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Wait, what is Deuce's point?

It looks pretty state of the Art 2, to me.

This weight room in no different than the other 31 teams in the NFL. This “survey” has many problems with formality of the survey. Players were allowed to take it in a group situation, so there is that influence. I don’t take much stock in it as I only need to look a short distance back in time to a fella named James Harrison, to prove my point.

How many other “child day care” is offered through out the NFL teams…….. I’d bet very few. I think the culture has influenced this outcome as well.

The ME First of the Tomlin ERA.

Salute the nation
The Steeler gym equipment is dependant on who gives them free stuff, not even kidding. Those players more serious about their strength and conditioning work out at a gym down the road.

This is a ridiculous statement. Sorry, but no body is giving the STEELERS over a 1/2 million dollars worth of training equipment for a professional team. When that facility was installed, it was the dream of the NFL at the time, obviously age does make the building an older building, but the equipment is being up-dated continuously if for no other reason than actually wearing it out.

Reading more into this survey (media based) and condemning this team based on a very small he said she said outcome is nuts. Art2 is a very good business man and he knows what makes his business run and be competitive within the league.

Salute the nation
This is a ridiculous statement. Sorry, but no body is giving the STEELERS over a 1/2 million dollars worth of training equipment for a professional team. When that facility was installed, it was the dream of the NFL at the time, obviously age does make the building an older building, but the equipment is being up-dated continuously if for no other reason than actually wearing it out.

Reading more into this survey (media based) and condemning this team based on a very small he said she said outcome is nuts. Art2 is a very good business man and he knows what makes his business run and be competitive within the league.

Salute the nation
Guess what the annual gym salary was when at 3 Rivers. Go ahead and guess.
You play a ******* game for a living and you make more money in one year than most of us see in their lifetimes. And you complain. **** you.
I have managed to save close to 3 million but it can go poof at any point. This **** pisses me off. *******.

Pay for your own daycare.
Dont have kids out of wedlock.
Spoiled mother ******* brats.
Off season going to be a long one. just like always.
You play a ******* game for a living and you make more money in one year than most of us see in their lifetimes. And you complain. **** you.
I have managed to save close to 3 million but it can go poof at any point. This **** pisses me off. *******.

Pay for your own daycare.
Dont have kids out of wedlock.
Spoiled mother ******* brats.
Well it was a survey wasn't it? They were asked questions. They answered. That's all. Seems like you are more upset than the players. In fact the players never really actually complained. Take a few deep breathes and relax a bit.
Ping pong table off the top of my head.

They're not missing **** other than everyone being all in fully committed.

We should be talking about those practice habits during the season.

And well the offseason should be balls to the wall training.
Well it was a survey wasn't it? They were asked questions. They answered. That's all. Seems like you are more upset than the players. In fact the players never really actually complained. Take a few deep breathes and relax a bit.
Chit, wish I had taken your advice before the 5 mile walk in the rain... my doggy was looking up at me and I could see it in his eyes,..WTF dad? Then he saw a rabbit.
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There was a time when the Steelers front office was considered highly approachable and the Steelers were praised for it. There was mounds of evidence and testimonials to that fact. To be honest, I have no idea if that remains the case today. While remaining a huge fan of the Steelers, I have generally distanced myself from football for a variety of reasons which means I generally care little about the league as a whole but also pay a lot less attention to these kinds of tangential things, even when it comes to the Steelers.

That being said, the Steelers have always been more conservative on spending for facilities and other items. They are never going to be the Dallas Cowboys, etc. And there have always been low rumblings, but nothing crazy, about same.

Notice that in the last couple years the Steelers have been a shitshow from a leadership perspective and it has been reflected throughout the players. One might conclude that the unhappy sentiment of the players might therefore appear in other areas and discussions, even if not 100% justified, as a way of speaking out. No facts to know that it is, but that could certainly be playing its way into surveys like this.

I'd suggest they bring back the ping pong table because that may entertain the young kids AND players, making everyone a happy family.
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