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"You just ... pay for it" - Ocasio-Cortez cant afford an apartment

It's hilarious how Ocasio-Cortez lives in your heads rent-free, 24/7. She literally owns the right. She is to you what Bo Derek was to 15-year old kids back in the 80's, a demi-god. Trump-clan Republicans should literally be sending her blank checks, as she occupies the vast majority of your thoughts, she's taken up full-time residence in your hearts and souls. So ******* funny to see grown men whimpering about the onset of 'socialism!' and 'communism!' in America, in 2018.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rocks! She's a one-woman wrecking crew, melting the hearts and minds of bickering, callous old white men, bringing them to their knees. LOL

Nah, we think she's an idiot who will do far more damage to the Democrats than President Trump could ever dream of.
Good luck with that Tibs. Your astounding track record of failure and wrong predictions marches on strong. Keep on keeping on!

I think we are hovering around 99.95% at this point. At least CNN is worse.....so there's that I guess.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rocks! She's a one-woman wrecking crew, melting the hearts and minds of bickering, callous old white men, bringing them to their knees. LOL

Mmmmm, tasty!

Get back on the meds, Tibs. Living in our heads is just another one of your delusions.

I find her amusing, like a hamster on a treadmill. See what I did there. The division in the Democratic Party right now is another source of entertainment. I hope she keeps up what she is doing. Nothing better than to see that scowl on Skeletor Pelusi's face on a daily basis.

Oh, and .................................HIT!
It's hilarious how Ocasio-Cortez lives in your heads rent-free, 24/7. She literally owns the right.

Come-on Tibsy. You can't play that same card with every socialist dweeb out there. That's at least the 10th time we have heard that same story ( lives in your heads rent-free ) about some liberal joke we see running around Washington. In fact it could be ALL of them, I'm not sure.

So I guess we could say the same thing about you...no?


President Trump Says He'll Get Pelosi the Votes She Needs

President Trump tweeted that Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) would be elected again as House Speaker, adding that she “deserves” the post.

Said Trump: “I can get Nancy Pelosi as many votes as she wants in order for her to be Speaker of the House. She deserves this victory, she has earned it — but there are those in her party who are trying to take it away. She will win!”

It’s always democrats who identify people by their race, gender, class, etc. We just see an idiot and say, look, an idiot.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a) young, b) latina, c) female, d) attractive, and e) working class. Every one of those, individually, brings out creepy hangups in the mostly old/affluent/white guys who dominate US political commentary. Together, all in one person? Freud help us.</p>— David Roberts (@drvox) <a href="https://twitter.com/drvox/status/1063508562385596416?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 16, 2018</a></blockquote>
<script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a) young, b) latina, c) female, d) attractive, and e) working class .......Attractive? Are you attracted to her tibs?
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a) young, b) latina, c) female, d) attractive, and e) working class .......Attractive? Are you attracted to her tibs?

And DUMBER than a box of hair.
It's hilarious how Ocasio-Cortez lives in your heads rent-free, 24/7. She literally owns the right. She is to you what Bo Derek was to 15-year old kids back in the 80's, a demi-god. Trump-clan Republicans should literally be sending her blank checks, as she occupies the vast majority of your thoughts, she's taken up full-time residence in your hearts and souls. So ******* funny to see grown men whimpering about the onset of 'socialism!' and 'communism!' in America, in 2018.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rocks! She's a one-woman wrecking crew, melting the hearts and minds of bickering, callous old white men, bringing them to their knees. LOL

Coming from those who have TDS and have literally built cry closets and made safe spaces and going to the psychiatrist over another human being they've never met an actual thing, that's rich. I think most rational Americans just can't believe a woman this ignorant of basic laws of governance and economics is a representative of the government.

And how does she rock? What has she proposed or what are her ideas that you're clearly a fan of? List them please, we'll wait.
It’s always democrats who identify people by their race, gender, class, etc. We just see an idiot and say, look, an idiot.

See the example of the post immediately succeeding yours. They make it so complicated.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a) young, b) latina, c) female, d) attractive, and e) working class .......Attractive? Are you attracted to her tibs?

I’d hit it as long as she promised to keep her mouth shut.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rocks! She's a one-woman wrecking crew,

Tibs, do you REALLY think this woman is intelligent enough for this position? That she can "help" her constituents?

My god, you're right. She could be a one-woman wrecking crew. If her politics takes hold, we will be Venezuela 2.0 . I actually agree with you on something.
Tibs, do you REALLY think this woman is intelligent enough for this position? That she can "help" her constituents?

The answer is No.
However, one can never under estimate the entertainment value that these Demtard congress people bring to the dance. Look at Maxine Waters.

Or that Guam tipping idiot. Comedy gold. Watch him get powned.........

If we have to look at a dumbass on TV at least she isn’t the bat **** ugly mess we are used to from the idiot left.
Tibs, do you REALLY think this woman is intelligent enough for this position? That she can "help" her constituents?

Are we grading on a curve? There are so many dumbass congressmen, not sure she'd be anywhere close to being the dumbest in either chamber of Congress.
Are we grading on a curve? There are so many dumbass congressmen, not sure she'd be anywhere close to being the dumbest in either chamber of Congress.

Be a tight race between her, Auntie Maxine, and Rep. Hank Johnson.
Gonna be a fun next two years.


OCASIO-CORTEZ: They’re mistaking me for an intern!


New York Democratic Representative-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may be a big hit with the media and younger crowd, but she’s not receiving any special treatment on Capitol Hill.

The 29-year-old socialist is in Washington, D.C., this week for orientation. She and other newly elected officials are touring the Capitol building, meeting with lawmakers, and learning the ins and outs of Congress.

So far, Ocasio-Cortez has stormed the office of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for a protest, complained that everyone is confusing her an intern or spouse, and was captured in a photo standing alone and being excluded from a conversation between several older Democrats.

On Wednesday, a photo of Ocasio-Cortez standing all by herself like a child waiting for her parents to finish talking scorched across Twitter.

Prior to that, the socialist complained that she keeps being mistaken for an “intern or spouse” while touring Capitol Hill.

She vented her frustrations in a series of tweets on Wednesday, lashing out because people aren’t aware of who she is or giving her special treatment.

“People keep giving me directions to the spouse and intern events instead of the ones for members of Congress,” she tweeted.


Her tweet resulted in immediate push-back from many, with some joking about her getting directions on how to pay rent and others outright refuting her claim.

Conservative Arthur Schwartz said a congressman told him that there weren’t any events for interns on Wednesday, suggesting that Ocasio-Cortez made it up for attention.

“At dinner with a congressman. He said there were no intern events today that he knows of. His staff said same,” Schwartz tweeted.
The Dems need to decide what kind of Party they want to be. Tom Perez says that AOC is the future of the party. It seems that many in the party seem to differ. She is a zero, and it is becoming apparent that, outside of media circles, she is.

The MSM media is becoming irrelevant.
Gonna be a fun next two years.


OCASIO-CORTEZ: They’re mistaking me for an intern!


New York Democratic Representative-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez may be a big hit with the media and younger crowd, but she’s not receiving any special treatment on Capitol Hill.

The 29-year-old socialist is in Washington, D.C., this week for orientation. She and other newly elected officials are touring the Capitol building, meeting with lawmakers, and learning the ins and outs of Congress.

So far, Ocasio-Cortez has stormed the office of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for a protest, complained that everyone is confusing her an intern or spouse, and was captured in a photo standing alone and being excluded from a conversation between several older Democrats.

On Wednesday, a photo of Ocasio-Cortez standing all by herself like a child waiting for her parents to finish talking scorched across Twitter.

Prior to that, the socialist complained that she keeps being mistaken for an “intern or spouse” while touring Capitol Hill.

She vented her frustrations in a series of tweets on Wednesday, lashing out because people aren’t aware of who she is or giving her special treatment.

“People keep giving me directions to the spouse and intern events instead of the ones for members of Congress,” she tweeted.


Her tweet resulted in immediate push-back from many, with some joking about her getting directions on how to pay rent and others outright refuting her claim.

Conservative Arthur Schwartz said a congressman told him that there weren’t any events for interns on Wednesday, suggesting that Ocasio-Cortez made it up for attention.

“At dinner with a congressman. He said there were no intern events today that he knows of. His staff said same,” Schwartz tweeted.

Wow. I'd hit that every day 4 times per day. Love the librarian look. I think her dress would have to be blue to be mistaken for an intern. Just sayin'....
Wow. I'd hit that every day 4 times per day. Love the librarian look. I think her dress would have to be blue to be mistaken for an intern. Just sayin'....

She's trying the young Ruth Bader Ginsburg look to me. Not sure I think it's all that great. She's a 4 to me. 4 Beers and I'd be good to go.
I think she's doing a GREAT job splitting the Dems into factions!


16 Dems sign letter opposing Pelosi as Speaker

A group of rebellious Democrats released their much-anticipated letter on Monday in an effort to build support in blocking Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) Speakership bid.

Spearheaded by Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-N.Y.), the letter argues that midterm voters handed Democrats the House majority on expectations of shaking up business-as-usual in Washington — starting with the party leader who’s been at the helm for 15 years. Maintaining control of the chamber, the insurgents say, will require keeping that vow.

“Democrats ran and won on a message of change,” they wrote. “Our majority came on the backs of candidates who said that they would support new leadership because voters in hard-won districts, and across the country, want to see real change in Washington. “We promised to change the status quo and we intend to deliver on that promise.”

She's trying the young Ruth Bader Ginsburg look to me. Not sure I think it's all that great. She's a 4 to me. 4 Beers and I'd be good to go.

her body is good and her mouth looks like it could fit your dick and balls in it.
but it's all connected to her ****** up head and crazy ******* eyes.
probably some epic sex. squirter, no doubt.
still... have to pass.
her body is good and her mouth looks like it could fit your dick and balls in it.
but it's all connected to her ****** up head and crazy ******* eyes.
probably some epic sex. squirter, no doubt.
still... have to pass.

I bet there is a jungle down there in the nether regions. Yuck.