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Act of Terrorism in Orlando

Why yes Timmy, when I'm called a terrorist sympathizer, a supporter of ISIS - in fact, a card-carrying member of ISIS - then accused of not being an American and attacked 24/7 for my liberal views, it's hard to 'take the high road' and not 'lose my cool.' It would be much easier to just bail on this board altogether, you're right. Not sure I have the patience or temperament to try to be 'the only rational Liberal poster on this board', but boy oh boy I'll do my best. Just needed to let off a little steam. Given the constant level of animosity here, it won't be the first, or the last time.

Personally I don't mind the back-lash. We all do it at times. But your never ending hypocrisy, that I pointed out, is disturbing. Stop accusing those on this board of HATE when you yourself are filled with it. Stop taking this 'holier than thou' position (when you attack others for being vile name callers for instance) when you yourself are one of the biggest name-calling, trash slinging posters on the board.

Other than that, fire away.
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Easy there PoP. I want to agree with you. But this guy pushed for jihad on American soil

I'm just saying, a picture of a bunch of guns and Nazi **** does nothing to scare me, as was the design.

There are kooks out there and there always will be. It's one of the very small dangers that are out there. Sharks are in the ocean, you could get attacked. Lightning is out there, you could get struck.

Tree limbs fall, you could get hit. The fear of some nut going off will never consume me. But tyranny from our govt. is a real concern.
Orlando Terrorist Threatened To Kill Fla. Sheriff And His Family, FBI Dismissed Threat

In 2013, Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen allegedly threatened to kill a Fla. sheriff’s deputy and his family, yet the FBI did not act upon the threat once it had been reported by the sheriff’s office.

According to the Treasure Coast Palm, the incident occurred while Mateen — a licensed security professional with G4S Security — was hired as an extra patrolman at the St. Lucie County Courthouse.

The deputy in question allegedly made a comment about the Middle East which infuriated Mateen, reports St. Lucie County Sheriff Ken Mascara.



Obama will do anything to shield his Muslim Brotherhood. It trickles down.

Oterrorist has spent 8 years trying to destroy America with is holy war against us. Any non-Muslim who still supports him should be tried for treason.
Orlando Terrorist Threatened To Kill Fla. Sheriff And His Family, FBI Dismissed Threat

In 2013, Orlando terrorist Omar Mateen allegedly threatened to kill a Fla. sheriff’s deputy and his family, yet the FBI did not act upon the threat once it had been reported by the sheriff’s office.


Obama will do anything to shield his Muslim Brotherhood. It trickles down.
The problem being, Obama has instructed his DOJ to not prosecute these Muslim perpetrator cases.That would look Islamophobic. Like Ron Burgundy says, they are a protected victim class.
From Mike Huckabee:
Government: "If you see something, say something."
Citizen: "I see something."
Government: "Racist!"
repeal the 1st amendment


Assistant State Attorney Kenneth Lewis suspended over post about Pulse shooting

Updated: Jun 18, 2016 - 8:56 PM


Assistant State Attorney Kenneth Lewis has been suspended for a controversial Facebook post he made regarding the Orlando nightclub shooting, according to Angela Starke, a spokesperson for the State Attorney’s Office’s 9th Judicial Circuit.

Watch a replay of "Stories of Orlando Strong" here. The 30-minute special that aired on WFTV Channel 9 looked back at the shooting tragedy, stories of hope and survival, and how our communities have pulled together to heal.

Sunday morning’s shooting at Pulse nightclub, carried out by gunman Omar Mateen, killed 49 people and injured dozens of others, making it the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.


After the shooting, Lewis posted a statement on his Facebook page which read, in part, “The entire city should be leveled. It is void of any redeeming quality,” and, “It is a melting pot of 3rd world miscreants and ghetto thugs.”

Starke said Lewis was suspended because he violated SAO9's social media policy, which every employee is required to sign.

In 2014, Lewis came under fire after he posted, "Happy Mother's Day to all you crack hoes out there... It's never too late to tie your tubes, clean up your life...," on Facebook.

I thought Christie was gonna get Attorney General, but maybe this guy is more qualified.


LGBT Gun Rights Group Sees Membership Spike After Orlando Shooting

"After all this is America. Just because people consider themselves members of the LGBT community doesn't mean they don't want gun rights," Rimmerman said. "It makes sense that some LGBT people would embrace that perspective as well, although not everyone in the community would agree with this perspective."

He believes people are looking for ways to respond to the Orlando shooting violence and one response could be owning a firearm. Many equate Second Amendment rights with personal freedom, liberty, and safety.

Oh, and I certainly won't hold my breath till the next time we see a terrorist attack by Nazi sympathizers.

WV Shooter Was Infowars Fan, Cheered On Malheur Occupiers

When are we going to be inundated with on-air rants about white home-grown paranoid extremist men who shoot people with weapons of mass death? Never. That's when.

Erick Shute took out three neighbors with an assault-style weapon earlier this week in West Virginia, but it doesn't seem to make much difference to a media and politics obsessed with brown people who practice Islam.

Shute was not a nice person, and he was definitely what we here at Crooks and Liars would describe as a right wing zealot with a mission. According to Mark Pitcavage at the ADL, Shute had been an adherent to the three main wings of right wing extremism: The 'sovereign citizen' movement, the anti-tax movement, and the patriot movement.

It is the patriot movement which he was most recently associated with.

In recent years, however, Shute seems to have identified most strongly with the ideas of the militia movement. The militia movement believes that the federal government is collaborating with a "New World Order" globalist conspiracy to strip Americans of their rights and enslave them. Subsidiary conspiracy theories emanating from the movement include a belief that the federal government is planning to round up citizens and place them in internment or concentration camps; a belief that the government is plotting to suspend the Constitution and declare martial law, perhaps on a pretext such as a terrorist attack or pandemic; and that the government will engage in mass gun confiscations among others.

In true patriot fashion, he promoted the Jade Helm myth and more:

However, Shute's on-line statements clearly indicate an adherence to the movement's ideology. Responding to a conspiracy article about an employment ad for a U.N. "disarmament officer," Shute claimed in 2014 that anyone who took such a job "deserves to be killed" by some sort of "painful and horrifying" manner such as being "eaten alive by dogs." When the governor of West Virginia vetoed a permitless carry firearms bill in 2015, Shute posted that "someone needs to behead this mofo."
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OMG! POP has finally gone off the deep end! We knew he would eventually come to this!

This story that isn't sensationalized tells the actual tale. The actual motive for the killings was that he had had altercations and bad blood with three guys that were shot since he had moved into the area from New Jersey. There was nothing political or terrorism involved about this shooting. In any event none of the things mentioned in the article Tibs posted said anything about the man being a Nazi sympathizer.

DBS1970 flying in at a moment's notice to defend far right wing murderous criminals. Nice job!
Personally I don't mind the back-lash. We all do it at times. But your never ending hypocrisy, that I pointed out, is disturbing. Stop accusing those on this board of HATE when you yourself are filled with it. Stop taking this 'holier than thou' position (when you attack others for being vile name callers for instance) when you yourself are one of the biggest name-calling, trash slinging posters on the board.

Other than that, fire away.

If you're a liberal, you are inherently holier than thou, it's in their DNA.

Rarely will you see a liberal on these boards condemn muslim extremism, because that would put them on your side, and they certainly wouldn't want to do that.
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DBS1970 flying in at a moment's notice to defend far right wing murderous criminals. Nice job!

He did?
You continue to validate the charge that liberals lie and spin because you cant admit that there is a problem with muslim extremism...or just for the sake of producing a comeback because you gotta have the last word.

What DBS did was provide the killers motive, not defend his actions.

And by the time I have finished with this post, someone else got murdered.
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And by the time I have finished with this post, someone else got murdered.

Indeed, indeed.

While politicians stifled a debate on guns for 15 hours, 48 people were shot in the US

While US politicians led a 15-hour filibuster on gun control in America, 48 people died from gun violence.

Over Wednesday and Thursday senator Chris Murphy led fellow Democrats in a lengthy filibuster - prolonged action in legislative proceedings that obstructs progress in a way that doesn't technically impede normal procedures (so just talking for ages, basically) - in the wake of the horrific Orlando massacre.

Many politicians recounted stories of gun violence to the senate. Following the terrorist attack in Florida, in which 29-year-old Omar Mateen entered the LGBT Pulse nightclub and killed 49 people and injured many more, President Obama also called for tighter gun control.

The debate will continue. Some - especially Republicans and the well organised and financed National Rifle Association (NRA) - will argue for the Second Amendment, the right the bear arms.

Others will question why it's okay that weapons are so easily acquired - particularly guns such as assault rifles.
DBS1970 flying in at a moment's notice to defend far right wing murderous criminals. Nice job!

Hey, I understand what you are trying to do. We get it. Not only Muslims kill.

Thing is, we get that. It is you who seem unwilling to admit that there is Muslim extremism. The hypocrisy you claim everyone else had, you are a shining example of, just in a different direction.
Indeed, indeed.

While politicians stifled a debate on guns for 15 hours, 48 people were shot in the US

It is amazing how the left, from politicians through their sycophants in the media, are working so hard to make this a narrative about guns.

Anything to keep off of discussing Muslim extremism. Maybe even more so to prevent discussing the Combating Violent Extremism Initiative of our brilliant Federal government, and initiative that does not allow the FBI or police to investigate Muslims unless a report of suspicious behavior comes from a Muslim source.

It reminds me of the movie Citizen X, which was about a serial killer in the Soviet Union (can't remember his name). Anyway, he was a party member, and because of that was protected, allowing him to kill more and more. The Soviet Union would not admit a party member could be a serial killer. That only happened in the USA. Sounds like the CVE, which portends that Islam is a religion of peace, therefore there can't be Muslim extremists.

It also reminds me of Bengazi. I think Obama and Clinton were more than happy to try and answer the questions about why they blamed it on a video. Hell, you can explain that away and get people to actually believe it. What they didn't want, and don't want to this day is to have to explain what the hell they were doing when all that was going down. Because they both put there political lives above that of the people over there, and washed their hands of it. They weren't there.
And by the time I have finished with this post, someone else got murdered in Chicago where guns are not legal.
Fixed it for you.
DBS1970 flying in at a moment's notice to defend far right wing murderous criminals. Nice job!
That is not what he did. He just corrected the spin you put on it, to resemble more of the true facts of the story.
Why are we so reluctant to label white attackers as terrorists?

We must wonder, if an attacker had yelled “Allahu Akbar”, would it be labelled a terrorist attack from the outset?

There are a number of terms we use to describe the kind of people who shoot innocent civilians. Many are described as “alienated”, “psychopathic narcissists” or “troubled”. But it seems like you have to satisfy a particular criteria to be labelled a “terrorist”.

Jo Cox’s alleged attacker identified himself in court as “death to traitors, freedom for Britain” and yet we have responded to her a death in a way that has become tragically routine – a search for a mental health issue, surprise at reports of links neo-Nazi groups.

We must wonder, where an attack takes place and words like “Allahu Akbar” are used, would we be labelling it a terrorist attack from the outset?

We find it difficult to accept that white terrorist organisations are alive and kicking in the west. Some fringe far right groups have already advocated “militant direct action” in achieving their aims. Had a group of Muslims claimed to be specialising in “militant action” in the UK, surely the threat would be taken far more seriously, especially given the potential to intervene under our counter-terrorism laws.

We also appear to fall into the trap of humanising perpetrators of violence and terror who happen to be white. In the sad case of the killing of Jo Cox, the suspect has not been described either as “a terrorist” or a “possible terrorist”. And, if coverage of other shootings by white perpetrators is any indication, I expect this individual never will be labelled in such a way.

Rather, the perpetrator of what looks like a terrorist attack under any other name will be described as a victim of inadequate mental health care, or that simple catch-all: a “lone wolf”.

We have different rules when talking about crimes involving Muslims or black people. Even as suspects, they are quickly labelled as “terrorists”, the attacks interpreted as a “possible terror” attack motivated by religion or belief. We chalk it up as an expression of extremism or radicalism, instead of looking for possible external injustices.

Unlike Islamic extremists, Anders Breivik, the Norwegian white supremacist who killed 77 people in July 2011, was given a public trial where his motives, philosophy and even his World of Warcraft fascination were explored in great depth. The suggestion was that, by looking hard enough into his life, we could understand his actions. But in the case of Seifeddine Rezgui, the 23-year-old Tunisian gunman who shot dead 38 people on a tourist beach, the perpetrator faced a very different treatment. There was some surface curiosity over how “normal” he appeared to be – videos of the attacker breakdancing were shared, and there were reports of his love for Real Madrid – yet there were no attempts to investigate his background fully since he was, of course, an Islamic extremist.

We hold a special status for the term “terrorist”: it appears it no longer just describes those who commit acts of terror, but those who we feel belong to a different background or culture; a different breed. These terrorists are, ultimately, opposed to “our way of life” and our so-called British values. No wonder an attacker who reportedly shouted “Britain first” appears to have escaped the label.

But by not calling the attack on Jo Cox an act of terrorism, we are subtly restricting who and what has the ability to terrify us. We shouldn't go easy on any form of terrorism, regardless of ethnic background or religious affiliation. All crimes of this nature must be treated with the same level of seriousness, and described in the same way
DBS1970 flying in at a moment's notice to defend far right wing murderous criminals. Nice job!

I didn't defend anything. I made a factual correction.
Stop letting liberals frame the conversation- the facts are clear - we have a radical Muslim problem to deal with - don't let them distract you

The opposite is true. You - and others of your ilk - are trying the 'spin the facts' and 'frame the conversation' to suit your political views. The 'facts' you speak of show exactly the opposite is true. So stop trying to distract from the truth, it's tiring and annoying.

Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks in America

Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil by Group, From 1980 to 2005, According to FBI Database

According to this data, there were more Jewish acts of terrorism within the United States than Islamic (7% vs 6%). These radical Jews committed acts of terrorism in the name of their religion. These were not terrorists who happened to be Jews; rather, they were extremist Jews who committed acts of terrorism based on their religious passions, just like Al-Qaeda and company.

Loon Watch also notes that less than 1% of terror attacks in Europe were carried out by Muslims.

U.S. News and World Report noted in February of this year:

Of the more than 300 American deaths from political violence and mass shootings since 9/11, only 33 have come at the hands of Muslim-Americans, according to the Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security. The Muslim-American suspects or perpetrators in these or other attempted attacks fit no demographic profile—only 51 of more than 200 are of Arabic ethnicity. In 2012, all but one of the nine Muslim-American terrorism plots uncovered were halted in early stages. That one, an attempted bombing of a Social Security office in Arizona, caused no casualties.

Wired reported the same month:
Since 9/11, [Charles Kurzman, Professor of Sociology at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, writing for the Triangle Center on Terrorism and National Security] and his team tallies, 33 Americans have died as a result of terrorism launched by their Muslim neighbors. During that period, 180,000 Americans were murdered for reasons unrelated to terrorism. In just the past year, the mass shootings that have captivated America’s attention killed 66 Americans, “twice as many fatalities as from Muslim-American terrorism in all 11 years since 9/11,” notes Kurzman’s team.

Law enforcement, including “informants and undercover agents,” were involved in “almost all of the Muslim-American terrorism plots uncovered in 2012,” the Triangle team finds. That’s in keeping with the FBI’s recent practice of using undercover or double agents to encourage would-be terrorists to act on their violent desires and arresting them when they do — a practice critics say comes perilously close to entrapment. A difference in 2012 observed by Triangle: with the exception of the Arizona attack, all the alleged plots involving U.S. Muslims were “discovered and disrupted at an early stage,” while in the past three years, law enforcement often observed the incubating terror initiatives “after weapons or explosives had already been gathered.”

The sample of Muslim Americans turning to terror is “vanishingly small,” Kurzman tells Danger Room. Measuring the U.S. Muslim population is a famously inexact science, since census data don’t track religion, but rather “country of origin,” which researchers attempt to use as a proxy. There are somewhere between 1.7 million and seven million American Muslims, by most estimates, and Kurzman says he operates off a model that presumes the lower end, a bit over 2 million. That’s less a rate of involvement in terrorism of less than 10 per million, down from a 2003 high of 40 per million, as detailed in the chart above.

Yet the scrutiny by law enforcement and homeland security on American Muslims has not similarly abated. The FBI tracks “geomaps” of areas where Muslims live and work, regardless of their involvement in any crime. The Patriot Act and other post-9/11 restrictions on government surveillance remain in place. The Department of Homeland Security just celebrated its 10th anniversary. In 2011, President Obama ordered the entire federal national-security apparatus to get rid of counterterrorism training material that instructed agents to focus on Islam itself, rather than specific terrorist groups.

Kurzman doesn’t deny that law enforcement plays a role in disrupting and deterring homegrown U.S. Muslim terrorism. His research holds it out as a possible explanation for the decline. But he remains surprised by the disconnect between the scale of the terrorism problem and the scale — and expense — of the government’s response.

“Until public opinion starts to recognize the scale of the problem has been lower than we feared, my sense is that public officials are not going to change their policies,” Kurzman says. “Counterterrorism policies have involved surveillance — not just of Muslim-Americans, but of all Americans, and the fear of terrorism has justified intrusions on American privacy and civil liberties all over the internet and other aspects of our lives. I think the implications here are not just for how we treat a religious minority in the U.S., but also how we treat the rights & liberties of everyone.”

We agree. And so do most Americans. Indeed – as we’ve previously documented – you’re more likely to die from brain-eating parasites, alcoholism, obesity, medical errors, risky sexual behavior or just about anything other than terrorism.

Kurzman told the Young Turks in February that Islamic terrorism “doesn’t even count for 1 percent” of the 180,000 murders in the US since 9/11.
The only spin is yours

Muslim Terror in Israel and America Evokes Irrational Responses from the Left

A murderous terror attack took place in Tel Aviv 11 days ago, ripping four innocent lives away from their loved ones forever. One moment they were sitting in a café enjoying themselves, and a split second later they were gone, lifeless, leaving only precious memories behind.

The following Sunday morning in Orlando, Florida at least 49 people in a gay nightclub were murdered in cold blood in the single worst shooting massacre in US history. Thousands of miles apart, with different targets as victims, both attacks share at least one common element. The murderers were Muslim.

In the Middle East, Muslims murdering innocent people has been common for centuries. It’s only in the past couple of decades the horrific phenomenon has reared its ugly head in the US. There is also another enemy that Israel and the US have in common in this battle: political correctness.

In the US the President steadfastly refused to use and then mocked the words “radical Islam’ when referring to any terror attack, even though everyone on planet earth knows it is radical Islam.

When it comes to Israel, many of the world’s leaders, as well as much of the media also refuse to specify radical Islam when describing the murder of innocent Jews.

However, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has no problem calling a spade a spade. I think the time has come for President Obama take a lesson from Bibi.

If America doesn’t snap to attention soon, the America we all know and have loved for 2 centuries may become a thing of the past.

Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/arti...al_responses_from_the_left.html#ixzz4C2VPtxaX