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White privilege for white terrorists strikes again: He's "quiet" and "kind."


Oct 26, 2014
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White privilege for white terrorists strikes again: He's "quiet" and "kind."

The double standard on how the media is talking about the Austin bomber

Just one day after 24-year-old Mark Conditt, the bomber responsible for killing two and injuring several others in Austin, Texas over the span of three weeks, killed himself after detonating a bomb in a ditch, media outlets have been bending over backwards to humanize him, describing Conditt as “quiet,” “shy,” and “kind.”

On Wednesday, The Washington Post headlined its profile of Conditt by referring to him as “frustrated,” and led with an idyllic description of the bomber’s hometown, before offering a gentle account of his “quiet and shy” demeanor. The New York Times shed light on Conditt’s “tight-knit” and “deeply religious” family. And the Associated Press led with the perspective of Conditt’s uncle, who described the killer as “smart and kind.”


These descriptions are a privilege often afforded to white male criminals — from Dylann Roof, the Charleston church shooter, who was described as a “once-quiet, bright boy” by The Wall Street Journal, to Colorado theater shooter James Holmes who was referred to as “quiet” and “irritable” by ABC News. On Thursday, the Associated Press described Austin Rollins, the 17-year-old who shot and injured two students at a high school in Maryland, as a “lovesick teen.”


In Conditt’s case, the Austin Police Department, as well as the Trump administration and Republican lawmakers, have enabled such placid depictions. Austin Police Chief Brian Manley said Wednesday that the 25-minute recording that Conditt left behind was “the outcry of a very challenged young man talking about the challenges in his personal life that led him to this point.”

Before that, the department reportedly wasn’t even seriously considering the case, and treated Conditt’s first victim, 39-year-old Anthony Stephan House, as a potential suspect. Earlier this month, APD Assistant Chief Joseph Chacon told reporters, “We can’t rule out that Mr. House didn’t construct this himself and accidentally detonate it … I do not believe that we have someone going around leaving packages like this.”

“When it first happened, we didn’t feel like police were taking our family seriously,” House’s brother, Norrell Waynewood, told The Daily Beast.

On Tuesday morning, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders tweeted that the Austin bombings have “no apparent nexus to terrorism at this time.” Texas Rep. Michael McCaul (R) told Fox News on Thursday that the bombings were not “terror-related” and that Conditt was a “disturbed young man.”

Conditt was a “nice kid from a good family.” Nevermind his racism, which was apparent in his initial targeting of Black and Latinx neighborhoods when planting his bombs. Both individuals who died — House and 17-year-old Draylen Mason — came from prominent Black families who knew one another.


The media’s attention on and humanization of Conditt has largely overshadowed the bomber’s actual victims, who have received little media coverage. In a Thursday morning Facebook post, activist and writer Shaun King pointed out this glaring discrepancy, saying that “Black VICTIMS of white violence get less sympathy & compassion” than that afforded to Conditt.


On Twitter, others were quick to notice this trend:


Criminals of color, on the other hand, are often otherized, described as “radicalized” and “violent,” and are typically viewed as representatives of the communities and cultures from which they hail. This makes their acts of violence “a double calamity” for communities of color, wrote journalist Alex Shams in a Thursday morning Facebook post. “We mourn the loss of life and grieve for the victims’ families. We then brace ourselves for the public punishment and collective blame for a crime we didn’t commit if the perpetrator happens to share a dimension of our identity.”

Shams added, “Though white men carry out the majority of mass shootings and ideologically motivated violence, white people don’t face collective criminalization when ‘one of them’ behaves badly.”
The police actually BLAMING the first victim (who just happened to be black)......they just can't believe someone would leave package bombs....? HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF THE UNIBOMBER PUTZ?

How can we blame the black guy????? UN FRICKIN BELIEVABLE!
What the **** are you trying to say? Show me one person on here or in the mainstream that defends anything this fucknut did he is sick and I am glad he is dead.
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dude was crazy. doesn't matter what color he was. plain old crazy
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What the **** are you trying to say? Show me one person on here or in the mainstream that defends anything this fucknut did he is sick and I am glad he is dead.

Shams added, “Though white men carry out the majority of mass shootings and ideologically motivated violence, white people don’t face collective criminalization when ‘one of them’ behaves badly.”

That says it all. And the so called "left wing media" is complicit.
Shams added, “Though white men carry out the majority of mass shootings and ideologically motivated violence, white people don’t face collective criminalization when ‘one of them’ behaves badly.”

That says it all. And the so called "left wing media" is complicit.

So all the violent riots aren't ideologically based violence?

Criminals are criminals regardless of race, creed, sexual orientation or gender or lack thereof, they are all ******* scumbags. Why do we have to make it about race, it is about crime and not following the correct social mores.
Elfie. As fast as you go through nationalities you almost have to identity as white male soon. What are you going to ***** about then?[
Dipshit Elfie,

I'm fairly certain you can find almost anything to back any assertion from the Twitter-verse. Who gives a ****? You can make the same argument from conversations with children. Or your peer reviewed bullshit. Garbage in, garbage out.

Stop recycling horseshit.

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Shams added, “Though white men carry out the majority of mass shootings and ideologically motivated violence, white people don’t face collective criminalization when ‘one of them’ behaves badly.”

That says it all. And the so called "left wing media" is complicit.

Because young black men commit crimes at a rate wildly out of proportion to their numbers. When 3% of the population commits about 40% of the murders and 50% of the violent felonies in this country then that 3% is the group with the problem.
The same "media" outlets that get the "racial democrats" all in a huff are the same ones all of us conservatives have been complaining about for the last decade.

Of course the media is spinning this however they want to get clicks. That's what they do.

Why do people continue to think what the media says is reality? None of my friends have said one ******* nice thing about Unibomber #2. I'm not mourning his life. First thing I said to my wife that day was "thank god they got him" and something to the effect "this is what the ******* FBI should be doing". Not once did race or age or demographic come up.

I just wish that was always the case. This guy was a criminal. A very bad criminal and he got what he deserved in my opinion. We use ******* too many adjectives in our culture now. Too many ******* "groups" and "subgroups". Adjectives don't ******* matter. Only the nouns matter.
Because young black men commit crimes at a rate wildly out of proportion to their numbers. When 3% of the population commits about 40% of the murders and 50% of the violent felonies in this country then that 3% is the group with the problem.

No, the problem is the police watching makes people committ crimes. If rich white neighborhoods were scrutinized the same as poor ones, cops would be arresting crackers all day.
No, the problem is the police watching makes people committ crimes. If rich white neighborhoods were scrutinized the same as poor ones, cops would be arresting crackers all day.

Obviously we need less cops in black neighborhoods and more cops in white neighborhoods to even out the crime rate. Blacks are 12% of the population so anything more than committing of 12% of crimes is racist.
Because young black men commit crimes at a rate wildly out of proportion to their numbers. When 3% of the population commits about 40% of the murders and 50% of the violent felonies in this country then that 3% is the group with the problem.

And those murders are 93% black victims......

Who created the socioeconomic conditions In the black community that lead to violent situations brought on by poverty......hmmmm....I wonder what group that was....
And those murders are 93% black victims......

Who created the socioeconomic conditions In the black community that lead to violent situations brought on by poverty......hmmmm....I wonder what group that was....

Mostly for the last couple decades, themselves, through the culture of unwed mothers lack of fathers and gangs.
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And those murders are 93% black victims......
So the crimes are less serious because most of the victims are black?

Who created the socioeconomic conditions In the black community that lead to violent situations brought on by poverty......hmmmm....I wonder what group that was....

I stop giving a **** as soon as I see the racist terminology "white privledge" being used. ******* absolute nonsense.
By far and away they keep people just as they are. Nothing will ever change. It's sad.

If everyone's lives improved the democratic party would have no platform. They need poor minority citizens in urban areas to pitch their social welfare programs to. If nobody needs welfare what does the party have left to offer or pitch? The more you give away, the less incentive there is for anyone to do anything for themselves. Hence why we now have 2nd and 3rd generation welfare recipients, fatherless children, and children being born into families with no means to care for them. The more the democratic party pushes their liberal and socialist views the more they will alienate a good portion of the country. When it becomes acceptable to have children you cannot support, have children out of marriage, drop out of high school, live outside of your means, rely on affordable housing, food stamps, and every other handout possible while doing little to improve or help your own situation, it leads down a road that is hard to come back from. Any welfare program should be short term in nature and not a life choice. It may sound insensitive, but having to use any welfare program should be embarrassing and not something to be proud of. You should not want to stay on those programs. The more we get away from the morals and ethics that this country was founded on the worse it gets in all areas. 50 years is not a long time in the grand scheme of civilization, but is is scary how far we have both advanced and also regressed in that time span.
Who created the socioeconomic conditions In the black community that lead to violent situations brought on by poverty......hmmmm....I wonder what group that was....

If there was any doubt that you are the stupidest mother ****** to ever visit this site, you just erased it. Christ, can you make it any easier for everyone to prove you wrong?
And those murders are 93% black victims......

Who created the socioeconomic conditions In the black community that lead to violent situations brought on by poverty......hmmmm....I wonder what group that was....

The answer you're looking for is liberal democrats.
If there was any doubt that you are the stupidest mother ****** to ever visit this site, you just erased it. Christ, can you make it any easier for everyone to prove you wrong?

If it's that easy go ahead

I'll be waiting with studies that show in poor white communities in this country the murder rate is also very high.