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Act of Terrorism in Orlando

Someone buy this man a beer. A true American hero.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">I am prepared to stand on the Senate floor and talk about the need to prevent gun violence for as long as I can. I've had <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Enough?src=hash">#Enough</a></p>— Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) <a href="https://twitter.com/ChrisMurphyCT/status/743104582520307712">June 15, 2016</a></blockquote>
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Democrat holds up Senate floor over gun control

Watch Live: Democrats hold a filibuster on the Senate floor over gun control.

good goddamn. it's NOT gun violence. It's Terrorism. Radical Muslim Terrorism to be precise.
Why isnt this a hate-crime perpetrated by a card-carrying Democrat? or a act of terror inspired by ISIS? WHY is it "gun violence" and when are you ******* lefties going to stop being such pandering *******?
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good goddamn. it's NOT gun violence. It's Terrorism. Radical Muslim Terrorism to be precise.
Why isnt this a hate-crime perpetrated by a card-carrying Democrat? or a act of terror inspired by ISIS? WHY is it "gun violence" and when are you ******* lefties going to stop being such pandering *******?

Come on man, get with the picture. Everyone knows it was the gun who killed those gays, just like the pressure cookers killed the runners and the box cutters crashed the planes into the towers.
nice to see that you believe the First Amendment should be repealed. Why not just move out of the country like Tibs did?

So a Muslim should be able to say or write whatever they want and not be put on a watch list?

Just be consistent.
What nobody will be honest about is all the riders the Dems put on their proposal. Both sides do it, try to sneak stuff in. I would be fine with a guy on the no fly list not getting a firearm, but then the ******* add something in there that will make it against the law to just hand down my old Winchester .22 to my grandson (hypothetical, I'm not there yet). And that has been discussed. So it isn't all black and white, here.
21STEELERS21's follow up piece is just as rich...


The gun debate is also a gender war.</p>
In all my years in journalism — coming up on 30 (thanks) — I have never received so much angry mail as I did after yesterday's story, "<a href="http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/firing-ar-15-horrifying-dangerous-loud-article-1.2673201" target="_blank">What is it like to fire an AR-15? It's horrifying, menacing and very very loud</a>."</p>
I don't mind spirited debate, but many correspondents told me that even expressing an opinion about today's high-powered weaponry is off-limits to those of us who don't own such guns.</p>
To reiterate, the goal of the story was simply to share with readers my experience of firing an AR-15, which very few of them have done. I found the sheer power of the weapon horrifying. I found the noise deafening and anxiety provoking. I was frightened by its potential for rapid, catastrophic, Orlando-like carnage with similiar weaponry. Using an AR-15 made me irritable and jittery for hours afterwards. To me, it felt like a bazooka.</p> <p> <a class="ra-related" href="http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/stasi-homophobia-fueled-orlando-shooter-rage-article-1.2674184">STASI: Homophobia fueled Orlando shooter's rage </a> </p> <div class="ra-module h" itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject" itemid="http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2674554.1465993771!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/nighclub-shooting-assault-weapons.jpg">
<figure class="ra-figure">
<span class="ra-enlarge"></span>
<img srcset='http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2674554.1465993771!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/nighclub-shooting-assault-weapons.jpg 750w, http://assets.nydailynews.com/polop...le_1200/nighclub-shooting-assault-weapons.jpg 1200w' alt='AUG. 15, 2012 FILE PHOTO' src='http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2674554.1465993771!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/nighclub-shooting-assault-weapons.jpg' /> <figcaption>
<h2 class="ra-caption" itemprop="description">The AR-15 assault rifle — a killing machine.</h2>
<span class="ra-credit" itemprop="copyrightHolder">(Rich Pedroncelli/AP)</span>

"Kuntzman is an outright liar," wrote one emailer. "Nice try with an extremely stupid article which only appealed to girly boys and women of NYC and like the sheeple they are probably believed the lies." (Other writers informed me that the "lie" is that guns are bad. For the record: I never said they were.)</p>
I certainly received many many emails from gun owners who legitimately quibbled with some of my conclusions. But the majority of email senders trained their laser sights on my masculinity — often in graphic terms that would sound more appropriate in a magazine about erectile dysfunction or an ad for Depends.</p>
"Hey there Cupcake!" wrote Gary Haney. "I have never subscribed to the idea of 'gender confusion,' but after reading your article on the AR-15, I'm a believer because there is no way you and I are the same gender. You should surrender your testicles to the Department of Girlymen. I'm not sure where it's located, but your girlfriend Barack does!"</p> <div class="ra-module"> <div class="ra-gallery"> <a href="http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/deadly-mass-shooting-orlando-florida-gallery-1.2670541"> <img title='' height='424' alt='Police forensic investigators begin to bring out the bodies of victims involved in the tragic Orlando nightclub shooting overnight on June 12, 2016.' width='635' src='http://static3.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2671775.1465834558!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635_424/mass-shooting-pulse-nightclub-orlando.jpg' /> <div class="ra-gallery-wrapper"> <div class="ra-count"> <span>54 photos</span> view gallery </div> <span class="ra-title">At least 50 dead in mass shooting at Pulse nightclub in Orlando</span> </div> </a> </div> </div>
Others sent me videos of 7-, 10- and 12-year old girls firing the same weapon I fired — except these kids were smiling. And I wear it as a point of personal pride that conservative darling Erick Erickson <a href="http://theresurgent.com/my-10-year-old-daughter-is-tougher-than-gene-kuntzman-author-of-the-stupidest-thing-on-the-internet-today" target="_blank">posted a story</a> on The Resurgent with the headline, "My 10 Year Old Daughter Is Tougher Than Gersh Kuntzman, Author of the Stupidest Thing on the Internet Today."</p> <p> <a class="ra-related" href="http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/orlando-club-shooter-reached-2nd-gay-bar-attack-article-1.2674506">Orlando club shooter reached out to 2nd gay bar before attack</a> </p>
"You f--king *****," wrote Sam Markota. "If you have a man card turn it in immediately. You might be better served writing about feminine hygiene products!!!"</p>
"Your father must have left you to be raised by your mother or he was a sissy like you," added SargentMike77.</p> <div class="ra-module h" itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject" itemid="http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2674553.1465993770!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/guns.jpg">
<figure class="ra-figure">
<span class="ra-enlarge"></span>
<img srcset='http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2674553.1465993770!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/guns.jpg 750w, http://assets.nydailynews.com/polop...age.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_1200/guns.jpg 1200w' alt='Gersh Kuntzman traveled to Philadelphia on Sunday to try out an AR-15.' src='http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2674553.1465993770!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/guns.jpg' /> <figcaption>
<h2 class="ra-caption" itemprop="description">Gersh Kuntzman traveled to Philadelphia on Sunday to try out an AR-15.</h2>
<span class="ra-credit" itemprop="copyrightHolder">(New York Daily News)</span>

And one of my favorites, thanks to its pithy manner of linking my affliction to another right wing obsession: "Maybe you can get some balls through Obamacare!" wrote Adam Prolo.</p>
And that's just the printable stuff. To summarize, this line of argument suggests that I'm not a real man because I am frightened by the awesome power of an AR-15, which despite however you willfully misread my story, can discharge dozens of rounds in mere seconds.</p>
Yes, this weapon scared the crap out of me. And it should scare the crap out of all of you, too. An AR-15 is a weapon of mass destruction, a tool that should only be in the hands of our soldiers and cops. I don't think there's anything unmanly about pointing out this fact.</p> <div class="ra-module h" itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject" itemid="http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2674552.1465993769!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/nightclub-shooting-florida.jpg">
<figure class="ra-figure">
<span class="ra-enlarge"></span>
<img srcset='http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2674552.1465993769!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/nightclub-shooting-florida.jpg 750w, http://assets.nydailynews.com/polop...s/article_1200/nightclub-shooting-florida.jpg 1200w' alt='aerial photo' src='http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2674552.1465993769!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/nightclub-shooting-florida.jpg' /> <figcaption>
<h2 class="ra-caption" itemprop="description">The nightclub attack, like so many others, was carried out with an AR-15-type rifle.</h2>
<span class="ra-credit" itemprop="copyrightHolder">(Chris O'Meara/AP)</span>

Besides, if masculinity is defined by the power to commit violence on a wide scale, I proudly choose femininity. At one time, “being a man” meant standing up for what you believe in — and against injustice. By that definition, we need more real men in power taking on bullies like the NRA, which seeks to bolster the Second Amendment by shutting down opponents’ right to the First. We can’t even debate guns in this country, thanks to the gun lobby.</p> <p> <a class="ra-related" href="http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/doctor-treated-orlando-victims-pens-poetic-tribute-shoes-article-1.2674489">Doctor who treated Orlando victims pens poetic tribute with shoes</a> </p>
My email and Internet trolls won't believe me, but I support the Second Amendment. I sincerely do believe that the Bill of Rights protects Americans' right to bear arms, albeit under very strict regulations — the "well-regulated militia" part of the sacred text.</p>
And I even agree with one letter writer who pointed out that hammers can kill people, too, but we don't ban them.</p> <div class="ra-module h" itemprop="associatedMedia" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageObject" itemid="http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2674551.1465993768!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/pulse-nighclub-mass-shooting-vigil.jpg">
<figure class="ra-figure">
<span class="ra-enlarge"></span>
<img srcset='http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2674551.1465993768!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/pulse-nighclub-mass-shooting-vigil.jpg 750w, http://assets.nydailynews.com/polop...e_1200/pulse-nighclub-mass-shooting-vigil.jpg 1200w' alt='NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpi' src='http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.2674551.1465993768!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/pulse-nighclub-mass-shooting-vigil.jpg' /> <figcaption>
<h2 class="ra-caption" itemprop="description">Orlando mourners hold a candlelight vigil for victims of Sunday's Pulse nightclub shooting.</h2>
<a class="ra-credit" itemprop="copyrightHolder" href="/photos/dn-photographers/photographer?author=James-Keivom">(James Keivom/New York Daily News)</a>

But what if a weapons manufacturer could fashion a handgun that would fire a nuclear blast — an atomic version of an AR-15, if you will. It would look like a gun, but it could kill thousands instead of dozens. Like a rifle, it's one of many arms that we are allowed to keep and bear. But would we really stand idly by as people buy a nuclear gun in the name of the Second Amendment?</p>
"It's just a gun," you might say. "It's my right. Trade in your man-card, you wimp."</p>
Yes, I'm a wimp. I simpered because my experience with the AR-15 bruised me, body and spirit. But there's nothing unmanly about reminding my readers that mass murder is much easier to commit with a semi-automatic killing machine than it is with a hammer.</p>
If that makes me a girl, well, maybe we should have a girl running the country.</p>
So a Muslim should be able to say or write whatever they want and not be put on a watch list?

Just be consistent.

apparently Muzzies are the only people who CAN say and do what they want.
Thanks, Dems!
Yea, and with the ***** Republicans we have, this will probably a filibuster that finally works.

But to the bigger point, let's day they enact this stuff. When the next one happens, and it will, then who gets blamed?

I know it will still be the guns, but that's the point. They will take it apart piece by piece until there is no 2nd Amendment.

I;d demand each of those damn Democrats explain how, if it is our guns laws, France happened.
But to the bigger point, let's day they enact this stuff. When the next one happens, and it will, then who gets blamed?

It's not blaming terrorists OR blaming assault weapons. That's never been the question, well, outside of breitbart and the tired rhetoric on this board. It's blaming terrorists AND calling for an adjustment to lax gun laws, including banning assault weapons, stringent background checks, outlawing the sale of firearms to those on no fly lists, FBI watch list etc.

I'd demand each of those damn Democrats explain how, if it is our guns laws, France happened.
The weapons and suicide bombs used in those attacks were smuggled into safehouses in Belgium and then smuggled into Paris via vehicles. Akin to a foreign army landing on our shores fully armed. There are no laws that would prevent that type of attack. I think what most reasonable people are suggesting, is don't make it so damn easy for criminals - or the deranged - to get their hands on assault weapons. It's a drop in the ocean, I know. The idea of continuing to arm everyone to the teeth, while also allowing criminals and terrorists to buy weapons on a whim, with the notion that at some point we'll have more good guys with guns than bad guys with guns is pure madness, in my opinion. There has to be a better way.
It's not blaming terrorists OR blaming assault weapons. That's never been the question, well, outside of breitbart and the tired rhetoric on this board. It's blaming terrorists AND calling for an adjustment to lax gun laws, including banning assault weapons, stringent background checks, outlawing the sale of firearms to those on no fly lists, FBI watch list etc.

The weapons and suicide bombs used in those attacks were smuggled into safehouses in Belgium and then smuggled into Paris via vehicles. Akin to a foreign army landing on our shores fully armed. There are no laws that would prevent that type of attack. I think what most reasonable people are suggesting, is don't make it so damn easy for criminals - or the deranged - to get their hands on assault weapons. It's a drop in the ocean, I know. The idea of continuing to arm everyone to the teeth, while also allowing criminals and terrorists to buy weapons on a whim, with the notion that at some point we'll have more good guys with guns than bad guys with guns is pure madness, in my opinion. There has to be a better way.
and again, I'll ask you, but not expect a response again, when was the last time YOU tried buying a gun here?
It's not blaming terrorists OR blaming assault weapons. That's never been the question, well, outside of breitbart and the tired rhetoric on this board. It's blaming terrorists AND calling for an adjustment to lax gun laws, including banning assault weapons, stringent background checks, outlawing the sale of firearms to those on no fly lists, FBI watch list etc.

The weapons and suicide bombs used in those attacks were smuggled into safehouses in Belgium and then smuggled into Paris via vehicles. Akin to a foreign army landing on our shores fully armed. There are no laws that would prevent that type of attack. I think what most reasonable people are suggesting, is don't make it so damn easy for criminals - or the deranged - to get their hands on assault weapons. It's a drop in the ocean, I know. The idea of continuing to arm everyone to the teeth, while also allowing criminals and terrorists to buy weapons on a whim, with the notion that at some point we'll have more good guys with guns than bad guys with guns is pure madness, in my opinion. There has to be a better way.

Yes more gun laws just like the strict ones we have in Chicago. Criminals follow laws. You guys are stupid.
and again, I'll ask you, but not expect a response again, when was the last time YOU tried buying a gun here?
What the **** does it matter?

There are more ******* guns than people in the country! You're gonna try to convince me that it's difficult to get your hands on a weapon in the States? Are you out of your mind? You are barking up the wrong tree and you're not fooling anyone.

There are now more guns than people in the United States

Mark Kelly Bought AR-15 Assault Weapon To Show How Easy It Is

“I just had a background check a few days ago when I went to my local gun store to buy a 45,” Kelly wrote. “As I was leaving, I noticed a used AR-15. Bought that too.”

Kelly added, “Even to buy an assault weapon, the background check only takes a matter of minutes ... We really need to close the gun show and private seller loop hole.”

In Arizona, where Kelly purchased the assault weapon, gun dealers must perform background checks through the Arizona Firearms Clearance Center and the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. According to RB Investigations, which offers defensive firearms training in Arizona, this process can take less than a minute to complete.

7 Things That Are Harder to Get Than an Assault Rifle

Omar Mateen bought the assault rifle he used to kill 49 people at Pulse nightclub eight days before Sunday's shooting. The owner of the store that sold him the gun, St. Lucie Shooting Center, said on Tuesday that Mateen passed a background check. (In Florida, a background check is essentially just a query of several databases to determine whether the buyer has any felony convictions, active warrants or domestic-violence injunctions.)

But that was it! There was no waiting period. Under Florida law, he did not need a permit to purchase or carry the rifle, nor a license to own it.

Here are five things that are harder to get in the state of Florida than an assault rifle.

1. An abortion
There is no waiting period in Florida to buy an assault rifle like the one Mateen used to kill 49 people Sunday, but a woman seeking to abort a pregnancy must undergo an ultrasound and receive in-person counseling — then wait 24 hours — before the service can be performed. (Also, fun fact: in Florida, it is illegal for your doctor to ask if you if you own a gun.)

2. A driver's license
Under Florida law, you do not need a permit to purchase or carry an assault rifle, nor a license to own one. But Florida, like all U.S. states, does require anyone who operates a motor vehicle to have a driver's license. To get one, you'll have to provide a birth certificate or passport, proof of a Social Security number and two proofs of address. You have to take a four-hour Traffic Law and Substance Abuse Education class, pass a written test and a driving test and log 50 hours behind the wheel (at least 10 of which must be at night).

3. Solar panels
If you absolutely need a SIG Sauer MCX assault rifle right now but don't have the $2,058 to buy one, no sweat — many Florida gun stores offer layaway plans that will let you to pay the gun off in installments. If you want to buy solar panels in Florida, though, you will have no such luck. To get panels, you have to pay the prohibitive cost upfront: those popular leasing programs available in other states are verboten in Florida. (As Tim Dickinson noted in Rolling Stone earlier this year, fewer than 9,000 Sunshine State homes have panels installed because of the restrictive state laws that favor the utility companies.)

4. Voter-registration cards
If you want to buy an assault rifle in Florida, you don't need permission from anyone. But if you want to host a voter-registration drive, you'll need permission from the state. Under the law, third-party voter registration groups like the League of Women Voters, the NAACP, unions and anyone who collects voter registrations must turn the them in within 48 hours or face steep fines.

5. An exotic animal
To own a Class I exotic animal, such as a Komodo Dragon, in Florida, you need to be able to demonstrate that you have at least one year and no fewer than 1,000 hours of experience "in the care, feeding, handling and husbandry of the species" for which you are trying to obtain a permit. You'll need proof of that experience too in the form of a written description, complete with dates and locations, of that experience. And that's not all: You'll also need two personal references as well as previous permits and employment records. Again, to get an assault rifle, you just need an ID and a (largely) clear criminal record.

6. A marriage license
If you live in Florida and want to get married, but aren't willing to take the encouraged four-hour premarital course, you'll have to wait at least three days before your marriage license is valid. To review: three day-waiting period to get married, zero-day waiting period to purchase an assault rifle.

7. A handgun
In addition to the .233-caliber AR-15-style assault weapon that helped Mateen carry out the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, he had a 9mm Glock 17 handgun as well. He could have left the store immediately with the former, but needed to wait three days to pick up the latter because Florida law imposes a mandatory waiting period on any firearm "capable of being carried and used by one hand." The waiting period does not apply to guns that you need two hands to hold, like the Sig Sauer MCX. Some additional caveats apply: You don’t need to wait three days if you trade in one handgun for another, or if you have a permit to carry a concealed weapon. Mateen, who worked as a security guard, did, but the owner of the St. Lucie Shooting Center, where he bought both guns, said he observed the waiting period nonetheless.
Agreed, never in history has there been a more obstructionist Congress than what we've seen during Obama's two terms. It's a damn shame the GOP was allowed to get away with it by their constituents.

If you look at what happened in the elections it, clearly, suggests that they were put there for that very purpose and it is just as obvious they weren't obstructionist enough,
I have never EVER taken only 7 min to buy a gun. takes longer than that to stand in the long lines...
It's not blaming terrorists OR blaming assault weapons. That's never been the question, well, outside of breitbart and the tired rhetoric on this board. It's blaming terrorists AND calling for an adjustment to lax gun laws, including banning assault weapons, stringent background checks, outlawing the sale of firearms to those on no fly lists, FBI watch list etc.

The weapons and suicide bombs used in those attacks were smuggled into safehouses in Belgium and then smuggled into Paris via vehicles. Akin to a foreign army landing on our shores fully armed. There are no laws that would prevent that type of attack. I think what most reasonable people are suggesting, is don't make it so damn easy for criminals - or the deranged - to get their hands on assault weapons. It's a drop in the ocean, I know. The idea of continuing to arm everyone to the teeth, while also allowing criminals and terrorists to buy weapons on a whim, with the notion that at some point we'll have more good guys with guns than bad guys with guns is pure madness, in my opinion. There has to be a better way.

It shouldn't be that easy Tibs. You are correct. But there are laws that address these things, yet this administration will NOT prosecute gun crimes. That is just a fact. How do you know if the laws work or don't work if you refuse to enforce them? That is pretty much the stance of the NRA, even though no one will admit it. They aren't close minded, they are just asking for the logic of actually enforcing what is on the books. If the guns laws are lax, it is because the will of the people in charge to enforce them is lax, for whatever reason.

It's like immigration. We don't need reform, we need to enforce what is law now. At least then we may have a better handle on what does and what does not work.

If you are on the other end of a .22 single shot, is it an assault weapon? Your bet your *** it is. It's a bullshit term.

As per Paris, that's right. No law is going to stop someone hell bent on doing this stuff. That's the ****** point.

This whole thing is just a distraction anyway. The last thing the Dems want is to highlight how piss poor a job they have done internationally.
Also, be consistent. The President admitted the guy was influenced by the internet. I want your next post to one that encourages Congress to put limits on that.

I'll probably be dead before I see that post. Hypocrite.
What the **** does it matter?
because it shows you do not know what the **** you're talking about anymore than I would if I were tell you where to get the best sushi in Hungary. Sure, I could read accounts about it online, but to have first-hand knowledge is completely different.

1. Abortion - regardless of your stance, if one is performed a life is/can be destroyed. Sometimes even two or more (child, mother and child, mother and children). Shouldn't those be a little more time-consuming? I doubt a 7-minute abortion is healthy, anyway.

2. Driver's License - yes, we need ever goddamn iPhone/Droid addicted vyvanse-popping teenager distracted by hormones, twitter and every other goddamn app to be driving.

3. Solar panels - You're equating this to guns? really? This is absurd.

4. Voter-registration cards. Yes, because we need every wetback fresh from the Rio Grande to be voting Dem for their free ****. Get the **** outta here with that.

5. Exotic animal - This, too, is absurd. Based on care for the animal, not everyone should have one.

6. Marriage license - I agree. Too much inbreeding has given us too many liberals.

7. a handgun - Surely your skirt isnt tattered about this. The law is quite clear --- "capable of being carried and used by one hand." Isnt this a concession by the right and the NRA for appeasement to the left?

Of all seven, which of those is an actual RIGHT?
I was just going to say which one of those is a right.
apparently Muzzies are the only people who CAN say and do what they want.
Thanks, Dems!

What. The. ****. Are you talking about?

I guess you missed that this guy (and several thousand other Muslims) had twice been under investigation by the FBI?
Going out tonight with my ten year old and fire off a few. Hell, I might let him try out the SW 460XVR with a little help. I know he will not **** his pants like that Kuntzman girl. Maybe throw some hot dogs on the grill afterwards.
Trump called Florida's Governor after the shooting to give his condolences. Even W called him. But not a word from the terrorist-in-chief.
Sigh, it's a full time job to correct your consistently uninformed, obtuse posts, but I do it for the betterment of mankind.

Obama went one step further and spoke to the Mayor of Orlando, to offer his condolences. Is that enough for you? Of course not.

This morning I spoke with my good friend, Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, and I conveyed the condolences of the entire American people. This could have been any one of our communities. So I told Mayor Dyer that whatever help he and the people of Orlando need -- they are going to get it. As a country, we will be there for the people of Orlando today, tomorrow and for all the days to come.

We also express our profound gratitude to all the police and first responders who rushed into harm’s way. Their courage and professionalism saved lives, and kept the carnage from being even worse. It’s the kind of sacrifice that our law enforcement professionals make every single day for all of us, and we can never thank them enough.

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What the **** does it matter?

There are more ******* guns than people in the country! You're gonna try to convince me that it's difficult to get your hands on a weapon in the States? Are you out of your mind? You are barking up the wrong tree and you're not fooling anyone.

There are now more guns than people in the United States

Mark Kelly Bought AR-15 Assault Weapon To Show How Easy It Is

7 Things That Are Harder to Get Than an Assault Rifle

Assault rifle is a made up term to sound scary. It is not a real classification. Basically, it means a gun that looks like the scary ones in movies.

They are trying to make people think you can buy machine guns that the military uses and you can't. Go ask for an M16 and see if you walk out with one.

You may as well start calling SUVs assault vehicles because they are similar to vehicles used by the military.