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2022 Midterms Thread

So going on Saturday,

How many ***** does it take to count?

And the ******* wonder. Why can Americans not trust the results. They must be …..

This. This ******* right here is why. When ******* Congo can count heir **** in a day, like we have done for decades, but now we lost that ability?!?!?
And they’ve been doing it for decades. JFK assassination, Reagan assassination attempt, 9/11, all reported at roughly the same time. But go on, all collusion, all conspiracies…

What they are talking about is the Wag the dog scenario… its well known since the 90’s. Even before that there is a lot of documentation of what goes on with the MSM… the big network news used to fire Republicans and often buried or minimized stories with negative political impact for the Democratic party, but around James Carvilles heyday, all the big news networks and cable news started having redundant talking points… prior to the democrats commenting on it to the press, so collusion has been going on for a while…

The post gazette used to be horrendously bad but it was bought by a moderate conservative in recent years and the op ed has moved away from the rhetoric
Once more, all you have to do is make a realistically auditable system and all of the conspiracy theories will die… this secret ballot nonsense should stop… require Id’s or fingerprints or retinal scans or whatever to get the ballot, put encrypted serial numbers on them and toe them to a voter id number. Use electronic machines that print a receipt, have redundant hard drives and a tamper proof non editable operating system.. make financing vote buying in a federal election punishable with seizure of all assets make it so unworth the risk its just not done
And the ******* wonder. Why can Americans not trust the results. They must be …..

This. This ******* right here is why. When ******* Congo can count heir **** in a day, like we have done for decades, but now we lost that ability?!?!?
And this is what pisses people off. PA and MI, to name two, have Republican controlled state legislatures and could have fixed voting in the past two years and tightened it down, but they did nothing.
I'm not sure Flog realizes that the only reason he isn't blocked by literally everyone is for the comic relief he/she/they provide.

Blocking or censoring the opposite opinion creates echo chambers that aren’t healthy… its part of the reason this country is where it is now
And this is what pisses people off. PA and MI, to name two, have Republican controlled state legislatures and could have fixed voting in the past two years and tightened it down, but they did nothing.

Which is exactly why Trump had no leg to stand on bitching about the things that went on… most of these have been well known issues for years… he had the influence to at least mitigate them.. neither party wants things fixed
So, we'll go on to day 4 in the Grand Canyon state, with the hiding socialist Hobbs up by 27,000 votes with 78% of the vote counted.

I'm not sure Lake can overcome the lead, and the communist candidate for Secretary of State also appears to be in line to win. Kelly winning in the Senate was a
given for me, but it looks like my congressman may turn blue as well, and I live in the far north part of Phoenix which used to be solid red.

When I moved here Barry Goldwater was in the Senate! Dammnn Kalifornians destroying my state.

Well, that and the SC ruling on Roe, and the relentless negative ads by the Dimbo's, combined with election process incompetence or outright corruption and Arizona is a blue state today. If nothing else, the socialists know how to win an election over the sleeping RNC.
Which is exactly why Trump had no leg to stand on bitching about the things that went on… most of these have been well known issues for years… he had the influence to at least mitigate them.. neither party wants things fixed
I'm friends with three state representatives and one state senator. They tell me the old guard controls Harrisburg. They can (and do) propose bills to fix things but the way the state house and senate run, the committee chairs determine what bills get out of committee to be voted on in general session. If something is too different or too Republican and might fix a problem, it never gets out of committee. The other problem is a Democrat governor for the last eight years so he'll veto a lot of stuff and they don't have enough votes to override a veto.
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I completely agree with your statement, while at the same time not understanding the logic (?) that is Trog.
I've been explaining Trog logic for a long time.
Democrats good, Republicans bad. Bend truth and facts to fit.
That's all you need to know.
Watch until the end. Pay attention to the whole video. I learned quite a bit. Sounds to me like based on the DATA presented, there is no mathematical way for Hobbs to win.

If she does, heads should roll.

I know!!! DeSantis makes Trump the FBI Director!
Blocking or censoring the opposite opinion creates echo chambers that aren’t healthy… its part of the reason this country is where it is now

Due respect, but I listen to the opposing party. I have many - and I mean MANY liberal and Democratic friends. I live in a wild, rabid Liberal state, MD. My vote has NEVER counted in 30 years on the national stage because I live in MD. I speak politics with them a lot. I'm a minority here in a huge way.

The vast majority of them - we can debate, even argue, but find common ground. They can be reasonable.

Then there is the rabid, irrational end (of both sides).

That is Floggy. He's an ideologue. Can't be reasoned with (see the vaccine thread).

He's on the spectrum.
Excellent position by Josh. Can't disagree. Mitch gotstago.


Two days after Republicans dramatically underperformed in the midterms, but even as control of Congress remains too close to call, Sen. Josh Hawley has completed his autopsy and offered it to his party’s leaders for consideration. The topline: The failure is all their fault.

The Missouri populist believes the Republican Party offered voters plenty in the way of generalized gripes about Democrats and President Biden – but no actionable alternative. Hawley blames that on what he calls “Washington Republicanism,” specifically Minority Leader Mitch McConnell. He also thinks it was a bad idea to talk about making changes to Social Security and Medicare.

“Republicans just said, ‘Well, the other side sucks, and Biden sucks.’ Well, no doubt! But it's pretty hard to convince folks, particularly independent-minded ones who don't tend to trust the process much, to vote for you, if you don't have something affirmative to say and offer,” Hawley said in a Friday interview.

“I lay that at the feet of the Washington establishment that set the tone for these races,” he added. “They failed to offer that kind of vision.”

And as Don Surber said....Republicans have to get better at ballot harvesting. This is where we are folks. They go low...we HAVE to go lower or just give in.
I'm friends with three state representatives and one state senator. They tell me the old guard controls Harrisburg. They can (and do) propose bills to fix things but the way the state house and senate run, the committee chairs determine what bills get out of committee to be voted on in general session. If something is too different or too Republican and might fix a problem, it never gets out of committee. The other problem is a Democrat governor for the last eight years so he'll veto a lot of stuff and they don't have enough votes to override a veto.

All they need to do is put good, clearly written amendments on the ballot and let the people vote on it and the Governor cant do **** about it… its how they stripped his covid power..
All they need to do is put good, clearly written amendments on the ballot and let the people vote on it and the Governor cant do **** about it… its how they stripped his covid power..
Yeah, I was involved in getting that ball rolling with a few state senators and a Harrisburg radio talk show host. The process takes at least a year. First you have to get enough signatures to get it on the ballot. Then the referendum must appear on the ballot to vote on if we want to vote on it. If that vote gets a majority then the referendum will appear on the next ballot to vote on.
And as Don Surber said....Republicans have to get better at ballot harvesting. This is where we are folks. They go low...we HAVE to go lower or just give in.
The chairman of my county GOP committee said as much a few months ago. Mail-in ballots are here to stay so we have to get more Republicans doing mail-in ballots.
All they need to do is put good, clearly written amendments on the ballot and let the people vote on it and the Governor cant do **** about it… its how they stripped his covid power..
And therein lies the rub: they do not actually want it fixed.

All these come down to the same old thing: stupid or lying.

As the above post on Hawley's comments does not say, how hard would it have been for RNC to actually have a campaign theme other than Biden sucks? What about:
"If elected we will lower gas prices for all Americans by......Fast tracking Keystone XL, opening federal lands, incentivising fracking: Drill, baby, drill."
"If elected, we pledge clear and simple legislation that will forever clarify financial shenanigans: All elected officials, their families, their staffs and their families, etc. must place all financial assets in a blind trust before their swearing in, and will be immediately removed upon non-compliance. Further, the same group of people, as Politically Exposed Persons, must swear an attestation, quarterly, that they are not participating with foreign interests for financial gain."
Or something like that, to start.

But that didn't happen, and it won't happen next election.

If it looks kinda like RNC didn't really want to win the midterms, the inescapable question is: why?
The answer must contain some bit of "...the status quo benefits them..."
Watch until the end. Pay attention to the whole video. I learned quite a bit. Sounds to me like based on the DATA presented, there is no mathematical way for Hobbs to win.

If she does, heads should roll.

The great thing about math is that it’s a perfect science. There’s no “sounds like”. It either is mathematically possible, or it’s not. Being that Hobbs currently has the lead, it most certainly is not mathematically impossible for her to win. Declaring uncounted votes as being Lake votes is not math.
And there are documents, recounts and court rulings that prove that Biden won the 2020 Presidential election. What’s the difference, dipshit?
If you have to ask you will never understand. Your blindness is killing the republic.