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US Capitol breached

Seems attacking the Capitol isn't just a right wing thing. And your hero, Bill Clinton commuted their sentences on his way out the door. And you're worried about people with flags and signs.


And let's compare and contrast further by talking about motivations. The people with flags and signs wanted to support the Republic and Constitution by protesting a fraudulent election. The people with the bomb were attempting to start a communist revolution.

And let's compare and contrast further by talking about motivations. The people with flags and signs wanted to support the Republic and Constitution by protesting a fraudulent election. The people with the bomb were attempting to start a communist revolution.
Libtard commies like Fibs have zero common sense, only irrational remedial emotions.
Why don't you come to de America to try to put dees lowlifes to bed?


Unhinged lunatic.

That guy is way off his rocker.
That guy is way off his rocker.

100% Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Rubber room, ECT type of off his rocker. Trump completely broke his brain (what was there). He probably mentions him in more than half of his **** troll posts and the ******* guy has been out of office a year.

Talk about a lunatic, Tiborat's picture should be next to it in the dictionary. There's no amount of therapy/medication/shock treatment to come back from that.
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100% Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Rubber room, ECT type of off his rocker. Trump completely broke his brain (what was there). He probably mentions him in more than half of his **** troll posts and the ******* guy has been out of office a year.

Talk about a lunatic, Tiborat's picture should be next to it in the dictionary. There's no amount of therapy/medication/shock treatment to come back from that.

It just brought out his true commie self. Best thing Trump ever did was help uncloak the swamp creatures. That and get this country really rolling. Unfortunately we have a great many who want the opposite.
These white nationalist, MAGA cocksuckers are still at it. Time to put these lowlife, unhinged extremists to bed before they organize another Jan 6th. Round 'em all up.

Vile Comrade Tibs, useful idiot,


suggested "rounding up" those he disagrees with, for political reasons.....this lowlife sycophant will gladly help others load the deplorables on the train....
Vile Comrade Tibs, useful idiot,


suggested "rounding up" those he disagrees with, for political reasons.....this lowlife sycophant will gladly help others load the deplorables on the train....

If Tibilo tried to "round up" people he disagrees with, I would pay good money to travel to a swamp and watch little Tibsy try to "round up" Ogre. That would be ... epic.
That guy is way off his rocker.
It just shows how unhinged and idealogically facist the far left has become. Using terms like "round them up" are dog whistles for a sinister desire to eliminate those that don't fall in line. Welcome to 1930s Germany.
It just shows how unhinged and idealogically facist the far left has become. Using terms like "round them up" are dog whistles for a sinister desire to eliminate those that don't fall in line. Welcome to 1930s Germany.

Nah, using terms like *round them up* is a 100% surefire way to trigger the MAGAs on the board. Lol, ya'll get so pissy & irate! Oh, and re-education camps, that's the other one.

Who knew so many of you get your panties in a bunch when someone criticizes the far-right Proud Boys, Patriot Front, white nationalists, or the Klu Klux Klan? Why do any of you give a ****? You've all made it perfectly clear you distance yourself from extremists. So why protest so loudly when the far right gets called out? What it is to any of you? Why do you care?
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It just shows how unhinged and idealogically facist the far left has become. Using terms like "round them up" are dog whistles for a sinister desire to eliminate those that don't fall in line. Welcome to 1930s Germany.

Thankfully the American leftist is mostly a weak spineless coward. They'll have to harden way up.
Nah, using terms like *round them up* is a 100% surefire way to trigger the MAGAs on the board. Lol, ya'll get so pissy & irate! Oh, and re-education camps, that's the other one.

Who knew so many of you get your panties in a bunch when someone criticizes the far-right Proud Boys, Patriot Front, white nationalists, or the Klu Klux Klan? Why do any of you give a ****? You've all made it perfectly clear you distance yourself from extremists. So why protest so loudly when the far right gets called out? What it is to any of you? Why do you care?
Because everyone, even you Tibs is entitled to free speech and to have and share their opinions no matter how moronic. When you start talking about "rounding them up" you totally show how tone deaf you are to history. "Rounding them up" has lead to some perfectly awsome and innocent times in history(sarcasm in case you missed it), Particularly in Russia, China and Germany. The fact you would even think to say crap like that shows the problem with the left in general right now. There is absolutely no room for dissension or even science if it dares disagree with your Socialist/Communist agenda. I use those terms because calling it a liberal agenda would totally dishonor the whole idea of liberalism. Liberalism in it's real sense is diametrically opposed to the agenda of the left and especially the manner in which it is trying to be forced upon us and the manner in which free thought and speech are being trampled in the most fascist of ways. The millions of people killed in the name of "rounding them up" Salute your view!
Because everyone, even you Tibs is entitled to free speech and to have and share their opinions no matter how moronic. When you start talking about "rounding them up" you totally show how tone deaf you are to history. "Rounding them up" has lead to some perfectly awsome and innocent times in history(sarcasm in case you missed it), Particularly in Russia, China and Germany. The fact you would even think to say crap like that shows the problem with the left in general right now. There is absolutely no room for dissension or even science if it dares disagree with your Socialist/Communist agenda. I use those terms because calling it a liberal agenda would totally dishonor the whole idea of liberalism. Liberalism in it's real sense is diametrically opposed to the agenda of the left and especially the manner in which it is trying to be forced upon us and the manner in which free thought and speech are being trampled in the most fascist of ways. The millions of people killed in the name of "rounding them up" Salute your view!

On this board, believe me, I use the term ironically, given we've had several rounds discussing this phrase. So let me clarify. The FBI should be arresting any and all extremists - left or right - who are planning to carry out violent acts to further their cause. That goes for the Proud Boys & Patriot Front as it does for Antifa, BLM or any extremist leftist group. I've had it with extremists. Everyone has the right to free speech, to voice their opinions, and to protest peacefully. When it is being done to promote hatred and violence, to push antisemitism and racism, it does toe the line. I will always stand against racists & fascists of any kind. The end.
On this board, believe me, I use the term ironically, given we've had several rounds discussing this phrase. So let me clarify. The FBI should be arresting any and all extremists - left or right - who are planning to carry out violent acts to further their cause. That goes for the Proud Boys & Patriot Front as it does for Antifa, BLM or any extremist leftist group. I've had it with extremists. Everyone has the right to free speech, to voice their opinions, and to protest peacefully. When it is being done to promote hatred and violence, to push antisemitism and racism, it does toe the line. I will always stand against racists & fascists of any kind. The end.
Slippery slope still Tibs, define planning. Define a violent act versus civil disobedience. At what point does it change? In trying to prevent crimes and you create them. Worse you can create thought crimes which is the very crux of 1984's warning about the future. You can have FBI agents who actually encouraged and did the planning as there is evidence of recently. You arrest those who have acted violently not just thought about it. Only if a you can absolutely prove an intent to harm ar defraud do you act before it happens, like with murder to hire. So you want to curtail free speech like we used to overthrow the British and become a nation to begin with? You want to limit speech to the point where we risk a truly totalitarian government squelching resistance? Our Government should work under the premise at any point the people could rise up and overthrow them, they should be scared of us not us of them.
I will always stand against racists & fascists of any kind. The end.
And yet you are a political leftist who votes Democrat, the party that thrives on racism and pushes fascist doctrine and constantly violates the Constitution. That is the height of both hilarity and hypocrasy.
And yet you are a political leftist who votes Democrat, the party that thrives on racism and pushes fascist doctrine and constantly violates the Constitution. That is the height of both hilarity and hypocrasy.
He doesn't even understand basic concepts at this point. There's no use even trying. Trump turned his brain into mashed potatoes.
I will always stand against racists & fascists of any kind. The end.


You haven't even the slightest idea how off your rocker you really are, that's what's both hilarious and frightening to anybody who's actually part of your inner circle at the same time.
He doesn't even understand basic concepts at this point. There's no use even trying. Trump turned his brain into mashed potatoes.

I think his brain was already headed towards mashed potatoes. They were already soaked by palinka and soft as baby ****, Trump was just the masher that finished the job.
On this board, believe me, I use the term ironically, given we've had several rounds discussing this phrase. So let me clarify. The FBI should be arresting any and all extremists - left or right - who are planning to carry out violent acts to further their cause. That goes for the Proud Boys & Patriot Front as it does for Antifa, BLM or any extremist leftist group. I've had it with extremists. Everyone has the right to free speech, to voice their opinions, and to protest peacefully. When it is being done to promote hatred and violence, to push antisemitism and racism, it does toe the line. I will always stand against racists & fascists of any kind. The end.
Vile Comrade Tibs, useful idiot.

**** off, already
He doesn't even understand basic concepts at this point. There's no use even trying. Trump turned his brain into mashed potatoes.
I think he has the same problem many lefties have, they believe their media is telling them the truth based on facts. Many lefties, such as Jimmy Dore, Matt Tiabi, Joe Rogan, and Bill Maher are starting to see the truth......the MSM is propaganda. Too bad, once upon a time, the MSM were the watchdogs of the gov't. Now they are the gatekeepers.

Tibs is too invested in his ideaology. He is lobotomized and incapable of knowing the truth.
Some things never change. 😡

Way to self own on an extremely uncomfortable hill to die on when you are reminded that the Democratic Party was behind the birthing of the Klan.
"Our Government should work under the premise at any point the people could rise up and overthrow them, they should be scared of us not us of them."


and why we have the Second Ammendment and should fight to the death to preserve it.