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"You just ... pay for it" - Ocasio-Cortez cant afford an apartment

I weep for our future. She really is one of, if not THE dumbest person to be elected. Thank GOD it's only the House....but still. NY deserves her.
So entitled...how does this happen to an upper middle class, entremely fortunate minority.
I weep for our future. She really is one of, if not THE dumbest person to be elected. Thank GOD it's only the House....but still. NY deserves her.

I dunno, Joe Biden made it all the way to VP.

At my previous job where I owned two franchises of a national cleaning company, I learned that the franchises in Northern California (Silicon Valley) and the Washington, D.C. suburbs kicked all our ***** in sales. I learned that there is never a recession in D.C. Business is always good no matter what your business is because there is so f'n much money. For the same reason it is a very expensive place to live because there are a lot of people with a lot of money and more people want to live there all the time. I know someone who started about the same time I did with a franchise in Bluefield, WV and won a bunch of early sales awards. Southern WV? Yup, close enough to commute to D.C., a lot more affordable, and people would tolerate a 90+ minute commute each way. Everybody either works for the government, a government contractor, lobbying firms, or services those who do. Point being you don't have to work for the government, you can be a Honda salesman and make a killing.
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I weep for our future. She really is one of, if not THE dumbest person to be elected. Thank GOD it's only the House....but still. NY deserves her.
She is definitely at that Cynthia McKinney level.
I dunno, Joe Biden made it all the way to VP.

At my previous job where I owned two franchises of a national cleaning company, I learned that the franchises in Northern California (Silicon Valley) and the Washington, D.C. suburbs kicked all our ***** in sales. I learned that there is never a recession in D.C. Business is always good no matter what your business is because there is so f'n much money. For the same reason it is a very expensive place to live because there are a lot of people with a lot of money and more people want to live there all the time. I know someone who started about the same time I did with a franchise in Bluefield, WV and won a bunch of early sales awards. Southern WV? Yup, close enough to commute to D.C., a lot more affordable, and people would tolerate a 90+ minute commute each way. Everybody either works for the government, a government contractor, lobbying firms, or services those who do. Point being you don't have to work for the government, you can be a Honda salesman and make a killing.

Bluefield, WV to DC is about 5 hours, but I get what you are saying about the DC suburbs.
This is interesting because to fix politics I think you need to get rid of the politicians and put in more everyday people. The question is how do you get normal people in politics who are not morons. No matter which side you are on I think most can agree that 99% of politicians are clueless when it comes to normal working people.

Pass the exam! Everyday people can learn before they set foot in Washington. I totally agree. The career politician needs to die. You do want people to know basic **** before they go in. Know your history and have some common sense. If you don't know the difference between capitalism, socialism, communism,libertarianism,liberalism or conservatism. Then you really are not dedicated to the position you're applying for.

It's a temp service job or at least it should be if we could limit terms.
I dunno, Joe Biden made it all the way to VP.

At my previous job where I owned two franchises of a national cleaning company, I learned that the franchises in Northern California (Silicon Valley) and the Washington, D.C. suburbs kicked all our ***** in sales. I learned that there is never a recession in D.C. Business is always good no matter what your business is because there is so f'n much money. For the same reason it is a very expensive place to live because there are a lot of people with a lot of money and more people want to live there all the time. I know someone who started about the same time I did with a franchise in Bluefield, WV and won a bunch of early sales awards. Southern WV? Yup, close enough to commute to D.C., a lot more affordable, and people would tolerate a 90+ minute commute each way. Everybody either works for the government, a government contractor, lobbying firms, or services those who do. Point being you don't have to work for the government, you can be a Honda salesman and make a killing.

RB, think you might have your geography off (not picking fights). Bluefield WV and Southern WV is *** far away from DC. Really far. It's 5 hours, 25 minutes. It's closer to Pittsburgh from DC than DC to Bluefield.

Charleston is 5 hours 45 minutes.

Now, if you meant the Eastern Panhandle - Martinsburg, Berkeley Springs, etc - that's 90 minutes.
And she has a degree in economics.
And she has a degree in economics.

Out of a Crackerjack box. Has to be. Seriously, this is the most deluded and clueless woman I've ever heard on a national stage and I don't even think it comes close. It's actually scary.

But I believe we had someone here brush that aside and claim Trump couldn't pass a rudimentary civics class. Anybody understand Wharton College and the reputation/difficulty there and that Trump is nothing like this idiot?
And she has a degree in economics.

Obviously the quality of economics education has declined in the modern university.
I;m still trying to figure out what the electoral college has to do with her inability to afford an apartment in DC....
Obviously the quality of economics education has declined in the modern university.

Quality of education in general has declined in modern university.
I last attend UGA in spring 2010. Some of my classes were very socialist in ideology.

I had an opportunity to sit through a course at unm. And yeah it's bad
No, that was a guy. Forget his name.

Oh yeeah. That's right. I can't think of his name either. But I do know he's a Democrat. That's all you need to know!!!
No, that was a guy. Forget his name.

"Dank Hank" Johnson

Classic Democrat dumb......

But the new Dems are not to be outdone, they too have modern government school educations to overwhelm us with.


Is McKinney the one who said Guam would tip over?

it doesnt matter what Charlotte McKinney said.
**trolling for some that Burgundy karma**

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/IUBtXalF2XQfC" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/gq-charlotte-mckinney-IUBtXalF2XQfC"></a></p>
If she were a Republican candidate she would have already leased an apartment with campaign cash and called it her campaign headquarters.
If she were a Republican candidate she would have already leased an apartment with campaign cash and called it her campaign headquarters.

That’s all you got?

Try harder man. This one was bad for two reasons: 1 ) wasn’t funny. 2 ) Republicans have jobs.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Dear Congresswomen: you have a room, a shower, and a plate on my family table for as long as you may be in need of one. <a href="https://t.co/ZxW5H3sIoI">https://t.co/ZxW5H3sIoI</a></p>— José Andrés (@chefjoseandres) <a href="https://twitter.com/chefjoseandres/status/1060990176799940608?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 9, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
it doesnt matter what Charlotte McKinney said.
**trolling for some that Burgundy karma**

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/IUBtXalF2XQfC" width="480" height="270" frameBorder="0" class="giphy-embed" allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="https://giphy.com/gifs/gq-charlotte-mckinney-IUBtXalF2XQfC"></a></p>
Done. :nod: :hitit:
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I think she's great, Dems need more leaders like her, lol

Ocasio-Cortez, youth protesters storm Pelosi office to push for climate plan

New York Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the most prominent of the progressive millennials elected to Congress in the midterm elections, joined a protest led by left-wing groups Justice Democrats and the Sunrise Movement outside House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi's personal office calling for House Democrats to put forward a climate plan.

Protesters called for Democrats to create a select committee to develop a plan to switch to 100 percent renewable energy

"I have recommended to my House Democratic colleagues that we reinstate the select committee to address the climate crisis," she said in the statement. "We welcome the presence of these activists, and we strongly urge the Capitol Police to allow them to continue to organize and participate in our democracy."
