road to avoid responsibility for the coming conflict. Notice I said responsibility for it and not the actual conflict. I don’t condone what happened because the fools only went half way in stopping the theft of the National election.

**** you you commie shitbag. For ever you have cheered on violence from your side the Bolsheviks Brute Squad AntiFa. What I am advocating is for real Americans to fight back and protect themselves, their property and their liberty from communist mobs and their willing enablers in the DNC.
So you condone what happened? SMH

And TRUMP’S justice department and TRUMP’’S judges don’t know what the **** you’re talking about unless you’re referring to the mathematically challenged Trumps attempting to get Georgia come up with tens of thousands of non-existent votes.

I don't condone it. It was a very stupid thing to do and badly damaged Trump's legacy as President. But was this anywhere near as bad as Antinfa and BLM's reign of destroying entire sections of cities, burning countless businesses down and causing a huge amount of violent assaults against innocent people? Nope, it's not even in the same ballpark. But somehow those acts of complete mayhem seemed to be fine in the eyes of the media and leftists everywhere. Those were deemed "mostly peaceful" after all, so am I supposed to have some kind of psychotic episode over this? If the standard is that those acts were "mostly peaceful", then I would have to classify this episode as "extremely peaceful" since it was a vast minority of those attending. I'm only taking my cues on how I'm supposed to react to these types of things from watching those on the left. Anarchist violence has always been the left's forte after all so I figure they have the most experience in dealing with it.
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And Trog, there is a sure giveaway. It's anyone who calls their fellow Americans a 'communist', for having a different view on things.

It's the ultimate sign, if you want to identify those on the board indoctrinated by far-right MAGA ideology.

They cannot argue with reason or facts, so they turn to the one, instinctual defense they have, to break out the ol 'commie' tag.

Stay safe & keep your head on a swivel.
Seriously...shut the **** up.

You condoned and/or wouldn't condemn 10 months of violence. Your non-paying, bandwidth-using-*** doesn't get to selectively condemn violence now.

Show me where I ever condoned the violence, until then YOU shut the **** up.

It’s idiotic to suggest that liberals condoned the BLM violence as if it only targeted conservative owned businesses and neighborhoods. Many liberals suffered as a result of the violence, so just drop that angle. Oh, and be careful with your new toy, small cowards don’t do well in prison.
Just so have this straight:
Burning police precincts to the ground. OK
Trying to burn a Federal Building to the ground. OK
Trying to murder the Federal agents protecting that building. OK
Chasing Congressmen/Senators through the halls of Congress, physically blocking their path, stopping them from getting on elevators until they say the'll vote the way you want them to. OK
Hitting police officers with chunks of concrete, frozen water bottles, baseball bats. OK
Destroying police vehicle and setting them of fire, even with officers inside. OK

Brushing by police officers to get into the halls of Congress. VIOLENT INSURRECTION
Sitting at Nancy Pelosi's desk. VIOLENT INSURRECTION

I also found it ironic that when the sun goes down and curfews take effect, ANTIFA and BLM go to work starting fires, destroying businesses, and murdering business owners. But when the curfew took effect in D.C., the 'insurrectionists' went home.

This would only make sense to a rational individual. Ask anyone on the left and the response would be that the end justifies the means in their virtuous cause of enlightenment and that Republicans are just plain evil.
So sad to see the depths to which the Republican party has fallen under Trump.

Maybe someday it will find its way back to being the party of Lincoln and Reagan. It's going to be a long, winding road from here.

"Lawlessness by the mob, as with the individual, will not be tolerated. We will act firmly and quickly to put down riot or insurrection wherever and whenever the situation requires."

--Ronald Reagan
So sad to see the depths to which the Republican party has fallen under Trump.

Maybe someday it will find its way back to being the party of Lincoln and Reagan. It's going to be a long, winding road from here.

"Lawlessness by the mob, as with the individual, will not be tolerated. We will act firmly and quickly to put down riot or insurrection wherever and whenever the situation requires."

--Ronald Reagan

The lie in this statement is the left today would demonize Reagan and probably Lincoln to the same degree they have Trump. I have been fooled enough.

I was talking with a guy a few years ago, a Trump hater. After telling me for a while that Trump was the absolute worst thing ever, I said, fine, get rid of him and Pence can be President. I really had no overwhelming loyalty to Trump. The guy recoiled and said no way, Pence is worse. He is one of those crazy Christians. How the hell can Pence be worse than the worst guy in the world?

And that's how it would and will be. It doesn't matter who the Repubs put out there. To the left it is about destroying the opposition. So don't try to throw people some bone that you are remotely reasonable and something you don't really believe or intend to practice
One of the more shocking developments since Wednesday's MAGA mob attack on the Capitol, has been the situation involving VP Mike Pence.

Trump demonized Pence with deranged lies to the point that the mob storming the Capitol were chanting “hang Mike Pence.” When the building was breached, Trump never checked in on Pence to make sure he's ok. In fact, if reports are true, they haven't spoken to each other since. That's insane. Trump must have learned about reports Pence has not dismissed invoking the 25th amendment. And Pence must feel entirely betrayed by Trump for hanging him out to dry and putting him in mortal danger.

Absolutely bonkers, if you consider how Pence has stood by Trump through thick and thin during the entire Presidency.

Here is Trump's attack on Pence at 2:24 pm, after Trump's mob had broken into the Capitol.


I'm laughing...are you now a great defender of Mike Pence?

Another Capitol Police Death: Officer Dies By Suicide After Responding To Pro-Trump Riot

A second U.S. Capitol Police officer has died since Wednesday’s storming of Congress by a mob of President Trump’s supporters, authorities reported Sunday.

Initially announced as an “off-duty” death by the U.S. Capitol Police on Sunday morning, multiple news outlets and former police chief Terrance Gainer confirmed that Howard Liebengood, 51, died by suicide on Saturday.

Liebengood, a 15-year veteran of the force, “was among those who responded to the rioting at the U.S. Capitol on January 6,” according to a statement released by the USCP union.

Gainer described Liebengood’s death as a “line of duty casualty” in an interview with CBS News, saying it was no different than the death of fellow officer Brian Sicknick, who died Thursday night from injuries sustained while protecting the Capitol complex.

Liebengood, who was assigned to the Senate Division, is the son of Howard Liebengood (they share the same name), a former sergeant-at-arms and chief security official of the U.S. Senate.

“This is the second death of a USCP Officer in just two days, with the passing of Officer Brian D. Scknick on Thursday evening from injuries sustained while on duty during the assault on the Capitol,” said the union. “Their lives and service will not be forgotten.”

More sad news. RIP Officer Liebengood, thank you for your service and may you Rest in Peace.
I was talking with a guy a few years ago, a Trump hater. After telling me for a while that Trump was the absolute worst thing ever, I said, fine, get rid of him and Pence can be President. I really had no overwhelming loyalty to Trump. The guy recoiled and said no way, Pence is worse. He is one of those crazy Christians. How the hell can Pence be worse than the worst guy in the world?

That's kinda like what i tell people in the Conservative PA Facebook groups who want to impeach the Governor. Granted he's a Libtard idiot control freak but if you impeach and remove him then you get the Lt. Governor who is openly a Democrat Socialist and would be worse in every way.
So sad to see the depths to which the Republican party has fallen under Trump.

Maybe someday it will find its way back to being the party of Lincoln and Reagan. It's going to be a long, winding road from here.

"Lawlessness by the mob, as with the individual, will not be tolerated. We will act firmly and quickly to put down riot or insurrection wherever and whenever the situation requires."

--Ronald Reagan

My best friend is a huge Reagan fan. Saved the newspaper announcing Reagan’s death. He was raised in an ultra conservative military household. I knew he was a registered Republican never-Trumper, found out this week he is straight-ticket dem voting anti-Republican.
Colin Powell has left the Republican Party. (CNN)

Surprised it's taken him this long. The GOP is now the party of Trump, Cruz, Hawley and the Qanon reps that recently got elected. It is the party of the Proud Boys, the 3%-ers and the Oathkeepers. It is the party of the angry MAGA mob that stormed the Capitol.

It is time to draw a line in the sand and figure out if you stand with Trump, or with America. Good to see Gen. Powell making a wise choice on that front.
My best friend is a huge Reagan fan. Saved the newspaper announcing Reagan’s death. He was raised in an ultra conservative military household. I knew he was a registered Republican never-Trumper, found out this week he is straight-ticket dem voting anti-Republican.

Same goes for my military and state dept friends, who are all staunch conservatives. They saw the light a while ago.
Show me where I ever condoned the violence, until then YOU shut the **** up.

It’s idiotic to suggest that liberals condoned the BLM violence as if it only targeted conservative owned businesses and neighborhoods. Many liberals suffered as a result of the violence, so just drop that angle. Oh, and be careful with your new toy, small cowards don’t do well in prison.

As was stated, YOU show where you did. We will all wait.

No one said Liberals condoned the BLM violence "because" it targeted Conservatives. We have said consistently, and it factually happened, that Liberals were fine with standing by and allowing the destruction and death and carnage to occur. Your media outlets played down the violence, called it "mostly peaceful," justified it as "necessary," refused National Guard support, and even stood by as rioters burned police stations and took over portions of cities. To say anything other than this occurred is patently false. Like your Liberal talking heads, you stayed silent on the matters, not caring.

And regarding my "new" toy, can't wait. I'll just add it to my collection. I was raised on guns Floggy.

It will tickle you pink to know that guns are flying off the shelves all across the country, even here in the People's Republic of Maryland. As posted in a prior post, MD has already sold nearly 4,000 guns in the first 9 days of January. Approximately 14,800 were sold last year alone.

Wonder why? Hmmmm....I wonder if one of the reasons might be people watched what went down last year, realized their Government wasn't going to stop the violence, and feel the need to self protect? Congratulations, your ideology is driving record gun sales.