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US Capitol breached

damn! you can find this ****, but somehow cannot find the specific words OrangeMan uttered to send the mob into a frenzy and impose their will on the Capitol Building.

Shame you didn’t hold Trump and his lawyers to the same standard finding election fraud.
Shame you didn’t hold Trump and his lawyers to the same standard finding election fraud.

And why should we after the embarrassing precedent you and your corrupt party set for the impeachment hearings? Not one shred of evidence. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
And why should we after the embarrassing precedent you and your corrupt party set for the impeachment hearings? Not one shred of evidence. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Soon you’ll have to specify which impeachment hearings. There sure was a lot of lying and indictments in the first one for there being not one shred of evidence.
. There sure was a lot of lying and indictments in the first one for there being not one shred of evidence.

Shame you didn’t hold Schiff and his lawyers to the same standard finding Collusion <-- see what I did there, hypocrite?
Soon you’ll have to specify which impeachment hearings. There sure was a lot of lying and indictments in the first one for there being not one shred of evidence.
Trump was impeached by the House. The fact the GOP-majority in the Senate saved his skin does not change, or diminish the fact he was fully impeached. And now, he'll be impeached for a second time, being the only President in history impeached twice. Quite the legacy.
MAGA is a cult...a radicalized right-wing semi religious/political cult with Donald Trump as its sole central leader.

When I read this crap it sounds JUST like the parents on a Charlie Brown special.
When I read this crap it sounds JUST like the parents on a Charlie Brown special.

Sadly, it has turned out to be 100% true. The longer you delay understanding this cold, hard truth, the further and further you'll continue drifting from reality.
damn! you can find this ****, but somehow cannot find the specific words OrangeMan uttered to send the mob into a frenzy and impose their will on the Capitol Building.

The thing I find most shocking (well, actually I don't) is how Liberals like Tibs are so intentionally or unintentionally blind. One only needed to pass a basic parenting course to realize this cause and effect and how actions lead to reactions.

If a child whines and cries for something and gets it, the child will continue to whine and cry to get her way.

If a child swings at another kid, likelihood is the other kid will swing back.

When a child stoops in his behavior, those around him are likely to stoop in theirs.

I like to believe much of this began with Harry Reid. Harry was the first to truly try to weaponize a rule in Congress to "get his enemies." Then it was exacerbated when Obama used arrogance in his White House, making claims like "Elections have consequences" as a taunt to his political opponents.

What did they expect was going to happen as a result? They stooped. They lowered the bar. They changed the rules to fight dirty. Did they expect Republicans wouldn't do the same?

Sure enough, when the time and opportunity came, Republicans used the nuclear option Harry Reid began. Republicans stooped to their level.

Now fast forward to the past 4 years. Never-ending stooping and lowering the bar. Attacks on the President non-stop. The way Kavanaugh was treated in his confirmation hearings. Last year, the never-ending riots that the Left whole-heartedly refused to condemn and in fact supported. They excused the violence. While calling Trump gatherings super-spreader events, maligning them, they called BLM marches, protests, riots "necessary" and minimized the COVID risks. You can find countless, never-ending examples of the bar being lowered in the past 4 years, of stooping.

The question is, are Democrats stupid, or is this by design? I think the latter but that is my opinion. Regardless, no one can or should be surprised that Conservatives are now protesting. We've been told and shown that's the way to effect change. And after seeing a year of condoned violence, who can say they didn't see this coming? The media said for a year it was acceptable. It was only when the polls were getting closer that Dems finally said "violence is inexcusable (half-heartedly).

We all knew this was going to happen. We can all see why it is now happening on both sides.

The issue is the selective outrage that Tibs and his leaders all show right now...."My violence is justified, yours is not."

The right side of history? I laugh. What you're saying is "join my violent movement, yours is the wrong violent movement."

My good friend and former candidate for Congress wrote these words. So much truth.


I've referenced the moment in Sound of Music before where Rolf, once a family friend, turns against the Von Trapps. As I have said in previous references to the film, I see the movie through a new lens now and no longer wonder how does a society get to a point where friends turn from the civil bonds of friendship that bind a society to become an advocate for a sinister movement because their 'friends' do not comply.

Todays left is similar but different. They are similarly threatening to weaponize the government and various laws of speech, assembly to eradicate the opposition party.

I don't wonder any more how it happens. I can see it happening. I see many blinded by their various strains of wokism and subsequent use of cancel culture as just method. Just as leftists will not admit they are identical to communists, they will not admit their tools for implementing something similar here are the same.

Canceling anyone, anything, their speech, livelihood, etc are old dark tools called by a new name. And the armies who monitor society looking for violators are modern day equivalents as Rolf. Thats how Rolf descended. Those are but the same tactics, just renamed. Those terms falsely make them feel their persecutions are good and just.

During the Kavanaugh hearings, Senator Lindsay Graham worried and warned allowed about the left getting the majority because in that one political persecution they showed their true intentions. They showed a propensity and determination to wield power randomly and arbitrarily against their political opponents without any mercy while pretending to be lawful. Their supporters became Rolf-like and nodded with approval as legal safeguards and precedents were disregarded. They were imbued by anger and rage. Remember the voicemail messages left for some Senators?

In retrospect, it is still alarming to think so many serious people with an understanding of the law, history and human ethics allowed a good man to be falsely vilified by completely unsubstantiated charges in such a public way. In their bloodlust and zeal the left has lost all sense of proportionality, objectivity. Hence, they are disregarding all the safeguards, perverting all the tools that should otherwise be used for the most grave and serious offenses for every day politics. It's a dangerous game of brinksmanship, roulette, call it what you will. This is an indication of things to come. If they can do it to him, they can do it to anyone...

This is the blind spot of the left that permeates almost everything they do now. Emboldened and justified by their anger, they will veil the most nefarious methods as good and necessary to eradicate the world of "hate". No institution, no law, no person, no office is sacred. Anything can be perverted for political gain. Every weapon used. Harry Reid took the tools of the Senate and rewired them for destruction. The Obama administration did the same with the Dept of Justice and allowed for FBI observation of a political rival. Where are the Democrats who dissent? As is the case now, we are seeing at least the semblance of individual thought on the right as we question our own. But, never, ever, ever does the left break rank and suggest they have over-reached. EVER. And that dynamic is causing whatever semblance of reasonable-ness to crater.

Inciting riots. Impeachment. Treason. All of these tools and methods lefties are tossing about are over-reaches and should they dilute them down instead of being the serious violations with serious consequences that they are, they will become common place, every day political weapons.
That didn't take long.

<samp class="EmbedCode-container"><code class="EmbedCode-code"><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The impeachment article against President Trump includes a reference to the 14th Amendment, the post-Civil War addition to the Constitution that prohibits anyone who “engaged in insurrection or rebellion” against the U.S. from holding future office. <a href="https://t.co/g89L1WE7n8">https://t.co/g89L1WE7n8</a> <a href="https://t.co/U6FtXshS4U">pic.twitter.com/U6FtXshS4U</a></p>— The New York Times (@nytimes) <a href="https://twitter.com/nytimes/status/1348675520620326914?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">January 11, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> </code></samp>
specific wording. what did OrangeMan say, meaning what words came directly from his mouth and voicebox? surely that can't take long to find for an internet sleuth with your top-notch investigation skills.

Shame you didn’t hold Trump and his lawyers to the same standard finding election fraud.
Shame you can't understand basic math and the inability to decrement votes during an election. quick summary - each candidate starts with a "0". Votes won goes up, never down, during the counting process. also a shame you don't hold the innocent Left wing politicians to the same standard that you hold President OrangeMan.

Trump was impeached by the House. The fact the GOP-majority in the Senate saved his skin does not change, or diminish the fact he was fully impeached. And now, he'll be impeached for a second time, being the only President in history impeached twice. Quite the legacy.
Trump was impeached by the butt-hurt sore losers comprising the Dim party in the House.
He'd have had a better chance of not being impeached by the shrills in NOW.
WTF? Does the State Dept know something we don't? Were they hacked? Rogue employee?


Trump was impeached by the House. The fact the GOP-majority in the Senate saved his skin does not change, or diminish the fact he was fully impeached. And now, he'll be impeached for a second time, being the only President in history impeached twice. Quite the legacy.

It’s strange, but when I hear things like that my thought is “Yeah, but it’s not like he was a real President, he was Trump.” I’m bored with the circus. That too is his legacy.
I just read an article that stated the thing that disappointed Donald the most about the mob attacks, was that the mob appeared to be a bunch of low-lifes. He only likes classy people. lol
And just like that,
Parler is gone. Big tech has come together to shut down a competing platform. That is the clearest definition of a monopoly you could ever witness. As of yesterday, Parler was the #1 app on play store. As of last night around 1:00 a.m. - Parler was effectively dead.

If you cannot understand the implications of this, there is literally no ******* hope for you.
From what I can tell from this thread, a whole lot of conservatives and Trump supporters.

More like Pelosi and Schumer. You really think they are doing the right for the Country? Is this unifying and healing? Is this going to make 70,000,000 people say ok we like you now? What is their endgame? Are you happy that a competing social network was just killed over limiting free speech? Is this the right direction?
Sadly, it has turned out to be 100% true. The longer you delay understanding this cold, hard truth, the further and further you'll continue drifting from reality.

This is funny coming from a Communist clown
And just like that,
Parler is gone. Big tech has come together to shut down a competing platform. That is the clearest definition of a monopoly you could ever witness. As of yesterday, Parler was the #1 app on play store. As of last night around 1:00 a.m. - Parler was effectively dead.

If you cannot understand the implications of this, there is literally no ******* hope for you.

This shouldn't surprise anyone, it's straight from the Communist playbook. Stalin would be proud.
And just like that,
Parler is gone. Big tech has come together to shut down a competing platform. That is the clearest definition of a monopoly you could ever witness. As of yesterday, Parler was the #1 app on play store. As of last night around 1:00 a.m. - Parler was effectively dead.

If you cannot understand the implications of this, there is literally no ******* hope for you.

Valid point taken. But he’s still the President. All he has to do is talk to the the press or go on tv if he wants to address the people. Seems to me he hasn’t been doing the job of president for some time now. Why is he fighting so hard to keep a job he’s not doing?
More like Pelosi and Schumer. You really think they are doing the right for the Country? Is this unifying and healing? Is this going to make 70,000,000 people say ok we like you now? What is their endgame? Are you happy that a competing social network was just killed over limiting free speech? Is this the right direction?

Funny what happens when the President and his men spew lies for weeks about election fraud, then rile up their seditionist base to violently attack the Capitol to stop the counting of States votes, as mandated by the Constitution.

Strange, isn't it, to live in a society which holds people accountable for their words and actions.
Surely you read what I wrote. What would happen if armed BLM, Antifa, or Muslim American insurgents tried to storm the United States Capitol building (located at First St SE, Washington, DC), in order to disrupt Congress from carrying out its Constitutional duty in verifying States votes for the Presidency. Just like Trump's supporters did 48 hours ago.

You would justify it, and businesses would pay that mob hundreds of millions of dollars.

Because that is exactly what ACTUALLY HAPPENED.
And the hits keep coming. This being a State and not a Federal charge, would not be pardonable.

BREAKING: DC Attorney General is looking at charging Trump and others for inciting violence.

It's also fascinating to consider how AG Barr abruptly resigned at the end of December. Makes you wonder how much Barr knew about what Trump, Guiliani and the rest of the seditionists were cooking up and thought to himself, heeeellll no, I want no part of this.
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