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What is White Fragility?

Great, we settled that. At least I know where you stand and will chalk you up with the other ******** of the board. It's a pretty big pile, but always room for more. Just try to be a little more consistent and stop pretending you want to participate in adult conversations. It's evidently not your thing.

I tried to have adult conversations with you months and maybe even years (now) ago. You either deflect or completely ignore a completely reasonable question. There are so many people on here who have tried to have that conversation with you as well so don't deny that you're just a troll with absolutely no intention of having honest conversations at this point.

In fact, that ship sailed quite a long time ago.
Fair enough. I also happen to think the tens of thousands of folks - millions? - who peacefully take to the streets around the country to demonstrate and protest social inequality are just as much 'holding the fabric of society' together. A desire to make the nation a more perfect union. I get it, that most here at SN focus on the specific acts of the troublemakers, those that cross the line. But there is a large segment of the population who've risen up and have begun to raise their voices for social justice. Are they not Americans, with an equal voice and equal rights under the Constitution? Should they be dismissed simply cause they make you guys - and those in power - uncomfortable? I think not.

I do not think the answer to a disproportionate number of blacks being arrested and incarcerated is to have less laws and less police. How about if we try something really radical and the black community gets together and decides to commit less crimes? It isn't white NRA members who kill 30 black people in Chicago every week.
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You can't have strong communities until you have strong families. The nuclear family is the only way that can happen. When 75% of blacks are born out of wedlock it hurts the children. I see this every single day. I deal with this in school all the time. There is NO community that can handle unwed mothers having kids with multiple baby daddies. The U.S. has spent trillions of dollars with programs targeted to black communities and it doesn't work. Midnight basketball, out reach programs, early literacy programs, art programs, ETC... none of it works because the family structure has been destroyed. So you can riot, protest, complain, and scream all you want but until the black community deals with the main issue nothing will change and nothing has changed.
Learn some basic manners before you try to have a conversation with others.

Great, we settled that. At least I know where you stand and will chalk you up with the other ******** of the board. It's a pretty big pile, but always room for more.

Fair enough. I also happen to think the tens of thousands of folks - millions? - who peacefully take to the streets around the country to demonstrate and protest social inequality are just as much 'holding the fabric of society' together. A desire to make the nation a more perfect union. I get it, that most here at SN focus on the specific acts of the troublemakers, those that cross the line. But there is a large segment of the population who've risen up and have begun to raise their voices for social justice. Are they not Americans, with an equal voice and equal rights under the Constitution? Should they be dismissed simply cause they make you guys - and those in power - uncomfortable? I think not.

as has been said here before, numerous times on end:

No one has a problem with people protesting peacefully.

What you seem to get mixed up on is when these peaceful protests turn to riots. This happens when an instigator is in the crowd and casually breaks a window. Then either that instigator or someone else makes the declaration to "get what's yours". Suddenly the peaceful protest is not so peaceful anymore and it escalates from there.

Normally there are cops around protests, in order to ensure the protesters have their 1A rights. When a window gets broken, yes "**** happens". But when numerous windows get broken, traffic is stopped, rocks and bricks are thrown, buildings are defaced, property destroyed, etc - then the cops have to step up their actions and respond accordingly. It is what one thing they are paid to do by all of us taxpayers. To defend the peaceful protests that have turned riots that result in businesses being burned, people losing jobs and ramifications months later is disingenuous.

You should also weigh some common sense into the protests. You've seen pictures and videos of these protesters not obeying social distancing. You've also seen pictures and videos of some - not all - protesters incorrectly wearing masks, while others may not even wear a mask. As we have learned this year, ONE person can make a difference.

So while it IS important to exercise your 1A rights, don't be upset when the government steps in and infringes on that.

Us 2A supporters already know how it feels.
So while it IS important to exercise your 1A rights, don't be upset when the government steps in and infringes on that.

You can't have strong communities until you have strong families. The nuclear family is the only way that can happen. When 75% of blacks are born out of wedlock it hurts the children..

BLM, the marxist organization, wants to transform the nuclear family into a village family structure. I am sure that will work out great.
BLM, the marxist organization, wants to transform the nuclear family into a village family structure. I am sure that will work out great.

Yup. I remember when Hillary said "It takes a village". She's wrong... a thousand percent wrong. It takes a family of one mother, one father and however many children they have to make strong families. Villages, cities and communities can't be the father and the mother of every home. It's illogical and ignorant. Plus it doesn't work. I can't tell you how many times I've heard local black leaders scream "We've got to stop the killin'" and "We need to help each other". But it never happens and it will never change. Not until people take personal responsibility and stop having children out of wedlock and having 5 baby daddies while 3 of them are in jail.
The peaceful protesters would unify the nation if they marched a million strong into the inner cities with rakes, shovels and paint brushes, where they would actually being doing something other than ranting that someone else needs to do something..
There are many here that have stated it time and time again.

The socialist safety net already passed (and it my opinion very generous) has already made it incredibly easy to leave poverty in one generation. It only takes a few simple choices:

1. Don't commit crimes. Don't be a felon and get into the criminal system.
2. Get your GED
3. Don't have children out of wedlock. Focus on a two-parent household.

It's literally THAT SIMPLE. Take those steps and in ONE GENERATION (if your children follow the same rules), POOF.... no more poverty. It is statistically 99% certain.

And with quotas and affirmative action, minorities that follow those guidelines for two generations are almost certain to have access to higher education at 50%-75% off sticker price thus almost guarenteeing middle class possibilities if choosing a reasonable profession.

If a black man and black woman today follow those three things, their grandchildren will almost certainly be middle class in America. And it literally does not matter how much money they start with right now.

Just FOLLOW THOSE GOD DAMN RULES. It is not that hard.
1. Don't commit crimes. Don't be a felon and get into the criminal system.
2. Get your GED
3. Don't have children out of wedlock. Focus on a two-parent household.

It's literally THAT SIMPLE.

Just FOLLOW THOSE GOD DAMN RULES. It is not that hard.

In fact, it's really not that hard at all. I watch a lot of Food Network and there are so many executive chefs in this country who are immigrants from other countries, and all they did was bust their ***, follow the very simple rules and make practical decisions -- and they are living their dream. Just the same in any other profession I imagine. In fact, these immigrants absolutely love America for what they've been able to accomplish here as opposed to the real oppression they had to suffer through in their home country.

Every race, color, creed, religious background, sexual orientation etc etc.

These Antifa ***** don't know anything about hard work or sacrifice. Little pukes.
What real totalitarianism/oppression looks like. Apparently Iranian-backed militias are firing on and killing Iraqi protesters who want Iran to stop occupying their country. This is just a little snippet of what they get.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="ar" dir="rtl">حكومة الكاظمي تقلد حكومة بشار البعثي المعتوه وتنتقم من الشعب العراقي ردا على القصف الإسرائيلي على معسكر الصقر الإرهابي الذي تختبىء فيه عصابات كتائب سيد الشهداء وعصابات الحشد الولائي بغطاء الشرطة الاتحادية هذه الدخانية التي قتلت المتظاهر السلمي خرجت من مخازن معسكر الصقر .<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D8%A8%D8%BA%D8%AF%D8%A7%D8%AF?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#بغداد</a> <a href="https://t.co/LVj4kyDnxK">pic.twitter.com/LVj4kyDnxK</a></p>— سفيان السامرائي (@SufianSamarrai) <a href="https://twitter.com/SufianSamarrai/status/1287496616430243840?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 26, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
When the rioters get what they want the USA will look like China. If they protest at that time they will disappear, just like in China. Dobthey even know what they are "protesting" for?
There are many here that have stated it time and time again.

The socialist safety net already passed (and it my opinion very generous) has already made it incredibly easy to leave poverty in one generation. It only takes a few simple choices:

1. Don't commit crimes. Don't be a felon and get into the criminal system.
2. Get your GED
3. Don't have children out of wedlock. Focus on a two-parent household.

It's literally THAT SIMPLE. Take those steps and in ONE GENERATION (if your children follow the same rules), POOF.... no more poverty. It is statistically 99% certain.

And with quotas and affirmative action, minorities that follow those guidelines for two generations are almost certain to have access to higher education at 50%-75% off sticker price thus almost guarenteeing middle class possibilities if choosing a reasonable profession.

If a black man and black woman today follow those three things, their grandchildren will almost certainly be middle class in America. And it literally does not matter how much money they start with right now.

Just FOLLOW THOSE GOD DAMN RULES. It is not that hard.

Quit being racist. BLM tells us that the only answer for black people breaking a disproportionate amount of laws is to have less laws and less law enforcement.
thanks Booted

It is a shame this wasn't post #2 in this thread

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thanks Booted

It is a shame this wasn't post #2 in this thread

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I just don't know if the man in the video is Cope or Cope's professor. However, Indy's post at #2 was just as appropriate.
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Great point.

Indy was spot on.

(when you look back on this thread, and a couple more, you get the Coach thread feeling with Indy playing the Ike role, and most others joining in to add color and poi t out the ridiculousness of the OP)

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BLM, the marxist organization, wants to transform the nuclear family into a village family structure. I am sure that will work out great.

They also want to end ownership of realestate because land belongs to all people.
They also want to end ownership of realestate because land belongs to all people.

Until some racist pig has the nerve to show up with an ideology different from theirs. Then they get beat down or bullied into 'leaving', as we saw with CHAZ.
UConn Will Pay White Fragility Author Robin DiAngelo $20,000 To Train School Administrators

The three-day retreat will help 44 top officials "come to grips with the critical questions of racism and inclusion."
ROBBY SOAVE | 8.14.2020

The antiracism consultant Robin DiAngelo is having quite the summer. Her 2018 book, White Fragility, shot to the top of the New York Times bestseller list after the death of George Floyd brought renewed public attention to racial issues.

She has also come under considerable and well-deserved criticism for her suffocatingly racialized worldview, which reduces every person to a color and posits that their interactions with people outside their race will necessarily be fraught and painful. John McWhorter, a professor of linguistics at Columbia University, called White Fragility a "racist tract" that "diminishes black people in the name of dignifying us." His was one of many negative reviews to come DiAngelo's way this year. A New York Times article pointed out the absurdity of one of the central tenets of white fragility training: that positive traits like hard work, individualism, and valuing the written word are characteristics of white culture.

You might think such strongly expressed concerns about her underlying outlook and method would prompt a university to think twice about hiring DiAngelo to train its staff. In most other circumstances, university officials would denounce and flee from a book described as a "racist tract"; Tulane recently canceled a talk by an author whose clearly anti-racist book was unfairly accused of being racially harmful.

But this fall, the University of Connecticut plans to send four dozen top administrators to a three-day workshop where they will study antiracism under DiAngelo's tutelage. For her services, the author will be paid $20,000.

That high price tag is not surprising. News reports have already revealed that DiAngelo and other diversity lecturers often charge in the $10,000 to $15,000 dollar range for a few hours of work. (She even charges $320 per hour for a phone call.) Teaching white corporate executives, school officials, and nonprofit employees to reflect on how their whiteness affords them great advantages and contributes to systemic inequalities is a lucrative enterprise for DiAngelo (who is white).

The problem here isn't that DiAngelo is coming to speak. Public universities can and should use some of their funds to bring interesting speakers to campus, even if their ideas are thought to be harmful. That is, after all, one of the points of having a university: to consider and debate controversial ideas. People who disagree with DiAngelo's ideas should not be afraid of having her share them in a forum where she can be heard, challenged, and rebutted if necessary.

But DiAngelo will not be speaking in a public forum. She will not address students directly. Critics will only be able to engage her ideas in secondhand form, after they have been put into practice by administrators who set rules regarding how people are allowed to interact with each other on campus. DiAnglo is not going to UConn to engage in the give and take of ideas. She is training the university's employees, with the explicit expectation that they will put her recommendations into practice.

UConn President Thomas Katsouleas said as much in a press release, though he put it rather differently: "This retreat will help University leadership come to grips with the critical questions of racism and inclusion, and to bring those insights back to our campuses." Beware the new insights of the campus speech cops.

UConn Will Pay White Fragility Author Robin DiAngelo $20,000 To Train School Administrators

The three-day retreat will help 44 top officials "come to grips with the critical questions of racism and inclusion."
ROBBY SOAVE | 8.14.2020

The antiracism consultant Robin DiAngelo is having quite the summer. Her 2018 book, White Fragility, shot to the top of the New York Times bestseller list after the death of George Floyd brought renewed public attention to racial issues.

She has also come under considerable and well-deserved criticism for her suffocatingly racialized worldview, which reduces every person to a color and posits that their interactions with people outside their race will necessarily be fraught and painful. John McWhorter, a professor of linguistics at Columbia University, called White Fragility a "racist tract" that "diminishes black people in the name of dignifying us." His was one of many negative reviews to come DiAngelo's way this year. A New York Times article pointed out the absurdity of one of the central tenets of white fragility training: that positive traits like hard work, individualism, and valuing the written word are characteristics of white culture.

You might think such strongly expressed concerns about her underlying outlook and method would prompt a university to think twice about hiring DiAngelo to train its staff. In most other circumstances, university officials would denounce and flee from a book described as a "racist tract"; Tulane recently canceled a talk by an author whose clearly anti-racist book was unfairly accused of being racially harmful.

But this fall, the University of Connecticut plans to send four dozen top administrators to a three-day workshop where they will study antiracism under DiAngelo's tutelage. For her services, the author will be paid $20,000.

That high price tag is not surprising. News reports have already revealed that DiAngelo and other diversity lecturers often charge in the $10,000 to $15,000 dollar range for a few hours of work. (She even charges $320 per hour for a phone call.) Teaching white corporate executives, school officials, and nonprofit employees to reflect on how their whiteness affords them great advantages and contributes to systemic inequalities is a lucrative enterprise for DiAngelo (who is white).

The problem here isn't that DiAngelo is coming to speak. Public universities can and should use some of their funds to bring interesting speakers to campus, even if their ideas are thought to be harmful. That is, after all, one of the points of having a university: to consider and debate controversial ideas. People who disagree with DiAngelo's ideas should not be afraid of having her share them in a forum where she can be heard, challenged, and rebutted if necessary.

But DiAngelo will not be speaking in a public forum. She will not address students directly. Critics will only be able to engage her ideas in secondhand form, after they have been put into practice by administrators who set rules regarding how people are allowed to interact with each other on campus. DiAnglo is not going to UConn to engage in the give and take of ideas. She is training the university's employees, with the explicit expectation that they will put her recommendations into practice.

UConn President Thomas Katsouleas said as much in a press release, though he put it rather differently: "This retreat will help University leadership come to grips with the critical questions of racism and inclusion, and to bring those insights back to our campuses." Beware the new insights of the campus speech cops.


Paying 20K to learn about White Fragility is about as white fragile as one can be. geezze!