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2017-2018 Pittsburgh Penguins

Boston has our number so I would definitely rather play TB. I do believe Tampa is a better team than Boston, but Boston is just a bad match up for us.

yea, have to agree. Boston would take us in a series. Need to get past the Crapitals first, though.
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Couple of thoughts/questions on the Pens:

1. Is it time to take Kessel off the PP? The last time I saw a professional athlete go from terrific to poor overnight like Kessel has, was Steve Blass.
2. Malkin is obviously still not 100%. This is also hampering our PP. But unlike Kessel, Malkin at 75% is still good enough to add value. Hoping he continues to improved physically, but it looks like something that might linger for awhile?
3.Chad Ruhegehel (sp?) has been the unsung hero of this series for the Pens.The defensive play on the semi break-away he made last night was outstanding and probably saved the win.
4.We are hanging in there despite the horrible trades JR made at the end of season this year, unlike previous 2 years where his deals added much value to the Cup run. Hoping that Brassard does something, anything to turn it around.
5.These two teams are equally talented and have great depth, the Caps are an impressive team. With that said the wild card is the goaltenders.
6.Whoever wins this series...will represent the Conference in the Finals.

Kessel is injured. He can't bend at the waist or load his body to shoot. I'd like to see him off the PP but the replacement scare me.

Malkin turned it on when he needed to. He avoided some contact and that alone tells you he is completely back.

Ruhwedel is definitely improved. I only wanted to scream at him once last night. He did make some strong plays.

If the Pens aren't at their very best. They won't get out of the next round IF they finish the caps. Murray has been good a lot but not great. With our D he needs to be great. Not to mention a few goals for anywhere other than the PP and Sid's line would help.

We had a great time last evening. PPG was rocking for puck drop and after Malkin's goal. Jake is unreal when it comes to hockey IQ. Wish he and Sid could find this level during the regular season.

Headed back into enemy territory tomorrow. Ticket prices have peaked so I'm sure I'll find something tolerable tomorrow afternoon.
Kessel is injured. He can't bend at the waist or load his body to shoot. I'd like to see him off the PP but the replacement scare me.

Malkin turned it on when he needed to. He avoided some contact and that alone tells you he is completely back.

Ruhwedel is definitely improved. I only wanted to scream at him once last night. He did make some strong plays.

If the Pens aren't at their very best. They won't get out of the next round IF they finish the caps. Murray has been good a lot but not great. With our D he needs to be great. Not to mention a few goals for anywhere other than the PP and Sid's line would help.

We had a great time last evening. PPG was rocking for puck drop and after Malkin's goal. Jake is unreal when it comes to hockey IQ. Wish he and Sid could find this level during the regular season.

Headed back into enemy territory tomorrow. Ticket prices have peaked so I'm sure I'll find something tolerable tomorrow afternoon.

I think Brassard could replace Kessel on PP1 until he feels a little better.
If he's hurt they need to sit him. The guy is hardly moving on the ice, and when he does move it looks incredibly labored. He is trying to compensate and it isn't working. He is turning the puck over a ton, and just is not himself. Sit and get better. He's not helping at this point, he is a liability so I don't see the issue in sitting him. Maybe 3 days off (off-game-off) will be just the elixir he needs.
I think Brassard could replace Kessel on P1 until he feels a little better.

Might get him jump started. We need goals from anyone that isn't 59, 87 or 71. They aren't skating Sprong at warm up without reason. Although Hunwick has skated warm ups the last several games Ive been to. I still think Brassard will find his game.
I figured Phil had to be jacked up bad. Man get Brassard in I agree. He's just wasting away and having no impact.

No doubt in my mind. Ribs ?, lower back ? If you remember there was talk about his "iron man" streak coming to an end late in the season. He whiffed twice on quality opportunities last night and that is something he rarely does. Keeping him in there shows little faith in the Black Aces.
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If he's hurt they need to sit him. The guy is hardly moving on the ice, and when he does move it looks incredibly labored. He is trying to compensate and it isn't working. He is turning the puck over a ton, and just is not himself. Sit and get better. He's not helping at this point, he is a liability so I don't see the issue in sitting him. Maybe 3 days off (off-game-off) will be just the elixir he needs.

This is exactly right. I've never been worried about Phil until this series. Now every time I see him with the puck I cringe, especially on the PP. Something isn't right. He is hurting somewhere.
Put Jake or Brassard on the PP and if Phil is worried about his Iron Man streak, put him on the 4th line. He can play about 10 minutes and still be out there playing and "healing". He is a liability and damn well he is going to get caught carrying the puck and turns it over. Sully has to see his play is suffering. Tomorrow is too important to worry about some streak and make everyone happy.
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No doubt in my mind. Ribs ?, lower back ? If you remember there was talk about his "iron man" streak coming to an end late in the season. He whiffed twice on quality opportunities last night and that is something he rarely does. Keeping him in there shows little faith in the Black Aces.

Sprong has a similar shot. The coaching staff can and should make the decision for the team's sake
Game day! You know what's better than being 2-2?...3-2! Make them have to win out. Get a few goals early today. I'd be hopefull that would open more ice for odd man rushes that the craps seem to get readily.
Almost puck drop!
Here's to a strong game.

Let's Go Pens!
Soft goal by Murray.
Tie this game back up on the PP. Gotta take advantage.
Pens look better but had some bad lapses. If this team can stay on top of their A game, the caps cannot keep up.
That 1st period looked decent
Sorry, as much as I hate the Caps, that isn’t hooking. That **** was weak. Hope the Pens can cash in.
Sorry, as much as I hate the Caps, that isn’t hooking. That **** was weak. Hope the Pens can cash in.

Don't hate the team hate the refs.
Gonna be another conspiracy by caps fans that the refs have it in for the Pens lol.
Soft goal by Murray.
Tie this game back up on the PP. Gotta take advantage.
Pens look better but had some bad lapses. If this team can stay on top of their A game, the caps cannot keep up.
That 1st period looked decent

Soft!?! **** my grandma could have stopped that. Hope this isn’t another murry skirt night.

Funny thing. So wife and kid were out. Came home and she just sat down and caps score. I just look at her for a second and she says “ I have to leave right”. Lol. I said I was just thinking that. Then goal two...”you both gotta go”
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