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Act of Terrorism in Orlando

More Deflect, Spin, Deny

It's time for common sense Radical Muslim Control

Right from the horse's mouth

Bill Maher: I Wish Liberals Would Have Same Intolerance For Muslims That They Do For Christians

Bill Maher told liberals see the world the way they want it rather than the way it is when it comes to the threat of Islam and Islamic terror. Maher, a religious critic, told his fellow liberals he wishes they would have the same "intolerance" for Muslim-related terror around the world that they do for Christians and Christian fundamentalists at home.

Maher said liberals see the world the way they want it to be rather than the way it is.

"Liberals have to stop insisting that the world is the way they want it to be instead of the way it is," Maher said.

"I think people are mixing up two things: tolerance and capitulation," the HBO host observed. "It's one thing to be tolerant of another culture, but this is our culture, you know? So we shouldn't change our culture to a more backward culture, should we."

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From my brain to Trump's ears - eerie isn't it

Donald Trump calls profiling Muslims ‘common sense’

After doubling down on his proposal to ban immigrants from countries with a history of terrorism, Donald Trump is now doubling down on another controversial idea in the wake of the Orlando massacre: profiling Muslims already in the United States.

In an interview with CBS's John Dickerson that aired Sunday on "Face the Nation," Trump called profiling Muslims "common sense."

"Well, I think profiling is something that we're going to have to start thinking about as a country," he said when Dickerson asked Trump whether he still supports the idea, which he has floated before. "And other countries do it; you look at Israel and you look at others and they do it and they do it successfully. You know, I hate the concept of profiling. But we have to start using common sense, and we have to use, you know, we have to use our heads...we really have to look at profiling. We have to look at it seriously.

More Deflect, Spin, Deny

It's time for common sense Radical Muslim Control

Right from the horse's mouth

Bill Maher: I Wish Liberals Would Have Same Intolerance For Muslims That They Do For Christians

Bill Maher told liberals see the world the way they want it rather than the way it is when it comes to the threat of Islam and Islamic terror. Maher, a religious critic, told his fellow liberals he wishes they would have the same "intolerance" for Muslim-related terror around the world that they do for Christians and Christian fundamentalists at home.

Maher said liberals see the world the way they want it to be rather than the way it is.

"Liberals have to stop insisting that the world is the way they want it to be instead of the way it is," Maher said.

"I think people are mixing up two things: tolerance and capitulation," the HBO host observed. "It's one thing to be tolerant of another culture, but this is our culture, you know? So we shouldn't change our culture to a more backward culture, should we."


Left leaning commentators and academics like Bill Maher and Sam Harris are beginning to realize that denying the truth/facts to support liberal talking points is just plain dumbassery, and are now refusing to do it.
Bill Maher has been talking about radical islam for ages. He's WAY ahead of where the left should be headed.

As a fellow atheist, I have long agreed with much of what Maher says even if politically we are on the opposite spectrums (on many things). He calls out the idiocy of ALL religions and their self importance and superiority complexes. And he's absolutely correct that while the Christian-right is lost, it's not nearly as violent as Islamic extremism and until we acknowledge that fact as a nation, as a society, nothing is going to change.

It just amazes me the "tone" of the liberal left at any mass-murder. If it was a crazy anti-abortion religious-right leaning person who shoots up an abortion clinic, religion is the #1 thing they talk about. How the religious right "created" this person's view. How it's these right-wing "backward" ideas that create the violence and the availability of guns that allow for the ease of killing.

But with a Muslim terrorist it's not ONCE about the backward religious thinking that propagates and promotes this hatred. Not ******* once! I swear if Muslims around this country, all 3 million, voted 90% republican the message from the liberal left would be so much different. And not one person here could argue otherwise. While guns would still be talked about, it would much more be about the "message" being taught by Islam that is the culprit (which is the truth by the way).

Maher is dead on. Islam is the right-wing of religions. When is the liberal left going to wake up and realize that and combat it like they do everything else right-wing?

I was wondering when people were going to bring this up. This, sadly, put my hometown on the map. The shootings happened in Great Cacapon, WV. Right next door to where I grew up, in Berkeley Springs. We all went to the same high school. Every year I return home to hunt for a week, I pass by where these shootings took place. It took place 10 miles from our 1,000 acres of hunting property. Thankfully this nut job was relocated from NJ.

Your source is "Freak Out Nation - Making Tea Partiers Cry" - seriously, are you kidding me? You read THAT **** then make fun of InfoWars? That's a big fat LOL. Anyway, they went way overboard in trying to make Erick Shute's actions equivalent to Islamic Terrorism.

When are we going to be inundated with on-air rants about white home-grown paranoid extremist men who shoot people with weapons of mass death? Never. That's when.

Umm, because what happened in WV was far more similar to Chicago style murders than it was to terrorism. Those 3 men were killed over a property dispute and because, according to Shute (former lead singer for the metal band Pyrexia), they had previously threatened him. Like a drug turf issue in Chicago that leads to murder. Shute killing 3 people over property is no different than a drug dealer in Chicago spraying bullets and killing 3 rival dealer on his turf. That is the most accurate comparison one can make when trying to define the Shute killings. They weren't politically driven, like the Freaks would like to claim.

So I say in reply to Freak Out Freaks, "When are we going to be inundated with on-air rants about inner-city extremist men who shoot up people with weapons of Mass death? Never, that's when."

Mateen told us why he killed and it was for Allah. Mateen shouted Alahu Akbar. Mateen posted on Facebook his intentions. We don't have to talk about his trips to Saudi Arabia, his dad, etc, what groups he belonged to, how crazy he was. We can simply read the words the man posted. Contrarily, Shute was not caught yelling "Sovereign Nation, Sovereign Nation!" or "Patriots Forever!" when killing those 3 innocent men. While he was a ******* nut job, he didn't go on a murderous spree to act on his political or militia beliefs, to deliver a Sovereign Nation message, or to go out lead flying to make a statement about the Government.

If you look at the guy, he had issues. An assault and resisting arrest with a police officer, he'd threatened other people. He also had off-the-reservation political views that were absurd and posted absurd violent **** online.


But again, that isn't what the murders were about. Mateen's WERE about Islam.

The two incidents are completely incomparable.

Here are a couple 'other' links you may want to read:

Finally, if you want to keep going down this path of pulling up 'other incidents' so as to somehow try to water down Orlando, let us remind you that the vast majority of these mass shootings occur at the hands of registered Democrats.

Happy Fathers Day.
Hey Tibs.

Why this overpowering need to defend Muslim extremists?

If you were in that bar in Orlando, or the nightclub in France would they have spared you? Would they have given you considerations? Or would they shoot you down like a dog? Which one do you think it is?

Your thinking reminds me of Elie Weisel's book "Night" when he talks about the Jews just being unwilling to accept that it could happen to them.
Hey Tibs.

Why this overpowering need to defend Muslim extremists?

Because Muslims vote Democrat.

That is the answer.

As Del so eloquently wrote, if the 3 million Muslims in the US were to vote Republican in this upcoming election, we would quickly see the media and the Left turn on them like they have so long ago turned on Christians.

There's no love for Muslims and don't let them fool you into thinking there is.
Hey Tibs. Why this overpowering need to defend Muslim extremists?
I have never defended Muslim extremists, not on this board, nor elsewhere. And I never will. They are evil as **** and need to be defeated every step of the way.
I have never defended Muslim extremists, not on this board, nor elsewhere. And I never will. They are evil as **** and need to be defeated every step of the way.

Bullshit. You are a liar. By making this about anything other than that you are defending them.
I have never defended Muslim extremists, not on this board, nor elsewhere. And I never will. They are evil as **** and need to be defeated every step of the way.

You Liberals are all just hollow words.

While you work ardently to defend Islam - the root cause of terrorism (the Quaran has 200+ verses instructing Muslims to kill infidels) - what are you and Liberals doing to defeat radical Islamists, hmmm?

Hashtags on Twitter?
Attacking every Conservative in the world for denouncing the terror attacks in Orlando?
Insulting Conservatives for being Islamaphobes because they call out the root cause of terrorism, which is radical Islam?

I tell you, ISIS is running scared with these methods of defeating terrorists "every step of the way."
Bullshit. You are a liar.
While you work ardently to defend Islam
Show me a single instance where I've ever defended Islamic terrorism.

By making this about anything other than that you are defending them.
That's outrageous and complete bullshit. These threads cover a lot of ground and spin and twist as they move ahead. A big part of this thread has been about gun control, and also advancing the notion that Islamic terrorism is somehow a bigger problem then non-Islam terrorism. The fact that you cannot have an adult conversation debating various angles of a topic is not my problem. Again, and I repeat myself, I have never defended or supported Islamic terrorism in any shape or form. The fact the foaming-at-the-mouth, out-of-their-mind far righters on this board have labeled me as such is again, something I have no control over. But read my posts going back...well, forever, and you will never find me ever defending Islamic - or any other form of - terrorism.
I have never defended Muslim extremists, not on this board, nor elsewhere. And I never will. They are evil as **** and need to be defeated every step of the way...as long as we don't forget that white people do bad things too..

Go on, go on...

A common liberal trait is to marginalize Islamic terrorism by playing the "whites do bad stuff too" card...as if they cancel each other out. Really nothing to see here, all people are bad, move on.

As if adding negative and positive numbers.

Lets see ...(- ) White serial killers + (+) Muslim extremism = 0....cancel each other out. All people are bad so show the Muzzies some love.

You do know your Dear Leader Barak Hussein in order quell the outrage tried to marginalize Muslim terror by reminding us of the Crusades right?
Must have gotten that profound point from some liberal message board.
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to defend Tibs a bit...

he's never defended islamic terrorism. he does take issue with how the act is perpetrated, and to be fair, he does that with all of the terrorist acts. sure, he throws in the perps' religion and fanaticism, but I believe that is just to twist some screws in this forum. Or, it could also be that living in Hungary, he doesnt have to associate with the number of Muzzies the rest of us do. Per wikipedia, there's not a whole lot of Muzzies there.

I'm not exactly religious, but I want to believe that those who follow a religion should be compassionate, willing to do for others and seek peace amont all other actions, as well as be a man/woman of their word and not look down on those who admire them. I guess the person I just described is Muhammad Ali. Islamic, but spoke out against war and Islamic Extremism.

so, whatever your religion, follow it with all your heart. But don't expet others to kow tow to your beliefs nor try to push your religion on others.
Show me a single instance where I've ever defended Islamic terrorism.

As Stewey stated, you marginalize it - every time there is a terrorist act. You remind us not all Muslims are bad (while taking the position that all guns are bad). You've worked very hard to try to paint Mateen as a nut, not a radical terrorist.

And I said you work hard to defend "Islam." I didn't say "Islamic terrorism." Note the difference. That's why I specifically said the Quaran has over 200 verses commanding it's followers to kill Infidels. There is an inherent problem with the religion. And you and the sad many like you, try fervently to remind us that Islam isn't the problem, that it is a peaceful religion.

You defend Islam. Often. And you're one of the first to attack Christianity.

A big part of this thread has been about gun control, and also advancing the notion that Islamic terrorism is somehow a bigger problem then non-Islam terrorism.

This notion is so laughable. So is this where you post a ThinkProgress article stating people are more likely to die at the hands of a right wing extreme terrorist than they are a Muslim terrorist?

Funny, those articles. Not once do they ever consider black on white crime. It's truly amazing how selective those "studies" are. Dylan Roof. A nut job. Kills those black church members. Shameful and he should die.

But nary a peep is heard by you or the media on these home grown terrorist attacks, never included in these Left wing loony articles of "fact":

...we find that during the 2012/2013 period, blacks committed an average of 560,600 violent crimes against whites, whereas whites committed only 99,403 such crimes against blacks. This means blacks were the attackers in 84.9 percent of the violent crimes involving blacks and whites.

These attacks include violent crimes not excluding Knock-Out (truly a game of terrorism by its definition), and other incidents where whites are attacked for their skin color (the veteran at Denny's, the Marine veteran at McDonald's and so forth).

If the reporting were truly scientific and accurate, these figures would be included and completely destroy this notion that you're more likely to die at the hands of a white terrorist than a Muslim terrorist. If black on white crime were included, we might have a clearer picture. This isn't including all hate crimes. Just one segment of our population.

These articles are further evidence that the media is trying, deliberately, to vilify white Christians for political reasons.
Lynch: "Partial Transcript" Of Orlando 911 Calls Will Have References To Islamic Terrorism Removed -
In an interview with NBC's Chuck Todd, Attorney General Loretta Lynch says that on Monday, the FBI will release edited transcripts of the 911 calls made by the Orlando nightclub shooter to the police during his rampage.

"What we're not going to do is further proclaim this man's pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda," Lynch said. "We are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance [to the Islamic State]."
-from - http://www.realclearpolitics.com/vi...lls_will_have_references_to_isis_cut_out.html

In plain sight these ******* do this ****.
Why yes Timmy, when I'm called a terrorist sympathizer, a supporter of ISIS - in fact, a card-carrying member of ISIS - then accused of not being an American and attacked 24/7 for my liberal views, it's hard to 'take the high road' and not 'lose my cool.' It would be much easier to just bail on this board altogether, you're right. Not sure I have the patience or temperament to try to be 'the only rational Liberal poster on this board', but boy oh boy I'll do my best. Just needed to let off a little steam. Given the constant level of animosity here, it won't be the first, or the last time.

It's hard to believe liberal weenies like this exist. Blaming guns instead of the people pulling the trigger is beyond moronic. I bet this weenie thinks the state should house and feed him.
I guess the person I just described is Muhammad Ali. Islamic, but spoke out against war and Islamic Extremism.

Also spoke out against white people, interracial marriage and desegregation...just sayin...
Show me a single instance where I've ever defended Islamic terrorism.

That's outrageous and complete bullshit. These threads cover a lot of ground and spin and twist as they move ahead. A big part of this thread has been about gun control, and also advancing the notion that Islamic terrorism is somehow a bigger problem then non-Islam terrorism. The fact that you cannot have an adult conversation debating various angles of a topic is not my problem. Again, and I repeat myself, I have never defended or supported Islamic terrorism in any shape or form. The fact the foaming-at-the-mouth, out-of-their-mind far righters on this board have labeled me as such is again, something I have no control over. But read my posts going back...well, forever, and you will never find me ever defending Islamic - or any other form of - terrorism.

Look, when you continually blame our rights and freedoms for the reason this guy did what he did, what the hell would you call it? I would call that defending them, because you are doing everything you can to take the onus off of them and put it elsewhere.

Let's say my best friend is having problems with the bottle. I make excuses for him, I don't confront him about it, I blame other things. I am condoning it if I do that and do not face the problem head on.
And I said you work hard to defend "Islam." I didn't say "Islamic terrorism." Note the difference. You defend Islam. Often. And you're one of the first to attack Christianity.

Okay preacher Tim, you unsurprisingly moved the bar, that's fine. Show me my posts where I defend Islam. And while you're at it, my posts attacking Christianity. Shouldn't be too hard, you say I do it often.
Okay preacher Tim, you unsurprisingly moved the bar, that's fine. Show me my posts where I defend Islam. And while you're at it, my posts attacking Christianity. Shouldn't be too hard, you say I do it often.

Again, bullshit.

Why don't you find us a post where you defend Christianity. Or defend gun rights.

Again, what do you call it when you blame our rights for the tragedy, and seem very, very reluctant to blame Islam? Have you at all blamed Islam for this? I have not read every one of your posts, but you seem to always be making excuses, he wasn't really a radical Muslim, he wasn't an ISIS guy, and blah, blah. You are defending it without coming out an saying Allah Akbar or whatever the **** they say.

You seem like a ***** who wants to dip their toe in the pool but won't go in. Whatever you may say about Tim or whoever, at least they stand for something. When you get confronted, it's "I never defended Islam" or "I never attacked Christianity." You want to play all innocent.