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US Capitol breached

while all votes should be counted, maybe make a time constraint on counting these?
if I can submit a payment to be processed via credit card and that amount be calculated instantly ... why cant a vote be tabulated instantly?

yes, there'd need to be upgrades in security for this (physical and electronic) but it should be very doable.
Do you know how much credit card fraud exists? You really want to the process of voting to be comparable to something that has huge amounts of fraud?
Holding folks accountable for their misdeeds is now *communism?* You're further gone than I thought.
You mean like Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and basically the entire Democrat party for the last 20 years? It’s funny how holding people accountable is always used as a political truncheon by leftists. More importantly we already know there were no miss deeds by anyone in the Trump administration because we even have Donald Trump on video telling people to peacefully march to the capital. We do however have missed deeds by a whole bunch of federal officers agitating the crowd and Nancy Pelosi telling the DC police not to put out extra Crowd control. Tell me why come Merrick garland wouldn’t answer the question about how many federal officers the FBI had undercover in that crowd January 6?
You mean like Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and basically the entire Democrat party for the last 20 years? It’s funny how holding people accountable is always used as a political truncheon by leftists. More importantly we already know there were no miss deeds by anyone in the Trump administration because we even have Donald Trump on video telling people to peacefully march to the capital. We do however have missed deeds by a whole bunch of federal officers agitating the crowd and Nancy Pelosi telling the DC police not to put out extra Crowd control. Tell me why come Merrick garland wouldn’t answer the question about how many federal officers the FBI had undercover in that crowd January 6?

Who showed up and gave an 11-hour, full-disclosure testimony during the Benghazi hearings? Who didn't claim executive privilege and lie to the American people? Who was a patriot, a decent citizen and elected official who upheld the Constitution and the Rule of Law?

Who showed up and gave an 11-hour, full-disclosure testimony during the Benghazi hearings? Who didn't claim executive privilege and lie to the American people? Who was a patriot, a decent citizen and elected official who upheld the Constitution and the Rule of Law?

View attachment 7247
You are seriously using the Hildebeasts testimony over the Benghazi affair where she obfuscated and outright perjured herself by saying the attack was caused by a YouTube video? While at the same time ignoring the willful illegal handling of classified information and destruction of evidence she engaged in after the fact? Get the **** out here with that **** you communist shill.
Do you know how much credit card fraud exists? You really want to the process of voting to be comparable to something that has huge amounts of fraud?
~~~ clap, clap, clap ~~~
~~~ clap, clap, clap ~~~
~~~ clap, clap, clap ~~~
~~~ clap, clap, clap ~~~
~~~ clap, clap, clap ~~~
Who didn't claim executive privilege and lie to the American people? Who was a patriot, a decent citizen and elected official who upheld the Constitution and the Rule of Law?

View attachment 7247

"Alex, I'll take 'Not Her' for $500"
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Oh my... so it begins. (y)

Oh, look, it's the sedition caucus! Round 'em up!

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Oh my... so it begins. (y)

Oh, look, it's the sedition caucus! Round 'em up!

View attachment 7251
well looky there.

100% not a politically motivated witch hunt! yes, tibs...you support this, and if the shoe were on the other foot, you'd be screaming some **** about peach pies and hwyte sooprimissee from behind your secured border, under your soft comfy blanket while looking through the closet door slats and embracing your woke cuckness.
Round 'em up!

Do you know how much credit card fraud exists? You really want to the process of voting to be comparable to something that has huge amounts of fraud?

And you think that the fraud is a result of the computers doing the math wrong?
Yup, #TreasonTexts are correct. And you all support them. Sad.

And these treacherous fools went live on air the same day spreading lies about Jan 6th, Antifa et al, knowing full well it was Trump & his flock that were behind it. Zero credibility.

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Excellent analysis by the venerable David Corn. Well worth reading, particularly for you MAGAs.

I Compared the New January 6 Texts to Mark Meadows’ Book. It’s Damning.

Trump’s last chief of staff is hiding what happened that awful day.

Mark Meadows, call your publisher.

It seems that Donald Trump’s final White House chief of staff left out some critical information in The Chief’s Chief, his new book chronicling his 10 months as Trump’s number-one factotum. On Monday evening, as the House committee investigating the January 6 attack was deliberating on whether to cite Meadows for criminal contempt for refusing to testify before it, Rep. Liz Cheney, one of the two Republicans on the panel, read a series of text messages that Meadows received during those horrific hours when Trump supporters were violently assaulting the US Capitol and trying to shut down the certification of Joe Biden’s victory. The texts portray a harrowing stretch and indicate that
Trump, as Cheney noted, had been derelict in his duty as commander in chief by not taking actions to stop his rioting loyalists.

This is not how Meadows depicts January 6 in his own account, which devotes only a few pages to that day. He describes the pre-attack speech Trump delivered across from the White House—in which he whipped up the crowd with the Big Lie that the election had been stolen from him and urged the mob to head to the Capitol—as merely a final get-together between Trump and his supporters: “[H]e wanted to make sure that all those people he had met over his four years—the ones who had shown up to every rally, listened to his speeches, and written him letters about their frustrations with the establishment—would have one more chance to come together, make their voices heard, and encourage each other.”

Meadows is lying. For weeks, Trump-allied groups had been promoting this event as a chance to “save America” and “stop the steal,” not a fond farewell. In tweets, Trump had been encouraging people to attend. On December 19, he had tweeted, “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!” Meadows forgets to mention this tweet.

He characterizes Trump’s speech that day as calm: “t was not ranting demands that came out of his mouth; if anything, he was more subdued than usual, simply stating his points and letting the crowd know that he was not going to give up on America, or on them.”

Was Meadows paying attention? As the AP noted, Trump’s tone and substance were “incendiary.” This is how the news service describes Trump’s remarks: “For more than an hour, Trump made the case that he and his supporters at the rally had been ‘cheated’ and ‘defrauded’ in the ‘rigged’ election by a ‘criminal enterprise’ made up of some of the ‘weak’ legislators the insurrectionists were about to confront.” When his supporters chanted, “Fight for Trump,” he thanked them. Meadows quotes a passage of that speech in which Trump criticized the media—“It’s not fair. It suppresses thought…and it’s become the enemy of the people”—yet he says nothing about Trump’s long diatribe citing alleged, but disproven, instances of election fraud.

In his book, Meadows refers to the subsequent assault on the Capitol as the “actions of a handful of fanatics across town who had decided—all on their own, by the way, with absolutely no urging from President Trump—to break into the Capitol Building to try to wreak havoc.” (Define “handful,” Mr. Meadows.) He states that what happened on Capitol Hill “was shameful.” Then he turns to what Trump did as his devotees were marauding through the Capitol, beating police officers, calling for the lynching of Vice President Mike Pence, and attempting to thwart the Constitution… Actually, he doesn’t. Meadows’ account includes nothing on how Trump reacted to this domestic terrorism or what actions he took throughout that long and ugly afternoon. And there is not a word about anything Meadows himself did during the riot. Nada.

That’s rather odd. This was one of the most dramatic episodes of Trump’s presidency and of Meadows’ stint in the White House. And the guy doesn’t share one detail. Yet now, thanks to the January 6 committee, the public knows a little more about what Meadows’ day was like.

As Trump’s brownshirts stormed the citadel of American democracy, Meadows received a flow of messages and cries for help from people inside the Capitol, including legislators. One text informed him, “We are under siege here at the Capitol.” Another read, “They have breached the Capitol.” And another: “Mark, protesters are literally storming the Capitol. Breaking windows on doors. Rushing in. Is Trump going to say something?” A fourth exclaimed, “There’s an armed standoff at the House Chamber door.” A fifth: “We are all helpless.”

Dozens—dozens—of texts, including some from Trump administration officials, pleaded for action. “POTUS has to come out firmly and tell protesters to dissipate. Someone is going to get killed.” “Mark, he needs to stop this. Now.” “TELL THEM TO GO HOME.” “POTUS needs to calm this sh*t down.” Donald Trump Jr. texted Meadows, “He’s got to condemn this **** ASAP.” Meadows replied, “I’m pushing hard. I agree.” But when Trump took no such steps, Trump Jr. texted Meadows repeatedly. In one message, he urged, “We need an Oval Office address. He has to lead now. It has gone too far and gotten out of hand.”

Fox News hosts also pushed Meadows for action from Trump. Laura Ingraham texted, “Mark, the President needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy.” Brian Kilmeade beseeched, “Please get him on TV. Destroying everything you have accomplished.” And Sean Hannity sent a message: “Can he make a statement? Ask people to leave the Capitol.”

What a dramatic afternoon. Meadows was being besieged by lawmakers, fellow Trump officials, the stars of Fox News, and the president’s eldest son. Why would he leave all this out of his book? It’s gripping. It’s suspenseful. And why not reveal to his readers how he reacted to these pleas and what he did—or didn’t do—in response?

Meadows in the book presents no information to counter the impression Trump purposefully dawdled to see if the riot might work to his advantage and forestall the certification of Biden’s win. He does not address the various reports that cast Trump in a dark light: that Trump was practically giddy as he watched the violence on television, that when House GOP leader Kevin McCarthy urged Trump to intervene to halt the rampaging, he replied, “Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.”

Meadows is hiding what happened in the White House on January 6. It’s no wonder he does not want to testify. Trump’s failure to act that day—to heed all those pleas—is also Meadows’ failure.

This book is disinformation. Meadows peddles Trump’s propaganda. “I knew he didn’t lose,” Meadows declares of Trump and the 2020 election. How did he know this? The “excitement of the people” at Trump’s campaign rallies had been “palpable.” He says he had “spoken with dozens of peoples during those rallies” and they were “thrilled to be together.” (They were also “some of the kindest, most generous people I had ever met.”)

He accuses unnamed Democrats of conspiring before Election Day to use fraudulent votes to lock in a Biden victory—without providing any evidence of this plot. He claims there were “thousands of allegations of widespread fraud.” He writes that Trump only raised “legitimate concerns about the way our elections are run,” not bizarre rumors or speculation. And he maintains that Democrats—again, unnamed—had a plan not only to rig the election but to cover up their skullduggery: they used allies within the media to deride Trump claims of ballot fraud as nothing but unhinged conspiracy theories. And, Meadows contends, the media had been preparing for this moment for years by branding Trump and his supporters as crazy and paranoid. “t became clear that the media’s plan—the ‘long con’—had worked,” he writes. “Soon, anyone who had questions about the election was labeled a nutcase.” Get it? The media had been painting Trump and his crew as kooks so that when the Dems steal the election and the Trumpers protest, no one will believe them. That was diabolical.

With his book, Meadows is conning the public. He won’t testify before Congress, but he’s peddling this collection of untruths and non-truths, rehashing Trump’s I-was-robbed swill for his audience of Trump die-hards. Still, Meadows is holding back on them. He’s not telling them—and the world—what he and their champion did on perhaps the most consequential day of Trump’s presidency. Perhaps that’s to be expected. The texts hint at negligence and malfeasance. And what Trump fan is going to pay $28 for that?
Thank you, House of Representatives, for putting country over party. 🙏 Now, over to you, DOJ.

Tibs all hyped up about speculation and a partisan witch-hunt just like he was over RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA for the last 5 years.
As expected, the eunuch Tibilo, the bleating shill of the (D)imbo-commie party, the cowering fool, thinks his "bombshell" revelations in post #2116 support his screeching, inane diatribe about January 6. Here is what the article ACTUALLY says and shows:
  • Mark Meadows supposedly "hid" a message to the protesters ... in a tweet. You know, the thing that can be viewed by a scant 7 billion people.
  • Mark Meadows, Matt Gaetz, Tom Cotton supported an "armed insurrection" that featured no arms and no charges against anybody for insurrection, by ... asking the President to tell protesters to get out of the Capital.
  • Fox News - ahhh, he quakes just saying the NAME - flamed the "armed insurrection" with no arms and no insurrection by ... telling the President to tell protesters to go home.
  • The President, Donald J. Trump, supported the insurrection with no arms and no insurrection by ... talking about the election being stolen. Remember, speech is violence and violence is speech.
  • The President, Donald J. Trump, supported the unarmed no-insurrection by telling protesters ... "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."
  • The President, Donald J. Trump, supported the insurrection by making a video shown to the protesters at 4:00 p.m. that day ... telling protesters, "You have to go home now."
  • https://www.c-span.org/video/?50777...lection-stolen-tells-protesters-leave-capitol
What I listed are the facts in the article, plus a link and quotation from the video message our President, Donald J. Trump, issued on January 6, 2020.

And the lying scum in Congress continues with the charade.
@Tibs when will we get around to prosecuting all those people who burned buildings down, destroyed livelihoods and maimed, beat and killed others during the "mostly peaceful protests" that the Democratic Party flamed and embraced for the previous four years?

asking for less than 81 million people
I suggest congress begin looking into allegations that Joe Biden incited the riot by allowing hundreds of thousands of fraudulent votes to be cast in his name. I suggest they call him to testify, simply so we can enjoy his responses to challenging questions like, "For the record, can you confirm that your name is Joseph Biden?"
Gutless lying scumbag Adam "**** Sandwich" Schiff caught forging evidence ... AGAIN.
