I wonder how much of the turn out issue was demoralization from MSM hit pieces and how much of it was from polling data predicting a Red Tsunami.
The Dims were more energized due to the Dobbs decision. GOP maybe less so since everyone was predicting a red wave. That said, it's hard for a Republican to win statewide in PA because state is very diverse. If you're moderate enough to appeal to the southeast you lose votes in the west and if you're conservative enough for the west then you lose votes in the east. As someone who works statewide mentioned in our meeting, Republicans in the east are more liberal than Democrats in the west. Whereas the Dims stick together after the primary and support their candidates no matter what.No evidence had been produced of any of these claims but if you guys want to keep going down the “elections are rigged” path be my guest. I hope you don’t because it’s a losing strategy. Trump told voters to vote on Election Day…meanwhile the Dems have weeks or months to get their votes in. We will not be able to compete unless we adapt a similar strategy. Do I like it? No. Is it likely to change? Nope.
For example our other Senator, Democrat Bob Casey Jr. is at least on paper pro-life like his father the former governor, but there isn't a single Democrat in Pennsylvania who would vote against him in the general election because of that.