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US Strikes Syrian Airbase


Well-known member
Apr 8, 2014
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As most of you know I'm not a big Trump fan but tonight I have to say, thank God we finally have a president with some balls.


The U.S. military launched approximately 50 cruise missiles at a Syrian military airfield late on Thursday, in the first direct American assault on the government of President Bashar al-Assad since that country’s civil war began six years ago.

The operation, which the Trump administration authorized in retaliation for a chemical attack killing scores of civilians this week, dramatically expands U.S. military involvement in Syria and exposes the United States to heightened risk of direct confrontation with Russia and Iran, both backing Assad in his attempt to crush his opposition.

President Trump said the strike was in the “vital national security interest” of the United States and called on “all civilized nations to join us in seeking to end the slaughter and bloodshed in Syria. And also to end terrorism of all kinds and all types.”

“We ask for God’s wisdom as we face the challenge of our very troubled world,” he continued. “We pray for the lives of the wounded and for the souls of those who have passed and we hope that as long as America stands for justice then peace and harmony will in the end prevail.”

The missiles were launched from two Navy destroyers — the USS Ross and USS Porter — in the eastern Mediterranean. They struck an airbase called Shayrat in Homs province, which is the site from which the planes that conducted the chemical attack in Idlib are believed to have originated. The targets included the runway as well as aircraft, hangars and fuel.
How long before boots on the ground? This is not going to make Trump too popular with the Russians. This thing has gone on for way too long. Get r done.

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How long before boots on the ground? This is not going to make Trump too popular with the Russians. This thing has gone on for way too long. Get r done.

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BWAHAHAHAHAHAH! Some of you just lap everything tossed your way like a starving Ethiopian. There will be NO boots on the ground, this attack is just a red herring for local consumption.

Here let me use my expertise to paint you a little picture:


It's not going away..MMMM...MMMMM....that imPEACHment pie is almost ready!!!!
Elfie, just curious...what did you think about Obama's line in the sand? What did Obama do to stop the slaughter of innocent Syrian children? What did Obama do to stop Putin from seizing Crimea?

Oh yeah, that's right. He did nothing. Who's Putin's ***** again?
The stupid **** Putin said about Syria being some sovereign nation should remind everyone what a useless commie dickbag he still is.
Worst. Meme. Ever.

Consider the source....lol.

Obama did jack **** to stop this- except allow thousands of unvetted "refugees" come in here and in Europe. We see how well that's working out. I don't LIKE that we took this action, but I support it because SOMETHING needed to be done.
Liberals are raging mad.... yet for 8 years they said nothing as a obama shot bottle rockets around.

Now we have a leader that brings a flame thrower and is gonna take care of business.
This was a slap on the wrist. To let the world know we haven't disappeared. A strong USA is essential to world peace. But as we have seen inthe past that regime change in the ME is a risky proposition. Nothing else will come of this. It is also a signal to North Korea.

Britain, France and Israel express support; Iran and Russia opposed

Netanyahu 'fully supports' Trump: World reaction to U.S. using cruise missiles


"The U.K. government fully supports the U.S. action, which we believe was an appropriate response to the barbaric chemical weapons attack launched by the Syrian regime and is intended to deter further attacks," a government spokesman said.


"I was told by [U.S. Secretary of State] Rex Tillerson during the night," said France's Foreign Minister Ayrault in the Mauritanian capital Nouakchott where he is on a diplomatic visit.

"Use of chemical weapons is appalling and should be punished because it is a war crime," he said, adding that Russia and Iran needed to understand that supporting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad made no sense, and that France was not seeking a confrontation with those two countries.


Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed the attack saying he "fully supports" U.S. President Donald Trump's decision.

Benjamin Netanyahu said Friday in a statement that "In both word and action" Trump "sent a strong and clear message" that "the use and spread of chemical weapons will not be tolerated."


Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the "Australian government strongly supports the swift and just response of the United States.

"This was a calibrated, proportionate and targeted response. It sends a strong message to the Assad regime, and ... has been struck at the very airfield from which the chemical attack was delivered.

Saudi Arabia:

A statement carried by the state-run Saudi Press Agency blamed the government of Syria for the chemical weapons attack, praising the "courageous decision" by the U.S. to launch missile strikes on Syria over a deadly chemical weapons attack.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry said the missile launch by Trump was the right response to "the crimes of this regime to its people in light of the failure of the international community to stop it."


"The United States for sure are a guarantor of world peace and order. And there are situations when you need to react, situations when you need to take actual action," spokesman Rafal Bochenek told state television TVP Info.

"We have seen the abuses of the Syrian regime over the last years - no one had reacted to that," Bochenek said.


"Many innocent people became victims from the chemical attacks. The international community was shocked by the tragedy that left many young children among the victims," Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters.

"Japan supports the U.S. government's determination to prevent the spread and use of chemical weapons," he said.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAH! Some of you just lap everything tossed your way like a starving Ethiopian.

Yet you watch Cenk.

Love that projection. Whatever you post is baseless.. has no meat. You're the one that's been starving. Its glaring,

And that BWAHAHAHAHAHAH fake laugh is so cute.
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While watching the news this morning, it was mentioned that the Russians were given advance notice of this attack, and I'm thinking "that was a stupid idea."

Until I learned from a source who said that there were Russian "advisors" at the Syrian airbase and they were given 30 minutes to leave before impact. That's pretty bad-*** in my book.
SMH @ France. Even in a clear statement of condemnation, they still find a way to ***** out.
While watching the news this morning, it was mentioned that the Russians were given advance notice of this attack, and I'm thinking "that was a stupid idea."

Until I learned from a source who said that there were Russian "advisors" at the Syrian airbase and they were given 30 minutes to leave before impact. That's pretty bad-*** in my book.

Russia has lots of people in Syria, they have a base there too.

It was a smart move, we don't want to target and kill Russian soldiers, we also have 1000 boots on the ground in Syria.
SMH @ France. Even in a clear statement of condemnation, they still find a way to ***** out.

Yep. And gee, loving all the support from everyone....if they're so supportive why didn't they all band together and do something sooner? This is why the US has to lead...no one else will.
I've been off the grid at a cabin in SE Ohio. This is awesome, and another major blow to Obama's limp-wristed pathetic legacy. And Elftard, your baseless conspiracy theories just prove what we've all known: that you are a sniveling, whining, anti-American libtard. Keep it up. We laugh At You. MAGA!
Trump Tears Up Obama’s Half-Assad Policy

As the crisis in Syria deepened, Barack Obama pursued a policy of all talk and no action. President Trump’s policy can be described as no talk and then action.

Once again defying convention, Trump struck Syria decisively on Thursday, throwing Dems who have been caricaturing him as a puppet of Putin into a state of perplexity.

Where Obama famously “led from behind” — a rhetorical nod to his feckless and slavish regard for “international consensus” — Trump’s strike sends the signal to world leaders, including the Chinese premier with whom he is now meeting, that he takes his cues from nobody.

What’s likely to happen now is that Putin will follow Trump in finding a resolution to the crisis. Russia grumbled about Trump’s strike, but not as loudly as one might have expected. Both Trump and Putin appear already in agreement on one point: that a post-Assad future can’t involve any slackening in the war on ISIS or give an opening to Islamic radicals.

"Tonight I ordered a targeted military strike on the airfield in Syria from where the chemical attack was launched. It is in this vital, national security interest of the United States to prevent and deter the spread and use of deadly chemical weapons. There can be no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons, violated its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and ignored the urging of the U.N. Security Council."



yep - new sheriff in town
This concerns me a liitle. Help me out.

As we know by the events at Gaza that terrorists hide themselvels and their weapons stash in publc places, in towns, schools ects. Therse terrorists also have and store chemical weapons.

Syria insists that they would not and did not drop chemical weapons on its own people, but rather destroyed an arms depot belong to the Fate al Sham front, a spinoff of al -Qaeda who control the city of Khan Sheikhun.
This arms depot in or near the city of Khan Sheikhun contained chemical weapons.

That occurring makes more sense to me than what has been reported. I hope I'm wrong.
Someone please prove to me I'm wrong! I am humble man, and will graciously accept your critique of my theory!

God forbid Trump actually did **** up.

A couple of sources:

I know, it appears Russian:
This concerns me a liitle. Help me out.

As we know by the events at Gaza that terrorists hide themselvels and their weapons stash in publc places, in towns, schools ects. Therse terrorists also have and store chemical weapons.

Syria insists that they would not and did not drop chemical weapons on its own people, but rather destroyed an arms depot belong to the Fate al Sham front, a spinoff of al -Qaeda who control the city of Khan Sheikhun.
This arms depot in or near the city of Khan Sheikhun contained chemical weapons.

That occurring makes more sense to me than what has been reported. I hope I'm wrong.
Someone please prove to me I'm wrong! I am humble man, and will graciously accept your critique of my theory!

God forbid Trump actually did **** up.

A couple of sources:

I know, it appears Russian:

The sources who could correct your story won't, because they can't. What HAS been made public so far is that the planes that did the bombing were traced back to the airbase that was attacked. The details of how the intelligence community knew that are probably classified. That takes us back to those who can counter your argument won't.
Yet you watch Cenk.

Love that projection. Whatever you post is baseless.. has no meat. You're the one that's been starving. Its glaring,

And that BWAHAHAHAHAHAH fake laugh is so cute.


The most interesting part of this is that now the CONservatives here don't believe in conspiracies.

Yet if the roles were reversed we could search for the term "false flag" on this site and get about 1,000 hits just for the past 2 days alone.

You can NOT make it up......literally.

Oh, and of course BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

So gullible...of course, they voted for Trump.
The US got their balls back! Even the UN can't say anything. For decades, the use of chemical weapons has been a complete no-no. Well, except when Odumbfuck was our president.
How long before boots on the ground?

U missed this?

U.S. Is Sending 400 More Troops to Syria


WASHINGTON — The United States is sending an additional 400 troops to Syria to help prepare for the looming fight for Raqqa, the capital of the Islamic State’s self-proclaimed caliphate

The increase, which includes a team of Army Rangers and a Marine artillery unit that have already arrived in Syria, represents a near-doubling of the number of American troops there.

The United States military has declined to say how many troops it has deployed in Syria. The formal troop cap is 503, but commanders have the authority to temporarily exceed that limit.
