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You may worship me
Apr 8, 2014
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Trampa, FL

A Lynch Mob of One

The assault rifle has enabled racists to act alone.
Ibram X. Kendi
Aug 8, 2019


Everyone seemed to be fleeing the brutality of the Chicago sun. There was no haven that compared to the cooling waters of Lake Michigan. Thousands of blacks and whites flocked to its beaches. That is where 17-year-old Eugene Williams and his friends fled. They knew all about the racial battles at the 29th Street Beach—or, they did not.

The boys splashed into the black side of the lake. Williams climbed on a raft and floated, his friends not far away. His raft accidentally drifted past the invisible color line at 29th Street onto the “whites only” side. Yes, Jim Crow had become national.

Twenty-four-year-old George Stauber saw Williams and started pummeling the boys with stones. Hit, Williams plunged into Lake Michigan and drowned. Daniel Callaghan, a Chicago police officer, arrived on the scene first and refused to arrest Stauber, as William Middleton, a black detective sergeant, insisted he should. Callaghan’s backup arrived and stood as stone-faced as the stone that murdered Williams. A standoff. One black beachgoer drew a gun and fired at the police line.

Then the city’s white rage, to use Carol Anderson’s term, exploded amid the false rumors of a black “invasion” to “clean out” white neighborhoods. When the lynch mobs finally disassembled nearly a week later, 38 people—23 black, 15 white—had perished, more than 350 people had reported injuries, and about 1,000 black homes lay in ashes. The worst incident of white-supremacist terror during the Red Summer of 1919 ended on August 3.

Exactly a century later, on Saturday, 21-year-old Patrick Crusius, wielding an assault rifle, allegedly entered a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, and murdered 22 people. Hours later, 24-year-old Connor Betts, holding an AR-15-style firearm, allegedly entered Dayton’s Oregon District and murdered nine people. A manifesto linked to Crusius said he targeted Latino people. Six of Betts’s nine victims were African American in majority-white Dayton, although police have been unable to determine whether his victims were deliberately targeted.

The American crisis of white-supremacist terrorism—its deadliest form, mass murder—is as old as it is new. The death knell still sounds. The deliverer of mass death has changed.

In 1919, the white lynch mob was the deadliest domestic form of white-supremacist terror. Back then a sizable number of armed and coordinated white supremacists were needed to slaughter a sizable number of people of color. Now it takes only one.

The lynch mob endures in a different form. The assault rifle is the lynch mob of one.

Eugene Williams escaped the brutality of the Chicago sun, but, like countless Americans before and after him, he could not escape the brutality of white-supremacist terrorism. As false rumors of the black “invasion” spread, the white lynch mobs and their terror grew to “defend” their Chicago.

Southern migrants doubled Chicago’s black population in the five years leading up to 1919. Racist whites despised the demographic shifts, all the black people supposedly infesting the city’s historically white workforce and voting rolls. Months before the so-called Chicago race riot, black voters had put their preferred candidate over the top in the heated mayoral election.

The great northern migration of black people was cast as an invasion then, just as the great northern migration of Latino people is cast as an invasion today. The “New Negro” stood for “absolute and unequivocal social equality” then, just as the New Antiracist stands for absolute and unequivocal racial equity today. Angry and fearful whites marched with the Ku Klux Klan then, just as angry and fearful whites flock to the rallies of Donald Trump today. On Memorial Day 1927, 1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the neighborhood where I would grow up six decades later—Jamaica, Queens. Trump’s father, Fred Trump, was arrested for “refusing to disperse from a parade.” The Klansmen claimed to be defending their white supremacy.

In 1919, black people had to defend themselves all year long from white lynch mobs in more than two dozen cities across the country. The first white lynch mob that year tipped off in April in Jenkins County, Georgia, due to “a deep-seated envy and animosity toward a few thrifty and industrious Negroes,” according to a local black paper. But most of the lynch mobs rose up during that Red Summer of 1919. The lynch mob, today, is again reddening an American summer.

Americans should shudder at the thought of an assault rifle in the hands of a white supremacist as they shudder at the memory of the lynch mobs of white supremacists. The carnage of yesterday is today—and it seems never ending. Lynch mobs terrorized Americans for nearly 100 years. How long will these new lynch mobs of one terrorize Americans?

Moved by the victims of gun violence, antiracists are struggling, unsuccessfully, to ban the assault rifle today and control the flow of guns—just as they struggled, unsuccessfully, to ban the lynch mob a century ago. Moved by the National Rifle Association, racists are struggling, successfully, to defend the assault rifle today as they struggled, successfully, to defend the lynch mob a century ago.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill in 1922, just as in February of this year, the House passed H.R. 8 to enact universal background checks for all gun purchases. But filibustering segregationist senators blocked anti-lynching legislation for decades, while today Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is blocking H.R. 8 from receiving a vote despite overwhelming bipartisan support.

No one in Chicago’s lynch mobs wrote a manifesto to explain an attack in 1919. If someone had, then it would have resembled the manifesto linked to Crusius. “This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me,” it said. “I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion.” Swapping out Hispanic for black and Texas for Chicago, the 1919 manifesto would have read: “This attack is a response to the black invasion of Chicago. They are the instigators, not me.”

The lynch mob of many and the lynch mob of one are formed of the same racist logic. Protect white supremacy. Crusius wrote at length about “losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats,” which would allow them “to win nearly every presidential election.” Senator Ben “Pitchfork” Tillman defended the lynch mob on the floor of the U.S. Senate on March 23, 1900. “We of the South have never recognized the right of the negro to govern white men, and we never will. We have never believed him to be the equal of the white man.”

At the time, lynch mobs were snatching the political and economic power of African Americans, justifying the carnage by also claiming, “We will not submit to [the Negro’s] lust on our wives and daughters without lynching him,” as Tillman did in the same speech. But as the anti-lynching crusader Ida B. Wells had already written in Southern Horrors: Lynch Law in All Its Phases: “Nobody in this section of the country believes the old threadbare lie that Negro men rape white women.”

The threadbare lie energizing the lynch mob today is that the Latinos are invading, the Muslims are terrorizing, the Jews are exploiting, and the blacks are infesting—the threadbare lie of Trumpism is that these groups “will hasten the destruction of our country,” to use the El Paso shooter’s words. Instead of viewing these threadbare lies on the big screen through The Birth of a Nation, which was shown at the White House in 1915, the potential lynch mobs of one are viewing them on the little screen, watching Fox News, which is shown at the White House today.

Instead of reading these threadbare lies in Madison Grant’s 1916 bestseller, The Passing of the Great Race—later translated into German, after which it found a fan in Adolf Hitler—the potential lynch mob is reading them on 8chan and other online klaverns. Less than an hour before the carnage in El Paso, the manifesto linked to Crusius was uploaded to 8chan’s unmoderated message board with a request: “Do your part and spread this brothers!”

Today as yesterday, the state does little to crack down on the institutional and actual public bodies promulgating racist ideas. Then and now, the state calls the peal of white supremacy “free speech.” Democrats defend the freedom of public officials to broadcast this speech with the First Amendment as vociferously as Republicans defend the freedom to buy assault rifles with the Second Amendment. Democrats blast Republicans, even as they ignore that contradiction.

A century ago, the state hardly ever investigated and cracked down on white supremacists bound to become lynch mobs, because that would mean investigating the Klan-dominated party of the Klan-adoring president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson. Today, “the FBI is hamstrung in trying to investigate the white supremacist movement,” says Dave Gomez, who formerly supervised terrorism cases at the bureau. “There’s some reluctance among agents to bring forth an investigation that targets what the president perceives as his base.”

But there are importance differences between the old lynch mob of many and today’s lynch mob of one. Police officers and public officials do not customarily participate in today’s lynch mob like they used to. Tillman participated prominently in the Hamburg and Ellenton massacres in South Carolina during the violent election year of 1876. Future Chicago Mayor Richard Daley allegedly joined the white lynch mobs in Chicago in 1919.

Back then, law-enforcement officers looked away from, if they didn’t participate in, the mass murder of bodies and economic lives. Their implicit sanction upped the death toll and the amount of stolen black wealth. Breaking black bodies was not, in practice, breaking the law. It was a time when “anybody white could take your whole self for anything that came to mind,” to quote from Toni Morrison’s masterwork, Beloved. None of the white attackers in Chicago in 1919 were ever punished.

But Betts was quickly killed by Dayton law enforcement. Crusius was apprehended and charged with capital murder, and Texas is seeking the death penalty. When the lynch mob of one fires on Americans these days, law enforcement usually responds as swiftly as it can to stop the slaughter, arresting or even killing the perpetrator. Today’s lynch mob usually meets the stone face of justice. That is the hopeful news, the antiracist progress in all of this slaughter.

Today’s one-man lynch mob is easier to stop. But it is harder to prevent than the old lynch mob of many. That is the disheartening news, the racist progress in all of this slaughter.

Empowered by the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, President Ulysses S. Grant sent federal marshals and troops into South Carolina to break up the Klan. The Klan requires the coordinated acts of many individuals to be a ready-made lynch mob. Coordinating lines can be cut. Financial resources can be seized. Leaders can be arrested. Meetinghouses can be raided.

Today, no white-supremacist organization is needed for a ready-made lynch mob. No false rumor is needed. There is no need to assemble a large group of coordinated white supremacists. Any young white male can become enraged listening to Trump’s racist ideas, or reading the racist messages on 8chan. Any young white male can become the raging lynch mob, the next Crusius. All that’s needed is an assault rifle, and the assault rifle of racist ideas—two weapons of war manufactured, offered for sale, and bought legally and easily in the United States of America.

With racist ideas so widespread, with so many Americans in denial about racist ideas, with “Send her back” chants so audible, with guns more numerous than people, it is hard to know when to raise a red flag on family members and ask a judge to seize their guns. State-level red-flag laws have reduced gun-related suicides—an acute problem among white males—but not necessarily mass murders.

It is hard to know who will be the lynch mob until he pulls the trigger. And the lynch mob is so instant these days. A minute later, a dozen people, including him, can be dead.

The lynch mob of one is harder to prevent than the lynch mob of many, but it is not impossible to prevent. Preventing today’s lynch mob involves removing the assault rifle from his hands and the rifle of racist ideas from his mind.

Take the case of the El Paso shooter. Crusius lamented the economic and political power of corporate America—its unchecked march to automate. “My whole life I have been preparing for a future that currently doesn’t exist. The job of my dreams will likely be automated.” But if he had learned to be antiracist, then he would have realized the great truth in America’s racial and economic history—that the racial polarization of the working classes has disempowered people like him and empowered the very “elites that run corporations” he so loathes.

If he had learned to be antiracist, then he would notice how immigration actually boosts wages and creates more jobs (and as a white male, he’d be at the front of the line to benefit). Indeed, the job of his dreams in Texas would have likely been the result of the very Latino immigrants he wanted to mass murder. Being racist suspended him from reality, and he ended up targeting his own livelihood in targeting Latino immigrants. Being antiracist brings Americans back to reality.

As an antiracist, he could have banded together with Latino Americans in the same social movement, in the same political party, fought with them for corporate regulations and more worker power, fought with them for the right to organize unions, and wielded those unions, parties, and movements instead of the assault rifle to achieve economic security, to save the people of the state and country he claims to love.

Antiracism and banning assault rifles could have saved Crusius—and most important, his 22 precious victims. If we are not struggling to ban and seize every assault rifle in America, if we are not struggling to control the flow of guns, if we are not promoting antiracism, if we are not striving to be antiracist ourselves, then what the hell are we doing in our lives to save life?

Banning assault rifles is literally a life-or-death conversation. So too is antiracism. Racism is death. Antiracism is life.
Didn't we have mass shooting back when Assault Style rifles were banned from 1997-2004?

The idea banning assault style weapons will just magically fix the problem is ludicrous.
Didn't we have mass shooting back when Assault Style rifles were banned from 1997-2004?

The idea banning assault style weapons will just magically fix the problem is ludicrous.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/142dhzXGA8EsIE" width="480" height="427" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/thats-racist-wonder-showzen-142dhzXGA8EsIE">via GIPHY</a></p>
I am now dummmberer from hav red dat
Do these clueless SJW's not recognize the impact of black criminality? People have the right to protect themselves. I know it's much more difficult to plunder us when we fight back. Too ******* bad!
Do these clueless SJW's not recognize the impact of black criminality? People have the right to protect themselves. I know it's much more difficult to plunder us when we fight back. Too ******* bad!

This perfectly sums up the fear, paranoia and misperception that is so prevalent on this board. Tortured souls.
Tortured souls.

That's been every liberal from November 9th 2016, and every single day since. I mean can't you ******* ******* take a loss like a regular adult?
I kinda get what he is saying, but he is misplacing his blame. It’s not a lynch mob, it’s mentally ill ************* that think the way the author describes. Problem is, it gets framed and blamed on conservative white men.

Guy in philly last night was black, used an AR15, and injured 6 police officers. There were people there taunting and tormenting police officers as they tried to perform their duties. I must have missed the protests and outrage.

The problem isn’t white or black, or racism or guns. It’s stupid people being “prodded” by the media, Congress, Trump, and social media. On top of that, some people are just ******* crazy. And regular people like me will pay the price.
The problem isn’t white or black, or racism or guns. It’s stupid people being “prodded” by the media, Congress, Trump, and social media. On top of that, some people are just ******* crazy. And regular people like me will pay the price.

Yep sir sarge, some of them stupids even come back for a second round of failure after their first stupid idea failed.

Yep sir sarge, some of them stupids even come back for a second round of failure after their first stupid idea failed.


I laughed at your meme, but in truth, I wonder how far off something like that really is. At least for conservative white men.
I laughed at your meme, but in truth, I wonder how far off something like that really is. At least for conservative white men.

Well, they made a movie about it that they're afraid to release now.
Well, they made a movie about it that they're afraid to release now.

it's 100% being released. Saw the poster for it in the movie theater this past Sunday.
White supremacy a hoax?

August 14th, 2019

In the wake of another series of mass shootings, we begin our regularly scheduled programming searching for the systemic culprits: “white supremacists” who, we are reliably informed, prowl the halls of our institutions pursuing a policy of ethnic cleansing as we speak. They hide in plain sight, the experts warn, and are represented among such notables as the president of the United States on down to heavily armed lunatics in makeshift rural bunkers.

The “white supremacist terrorists and the white supremacist policymakers,” Charles Blow huffs, “live on parallel planes, both aiming in the same direction, both with the same goal: To maintain and ensure white dominance and white supremacy.” They are united in their rage at immigrants, whose “numbers are ascendant,” writes Blow, “through both immigration and higher birthrates,” thus threatening the “accelerated displacement of white people from a numerical majority.”

Of course, a certain National Review writer had no problem reaching across the aisle in keeping with the modus operandi of Vichy conservatives who exist, apparently, to somehow prove they were right to oppose the most consequential conservative president in a generation. For them, apparently, it is: il n’y a pas d’ennemi à gauche—there is no enemy to the left. The main enemy—the preferred enemy—is always to their right.

Such “conservatives” reliably operate as the shadow of the American Left, ever just a few ideological paces behind their establishment counterparts, helping the slow learners to catch up with their betters.

The National Review writer—we’re not naming him anymore, mainly out of contempt, but his identity isn’t hard to discern—calls for “legal, rhetorical, financial, and cultural” war on white nationalism, and he echoes Blow, condemning words like “invasion” to describe immigration. Even though it is, in fact, an invasion.

This writer also denounced the use of terms such as “replacement” to describe the “imagined fate of white America”—though his bedfellows Bill Kristol and Bret Stephens unironically have called for mass deportations of whites, and the replacing of “lazy” white people with “new Americans.” Kevin Williamson says that the truth about white “dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die.”

“These are strong words, but they are fundamentally true and important to say” about these Americans, the writer argued in defense of Williamson. Don’t you dare say a bad word about foreigners, however, because no matter how “fundamentally true and important” those words may be, we must now, he insists, “reject the public language and rhetoric that excites and inspires racist radicals”—but only those racist radicals of a particular flavor. Forget about those racists who hate white people.

Find the Nerve
Though National Review is coy about what form this war on white supremacy may take, Democrats have already taken to doxxing Trump supporters for their “complicity” in white supremacy. Living up to their moniker as “the stupid party,” instead of fighting this, Republicans now are flirting with “assault weapon” bans and red-flag laws that inevitably will be weaponized against the Right.

National Review’s editors, too, have cast their pennies into the well, wishing for the long arm of the state to rise from the murky waters and take direct action against this conveniently ill-defined but nevertheless existential foe against which no weapon can be spared.

The good people of National Review propose the FBI launch a counterintelligence program and “interview anyone expressing sympathy with terrorism” of the white nationalist variety, “and surveil such persons as appropriate and permitted under the law”—though they admit that such programs, historically, have trekked beyond the bounds permitted by law. Such is the price we pay for freedom, as right-wing dissidents have found.

Tucker Carlson attempted to sail an honest ship amid a sea of lies: The scarecrow of white supremacy, he said, is “a hoax,” “actually not a real problem in America,” and ultimately “a conspiracy theory used to divide the country and keep a hold on power.” But he was quickly undercut by Ryan Saavedra, a reporter for the youth organ of Conservative, Inc., Daily Wire. For the record, said Saavedra, “I do not agree with what Carlson said tonight. White supremacy is evil and is a problem in the U.S.”

Amid the synchronized Left and phony Right uproar at his monologue, Carlson abruptly announced that he would be taking a “vacation,” presumably for the crime of finding the truth a little too much fun to tell for the big wigs at Fox.

Shaping the Social Construction of Mass Murder
Fact is, Carlson is right. White supremacist terrorism is a hoax—a hobgoblin. Data don’t lie.

In 2018, 41.5 percent of Americans feared falling victim to a random public mass shooting, while an even greater number—49.3 percent—said they feared the “white supremacists” they have been told lurk beneath every bed. A growing number of Americans feel this way, even though felony mass killings (gang violence, drive-by shootings, armed robberies, and the like, all generally referred to as “criminal activity”), perpetrated by nonwhites, occur with far greater regularity than random public mass shootings, perpetrated by whites. Figures from the RAND Corporation show that domestic violence and criminal activity constitute 80 percent of mass shooting incidents with four or more fatally injured victims.

In other words, you are more likely to be killed in public by a run of the mill African American or Hispanic criminal than by a white nationalist. According to FBI data, you are also more likely to be killed by the club, the foot, or the knife, than by the scary black rifles on which lawmakers have set their sights. Nor is there a “surge” of white supremacist activity, as Julie Kelly has painstakingly noted in these pages. Nevertheless, the fictional white supremacist killing machine rolls on, fueled by the media’s lurid fantasies and outright lies.

A recent study in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence found that the “perpetuation of potentially inaccurate stereotypes not only misguides future research on [mass shootings], but also shapes the social construction of mass murder.” Well, that’s the idea.

The promulgation of “inaccurate stereotypes”—the ubiquitous white militant, for example—is the scarecrow with which the establishment can, with help from its allies in the media, cultivate a pseudo-social reality and seed desired narratives in a public psyche fertilized by fear, thus keeping the fields rid of people and ideas that threaten the desired political reality of the ruling class.

A few random acts of violence are propagandized as structural byproducts of fabled “systemic racism”—as if those gunman were the flesh on the invisible hand of white supremacy that touches every aspect of our lives, rather than just lonesome lunatics or evil men affixing political ideologies to their nihilism in order to justify their actions to themselves.

Weakening resistance to this narrative is the constant cultural bludgeoning of whites, the core of the dissident Right, who are consistently depicted in the media and in academia either as fueled by avarice, or as buffoonish and in need of constant correction—or even physical annihilation. There is no question that whites have internalized these stereotypes.

The “Cancer of Human History”?
Our media and academic institutions tell white Americans that their existence is incurably toxic, that their contributions to history are worthy only of derision, that their inheritance must be taken or given away, that the future does not include or belong to them; and yet they are not allowed to wince at the knives that pierce their flesh, let alone become enraged at their involuntary appointment as “the cancer of human history.”

White sin, then, is the frowning background of the cultural and political environment in which the artificial threat of white supremacy stands. It is the nub onto which every dissident of whatever race or ethnicity may be grafted and neutralized. In this view, there is no meaningful difference between everyday Middle Americans and militants who shoot up border town malls.

Behind this full-spectrum mobilization is fear, not of terrorism, but of losing control. The enemies of the dissident Right are not after justice in their war on the specter of white supremacy; but instead desire a return to the “normalcy” of the pre-2016 election, where the country steadily lurched leftward with “conservatives” playing the part of flower girl, tossing petals over the procession of the Leviathan wedding itself to every aspect of our lives. They want to return to the days when so many Americans still believed the lie that American “democracy” is still operative in any meaningful sense.

The establishment fears the collapse of the hierarchy they’ve grafted onto America’s once republican institutions. America, as they see it, is their fiefdom. The rest of us are just squatting until we can be replaced with much more docile “New Americans” who are psychically divorced from this country’s real traditions, history, and inheritance. They want people grateful to them who will do and vote as they’re told.

The 2016 election showed that the psychic embers of discontent among Middle Americans could still be brought from smoldering to revolutionary flame, that some Americans could still be stirred to break the chains despite the thousand woes that up till then had demoralized them.

The Right must now recapture that energy—of Americans remembering who they are and what it feels like to be sovereign, self-governing, and independent citizens. Remind them what it feels like to bite the reins in their teeth, squeeze the saddle between their thighs, and ride hell-for-leather through this political maelstrom to meet any political action taken against them under the pretense of “white supremacy” with the same force that it rejected the one-party consensus in 2016. False narratives only have the power we stoop to give them, and the Right has not come this far to be knocked from the saddle just as we have broken into a sprint.
I kinda get what he is saying, but he is misplacing his blame. It’s not a lynch mob, it’s mentally ill ************* that think the way the author describes. Problem is, it gets framed and blamed on conservative white men.

Guy in philly last night was black, used an AR15, and injured 6 police officers. There were people there taunting and tormenting police officers as they tried to perform their duties. I must have missed the protests and outrage.

The problem isn’t white or black, or racism or guns. It’s stupid people being “prodded” by the media, Congress, Trump, and social media. On top of that, some people are just ******* crazy. And regular people like me will pay the price.

Depends on what problem were dealing with. If you talking about just black crime and white crime here are some stats:


If you can't read it:

U.S. black homicide rate is 19.8 per 100,000
U.S. Hispanic rate is 6.4 Per 100,000
Finland 3.3
Austria 2.8
France 2.6
Canada 1.8
Czech Rep. 1.7
U.S. white 1.7

Fact is that this is a cultural issue not a gun issue. Black men make up ~6% of the total population but commit over 50% of the murders. In 2013 there were 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. You switch that number around and the media and black interest groups would be rioting in the streets. It is happening to white people so no one cares. It's never even talked about. It's a crime what is happening in our country.
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Depends on what problem were dealing with. If you talking about just black crime and white crime here are some stats:

View attachment 4479

If you can't read it:

U.S. black homicide rate is 19.8 per 100,000
U.S. Hispanic rate is 6.4 Per 100,000
Finland 3.3
Austria 2.8
France 2.6
Canada 1.8
Czech Rep. 1.7
U.S. white 1.7

Fact is that this is a cultural issue not a gun issue. Black men make up ~6% of the total population but commit over 50% of the murders. In 2013 there were 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. You switch that number around and the media and black interest groups would be rioting in the streets. It is happening to white people so no one cares. It's never even talked about. It's a crime what is happening in our country.

I know the statistics. They are posted here and on every conservative website ad nauseam. My point is that this simply isn’t white racism. It’s mentally ill perps that think the **** said in Congress, or by the President or media is marching orders. Yes, what they say is terribly dangerous, but sane people know better. ********* that write “manifestos” do not.
Those statistics tell you everything you need to know about what the big problem is. Will there ever be a "black leader" brave enough to call out the problem? Because clearly we won't allow a non-black person to state common sense ****, that would be racist.

So sick of this ****.