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Welcome to the Trump express to the white house. A


Well-known member
Jan 13, 2015
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Trump's ability to mend relationships. Get on board the express to the white house.

Republicans, Independendents, Middle / working class Democrats who work and pay taxes, and Conservatives its time to ride the Trump express to White House.

With Cruz, out and Trump calling him a worthy opponent, it's time for most of the party's Trump detractors to improve ties with the Donald.

Trump's deal making and ability to mend broken fences is actually on of his best strengths. I have heard several New York stories where Trump was initially considered the bad guy, outmanoeuvring and muscling his competitors, only for him and the competitors to become friends on some level after the project was over.

Donald is Sun Tzu like after the battle is over, knowing that a sustained war, or agitating your opponent after victory is not wise.
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**** Donald Trump.

The Second Amendment is at much at risk with Donald Trump as it is with Hillary Clinton. Republicans supporters of Trump will rue the day of his nomination, should he defy the odds and beat Hillary. I would laugh at you all when it happens, but it'll really be just too sad. This country has crumbled under the weight of its own stupidity.

All that complaining about Barack being more interested in becoming a celebrity than running the country, and what do we do? Attempt to elect a celebrity. Pathetic.
Conservatives are having a complete meltdown...

Denial has given way to anger, frustration, panic. I didn’t want to do a bunch of screen captures, so I am retyping tweets and comments from tonight that you might find interesting. Just a small taste of what is going down on the conserva-sphere:

Redstate commenter
33 years as a Republican ends now. Good-bye GOP. I didn't leave you, you left me.

Ben Howe, Editor of Redstate

Erik Erikson
I don't want to congratulate Hillary Clinton on winning the Presidency tonight, but she just did.

Sen.Lindsey Graham
If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed... and we will deserve it.

Nat. Review’s Charles C.W. Cook
Madam President.

McCain 08 Chief Campaign Strategist, Steve Schmidt
Republicans need to ask whether they love their country more than their party.

Conservative Blogger, Matt Walsh
Goodbye, Republican Party.

Mark Salter, GOP strategist
The GOP is going to nominate for President a guy who reads the National Enquirer and thinks it's on the level. I'm with her.

Managing Editor of the rightwing Conservative Examiner, Philip Klein
I have officially de-registered as a Republican.

Redstate commenter
Because of ignorant, low info, gullible morons, the best chance in freaking years to get a true principled conservative is blown. And this opportunity was wasted with the help of Fox News, Ben Carson, Sarah Dingbat Palin, faux Christian Robert Jeffress et al. Not to mention some who flat out stayed in the race too long...
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**** Donald Trump.

The Second Amendment is at much at risk with Donald Trump as it is with Hillary Clinton. Republicans supporters of Trump will rue the day of his nomination, should he defy the odds and beat Hillary. I would laugh at you all when it happens, but it'll really be just too sad. This country has crumbled under the weight of its own stupidity.

All that complaining about Barack being more interested in becoming a celebrity than running the country, and what do we do? Attempt to elect a celebrity. Pathetic.

Apparently you have no clue about Trump's position on the 2nd amendment. He is all for gun rights and the right to carry. Hillary has stated that she wants to end the NRA and ban guns.
Republicans burn voter registration cards on social media in protest of Trump

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas dropped out of the presidential race on Tuesday, sealing Donald Trump’s chances of winning the Republican nomination and kindling a firestorm among Republicans on social media.

Some conservatives burned their Republican voter registration cards, calling to mind the protesters who burned their draft cards in opposition to the Vietnam War.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="und" dir="ltr"><a href="https://t.co/L0hQvfBSvS">pic.twitter.com/L0hQvfBSvS</a></p>— Lachlan Markay (@lachlan) <a href="https://twitter.com/lachlan/status/727666316748935169">May 4, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Others shared images of forms changing their party affiliation.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I have officially de-registered as a Republican. <a href="https://t.co/DjRI21Oyvx">pic.twitter.com/DjRI21Oyvx</a></p>— Philip Klein (@philipaklein) <a href="https://twitter.com/philipaklein/status/727665419788627968">May 4, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

The stream of social media outcry marks a pivotal point in U.S. political history, said historian Dan T. Carter.

“It does reflect, in ways that I never anticipated, the divisions that have existed for a generation within the Republican Party, but that have been papered over by the success of various Republican candidates,” Carter said. “Those tensions are now there for all to see.”

The outrage sprang up across the gamut of the Republican Party, from conservative writers and strategists to elected officials and rank-and-file voters.

Read the full reaction here > http://www.pbs.org/newshour/rundown...al-media-are-saying-about-trumps-indiana-win/
Tibs - I don't disagree much with the comments you posted.

However, you simply refuse to acknowledge that the corrupt Democratic party is no better. You seem to have no problem with the fact that the Democrats use the device known as "superdelegates" to make sure a buddy is nominated. The superdelegate process in the Democratic primary is awe-inspiringly corrupt, and you say nothing.

The idea that a professional politician like Hillary Clinton is what the country needs is just laughable, Tibs. ****-on-a-stick, Clinton pretends she had no role in bringing about the financial mess that is the national debt, and the pending bankruptcy of social security and Medicare. She isn't the solution, Tibs - she is part of the damn problem.
She isn't the solution, Tibs
As far as I'm concerned - if she's still standing in November - she is the solution in keeping Trump out of the White House. That's the irony here, she's going to garner so much more support from independents, ex-Republicans, jaded conservatives and usually-too-lazy-to-vote Dems. All of her transgressions will be forgiven, for the simple reason that she'll keep this blithering fool from becoming president.

But I agree with you Steeltime, Hillary is far from an ideal candidate. That's why I haven't supported or defended her. But if Bernie does indeed fall to the wayside, there is simply no other choice for any patriotic American that wants what's good for the country.
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As far as I'm concerned - if she's still standing in November - she is the solution in keeping Trump out of the White House.

You realize, don't you, that you sound like the "**** it, I'll hold my nose and vote for Romney" crowd from 2016? That tepid support was not enough for him to prevail.

But I agree with you Steeltime, Hillary is far from an ideal candidate. That's why I haven't supported or defended her. But if Bernie does indeed fall to the wayside, there is simply no other choice for any patriotic American that wants what's good for the country.

Hillary is as corrupt a politician as Huey Long. Once again, the superdelegate shenanigans are outrageous, and I have not read a word of protest from you.

And please, for the love of all that is holy, don't equate a Hillary vote with patriotism.
And please, for the love of all that is holy, don't equate a Hillary vote with patriotism.
Dude, when a vote for Hillary means saving the Republic, it is an act of patriotism. No worries, you'll have between now and November to mull your options. I'm still praying by some divine intervention Hillary won't be the nominee.


**** you Buff you ******* magnificent alias ******* *****...anything to drum up more business, right?

I know - let's start a "Trump for President" thread!
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Dude, when a vote for Hillary means saving the Republic, it is an act of patriotism. No worries, you'll have between now and November to mull your options. I'm still praying by some divine intervention Hillary won't be the nominee.

You and me both, brother.

3rd term for Bill? I say yes.
You and me both, brother.

3rd term for Bill? I say yes.

Are you stoned? Trump's tax plan alone and the benefits that you and your practice would get should be reason enough to vote for him, not to mention the countless obvious reasons.
The amount of "sky is going to fall" when it comes to Trump is just crazy.

Nothing is going to happen different. He'll shake the establishment a bit. He'll change the definition of being a Republican (for the better actually). He'll repeal some stupid executive orders our country did fine without for decades. He'll find some common ground to pass some legislation with a normal, everyday congress run by normal, everyday politicians (who I hate, but still). He'll have nice White House parties and woo political dignitaries like they've never seen before or since.

Tibs, I can't believe you're falling for the "end of the Republic" bullshit you think will happen if Trump gets elected. It's nonsense.

Even I, in my complete disgust with Bernie Sanders and his blatant socialist/communist message, don't think he would "ruin our Republic". He would just speed up the process of bankrupting our country (which is still 20-30 years away if democrats control everything and 50-100 years away if republicans control everything). What Bernie stands for just isn't good for the country... both short term and long term... because he wants to increase the size of federal government by 25%. Even if he fails, he probably succeeds at 10%, maybe 20% if he gets either house of congress democrat with him.

That's bad for our country and the ONLY really bad thing. All the stuff Trump proposes can be undone. Walls, immigration reform, tax reform, changes to Obamacare,, etc. All things that can be tried for a while and changed back if they don't work.

You know what CAN'T be changed? Lowering the amount of money the federal government spends once it's embedded in the budget. You know that. You know deep inside that once Bernie gets elected, the federal budget goes up 20% and there's no way EVER to get that cat back into the bag.

I don't know how anyone with a brain can't see that and how that would be bad for our country. I don't know how anyone can look at the sluggish global economy, the 10% european unemployment, the failing Chinese "boom" economy built on a house of cards and a bankrupt and corrupt Brazil and not realize more federal government spending is the EXACT OPPOSITE of what we need right now.

I just don't get it.
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Tibs, I can't believe you're falling for the "end of the Republic" bullshit you think will happen if Trump gets elected. It's nonsense.

Even I, in my complete disgust with Bernie Sanders and his blatant socialist/communist message, don't think he would "ruin our Republic". He would just speed up the process of bankrupting our country (which is still 20-30 years away if democrats control everything and 50-100 years away if republicans control everything).

Well-stated. Partly what I said in another thread, when I mentioned that no matter who gets elected, the behemoth known as the United States economy will lumber on.
**** Donald Trump.

The Second Amendment is at much at risk with Donald Trump as it is with Hillary Clinton. Republicans supporters of Trump will rue the day of his nomination, should he defy the odds and beat Hillary. I would laugh at you all when it happens, but it'll really be just too sad. This country has crumbled under the weight of its own stupidity.

All that complaining about Barack being more interested in becoming a celebrity than running the country, and what do we do? Attempt to elect a celebrity. Pathetic.
Who the **** complained about that? Talk about a random premise.
If all the people who hate trump and hate Hillary backed a third party maybe the big parties would have to shape up before the next election

8 years ago I wouldn't have thought that to be a possibility. Now I do.
I believe I will still be voting 3rd party. I do believe Trump is the closest Libertarian leaning Republican we have ever had, so that is something to think about.

I am stop hoping to see him get screwed over by the GOP, then he can run as an independent, giving Bernie the same idea. I believe that would be enough for the Libertarian nomine to win.
I believe I will still be voting 3rd party. I do believe Trump is the closest Libertarian leaning Republican we have ever had, so that is something to think about.

I am stop hoping to see him get screwed over by the GOP, then he can run as an independent, giving Bernie the same idea. I believe that would be enough for the Libertarian nomine to win.

Would that be a Libertarian candidate or a libertarian?
What I meant was, Fiscally conservative, Socially a bit left of center. Maybe I am wrong, I haven't really been paying attention to whatever details he has put out. Since I believed, and still do, that the GOP would railroad him, there wasn't much reason to do anything other than watch the circus.
What I meant was, Fiscally conservative, Socially a bit left of center. Maybe I am wrong, I haven't really been paying attention to whatever details he has put out. Since I believed, and still do, that the GOP would railroad him, there wasn't much reason to do anything other than watch the circus.
I don't know what you think "the GOP" can do at this point, except bleat about ****, but you need to get your head around the fact that Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the United States.
Love the right wing loonies almost as much as the left wing loonies. They both hurt this country more than anything. The right wing loonies burning their GOP cards and cheering the burning of the cards need to remember, there are as many Bernie supporters (far left loonies) that won't vote for Hilldog as their are on the right that won't vote for Trump. Trump could give 2 ***** about your whining. Go back under the holes you crawled out of. This country needs someone to get us back on track.

Bush took us to within a few hundred yards of the cliff. Odumma and Hillary cut the brake lines and put a steel poll to lock down the accelerator and we are now about to go 150 MPH over the cliff for good. This country is very close to being dead to what the US was founded on. Hillary or Bernie would definitely kill this country within their first year. We still have a little hope to bring things back from the cliff and Trump is the only possible person to do it.
**** Donald Trump.

The Second Amendment is at much at risk with Donald Trump as it is with Hillary Clinton. Republicans supporters of Trump will rue the day of his nomination, should he defy the odds and beat Hillary. I would laugh at you all when it happens, but it'll really be just too sad. This country has crumbled under the weight of its own stupidity.

All that complaining about Barack being more interested in becoming a celebrity than running the country, and what do we do? Attempt to elect a celebrity. Pathetic.


Trump has a concealed carry permit. He's very pro the right for citizens to purchase weapons for defense.

In terms of being a celebrity president, Obama spends way too much time there.
Conservatives are having a complete meltdown...

Denial has given way to anger, frustration, panic. I didn’t want to do a bunch of screen captures, so I am retyping tweets and comments from tonight that you might find interesting. Just a small taste of what is going down on the conserva-sphere:

Redstate commenter

Ben Howe, Editor of Redstate

Erik Erikson

Sen.Lindsey Graham

Nat. Review’s Charles C.W. Cook

McCain 08 Chief Campaign Strategist, Steve Schmidt

Conservative Blogger, Matt Walsh

Mark Salter, GOP strategist

Managing Editor of the rightwing Conservative Examiner, Philip Klein

Redstate commenter

Few of those people are elected officals, and some that are won't be around long. If National security, lower taxes, and a better economy aren't republican issues, those here who want to support Hillary might as well change parties now.