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Act of Terrorism in Orlando

It is my country, you FBI watch-listed, knuckle dragging, **** sucking ************. You lost your status as a 21st century human being when you failed to score the minimum 5% percent on the Neanderthal scale. Your posts on this board are living proof of the lowest common Redneck denominator, the bottom of the barrel, the scum of this earth. Your mere presence here knocks down the overall IQ by a significant margin. Again, I've been pondering for months, how the **** do you get out of bed each morning, tie your shoes, get on with your day without causing complete mayhem and destruction every step of the way? You are the personification of everything that's wrong with far right politics. You are a socio-political experiment gone horribly wrong. The genie is out of the bottle, and nothing can stop IndySteel now. Keep on being you. You are point blank the biggest loser slash ******* I've ever met, in person or online. But, ironically enough, I really do enjoy your posts, as they are the source of endless laughter and nonstop amusement. Don't stop now, regardless how badly Trump will embarass himself and his supporters in the coming months.

That's nitpicking.

An old friend writes: “America is becoming unhinged. It's not just the mass shootings and gun-crazed violence. The vitriol and hatred I see are free-floating. Trump responds to 50 murders by triumphantly saying, ‘I was right!!’ John McCain says Obama was ‘directly responsible’ for the attack. A Georgia congressman asks people to pray for Obama's death. A Baptist preacher rejoices in the death of 50 gays and says all LGBTs should be lined up against a wall and shot -- and his congregation cheers. Fox News has a Sunday's worth of professional Republican haters and slanderers. Bernie-or-busters hate Hillary. Hillary supporters hate Bernie. Everybody seems to hate everybody else. What the hell is happening to us?”

Anyone who lived through 1968 knows that we can get beyond this.
Dangerous Denial: Just 29% Of Democrats Say Orlando Was An Islamic Terror Attack

During the attack, Mateen called 911 several times and to say he was doing it for ISIS. He called a local TV station saying he attacked the nightclub for the Islamic State. He posted Facebook messages saying that "real muslims will never accept the filthy ways of the west," "now taste the Islamic state vengeance" and that "in the next few days you will see attacks from the Islamic state in the usa."

Shortly after the attack occurred, the FBI admitted that it had twice investigated Mateen for possible links to Islamic terrorists, and FBI Director James Comey said Mateen showed "strong indications of radicalization" and was likely inspired by foreign terrorist organizations.

Yet when Gallup surveyed the public about the attack, just 29% of Democrats said that it was an act of Islamic terrorism. Almost two-thirds considered it just another act of "domestic gun violence."



Democrats believe what they are told by their Fearless Leader.
Thankfully, a newer terrorist plot was foiled in the nick of time.



Weapons Cache and Bomb-Making Instructions Found at Long Island Home

YAPHANK, N.Y. — A Long Island man was arrested on weapons charges on Thursday after police officers found assault rifles, bomb-making instructions, over $40,000 in cash and Nazi paraphernalia in his house, the authorities said.

The man, Edward Perkowski, 29, of Mount Sinai, also faces drug charges after the police recovered marijuana and mushrooms during the search.

Mr. Perkowski’s brother, Sean, 25, who also lives in the home, was arrested on an unrelated outstanding bench warrant, the police said.

“Today’s search warrant might have prevented a deadly, violent incident, like the one we recently saw in Orlando,” the Suffolk County police commissioner, Timothy D. Sini, said at a news conference in Yaphank.

Among the items the police found when they entered Mr. Perkowski’s house around 6 a.m. on Thursday was a black binder filled with instructions on bomb making, some handwritten. Six assault rifles, a handgun, a shotgun, four rifles and a stun gun, were also found, Mr. Sini said.

In a photo taken by the police at the house, a framed picture of Adolf Hitler rests next to a lineup of assault rifles.

“We neutralized a clear public threat,” Mr. Sini said.

John Leonard, who said he lives on the same street as Mr. Perkowski, said the police were frequently at the home.

“There’s been trouble at the house for a long time,” Mr. Leonard said before the news conference.

The Brookhaven town supervisor, Edward P. Romaine, said the house was infected with the “disease called hate.”

“And we want to stop hate in this country,” he said. “There’s enough.”
I just finished a conversation with my buddy Fred and what he said was pretty spot on....for a Mexican dude that is....

Orlando? So what else is new? Why the excitement? I am puzzled that everyone is distraught over a perfectly ordinary act of terrorism by a perfectly ordinary Muslim terrorist. We have seen these attacks before and will see them again. They grow monotonous, like car crashes. They are as interesting as a commercial break.

Why the surprise? We know Muslims kill Christians. We know they stone adulteresses to death. We know they drive airplanes into buildings. We know they mutilate women. We know they bomb airliners. We know they destroy historic monuments. We know they kill their daughters for losing their virginity. We know they kill homosexuals. We know they make coordinated mass attacks on cities. We know they are incompatible with societies of the First World. We know they have no respect for our laws. We know they hate us.

Knowing all of this, what do we do? Why…of course! What else? We import more of them. Nothing could make more sense. Ten thousand Syrians, coming to your neighborhood. Thank you, Obama. Thank you in advance, Hillary.

More precisely, Hussein Obama imports them. A black President with Islamic roots, barely American, who dislikes white people and recruits immigrants of his two ethnicities as hard as he can. We get utterly unassimilable Somalis in Minnesota, and all the Muslims he can find. Fifty gay men have just paid the price..............For Hussein’s policy.

He found and exploited the hidden weakness in American government, which is that nobody has the balls to tell him “No.” He has won by sheer force of will. You’ve got to hand it to the guy: he’s good.

He has set the stage for, at least, unending divisiveness and very possibly for civil war. He will bring in as many more incompatible savages as he can before leaving office, and Hillary, if elected, will be Obama continued by other means. Amazing. The combined militaries of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany could not do as much lasting harm as this one man.

America is like a man beating on his thumb with a hammer and yelling, “Oh! Ouch! Oooh! It hurts!” Why doesn’t he just stop? Well, that would be hammer-phobic. Countries deserve what they tolerate. They even more deserve what they encourage.

It takes some very serious believing to believe that the governments of England, France, Holland, Sweden, Denmark and America are too stupid to have noticed what Muslims do, and what they are doing to those countries. Yet governments cover up, hide identities, punish observation as “hate speech,” and keep pumping the barbarians in.

Why? Opening America’s southern borders make sense because it makes money for those for whom it makes money. Who profits from flaming arrondissements, explosions in subways, and dead gays?

Ah, but the irony is delicious. London, once master of most of the world, has become a branch office of Pakistan and now has a Muslim mayor, who sets about correcting the morals of the English. No photos of women in skimpy clothes, you degenerate rascals. Can caning be far behind?

Well that didn't take long - so much for "We only want to increase background checks"


ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) -- The Latest on the Orlando gay nightclub massacre

Vice President Joe Biden is calling for banning civilian ownership of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines following the mass shooting in Orlando.

Biden is responding to an online White House petition calling for AR-15 rifles to be banned. The petition was created hours after the shooting and merited an official White House response because it exceeded the required threshold of 100,000 signatures. As of Friday, the petition has more than 185,000 signatures.

To the creator and signers of this petition, I want to say this as plainly and clearly as possible: The President and I agree with you. Assault weapons and high-capacity magazines should be banned from civilian ownership.


Bull ****. That's exactly how it started in Australia, and now virtually all of the people have no guns at all, and it started exactly like this.
Before you guys get too bent out of shape, do know my post was simply copying Trump's comments about Muslims, word for word, with the term 'Muslims' replaced by the term 'Guns/Firearms'.

Not trying to be too much of a smartass, but the point is you accept that type of thinking when it comes to Muslims, without realizing how much you oppose it if it's applied to something important to you, such as gun rights. Carry on.
Makes no sense at all. False equivalence. It's funny that you think your scored any points with this tripe.
Thankfully, a newer terrorist plot was foiled in the nick of time.

Long Island Nazi's? they probably had them pegged for months, just waiting to time a raid for a time like this...I don't seen anything wrong with the guns

This was a public threat on multiple fronts because we have two individuals who clearly subscribe to a hateful violent ideology, who had an illegal arsenal at their fingertips

What? They aren't mentally disturbed lone wolves whose potential violence has nothing to do with any larger ideology of hate?
I would prohibit people immigrating from Nazi run countries too, especially if their public was declaring war on the west, burning US Flags, hanging our presidents in effigy, et. al.

This **** is so fake. Crying without any tears. Who does that?

Crisis actors.

I am calling bull ****.
Oh no, he had guns and Nazi crap. So what? Free country. We don't need to fear people like this, we need to fear the establishment and govt. Those are the legit threats. Not people like this.
I recall the talking heads in the left leaning circles claiming that our government policies contributed to the creation of new terrorists. Maybe it is also true with these guys. Oh, and I certainly won't hold my breath till the next time we see a terrorist attack by Nazi sympathizers.
Oh, and I certainly won't hold my breath till the next time we see a terrorist attack by Nazi sympathizers.
Ironic you post this on the same day as the one year anniversary of the Charleson church massacre.
Ironic you post this on the same day as the one year anniversary of the Charleson church massacre.

You mean the one perpatrated by the wacked out kid with zero political motivation?
Whatever happened to the meaning "Guns don't kill people, people kill people"???

That's stupid to take away a constitutional right cause some ******* decides to shoot up some people. The guy was an islam, roided out rager. But not all gun owners are like him. I can't get my head around these government and society reactions anymore. Just no common sense

This **** is so fake. Crying without any tears. Who does that?

Crisis actors.

I am calling bull ****.

Easy there PoP. I want to agree with you. But this guy pushed for jihad on American soil
Before you guys get too bent out of shape, do know my post was simply copying Trump's comments about Muslims, word for word, with the term 'Muslims' replaced by the term 'Guns/Firearms'.

Not trying to be too much of a smartass, but the point is you accept that type of thinking when it comes to Muslims, without realizing how much you oppose it if it's applied to something important to you, such as gun rights. Carry on.

Yea, but you are no better. You accept the thinking when it comes to guns but not when it comes to Muslims.

You are guilty of the same stuff you blame everybody else for.
It is my country, you FBI watch-listed, knuckle dragging, **** sucking ************. You lost your status as a 21st century human being when you failed to score the minimum 5% percent on the Neanderthal scale. Your posts on this board are living proof of the lowest common Redneck denominator, the bottom of the barrel, the scum of this earth. Your mere presence here knocks down the overall IQ by a significant margin. Again, I've been pondering for months, how the **** do you get out of bed each morning, tie your shoes, get on with your day without causing complete mayhem and destruction every step of the way? You are the personification of everything that's wrong with far right politics. You are a socio-political experiment gone horribly wrong. The genie is out of the bottle, and nothing can stop IndySteel now. Keep on being you. You are point blank the biggest loser slash ******* I've ever met, in person or online. But, ironically enough, I really do enjoy your posts, as they are the source of endless laughter and nonstop amusement. Don't stop now, regardless how badly Trump will embarass himself and his supporters in the coming months.

POP, another Mensa candidate. Shake hands with Indy, you're two peas in a pod, folks that simply have never understood anything about anything. Since you brought it up, why do those on the right think banks, wall street corporations, military-industry firms and the filthy rich deserve endless handouts of other people's money? So that makes two of us that don't understand what makes those with different viewpoints tick.

Oh Tibs, he who takes the high road. The sane one among us. The one who keeps his cool. The one who others sometimes point out as being the only rational Liberal poster on this board they can reason with.

Lord, dude, you're losing it.

This is very much on point when it comes to this board in particular, and the current political climate in the country.


And then, after those first two "gems", you go and accuse people on this board of hate.

You simply CANNOT make this **** up. Comedy ******* gold.
Oh Tibs, he who takes the high road. The sane one among us. The one who keeps his cool. The one who others sometimes point out as being the only rational Liberal poster on this board they can reason with. Lord, dude, you're losing it.

Why yes Timmy, when I'm called a terrorist sympathizer, a supporter of ISIS - in fact, a card-carrying member of ISIS - then accused of not being an American and attacked 24/7 for my liberal views, it's hard to 'take the high road' and not 'lose my cool.' It would be much easier to just bail on this board altogether, you're right. Not sure I have the patience or temperament to try to be 'the only rational Liberal poster on this board', but boy oh boy I'll do my best. Just needed to let off a little steam. Given the constant level of animosity here, it won't be the first, or the last time.
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yeah, leave Tibs alone

poor guy is reduced to listening to Bernie broadcast from some dingy basement bunker these days - it must be hard to be a rebel
I would prohibit people immigrating from Nazi run countries too, especially if their public was declaring war on the west, burning US Flags, hanging our presidents in effigy, et. al.

Obama administration on track to grant one MILLION green cards to people from Muslim-majority countries


Apparently we had a mohammaden shortage. Who knew?

Meanwhile 424 Christian refugees have been allowed in.
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Obama administration on track to grant one MILLION green cards to people from Muslim-majority countries


Apparently we had a mohammaden shortage. Who knew?

Meanwhile 424 Christian refugees have been allowed in.

Well they say only 1% are jihadists. That means only 1000 or so of those 1 million Muslims that we let in will be blood thirsty killers. The others are just tacit approvers who will stand by and let them.