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Why Would Anyone Vote for a Democrat?


My Opinions Are Awesome!
Apr 23, 2014
Reaction score
Somewhere in Arizona
So, it was hot today and I've had my share of barley soda, but I just can't come to terms as to why anyone would vote D. I get the hate of the narcissistic man that Trump is, but when the alternative is the likes of Biden, or Fetterman, or Katie Hobbs? This just defies logic. The thought of Gavin Newsom entering the national scene after he has done so much TO California is mind boggling. And I realize on this forum there's only Trog and Tibs that will defend this position, while knowing full well that direct questions are never answered. But there are millions that think this way, help me to understand why, I promise not to be judgmental. The party of JFK has turned into a party that divides based on unfounded accusations of hate toward anyone that doesn't fall in line with their ideology. All that I can come up with is jealousy towards those that succeed, fed to the public by the DNC, and the media for the sole purpose of winning and keeping power. It can't possibly be anything else unless you believe keeping people in economic chains by tossing them governmental crumbs is a desired way to live.

I hold no animosity towards anyone but do believe personal responsibility is a cornerstone to a civilized society. Notice that I haven't used any derogatory terms directed at those that may disagree. Can you do the same?

How can you defend what the Democratic Party has become? Not Trump isn't an answer.
Many democrats will never vote for anything but democrats. They watch the View to get their instructions. Democrats don't want balanced power, they want all power. They want to dictate. They want a totalitarian state.
A lot of people where I live in western PA still believe that "the Democrats are the party of the working man". Fortunately that generation is dying out and their kids largely left the area years ago so except for Allegheny County, the surrounding counties are turning red. The modern Democrats in western PA are mostly people who want free **** from the government.
Everyone I know from western Pennsylvania is a communist. My kinfolk included.
As Burgundy said people who want free stuff paid for by OPM. Usually these people are also fairly low IQ.
As Burgundy said people who want free stuff paid for by OPM. Usually these people are also fairly low IQ.
They are happy to get by with less and not have to work rather than have a better lifestyle and get up and go to a job every day.

The modern Democrats in western PA are mostly people who want free **** from the government.
What a pathetic way to live. I'm not talking from an economic standpoint, because lots of folks are content living within their means. I didn't grow up with much but was surrounded by a loving family. What you describe has to be depressing, but perhaps I'm wrong.
I get those that think of themselves as victims of this country and think they deserve a handout for life. But what about those that aren't in that situation?
From what I understand, our resident liberals work for a living. My younger sister is an over the edge liberal, not on the take, and I still don't understand her thinking.
So, it was hot today and I've had my share of barley soda, but I just can't come to terms as to why anyone would vote D. I get the hate of the narcissistic man that Trump is, but when the alternative is the likes of Biden, or Fetterman, or Katie Hobbs? This just defies logic. The thought of Gavin Newsom entering the national scene after he has done so much TO California is mind boggling. And I realize on this forum there's only Trog and Tibs that will defend this position, while knowing full well that direct questions are never answered. But there are millions that think this way, help me to understand why, I promise not to be judgmental. The party of JFK has turned into a party that divides based on unfounded accusations of hate toward anyone that doesn't fall in line with their ideology. All that I can come up with is jealousy towards those that succeed, fed to the public by the DNC, and the media for the sole purpose of winning and keeping power. It can't possibly be anything else unless you believe keeping people in economic chains by tossing them governmental crumbs is a desired way to live.

I hold no animosity towards anyone but do believe personal responsibility is a cornerstone to a civilized society. Notice that I haven't used any derogatory terms directed at those that may disagree. Can you do the same?

How can you defend what the Democratic Party has become? Not Trump isn't an answer.
They have been brainwashed from an early age by the education system and the media to hate everything this country was founded on and that made it successful. They are taught that everyone except white heterosexual people are victims who can't thrive and prosper without help from the government. They are taught that business and profit are evil and the enemies and only the benevolent government is good. Some of them are just do-gooders who actually believe the government confiscates from some people to help other people instead of funding a massive wasteful bureaucracy.
Back in the 60's & 70's, the d party represented social consciousness. (Not socialism, per se.)
That party believed we have an obligation as a society, to help those that truly NEED our help.
But back then there was also an understanding that society already has a number of safeguards to help those who need it. Churches, neighbors, families... You went to them first, THEN the government for assistance.

With the death of church & family, now everyone just assumed the government is responsible for helping ANYONE who isn't living to the standard they would like.
Ever ask someone on assistance what church they attend and whether or not they have asked their church for assistance? They act as if you called their mother a dirty name.
People want assistance, but they want ANONYMITY. They don't want to directly ASK another person in their family, church or neighborhood. That would be "demeaning".
And BECAUSE of this anonymity, they can remain comfortably on assistance indefinitely as they are never put in a position of having to directly ask (and ask again & again.)
They can just do it online.
How can you defend what the Democratic Party has become? Not Trump isn't an answer.

Back in the 60's & 70's, the d party represented social consciousness. (Not socialism, per se.)
That party believed we have an obligation as a society, to help those that truly NEED our help.
But back then there was also an understanding that society already has a number of safeguards to help those who need it. Churches, neighbors, families... You went to them first, THEN the government for assistance.

With the death of church & family, now everyone just assumed the government is responsible for helping ANYONE who isn't living to the standard they would like.
Ever ask someone on assistance what church they attend and whether or not they have asked their church for assistance? They act as if you called their mother a dirty name.
People want assistance, but they want ANONYMITY. They don't want to directly ASK another person in their family, church or neighborhood. That would be "demeaning".
And BECAUSE of this anonymity, they can remain comfortably on assistance indefinitely as they are never put in a position of having to directly ask (and ask again & again.)

IMO, the D party has bastardized what this originally meant:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Preamble to the Declaration of Independence

While it originally meant that each person has the right to their own individual pursuit of happiness, there wasn't a sign that the government was created to allow this for any individual. By allow, I mean it was not the government's responsibility. Hell, I know of a few guys who would say that the pursuit of happiness would lead them to skin a live Ogurr and torture it over an open fire - LIVESTREAMING the event, but that is not the government's responsibility to allow that to happen. That poor, bullshit-assed pox on humanity Ogurr also has a right to happiness.

Over the years, the preamble has been taken to mean that the government is solely responsible for a person's pursuit of happiness. In that regard, people turn to the government for handouts - "the government should assist me in being happy."
The democrats have been taken over by far leftists. They've gone in the direction of some mutant communist totalitarian ideology.

It's mutant because the communists didn't even do the **** with kids these pedo ***** do now.

Speaking of democrats. This guy says some good things now, but he's just a front who just appears to be moderate.

Trog, Tibs, I'm not singling you out, but you're all I've got here. Why should I vote D?

I'm not looking for the shortcomings of the Republican party, there are plenty to choose from, but the virtues of why people vote for the big D, because I just flat out don't understand.
Trog, Tibs, I'm not singling you out, but you're all I've got here. Why should I vote D?

I'm not looking for the shortcomings of the Republican party, there are plenty to choose from, but the virtues of why people vote for the big D, because I just flat out don't understand.
I can name that tune in two notes. Because they still believe (for whatever reason) that the democrat party is the party of the little guy. That they stand up for workers. They also fail to see the inherent problems the leftist ideology presents.

Look, I'm no fan of republicans. For what seems like 20 years now, maybe longer, their whole ticket is "Well, at least we aren't democrats." Republicans have no idea how to govern at the federal level. It's the same tired **** of no solutions, no ideas, no credibility. If this country ever needed a truly conservative third party it was 45 years ago.
The many thousands of Eastern Europeans (the Slavs) that came over during the great immigration waves settled in areas such as Pittsburgh/Western Pa., Youngstown and Cleveland. Many of their decedents out of pure ignorance still cling to the idea that democrats are for the little guy and "Republicans are for the rich". My dad being one of them converted later in life after I was able to enlighten him on what the demonrat party had become.
The many thousands of Eastern Europeans (the Slavs) that came over during the great immigration waves settled in areas such as Pittsburgh/Western Pa., Youngstown and Cleveland. Many of their decedents out of pure ignorance still cling to the idea that democrats are for the little guy and "Republicans are for the rich". My dad being one of them converted later in life after I was able to enlighten him on what the demonrat party had become.
agree. hell, my stepfather's father came over just before Hitler's rise.
yet, now he and my mom are staunch Democrats. Despite their income.
agree. hell, my stepfather's father came over just before Hitler's rise.
yet, now he and my mom are staunch Democrats. Despite their income.

Mind-boggling. My parents were as conservative as you can imagine but also very cognizant of the fact politicians as a rule are dirty. Dad never trusted Nixon (from California, where mom and dad moved in 1958). Today, leftists look at Nixon as some right-wing zealot and are ignorant of the fact Nixon imposed the most left-wing policy imaginable (wage and price controls to battle inflation) and pushed to bring China into the world's economy (how'd that turn out?).

Leftists are still bitter about Nixon's work with Roy Cohn in prosecuting actual communists who infiltrated the American government. Oh, lefties hate insurrection, except when their commie brethren are doing the insurrecting.
I think we have finally reached the tipping point where a number of bad things have come together. Things like: everything is too easy, due to technology the attention span is next to nothing (Ted Kaczynski had a point), we have become a very immature even childish country that treats politics like reality TV or like kids on the playground...get backs. Remember get backs? Instead of what's best for the country...well, I didn't like Trump so I'm just gonna vote for Biden or whoever to get back at those people that voted for Trump.

I don't get worked up over it though like I used to. My faith has everything to do with that. One of the things we all have to realize is America isn't the promised land...this isn't as good as it is gonna get. I wonder if the lesson of America hundreds of years from now will be that with all our advantages, all of our blessings, free from persecution, we still have gotten further and further away from God. We are all wicked sinners in desperate need of saving, in desperate need of the Gospel. That is the only thing that will fix it. America isn't gonna fix anything.