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2022 Midterms Thread

I wonder how much of the turn out issue was demoralization from MSM hit pieces and how much of it was from polling data predicting a Red Tsunami.
No evidence had been produced of any of these claims but if you guys want to keep going down the “elections are rigged” path be my guest. I hope you don’t because it’s a losing strategy. Trump told voters to vote on Election Day…meanwhile the Dems have weeks or months to get their votes in. We will not be able to compete unless we adapt a similar strategy. Do I like it? No. Is it likely to change? Nope.
The Dims were more energized due to the Dobbs decision. GOP maybe less so since everyone was predicting a red wave. That said, it's hard for a Republican to win statewide in PA because state is very diverse. If you're moderate enough to appeal to the southeast you lose votes in the west and if you're conservative enough for the west then you lose votes in the east. As someone who works statewide mentioned in our meeting, Republicans in the east are more liberal than Democrats in the west. Whereas the Dims stick together after the primary and support their candidates no matter what.
For example our other Senator, Democrat Bob Casey Jr. is at least on paper pro-life like his father the former governor, but there isn't a single Democrat in Pennsylvania who would vote against him in the general election because of that.
The Dims were more energized due to the Dobbs decision. GOP maybe less so since everyone was predicting a red wave. That said, it's hard for a Republican to win statewide in PA because state is very diverse. If you're moderate enough to appeal to the southeast you lose votes in the west and if you're conservative enough for the west then you lose votes in the east. As someone who works statewide mentioned in our meeting, Republicans in the east are more liberal than Democrats in the west. Whereas the Dims stick together after the primary and support their candidates no matter what.
For example our other Senator, Democrat Bob Casey Jr. is at least on paper pro-life like his father the former governor, but there isn't a single Democrat in Pennsylvania who would vote against him in the general election because of that.
Agree. It was a combination of Dobbs and the fact that Oz and even more so Mastriano were not at all appealing candidates. I also think Oz and his campaign made a massive mistake focusing on Fetterman's medical issues when they should have focused on how leftist he is and on the importance of keeping the Senate seat. Fetterman's campaign did an excellent job portraying Oz as a rich elitist who doesn't live here, and also turning his disability into a sympathetic issue rather than a disqualifying one.
Agree. It was a combination of Dobbs and the fact that Oz and even more so Mastriano were not at all appealing candidates. I also think Oz and his campaign made a massive mistake focusing on Fetterman's medical issues when they should have focused on how leftist he is and on the importance of keeping the Senate seat. Fetterman's campaign did an excellent job portraying Oz as a rich elitist who doesn't live here, and also turning his disability into a sympathetic issue rather than a disqualifying one.
Republican candidates hardly mentioned the economy and energy prices at all, which I think was a mistake.
In the primary Oz got beat up for being not Conservative enough and I figured he'd do well with the suburban Philadelphia women who would know him from TV.
I was....

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The plan worked, admit it.



Da Tards are way ahead of the Pubes when it come to nefarious dealings. This appointment has been in the planning stages for months so the dims can counterattack the newly elected house members and keep the Trump slander in the spotlight.

DOJ announces special counsel for Trump-related Mar-a-Lago and January 6 criminal investigations​

Agree. It was a combination of Dobbs and the fact that Oz and even more so Mastriano were not at all appealing candidates.

Sure. That's it. The quality of (R) candidates. If only they could find a dementia-ridden grifter to hide in the basement, or a squeaky-voiced Valley Girl judged to have engaged in racist workplace behavior and who is afraid to be in the same room as her opponent, or a brain-damaged sloth who lived with his rich mommy & daddy for 50 years, they'd be golden.

Enough with this "find better candidates." I'm tired of this debate. You keep saying "prove the fraud," forgetting that the 20 examples in 2020 were explained away, or ignored, or minimized as "not changing the outcome." Jesus H. Christ, the ******* imbecile weirdo who "won" the Arizona race RAN the ******* election and lo and behold, tens of thousands of ****-ups in heavily (R) voting precincts, while the (D) polling stations were as tight as a nun's ****.

"But you need to prove the fraud." Sure, like the one I just mentioned, or Fulton County running "under-the-table" ballots after sending observers home, or Wayne County poll workers kicking out (R) observers and then putting cardboard over the windows to prevent observation or the rampant illegal ballot harvesting in Michigan and Pennsylvania or the overt violation of the Pennsylvania constitution in 2020 with the mass-mailing of ballots, or the first-hand testimony of poll worker after poll worker about irregularities with the 2020 Arizona race or the 2022 Arizona election.

Enough with the "Oh, just find better candidates" fiction. Enough. If the (R)'s nominated Jesus, (D)imbos would find 12 women to accuse him of sexual assault, would rip him on his abortion stance, and would start a hundred rumors about how he got "those scars on his palms."

(D)'s have rigged the system. If this system were in place in 1984, we would be getting ready to swear in President Mondale.
Sure. That's it. The quality of (R) candidates. If only they could find a dementia-ridden grifter to hide in the basement, or a squeaky-voiced Valley Girl judged to have engaged in racist workplace behavior and who is afraid to be in the same room as her opponent, or a brain-damaged sloth who lived with his rich mommy & daddy for 50 years, they'd be golden.

Enough with this "find better candidates." I'm tired of this debate. You keep saying "prove the fraud," forgetting that the 20 examples in 2020 were explained away, or ignored, or minimized as "not changing the outcome." Jesus H. Christ, the ******* imbecile weirdo who "won" the Arizona race RAN the ******* election and lo and behold, tens of thousands of ****-ups in heavily (R) voting precincts, while the (D) polling stations were as tight as a nun's ****.

"But you need to prove the fraud." Sure, like the one I just mentioned, or Fulton County running "under-the-table" ballots after sending observers home, or Wayne County poll workers kicking out (R) observers and then putting cardboard over the windows to prevent observation or the rampant illegal ballot harvesting in Michigan and Pennsylvania or the overt violation of the Pennsylvania constitution in 2020 with the mass-mailing of ballots, or the first-hand testimony of poll worker after poll worker about irregularities with the 2020 Arizona race or the 2022 Arizona election.

Enough with the "Oh, just find better candidates" fiction. Enough. If the (R)'s nominated Jesus, (D)imbos would find 12 women to accuse him of sexual assault, would rip him on his abortion stance, and would start a hundred rumors about how he got "those scars on his palms."

(D)'s have rigged the system. If this system were in place in 1984, we would be getting ready to swear in President Mondale.
What a bunch of shiit. (I know it's not you saying that). We don't need to prove fraud. The government needs to prove things are legitimate. They work for us. I least that's what I was led to believe growing up.
why didnt Oz simply play Fetterman's "speeches" on loop in advertisements, then ask "does he speak for you?"
So why can't we do this here? And secondarily, isn't this evidence that elections aren't perfect, and to question/deny results is normal?

****, we can't even question science. its all settled. but you want to question something non-scientific? the absolute absurdity of your request should have you seeing the business end of a guillotine.
As much as I detest mail in voting, if it is here to stay, Republicans better get on board.
Exactly - Democrats have a machine behind this. They are getting mail in ballots to people that usually don't vote and making sure they are filled out and turned in - Reps need to do the same thing instead of whining about it. Use the system just as good, if not better than they do and when Reps start winning more because of this you will probably see more Dems speaking out on it.

They also need to drop the "muh stolen election" ****. It turns voters away and disenfranchises folks. It's stupid talk and needs to end.
Exactly - Democrats have a machine behind this. They are getting mail in ballots to people that usually don't vote and making sure they are filled out and turned in - Reps need to do the same thing instead of whining about it. Use the system just as good, if not better than they do and when Reps start winning more because of this you will probably see more Dems speaking out on it.

They also need to drop the "muh stolen election" ****. It turns voters away and disenfranchises folks. It's stupid talk and needs to end.

In addition, they need to get the ground game going AFTER the vote to cure votes. They need to win in the courts as well on a myriad of issues to allow for half-*** filled out votes to be counted v discarded and a half dozen other things.
In the old days votes were counted. Now they are " cured" , bundled, harvested and other descriptions I can't think of right now. What is vote "curing"?
In the old days votes were counted. Now they are " cured" , bundled, harvested and other dnoescriptions I can't think of right now. What is vote "curing"?
Harvested, cured, bundled,,sounds more like getting tobacco ready for auction. Enjoy what you got now, we're f*****.
Harvested, cured, bundled,,sounds more like getting tobacco ready for auction. Enjoy what you got now, we're f*****.

It's ******* ridiculous. I got to hand it to demoncrats they will use any crisis to usher in new laws and regulations in an instant.

The last thing to really accomplish for them is to get the ten of millions of illegal aliens they've allowed to pour in allowed to vote.

That's really the only reason for them suddenly not giving a **** about border security.

The goal is one party rule. Our goal is not to be ruled. The generations coming up are weak,ignorant and submissive. They're easily misled and embrace a culture that's selfish,self centered,narcissistic and morally bankrupt.

Have at it.
So the story that voting irregularities in Arizona - in an election overseen and run by one of the candidates - had some "small" errors that were cured by the amazing and vigorous efforts by Katie "Hide & Seek" Hobbs? Yeah, not so much.

The 11 attorneys visited 115 out of the 223 vote centers in Maricopa County on Election Day and found that 72 of them (or 62.61%) "had material problems with the tabulators not being able to tabulate ballots," Sonnenklar reported, "causing voters to either deposit their ballots into box 3, spoil their ballots and re-vote, or get frustrated and leave the vote center without voting."

Box 3 — also called "Door 3" or "Slot 3" — is a separate box on the tabulators into which ballots not counted by the machines were placed for later tabulation. Maricopa County, however, has admitted that "in some voting locations, 'Door 3' non-tabulated ballots were commingled with tabulated ballots," according to a letter from the Arizona attorney general's office to the county.

"In many vote centers, the tabulators rejected the initial insertion of a ballot almost 100% of the time, although the tabulators might still accept that ballot on the second, third, fourth, fifth, or sixth attempt to insert the ballot," the RNC attorney report states. "However, many ballots were not able to be tabulated by the tabulators at all, no matter how many times the voter inserted the ballot."

Noting that there were many cases where printers and tabulators had issues throughout Election Day, from the opening to the closing of polls, Sonnenklar said these reports "directly contradict the statements of County election officials that (1) printer/tabulator issues were limited to only 70 of the 223 vote centers, (2) the printer/tabulator problems were resolved as of 3:00 p.m., and (3) the printer/tabulator issues were insignificant in the entire scheme of the election."

Hobbs? Hobbs??

So the story that voting irregularities in Arizona - in an election overseen and run by one of the candidates - had some "small" errors that were cured by the amazing and vigorous efforts by Katie "Hide & Seek" Hobbs? Yeah, not so much.

Hobbs? Hobbs??

Nothing will come of this. D's will control the governor, secretary of state, and likely win the recount for AG.
They have the support of every form of media in the state to condemn or flat out ignore any challenges.
The R's will have a razor thin margin in the state house but will be impotent in changing anything.
It's over, the democrats are simply better at winning elections while not getting caught in the process.
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Walt Kelly
in an election overseen and run by one of the candidates -
Didn't Brian Kemp run the 2018 election for governor in the state of Georgia that he was running in when he was Secretary of State?
Didn't Brian Kemp run the 2018 election for governor in the state of Georgia that he was running in when he was Secretary of State?

"Me too"? Nope. Kemp was Secy of State but had no role in the methods that (D)imbos claim constituted "voter suppression" in 2018. The removal of dormant and dead voters from the voter rolls was due to a law passed by the legislature year prior and had nothing to do with him, the placement of polling stations is and was a County (not state) function, and the process of vote tabulation was done without his involvement.

Is that what happened? Is Brian Kemp responsible for disenfranchising that many people?

Well, no. In his role as secretary of state, he applied state laws that, in fact, don’t truly disenfranchise any eligible voter. Many of the 1.5 million voters “purged” were removed from the voter registration lists because they moved or died. Many others were removed under the state’s so-called “use it or lose it” law. The law was passed by a Democratic legislature and signed by a Democratic governor. Under it, voters who have no contact with the electoral system for three years are mailed a notice and given 30 days to respond. If they don’t respond and don’t vote for two more general elections, they are purged from the rolls.

But even if purged, voters can reregister, including by using Georgia’s online registration system.

Again, it’s important to note that this process is mandated by a state law created by Democrats. As the Washington Post’s Aaron Blake notes, “A similar purge of the voter rolls in Ohio was upheld by the Supreme Court earlier this year.”

The mechanics of the 2018 election did not have thousands of (D) votes subjected to the documented problems that (R) voting districts had in Maricopa. The physical process was corrupted. Maricopa has ADMITTED that uncounted "Drawer 3" votes were "mistakenly" mixed with the counted votes and thereby thrown out.

Apples and oranges, Sarge. Like most all leftie talking points, superficial appeal but not accurate.
Hobbs doesn't sound intelligent. She talks like a valley girl. How can people vote for that? Oh. They voted in AOC too. Another valley girl.
Sure. That's it. The quality of (R) candidates. If only they could find a dementia-ridden grifter to hide in the basement, or a squeaky-voiced Valley Girl judged to have engaged in racist workplace behavior and who is afraid to be in the same room as her opponent, or a brain-damaged sloth who lived with his rich mommy & daddy for 50 years, they'd be golden.

Enough with this "find better candidates." I'm tired of this debate. You keep saying "prove the fraud," forgetting that the 20 examples in 2020 were explained away, or ignored, or minimized as "not changing the outcome." Jesus H. Christ, the ******* imbecile weirdo who "won" the Arizona race RAN the ******* election and lo and behold, tens of thousands of ****-ups in heavily (R) voting precincts, while the (D) polling stations were as tight as a nun's ****.

"But you need to prove the fraud." Sure, like the one I just mentioned, or Fulton County running "under-the-table" ballots after sending observers home, or Wayne County poll workers kicking out (R) observers and then putting cardboard over the windows to prevent observation or the rampant illegal ballot harvesting in Michigan and Pennsylvania or the overt violation of the Pennsylvania constitution in 2020 with the mass-mailing of ballots, or the first-hand testimony of poll worker after poll worker about irregularities with the 2020 Arizona race or the 2022 Arizona election.

Enough with the "Oh, just find better candidates" fiction. Enough. If the (R)'s nominated Jesus, (D)imbos would find 12 women to accuse him of sexual assault, would rip him on his abortion stance, and would start a hundred rumors about how he got "those scars on his palms."

(D)'s have rigged the system. If this system were in place in 1984, we would be getting ready to swear in President Mondale.
You can keep saying this all you want. Unless you have evidence it's meaningless. Again, all audited by Republicans. Do you really think not one single election official would stand up and say "this was fraud?" All the old ladies that count our ballots are in on it? Every single one? And honestly, if fraud is so easy to get away with don't you think Reps are doing it too? You just think Trump and his minions are that honest and pure I guess? Ok.

Yes, find better candidates. If you honestly think Dr. Oz and Doug Mastriano were going to drive people to the polls, expecially suburban women who tend to swing elections here, I don't know what to tell you.

Dems voted because of Dobbs and election denying. GOP stayed home because Oz and Mastriano.
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Harvested, cured, bundled,,sounds more like getting tobacco ready for auction. Enjoy what you got now, we're f*****.
Some tobacco farmers have been known to put muddy 'bacca in the middle of their bales to increase weight at the scales.....you know, cuz rain and stuff.
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