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"You just ... pay for it" - Ocasio-Cortez cant afford an apartment

Ocasio-Cortez might get a quick lesson in the Dem DC power structure if she goes banging on Pelosi's front door. She will be neutered and left just babbling her socialist word soup to nobody and accomplish nothing for her district....

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She'll be making 174K plus benefits starting in January, you have to be somewhat smart to put yourself in that position.
I guess if your making less than that, you'd have to be really dumb.
She's so dumb that her opponent didn't even campaign and his voters didn't even think they had to vote. It was a total fluke.
She'll be making 174K plus benefits starting in January, you have to be somewhat smart to put yourself in that position.
I guess if your making less than that, you'd have to be really dumb.

I'm just going to quote this...
She'll be making 174K plus benefits starting in January, you have to be somewhat smart to put yourself in that position.
I guess if your making less than that, you'd have to be really dumb.

I don't know if you say this stupid **** to get attention, or if you're really just that dumb? Lindsay Lohan and Jessica Simpson, just two examples of idiots with money. Cortez soon to be a third.

I guess if you're thinking like that, you'd have to be really dumb and may need to go back to English class.
She'll be making 174K plus benefits starting in January, you have to be somewhat smart to put yourself in that position.
I guess if your making less than that, you'd have to be really dumb.

I don't think she actually has a degree in economics. Boston U has a degree that is basically Social Justice with an economics minor. I bet that's what she has and says it's an economics degree.
Social Justice is a degree now??????
Beating a 10 term incumbent in the primary while being outspent 3.4 million to 194K is quite an accomplishment for a dumb dumb.
29 and a 174K salary, life is good.
Beating a 10 term incumbent in the primary while being outspent 3.4 million to 194K is quite an accomplishment for a dumb dumb.
29 and a 174K salary, life is good.
true. You weren’t saying that she isn’t dumb were you?
Beating a 10 term incumbent in the primary while being outspent 3.4 million to 194K is quite an accomplishment for a dumb dumb.
29 and a 174K salary, life is good.

And to walk around with that much ignorance, life certainly is gooder for her.
Hilarious, make the radical leftwing fringe the face of the Dems party, yes!

Vote Jill Stein!


This socialist is going to be entertaining to watch.
With regards to Elfie.......................

U go girl!

Ocasio-Cortez gets in closed-door fight with veteran lawmaker over climate change

A fight broke out in a closed-door meeting of House Democrats over climate change as a powerful veteran lawmaker fought with freshman star Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other members-elect over the creation of a special panel for the issue.

New Jersey Rep. Frank Pallone, incoming chairman of the powerful Energy and Commerce Committee — backed by a number of other committee members — slammed the creation of the new climate panel, according to multiple sources in the room. Pallone argued that his committee and other existing panels within the House could take on the issue aggressively.

But Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Rep.-elect Joe Neguse (Colo.) and some of the other progressive incoming lawmakers fought back, saying they ran on the issue and needed to do it. Ocasio-Cortez earlier this week pushed for a “Green New Deal” as she backed more than 200 young protesters at House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s office.

It's hilarious how Ocasio-Cortez lives in your heads rent-free, 24/7. She literally owns the right. She is to you what Bo Derek was to 15-year old kids back in the 80's, a demi-god. Trump-clan Republicans should literally be sending her blank checks, as she occupies the vast majority of your thoughts, she's taken up full-time residence in your hearts and souls. So ******* funny to see grown men whimpering about the onset of 'socialism!' and 'communism!' in America, in 2018.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez rocks! She's a one-woman wrecking crew, melting the hearts and minds of bickering, callous old white men, bringing them to their knees. LOL

Mmmmm, tasty!


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a) young, b) latina, c) female, d) attractive, and e) working class. Every one of those, individually, brings out creepy hangups in the mostly old/affluent/white guys who dominate US political commentary. Together, all in one person? Freud help us.</p>— David Roberts (@drvox) <a href="https://twitter.com/drvox/status/1063508562385596416?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">November 16, 2018</a></blockquote>
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Good luck with that Tibs. Your astounding track record of failure and wrong predictions marches on strong. Keep on keeping on!