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Very interesting with Aiyuk

Haven't we heard that all summer now?

Of course we have, but IU’m talking very recently. Superman pointed out that they waved a player and now have an open roster spot……… could possibly be an indication something is in the works……….

Salute the nation

Could have been treat williams

In high school, I went out with this chick whose last name was Williams. Her front upper chest area was a real TREAT

Sa lute the nation
Of course we have, but IU’m talking very recently. Superman pointed out that they waved a player and now have an open roster spot……… could possibly be an indication something is in the works……….

Salute the nation
So we should hold our breath you are saying? 👍
Front chest? Is that anything like a back p u s s y?

Context, “front upper chest”.

I’m not sure where you find your *****, but then again that is none of my business……………..

Salute the nation
Time to move on!
Big question is how do we beat the Falcons.
Lock Tomlin in a bathroom at a gas station at an undisclosed location so he can stay the hell outta Smith’s way as he tries to call logical play sequences outside of the “Tomlin scheme” of everything must be within 5 yards of the LOS and outside the hash marks.

It is the way
Lock Tomlin in a bathroom at a gas station at an undisclosed location so he can stay the hell outta Smith’s way as he tries to call logical play sequences outside of the “Tomlin scheme” of everything must be within 5 yards of the LOS and outside the hash marks.

It is the way

I might suggest the bathroom where Jeff Reed put the towel dispenser in its place, that way Coach Tomlin has at least one fixture under his control………….

Salute the nation
In high school, I went out with this chick whose last name was Williams. Her front upper chest area was a real TREAT

Sa lute the nation
And how many years ago was that Mr Dic?

Bet you that front upper is now front lower!

From little on My dad always said if you can’t eat a steak off them they’re too small. That one confused me for many years.

He always told me pickled herring puts hair on your chest. That one still confuses me.
His other one was…..you’re dead for a long time. Now that saying I understand.
Lock Tomlin in a bathroom at a gas station at an undisclosed location so he can stay the hell outta Smith’s way as he tries to call logical play sequences outside of the “Tomlin scheme” of everything must be within 5 yards of the LOS and outside the hash marks.

It is the way
That would certainly work "from a structural and environmental standpoint at this juncture." Apropos as well since Tomlin's lack of offensive acumen has been known to peel the paint off the walls.
Time to move on!
Big question is how do we beat the Falcons.

I agree. This work of fiction is done and the movie is never getting made. Another company bought the rights.

Next project. Atlanta Falcons. It's a done deal.
And how many years ago was that Mr Dic?

Bet you that front upper is now front lower!

From little on My dad always said if you can’t eat a steak off them they’re too small. That one confused me for many years.

He always told me pickled herring puts hair on your chest. That one still confuses me. 00
His other one was…..you’re dead for a long time. Now that saying I understand.

The Williams Girl
She has built a lower garage and rests her upper deck upon it……………

My dad told me this at a young age and repeated it many times through out my life………

“Don’t ever give up your thirst for knowledge, always try to learn.”

Thanks Steelmann, great memories !!!!

Salute the nation
What I'm hearing is you went out with a girl with the last name Williams, and you banged her in the S10!
What I'm hearing is you went out with a girl with the last name Williams, and you banged her in the S10!
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Tough on crime? Stealing under $950 is just a misdemeanor in California. It's not encouraging a lawful society.

So when you go wearing your Rolex out in public, your probably of getting robbed is very high. You couldn't pay me enough to live in that place.
I seen some pics of some of their shithole areas. Reminds me a little of LA. Just let an earthquake make them their own country already. Cal is one screwed up state.
Soooooo no BA? How bout An AB?

Today I don’t think you would get a functioning player.

In his prime, up-grade his helmet regularly, I’d take him in a heartbeat. If you say “knowing then what we know today”, I counter with hellA yes as then we’d know when to cut ties as well.

Salute the nation