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US Capitol breached

Like I said it scares the **** out of communists when real Americans fight back.

"My forms of violence are justified. Yours are not."
Tibs and Flog were saying we need to "hear their voices" during the BLM protests and "listen to what their message".

yet use the worst of the worst to confirm their bias in hating on anything right of their beliefs.
We'll see how long it takes to make DC and Puerto Rico states, to expand the Senate and Supreme Court, to implement free healthcare and a Carbon Tax, to grant 10 million illegal immigrants citizenship, wide open border.

When this happens you'll just make lame excuses for your leftist cult as you always do.
He will cite those occurrences as obvious progress. In a fucktarded, obsequious manner using talking points from his paymaster

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Tibs and Flog were saying we need to "hear their voices" during the BLM protests and "listen to what their message".

yet use the worst of the worst to confirm their bias in hating on anything right of their beliefs.

No, Tibs and Flog aren't falling for the diversionary tactics to make this about BLM protests last summer, but are keen to discuss the topic of this thread. The violent MAGA mob attack on the Capitol four days ago, incited and egged on by the President and others.
Remember what I told you Trog, it's telltale sign.

Especially, when that's a comment on a video with exactly 0% spin. It's simply unedited footage shot from the ground during the siege.
Its nice that Vile Comrade Tibs, Useful Idiot, now has a pet.

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No, Tibs and Flog aren't falling for the diversionary tactics to make this about BLM protests last summer, but are keen to discuss the topic of this thread. The violent MAGA mob attack on the Capitol four days ago, incited and egged on by the President and others.

43rd time, please post his words that inspired violence.
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I just pray the newer and further calls for violence eminating from the Proud Boys, the Oathkeepers and others on the far-right do not bear out. There are events planned for next week, January 17th, and on the 20th Inauguration day. Let's all hope these dark forces can be reined in and the country can proceed with a peaceful transition of power, as it has for over two centuries.

Now time to get ready for the big playoff game, finally back in the hunt!
43rd time, please post his words that inspired violence.

That's the beauty of being a Liberal in America. You can keep repeating the same false bullshit all you want and you'll never be fact checked or taken to task by any public entity, even when what you're saying is patently and provably false....hell you can even incite hate and violence with almost total impunity. Conservative are censored when what they are saying is provably true but harmful to the approved narrative. Must be nice.
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The handful of people being Ted Cruz, Trump, Don Jr. and others who incited this mob? That's what you meant, correct?

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Donald Trump needs to pay for this. For the rest of his miserable life. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/AnatomyOfCapitolAttack?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AnatomyOfCapitolAttack</a> <br> <a href="https://t.co/n1GLMBUwdi">pic.twitter.com/n1GLMBUwdi</a></p>— Tiffany Drastic (@PDXEleven) <a href="https://twitter.com/PDXEleven/status/1348331332217106432?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 10, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>

Again, Please quote where they stated for folks to start rioting and cause mayhem. You can say it a million times but it does not make it true.
43rd time, please post his words that inspired violence.
Again, Please quote where they stated for folks to start rioting and cause mayhem. You can say it a million times but it does not make it true.

Where have you people been for the past four years? He's been actively brainwashing his supporters, building up over months and years to reach this point. The lies intensified with his claims of election fraud, then he whipped his supporters into a frenzy against his own VP and Congress on January 6th, and unleashed the mob onto the Capitol.

You're looking for some smoking gun, something he specifcally said minutes before the angry mob carried out a violent attack on the Capitol. Think for a bit, what got us to this point, to begin with?

Here, maybe this latest video being passed around by MAGA on Parler will give you some clues.

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Where have you people been for the past four years? He's been actively brainwashing his supporters, building up over months and years to reach this point. The lies intensified with his claims of election fraud, then he whipped his supporters into a frenzy against his own VP and Congress, on January 6th, and unleashed the mob onto the Capitol.

You're looking for some smoking gun, something he specifcally said minutes before the angry mob carried out a violent attack on the Capitol. Think for a bit, what got us to this point, to begin with?

Here, maybe this latest video being passed around by MAGA on Parler will give you some clues.

44th time...please post the specific words Trump used to "order or tell or encourage" those at the protest to go commit violence.

Your argument is akin to BLM. They were angry, in ways justified, due to issues they found grievous. Their leaders encouraged them to "protest" so their voices could be heard. Those protests became violent.

Trump has spent 4 years opening our eyes to the lying media, to how we have been abused as citizens. Americans became angry over the election. Attacks on our civil liberties. Lives have been destroyed with lockdowns Americans attribute to an over zealous government. Trump, like your leaders, encouraged them to protest and let their voices be heard.

45th time...post the words Tibs. Otherwise you are stretching and using your logic, I can condemn equally every democratic leader who encouraged BLM and AntiFa to take to the streets and I can equally blame them directly for those insurrections.

No difference...at...*******...all.
So what's the actual end game in all this? Is it to bring everyone together and bring unity? Nah...We know what it is...Hamstring Trump so he does not come back in 4 years. It would be really hard to gin up another global pandemic and hopefully by then we'll have some semblance of election reform. They are barring the door already. It's pretty damn amusing if you can step back from it all and just watch without getting caught up in the emotion which is again what they are pushing.

I wonder if the Confederacy will get a tip of the hat from some who might not have thought otherwise at what they went through when their states rights were infringed upon. Those old boys (like my great granddad -- he was just an old farmer) didn't die to protect a landowners slaves, they died to protect their families farms and fields, but the narrative was switched to stimulate EMOTION to where all those who fought were just a bunch of racist pigs..Just like the narrative where Trump told everyone to go riot.
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I just pray the newer and further calls for violence eminating from the Proud Boys, the Oathkeepers and others on the far-right do not bear out. There are events planned for next week, January 17th, and on the 20th Inauguration day. Let's all hope these dark forces can be reined in and the country can proceed with a peaceful transition of power, as it has for over two centuries.

Now time to get ready for the big playoff game, finally back in the hunt!

I pray real Americans continue to have the courage to resist the Marxist revolution and continue to face down commie shitheels like you Tibs.
wow. such a startling difference from OrangeMan

Where have you people been for the past four years? He's been actively brainwashing his supporters, building up over months and years to reach this point. The lies intensified with his claims of election fraud, then he whipped his supporters into a frenzy against his own VP and Congress on January 6th, and unleashed the mob onto the Capitol.

You're looking for some smoking gun, something he specifcally said minutes before the angry mob carried out a violent attack on the Capitol. Think for a bit, what got us to this point, to begin with?

Here, maybe this latest video being passed around by MAGA on Parler will give you some clues.

Yes,,,the brainwashing is almost complete but it's still a little wet. Probably need to put it on the rack a little longer. Gotta keep the cat from eating it though.

Still waiting on the calls for violence Tibor... I only heard where he told everyone to go home. You have a good night. I'm going to go build a fire and kick back a couple beers before the game. Take it easy dude.
And again you deflect. You either condemn all violence or you don't. You all seemed to be fine with Obama stoking the flames of BLM which led to these assassinations (plural, there were many).

Ya still can't bring yourself to say he used language that incited and you still can't seem to condemn it to this day. Probably because you view the cause as noble.

I condemn all violence, I don’t make it a point to state the obvious every time it happens.

At which BLM protest did Obama give a speech that incited a riot?

The BLM cause is real, not some baseless completely unproven nonsensical conspiracy theory. Why don’t you think it’s noble?
nothing to see here.


Lawmakers who voted against Joe Biden are denounced back home
Lawmakers are facing calls for expulsion or to resign.

ByAssociated Press
onJanuary 10, 2021

Republican members of Congress who voted against certifying Joe Biden’s presidential victory, even after a mob broke into the Capitol, are being denounced by critics in their home districts who demand that they resign or be ousted.

Protesters, newspaper editorial boards and local-level Democrats have urged the lawmakers to step down or for their colleagues to kick them out. The House and Senate can remove members with a two-thirds vote or censure or reprimand with a majority.

Rep. Madison Cawthorn “needs to be held accountable for his seditious behavior and for the consequences resulting from said behavior,” a group of Democratic officials wrote in a letter asking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to expel the North Carolina freshman who took his oath of office on Jan. 3.
45th time...post the words Tibs. Otherwise you are stretching and using your logic,

Seems like Chris Christie is also 'stretching and using his logic.' Funny to think Christie was on the team prepping Trump for the Presidential debates.

Chris Christie: If Inciting Insurrection Isn’t Impeachable, ‘I Don’t Know What Is’

Christie — a Republican and longtime friend of Trump’s, who supported and defended his rhetoric and behavior for years — joined calls for the president’s removal from office in the final days of his term. He told George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “This Week” that Republican lawmakers would have to “vote their conscience” should impeachment articles be presented to Congress.

“What we had was an incitement to riot at the United States Capitol, we had people killed, and to me, there’s not a whole lot of question here,” he said.

He said that “if inciting to insurrection isn’t” an impeachable offense, “then I don’t really know what is.”
and...again... what did President Trump specifically state to incite this riot?
nothing to see here, part 2


Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Grants Legal Protection for Voter Fraud

October 18, 2020Steve Alexander

On Friday Gretchen Whitmer issued a veto against Senate Bill 977 and House Bill 5881 which would make it a felony for any voter to knowingly commit various forms of voter fraud. By striking down the legislation, the Democrat Governor grants safe passage for those who willingly commit voter fraud with full knowledge. The text of the law requires knowledge of the criminal act which should satisfy the democratic party’s desire to protect those who accidentally vote more than once.

Mail in voting has been a fiery debate in the state of Michigan. Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson sent out multiple rounds of absentee ballot applications. Immediately reports came flooding in regarding risk of fraud as ballot applications came to prior residents, non-citizens, and even deceased voters who were still on the voting rolls. The Secretary of State has also warned that she will not be submitting election results for as long as two weeks after election day.

A recent State Supreme Court Decision struck down the Governor’s plan to hold up election results while late ballots poured in. The court ruling requires ballots to be received by election day and scuttles the Governor’s plot to delay results. The state is in the midst of a mandated lockdown and the public has been open to adapting to new circumstances. However, the legislation has a carve out for accidental double voting or honest mistakes. The text of the bills is isolated to those who knowingly commit voter fraud and intentionally cheat the system.

To veto a bill that’s so clearly integral to election integrity indicates a partisan bias. The embattled Governor is already facing recall efforts and has recently lost a couple of high profile State Supreme Court cases. The Unlock Michigan campaign quickly surpassed its requirement for 400,000 signatures and officially submitted the petition to Michigan’s Congress for review.
Disappointing, but not at all surprising, to see you downplay the violence carried out by the seditionsist MAGA mob.

If you've seen any of DBS's posts on this board, you would know he was likely cheering on the insurrection, along with the violence and mayhem that came with it.

To nobody's surprise, the hardcore MAGA base showed their true colors on Wednesday in the Capitol and here on the board.

The silver lining has been to see a handful of Trump supporters here denounce what happened, and walk back the lies about election fraud.

That should give us a sliver of hope, moving ahead.

To quote a football genius: "The standard is the standard". And your side set the standard all year long, you can't ***** about it now.
#italydidit. Apparently, we're the laughing stock of the world.
It's really telling to see these posts reverting over and over again to the BLM/social justice protests this summer in a thread about far-right, seditionist MAGA's storming the Capitol four days ago.

Really is revealing, to say the least.

Awww poor little Tibby doesn't like when his obvious massive hypocrisy is exposed.