62% is nearly Presidential level turnout. Wisdom of our chairman, who was formerly a state representative for ten years, is that Oz couldn't shake the carpetbagger image, Oz and the GOP let the Dems set the narrative on abortion and countered too little too late, Mastriano stayed off major media and didn't get any money from the GOP Governors Assn., and state GOP since he's seen as a Trumper and the people running the state committee are largely anti-Trumpers, was strongly anti-abortion and didn't counter with the fact that he can't set policy himself, and a lot of state and local Republicans like Shaffer and Elmore led on in-person voting but got walloped on mail-in votes. When Democrats outnumber us by 500,000 statewide we can't afford to have lower turnout. State party did up their game on technology but wasn't on the same page as the candidates and county committees and as often happens, leadership and our statewide candidates were from the east which leads to less enthusiasm in the west where there is a higher proportion of Republicans. I countered with "Fetterman won and he's from the west" which got a round of laughter from the room. It was noted that in one precinct in the county which is very rural and mostly farms where there are almost no Democrats, Mastriano actually lost.Shocking that the Rep turnout was so low. I would have figured it would be like 80%. I can only think of 2 reasons. One, they believed the polls and thought it was in the bag, or Two, they assumed Shapiro would win and turned their nose up at voting for Oz so they stayed home.
Next election, they need to run an ad that simply says - Only 62% of registered Republicans voted last time. That means 38% of you essentially voted for Fetterman. Let's do better this time.
What we took away was that we need to drive turnout statewide (although our county did a great job), we need better candidates, and embrace mail-in ballots.