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Act of Terrorism in Orlando

Now they are saying the shooter was gay. Watch for the new narrative that religion had nothing to do with it. It was rampant homophobia by conservatives that made this gay man feel shame and forced him into a desperate act.

I was thinking the same thing, yet I would suggest his own religion telling him that he was a sinner and needed to be killed.
I was thinking the same thing, yet I would suggest his own religion telling him that he was a sinner and needed to be killed.

Yup, atonement for his sins by killing a bunch of other gay people and then being killed himself.
Muslims throw gays off of rooftops. Perhaps we should ban stairs.

Radical Jihadist Muslims...which Obama won't even say...I bet if this was WWII he would be calling for Cyanide Control to stop the Germans from killing Jews

Obama: ‘Be tough on terrorism’ with gun control

Obama on Tuesday called for action on gun control following the nation's deadliest mass shooting, pitching the renewed push as an anti-terrorism tactic.

"Unless steps are taken to control access to guns, Obama said, "these kind of events are going to keep on happening. ... The weapons are only going to get more powerful."



Gun Control Is Now 'Part and Parcel of Homeland Security'

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Tuesday that passing gun control laws is now "part and parcel of homeland security" in an interview on CBS This Morning.

In the segment which was flagged by Politico, Johnson said this was the first time he had vocalized such a belief publicly. President Obama and congressional Democrats have made a renewed push for gun control laws in the wake of the Orlando terrorist attack on a gay nightclub that left 49 people dead.

Johnson, who made a series of media appearances Tuesday, was asked by left-leaning host Gayle King what it would take to get gun control laws passed in the United States.



Obama's regime is full of it

Jeh Johnson: The Mission of DHS is to “Give Voice to the Plight of Muslims”:

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Radical Jihadist Muslims...which Obama won't even say...I bet if this was WWII he would be calling for Cyanide Control to stop the Germans from killing Jews

Obama: ‘Be tough on terrorism’ with gun control

Obama on Tuesday called for action on gun control following the nation's deadliest mass shooting, pitching the renewed push as an anti-terrorism tactic.

"Unless steps are taken to control access to guns, Obama said, "these kind of events are going to keep on happening. ... The weapons are only going to get more powerful."



Gun Control Is Now 'Part and Parcel of Homeland Security'

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Tuesday that passing gun control laws is now "part and parcel of homeland security" in an interview on CBS This Morning.

In the segment which was flagged by Politico, Johnson said this was the first time he had vocalized such a belief publicly. President Obama and congressional Democrats have made a renewed push for gun control laws in the wake of the Orlando terrorist attack on a gay nightclub that left 49 people dead.

Johnson, who made a series of media appearances Tuesday, was asked by left-leaning host Gayle King what it would take to get gun control laws passed in the United States.



Obama's regime is full of it

Jeh Johnson: The Mission of DHS is to “Give Voice to the Plight of Muslims”:


so wrong, Spike. Bomma would be criticizing the Jews for resisting the demands of a small populace.
So now eye witnesses are saying there were multiple shooters and another guy holding the door shut so people couldn't get out.

Still think this isn't a false flag lie by the shadow govt?

It just so happens to aid the agenda of fear mongering of Muslims, continued and escalated war in middle east countries that have oil and are enemies of Israel and gun confiscation.

It just so happens to aid those agendas. What a coincidence. Nothing fishy there.


It is a crime scene. That means there should be a full blown ballistic test to show all the rounds came from the same gun. If not, they are covering it up.
Thank you President Obama, finally! It's high time someone set the record straight.



WATCH: @POTUS rejects focus on phrase "radical Islamists": "What exactly would using this label accomplish?" http://snpy.tv/1turJwj

In scathing remarks, Obama hits Trump head-on over radical Islam

President Obama lashed out at Donald Trump on Tuesday, criticizing his call to ban Muslims from entering the United States and his attacks on the White House's handling of the war on terror.

Obama, who appeared visibly angry at times during his remarks, took on criticism from Trump and other Republicans that he has refused to use the phrase "radical Islam," calling it a "political distraction."

"What exactly would using this label accomplish? What exactly would it change?” Obama asked.

“Would it make ISIL less committed to trying to kill Americans? Would it bring in more allies? Is there a military strategy that is served by this?” he continued, using another name for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). "The answer is none of the above. Calling a threat by a different name does not make it go away. This is a political distraction.”

Obama spoke most passionately — and directed pointed comments toward the presumptive GOP presidential nominee — when discussing the efforts to stop terrorism by law enforcement officials at all levels of government. He said those people knew whom they were fighting against regardless of the name.

“They know full well who the enemy is. So do the intelligence and law enforcement officers who spent countless hours disrupting plots and protecting all Americans, including politicians who tweet and appear on cable news shows,” he said.

Obama spoke after a meeting with his National Security Council at the Treasury Department, where he received an update on the investigation into this weekend's Orlando nightclub shooting.

Forty-nine people were killed in the attack by Omar Mateen, who pledged allegiance to ISIS and other terrorist groups in separate 911 calls during the assault.

The shooting provoked some of Trump's harshest criticism of the White House and Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president. Trump argued the nation needed to tighten immigration laws that let the shooter's parents come to the United States from Afghanistan. Mateen was born in the United States.

Trump also questioned Obama's commitment to the war on terrorism, even flirting with conspiracy theories that the president might be in league with American enemies.

Clinton, speaking at about the same time as Obama, took on those comments herself.

“Yesterday morning, just one day after the massacre, he went on TV and suggested that President Obama is on the side of the terrorists,” Clinton told a crowd at a rally in Pittsburgh.

“Even in a time of divided politics, this is way beyond anything that should be said by someone running for President of the United States."

Clinton also echoed Obama’s remarks about terrorism, bashing Trump as "fixated on the words 'radical Islam.' "

"I must say I find this strange. Is Donald Trump suggesting that there are magic words that once uttered will stop terrorists from coming after us?" she said.

"Trump, as usual, is obsessed with name calling, and from my perspective, it matters what we do, not just what we say. ... If Donald suggests I won't call this threat what it is, he has not been listening. But I will not demonize and declare war on an entire religion."

Obama similarly mocked Republicans who would argue that simply using the term "radical Islam" would help the administration defeat ISIS.

"That's the key, they tell us; we can't beat ISIL unless we call them radical Islamists," he said.

"If there's anyone out there who thinks we're confused by who our enemies are, that would come as a surprise to the thousands of terrorists we've taken off the battlefield," he said.

Obama also pushed back on attacks from Trump and other Republicans that the administration is too focused on "political correctness."

The president said his refusal to use the phrase has "nothing to do with political correctness and everything to do with actually defeating extremism."

Obama noted that he's repeatedly called on Muslim allies around the world to push back on the "twisted interpretation" of Islam.

Obama also slammed Trump's continued push for a temporary ban on Muslims entering the United States.

"This is a country founded on basic freedoms, including freedom of religion. We don't have religious tests here," Obama said.

"If we ever abandon those values, we would not only make it easier to radicalize people here and around the world, but we would have betrayed the very things we are trying to protect. I will not let that happen."

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What a ******* joke the POTUS is. Unfortunately, the joke is on us.
Time to stop Muslims from coming here. Time to round up the ones that are here and put them in internment camps while they're investigated.

Hitler approves of this message. Sadly rounding up people and tossing them in prison based solely on their religious preference is a slippery slope. They did that somewhere else, back in the late 30's. Said those guys were trying to destroy the world too with their corrupt religion and their meddling.

I think we'd be better off to take the fight seriously to the home-shores. If we simply wiped Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia off the map the funding would be gone. Screw it. Cut the head off the snake once and for all if you're going to get serious about it.
Now it turns out the shooter was gay and frequented the gay bar many times. So now what?

Other sources say he wasn't even religious. So where is their narrative now?

Where are the bodies?

Where are the videos, surely cameras would have been up and running? Why no videos?

How does a guy walk into a bar that has heavy security at the front door with an AR 15?

Hitler approves of this message. Sadly rounding up people and tossing them in prison based solely on their religious preference is a slippery slope. They did that somewhere else, back in the late 30's. Said those guys were trying to destroy the world too with their corrupt religion and their meddling.

I think we'd be better off to take the fight seriously to the home-shores. If we simply wiped Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia off the map the funding would be gone. Screw it. Cut the head off the snake once and for all if you're going to get serious about it.

That too. Don't forget Syria.
two shooters, gay hating gay killers Dad worked for CIA at one point.

no security cam footage...unusual for an upscale club in FL, but it being a gay bar, I guess its understandable.

Agreed...dad is shady as ****...interim President of Afghanistan? That's what one of the local stations said.
Now it turns out the shooter was gay and frequented the gay bar many times. So now what?

Other sources say he wasn't even religious. So where is their narrative now?

Where are the bodies?

Where are the videos, surely cameras would have been up and running? Why no videos?

How does a guy walk into a bar that has heavy security at the front door with an AR 15?


From what I read he shot police and security outside the bar and the walked in.

I would guess there probably are videos, but out of respect for the investigation and the families not being made public.
His dad's background is quite interesting. Worked with the CIA and was running for pres. in Afg?

This has all of the dressings of a shadow govt. false flag attack.

Where are all the bodies? There should be shitloads of pic/vids of bodies being taken out of there, but we see nothing. 49 dead bodies but we see none?

No video of anything?

People crying but no tears?

Immediate shouting out for gun control?

Immediate tie into ISIS?

Eyewitnesses saying there were 3 shooters, not 1? And those comments are being swiftly taken down at every source?

I have a question or two. I'm not very familiar with rifles at all. I am hearing a lot of people on the radio and tv calling for a ban of these semi-automatic rifles.

Aren't all rifles semi-auto? I mean, besides from some shot guns that only hold two shells, Aren't all rifles made to fire a bullet each time you pull the trigger? I think they are and the only limit on reload time is the amount of bullets the mag can hold.

And, Everyone seems so concerned with the evil looking ar15. I was under the impression that the ammo for the ar15 were a little on the smaller side??..... compared to some of the less scarey looking rifles that would cause much more damage?
I have a question or two. I'm not very familiar with rifles at all. I am hearing a lot of people on the radio and tv calling for a ban of these semi-automatic rifles.

Aren't all rifles semi-auto? I mean, besides from some shot guns that only hold two shells, Aren't all rifles made to fire a bullet each time you pull the trigger? I think they are and the only limit on reload time is the amount of bullets the mag can hold.

And, Everyone seems so concerned with the evil looking ar15. I was under the impression that the ammo for the ar15 were a little on the smaller side??..... compared to some of the less scarey looking rifles that would cause much more damage?

not sure if you are being serious or not, but...

Some rifles may be bolt action where you have to manually pull the bolt back to eject the used cartridge and get a new cartridge into the chamber. I think the magazine that holds the rounds for these hold up to 10 cartridges depending upon the caliber.

Some rifles are lever action, i.e. the Riflemen with Chuck Conners, where the lever works the same as the bolt-action. The 30-30 lever action is responsible for a ton of deer killed over the years. Typically shorter for brush hunting.

Semi-automatic, each time the trigger is pulled, the gun is activated (usually by gas or piston) to eject the spent cartridge and load another from the magazine. These magazines are generally sold with the gun for 30 rounds (except some places), but you can buy 100 round drums which would seem to be pretty ******* heavy to carry and aim. In any event, pull the trigger once and it shoots and reloads for you.

The Evil AR-15 does nothing more than the above and the bullet isn't all that big at a .223 caliber (or 5.56mm NATO). not all shoot both. pretty good speed so you wouldn't want to get hit by one.... There are normal looking rifles that shoot .223 caliber that operate exactly the same way. I've read they are pretty good for prairie dogs in the SW.

A lot of bigger game hunters will use a 30-06 or .308 (or .273?). Bigger guns which are also semi-auto but don't look as scary. You can buy a gun that shoots .308 and looks just like an AR-15 (AR-10?)

An AK-47 works exactly the same as an AR-15, but shoots bigger bullets. (.308 caliber or 7.62mm NATO), although not all shoot both.

For shotguns, you might have a single shot, double barrel, pump action or semi-automatic.
I have a question or two. I'm not very familiar with rifles at all. I am hearing a lot of people on the radio and tv calling for a ban of these semi-automatic rifles.

Aren't all rifles semi-auto? I mean, besides from some shot guns that only hold two shells, Aren't all rifles made to fire a bullet each time you pull the trigger? I think they are and the only limit on reload time is the amount of bullets the mag can hold.

And, Everyone seems so concerned with the evil looking ar15. I was under the impression that the ammo for the ar15 were a little on the smaller side??..... compared to some of the less scarey looking rifles that would cause much more damage?

OK, a few things.

First of all, many rifles are not semi-auto (meaning rounds fires as quickly as you keep pulling the trigger). There are bolt action guns, pump actions guns and lever guns - none would be considered semi-autos.

As far as the .223 rounds, the actual bullet is small, the same size as a .22, which is considered a pop gun any very hard to kill someone unless you are putting round in someone's head at close range.

HOWEVER, an AR-15 round has a lot of gun powder, as opposed to a .22 which does not. The net effect is a super high velocity round, that tumbles once it hits a body, making that small round do tons of damage. That small round shot at a super high velocity actually does more damage than a larger bullet. The .223 round tumbles and bounces all around in the body, making it an effective killing machine.

It's funny how the govt. is filling all kinds of agencies to the teeth with AR 15s, while at the same time telling us such weapons of war has no place on our streets, except in the case where the govt. wants them.

That is a double standard and total bull ****.

They are hell bent on taking effective guns away from the people. How much more obvious can it get?
So you are willing to accept the risk that if you let Muslims in, you may be letting in some terrorists, to avoid bigotry. Fine.

Why doesn't that same logic apply to guns? I would argue it is bigotry against gun owners to punish all for the sins of a few.

Bigotry smigotry....It's past practice to limit undesirables into this Country and it should have applied to Obama had we know what a disaster he was going to be for this Country.

After the immigration of 123,000 Chinese in the 1870s, who joined the 105,000 who had immigrated between 1850 and 1870, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 which targeted a single ethnic group by specifically limiting further Chinese immigration. Chinese had immigrated to the Western United States as a result of unsettled conditions in China, the availability of jobs working on railroads, and the Gold Rush that was going on at that time in California.

The act excluded Chinese laborers from immigrating to the United States for ten years
and was the first immigration law passed by Congress. Laborers in the United States and laborers with work visas received a certificate of residency and were allowed to travel in and out of the United States. Amendments made in 1884 tightened the provisions that allowed previous immigrants to leave and return, and clarified that the law applied to ethnic Chinese regardless of their country of origin. The act was renewed in 1892 by the Geary Act for another ten years, and in 1902 with no terminal date.

not sure if you are being serious or not, but.....
Yes, serious. Thanks for clarifying. Could a revolver hand gun be considered semi-auto? Seems like all you would do is pull the trigger and boom! Pull again and again until all the ammo is spent. Although it is only 5 to 7 rounds.
Hey Tibs.

In the speech Obama gave that you touted he admitted the guy was radicalized by what he was reading on the internet.

C'mon now. If you are not a full of **** hypocrite, I want to hear your calls to ban the internet.
It's funny how the govt. is filling all kinds of agencies to the teeth with AR 15s, while at the same time telling us such weapons of war has no place on our streets, except in the case where the govt. wants them.

That is a double standard and total bull ****.

They are hell bent on taking effective guns away from the people. How much more obvious can it get?

It's been very obvious to a lot of us for a long time but you still have Libs like Tibs that don't have a clue what an assault weapon is and they don't care. They want all those mean lookin' guns taken away and locked up so only the gov't has the key. Nobody hunts with an assault weapon they say, who needs big clips to shoot Bambi they say. We say....maybe it's not Bambi we're worried about.
