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Washington Compost


They killed Kenny!
Apr 9, 2014
Reaction score
The nearest Steelers bar.
Every sentient being knows that the Washington Compost is a liberal rag headed for bankruptcy, and kept afloat solely by Jeff Bezos' Amazon fortune. However, at some point, the creepy, bizarre Bezos may have to jettison the Compost, which is now a parody of a news source. In particular, over the weekend, U.S. special forces forces located and exterminated a cockroach known as Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Cockroach ran ISIS. He was once a prisoner of the United States, until Bammy inexplicably released him in 2009. Cockroach ran ISIS, and for many years bragged about ISIS burning people alive, and putting people in cages and then putting the cages underwater, and dozens if not hundreds of beheadings, and of raping thousands of woman and girls. ISIS, under Cockroach's tutelage and approval, would place families (non-believers, very often Christians) in cages and burn them alive. This vermin was directly responsible for the rape, torture and murder of Kayla Mueller. He bragged about it. He took photographs of some of his disgusting behavior.

So U.S. special forces did the world a favor by going after that disgusting piece of filth. Oh, and how did that wonderful human being end his miserable existence? He set off a suicide vest - WITH THREE OF HIS CHILDREN IN PROXIMITY, KILLING THEM ALL. And what did the Compost, that failing, miserable, fetid, disgusting rag, announce regarding the death of a mass murderer and genocidal maniac? This:

Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi, austere religious scholar at helm of Islamic State dies at 48

**** the Compost. The accompanying story talked about Cockroach as a shy, nearsighted boy who was very religious, and who liked soccer, but preferred to spend time as his local mosque.

Oh, their story did mention, in passing, in the FORTIETH ******* PARAGRAPH, "Later, former hostages would reveal that Mr. Baghdadi also kept a number of personal sex slaves during his years as the Islamic State's leader, including slain American hostage Kayla Mueller and a number of captured Yazidi women. U.S. officials corroborated the accounts."

So he kept an American woman, among many, as a personal sex slave before murdering her. Oh, but he was very quiet, and an austere religious scholar, according to the Compost.

**** that rag. I will never, ever again link to any story from those cocksuckers. I hope they burn in hell. Oh, and the internet is taking note, Compost. A few similar-sounding headlines have made their way public, in derision of the Compost's loving comment about an "austere religious scholar" who, in addition to his religious studies, also loved raping, murdering, burning people alive, keeping sex slaves, murdering sex slaves, etc. Among the best:

Adolf Hitler, Austrian vegan activist and landscape painter, dies at 56

John Wayne Gacy, children’s party clown, dead at age 52

Osama Bin Laden, spiritual leader and architect of lower Manhattan urban revitalization projects, dead at 54

Jeffrey Dahmer, amateur chef with a flair for exotic cuisine, dies at 34
Joseph Stalin, Pravda Editor and Wartime Leader, dies at age 74.

Adolf Hitler, Bestselling Author of Mein Kampf, Dies of Suicide

Pol Pot, Communist Activist and Fashion Designer, Dies Quietly in Bed at Age 69

See.... this can be fun.
Thread title is too kind, should probably be the Washington Shithouse.

This was probably the most dangerous and despicable, evil human being on the planet. And they went and did this.
Mao, agrarian and inspiration for "LMAO," dies peacefully at age 82.

Adam Lanza, Asperberger's sufferer and orphan, dead on his birthday at the age of 20.
Jeffrey Epstein, billionaire philanthropist and dedicated youth counselor, dies among dedicated government servants at age 66.

Lee Harvey Oswald, parade enthusiast and former Marine, dead at age 24.
The Washington Post also wrote that Trump’s proclamation that Baghdadi died a coward was false since he was brave enough to blow himself up. If Trump said water was wet, they would argue the opposite. The media and press in America is shameful. They can’t even be happy that our military just rid the world of a couple murdering scumbags. No, they basically side with said murdering scumbags. And they wonder why Trump calls them the enemy of the people.
The Washington Post also wrote that Trump’s proclamation that Baghdadi died a coward was false since he was brave enough to blow himself up. If Trump said water was wet, they would argue the opposite. The media and press in America is shameful. They can’t even be happy that our military just rid the world of a couple murdering scumbags. No, they basically side with said murdering scumbags. And they wonder why Trump calls them the enemy of the people.

Makes me wonder who is financing the headlines and propaganda that is emanating from mass media and Hollywood. They can't be making a living at not selling their agenda to a majority of Americans. Some entity has to be financing it with the goal of wearing Americans down into thinking/acting differently over the course of generations. It's simply brain washing on a massive scale.
Makes me wonder who is financing the headlines and propaganda that is emanating from mass media and Hollywood. They can't be making a living at not selling their agenda to a majority of Americans. Some entity has to be financing it with the goal of wearing Americans down into thinking/acting differently over the course of generations. It's simply brain washing on a massive scale.

It's a slow, planned process. How else do you explain a late night "comedy" show like Colbert still being on the air? Someone must watch it.
Makes me wonder who is financing the headlines and propaganda that is emanating from mass media and Hollywood. They can't be making a living at not selling their agenda to a majority of Americans. Some entity has to be financing it with the goal of wearing Americans down into thinking/acting differently over the course of generations. It's simply brain washing on a massive scale.

My guess is Soros, Steyer, Sussman, Bezos, Bloomberg & Hoffman (co-founder of LinkedIn), they've been the biggest donors in the past I believe. I noticed the Washington Compost and Blooperberg Politics ran almost the same exact ad re: al-Baghdadi.
A vast number of Americans excoriated and lampooned the vile excrement known as the Compost for its idiotic headline regarding a genocidal rapist/maniac - "austere religious leader" - and the news gets even better. Specifically, a Federal judge revisited and reversed his earlier decision to throw out the defamation lawsuit by a 16-year old, Nicholas Sandman, against the Compost and has now decided to let the case go forward.


I hope a Kentucky jury ***** the Compost into bankruptcy, to the point that Bezos has to decide if he wants to spend all those millions on the corrupt and failing crap known as the Compost.
Baghdadi got off easy. He deserved much worse. All filmed, packaged and mailed to his shitbag followers. We could just label it "Dexter Morgan sends his love "

Nice to see they named the mission after Kayla Mueller.
It's great for America when one of these disgusting, fetid swamp cesspools accidentally and stupidly outs itself in broad daylight for all the world to see. Our beloved scumbag media.......creating new Trump voters every day.