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US Capitol breached

My friend, I will repeat...we could nominate Jesus himself, Ghandi, Mother Theresa....you take your pick. We will not win another election.

I'll repeat...mail in balloting, no voter IDs, electronically-controlled voting, allowing no supervision of elections processes, adding 3 more democratic strongholds as states, packing the Supreme Court, opening the borders to unfettered illegal immigration, and a Pravda-like media sewn together means....forget it.

Anyone believing we have a shot at winning another election given the current state is a fool.

I know. I am just trying to remain positive.

Thanks for being a Debbie Downer. Haha..I'm just kidding. You are right of course.
This is from Zuckerberg on Facebook...remind me again why they are afforded Section 230 protections again? Communism 101, state controlled media.

The shocking events of the last 24 hours clearly demonstrate that President Donald Trump intends to use his remaining time in office to undermine the peaceful and lawful transition of power to his elected successor, Joe Biden.
His decision to use his platform to condone rather than condemn the actions of his supporters at the Capitol building has rightly disturbed people in the US and around the world. We removed these statements yesterday because we judged that their effect -- and likely their intent -- would be to provoke further violence.
Following the certification of the election results by Congress, the priority for the whole country must now be to ensure that the remaining 13 days and the days after inauguration pass peacefully and in accordance with established democratic norms.
Over the last several years, we have allowed President Trump to use our platform consistent with our own rules, at times removing content or labeling his posts when they violate our policies. We did this because we believe that the public has a right to the broadest possible access to political speech, even controversial speech. But the current context is now fundamentally different, involving use of our platform to incite violent insurrection against a democratically elected government.
We believe the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great. Therefore, we are extending the block we have placed on his Facebook and Instagram accounts indefinitely and for at least the next two weeks until the peaceful transition of power is complete.

If the moderators feel one needs a vacation - they give said user a vacation. I don't see the problem here. We all live by the same rules at SN...
The ironic thing here is that if Trump was impeached (not saying it would of been justified)....

Pence could be getting inaugurated in 13 days... and the repubs might still be holding Senate majority while gaining House seats...

Bullshit, Pence inspires nobody except the religious right. He is milk toast on steroids. He was added to the ticket for one reason only, bring in the religious right votes.
My friend, I will repeat...we could nominate Jesus himself, Ghandi, Mother Theresa....you take your pick. We will not win another election.

I'll repeat...mail in balloting, no voter IDs, electronically-controlled voting, allowing no supervision of elections processes, adding 3 more democratic strongholds as states, packing the Supreme Court, opening the borders to unfettered illegal immigration, and a Pravda-like media sewn together means....forget it.

Anyone believing we have a shot at winning another election given the current state is a fool.

I was surprised they won in 2016.
On the packing the court, with a 50/50 split and Joe Manchin having previously stating he would not vote for those type shenanigan's we might be safe. Joe should just come over to the Right it is where his State is.

If you believe that pompous blowhard, you are a bigger fool then this post makes you look.
That said, it is time to move on and send Trump on his way. This I agree with. So let's look to the future. The question is...is there any Republican that is electable as President, anyway. Is there one that you see that can bring into the Republican party the people that Trump was able to? Because if not, we might as well just piss into the wind for all the good it is gonna do.

Right now I do not see any.

I'm putting on my Outcoached hat...

"me, me, me - pick me!!!"
If the moderators feel one needs a vacation - they give said user a vacation. I don't see the problem here. We all live by the same rules at SN...

It's called censorship, and if Facebook wants to now be allowed to determine what and when media is posted to it's site, they should no longer be given legal immunity from what is published on their site if they control what is actually posted on their site. You can't claim that you have no control over what people publish on your site and then control who/what can post on your site.
Link / research? Also not uncommon to have counter-protestors. The guy in the costume in the capitol does appear to be pro-trump no matter which way you slice it.

Counter protestors?..hahahaha..hahaha. That was a good one. Yeah,they've had themselves one hell of a year. I hope they can take it up a few notches this year. Really try and push forward.

Those guys planned days ahead to come into Washington dressed and acting like Trump supporters. Pretty slick.

You think I don't follow these people? They're not that clever. They do think they can operate pretty freely now. Well within certain areas. That **** won't fly here, but they're expanding.
LOL, because he won't break the law and indulge Trump in his thoroughly debunked election fraud claims?

Point proven.

There you go again...debunked and thoroughly no less. I have no problem with you or your opinions but this seems either truly naive or possibly a sign of endorsement of the fraud. I can't understand your embracing the narrative with such fervor.
Has anyone seen the pics of MAGA trying to stop the insurgents (Antifa) from breaking the windows to the capital?
You are all acting as if these claims of fraud haven’t been brought before multiple courts, they have, there wasn’t any merit to ANY of their cases. None.

For ***** sake, look at all the republican appointee federal judges....Trump appointees even, who have look at these arguments. There is 0 evidence of ANY widespread voter fraud. None. You heard it from your own party senators. There is a lot of ‘could haves’ and bullshit, but no evidence.

Be honest with yourselves. If there was evidence, why would a court not hear it? Why would so many refuse? Why would Trump appointees say the claims are not legitimate....it’s because they aren’t.

You believe Trump’s claims...it’s your right, but you are just following along in the lies of a person who only cares about himself. You think he gives a **** about America? He literally bragged that he would have the tallest building in NY after the towers crashed....yeah, he cares.

Have a great 2021.
Has anyone seen the pics of MAGA trying to stop the insurgents (Antifa) from breaking the windows to the capital?

No, are there?
You are all acting as if these claims of fraud haven’t been brought before multiple courts, they have, there wasn’t any merit to ANY of their cases. None.

For ***** sake, look at all the republican appointee federal judges....Trump appointees even, who have look at these arguments. There is 0 evidence of ANY widespread voter fraud. None. You heard it from your own party senators. There is a lot of ‘could haves’ and bullshit, but no evidence.

Be honest with yourselves. If there was evidence, why would a court not hear it? Why would so many refuse? Why would Trump appointees say the claims are not legitimate....it’s because they aren’t.

You believe Trump’s claims...it’s your right, but you are just following along in the lies of a person who only cares about himself. You think he gives a **** about America? He literally bragged that he would have the tallest building in NY after the towers crashed....yeah, he cares.

Have a great 2021.

Have you watched any of the hearings? Many were independent of the Trump campaign. These legislators want to take action but their RINO or dim governors will not call them in to session which ties their hands of many legal recourses to investigate/mitigate the fraud.
There you go again...debunked and thoroughly no less. I have no problem with you or your opinions but this seems either truly naive or possibly a sign of endorsement of the fraud. I can't understand your embracing the narrative with such fervor.

And I can't understand someone believing in a theft of a presidential election that at this point would have to involve Republican election officials, Republican judges, Republican senators and representatives, Republican state attorneys general, Republican governors, the president's own attorney general, department of homeland security and Supreme Court appointees...all being in the tank for Joe Biden.

But you do you I guess.

It was nonsensical when Hillary and her followers tried to claim it and it's nonsensical now.
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Now Bill Barr's a RINO, Pence is a RINO, Lindsey Graham is a RINO, Mick Mulvaney is a RINO...anyone who doesn't do Trump's bidding like his little lapdog is a RINO.

It'd be laughable if it wasn't so pathetic.
C'mon guys, this activity is absolutely uncalled for. I can understand the minor quips about losing the Presidency; but this is an outright coup!!!

Why is it when they do it in Seattle or Detroit it's just folks exercising their rights to protest, but when they do it in Washington against a completely illegitimate government it's a "breach" or a "coup"?
I feel for the lady that was shot in the chest...
Joe Biden and the vice prostitute are responsible for that.
Thanks Trump now we're lost the high ground on looting and rioting too.

Your destruction of conservatism is complete.

Oh ya. Somehow this is aaaaalllll Trump's fault. You betcha!
but you can't breach the Capitol building while Congress is in session, sorry. That is a national security issue.
**** em. They work for us. If people want to go in and tell them they're pieces of ****, that's their right as Americans.

After those same politicians disenfranchised every single voting American they don't get to ***** and moan when those people resort to the only form of political participation left to them.
How exactly are they responsible for that.

I don't know, it's a weird world we live in, I agree. We live in a world where thinking adults actually believe Bush killed thousands by making Katrina hit New Orleans and many of those same people believe Trump killed thousands with COVID. This is just as plausible using the same lack of logic.
Yeah Trump's power over the electorate worked out great in Georgia didn't it?

Impossible to "win" when the voting machines just keep spitting out democratic votes.

You can bury your head in the sand and pretend we still have a democracy. The only thing that will do is suffocate you.
And I can't understand someone believing in a theft of a presidential election that at this point would have to involve Republican election officials, Republican judges, Republican senators and representatives, Republican state attorneys general, Republican governors, the president's own attorney general, department of homeland security and Supreme Court appointees...all being in the tank for Joe Biden.

But you do you I guess.

It was nonsensical when Hillary and her followers tried to claim it and it's nonsensical now.

I watched several republican state representatives state that they wished to investigate the fraud, desertify and recertify their state results but their squishy governors would not call their bodies in to session. Whats that about?

I think the swamp is so deep that either collusion or death threats are involved. This is Soros’s desired outcome and it will be done...by any means necessary. I'm not 100% of course but look what they've done with COVID. We are no longer a constitutional republic thats for sure.

It's pretty telling that anyone who questions the obvious fraud is deemed crazy.
The courts threw these cases out because there was no evidence.
That's not true and you know it. And if you don't know it you are simply willfully ignorant.