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Act of Terrorism in Orlando

Seems like the FBI really dropped the ball on this guy..he cheered the 911 attacks as a child, went to the same mosque as a Syrian suicide bomber, the gun store owner alerted the FBI, his "friend" from the Mosque talked to the FBI, and I think he had another incident or two. Dont understand how he slipped through.
Dont understand how he slipped through.

oh you know

Obama's DHS and other govt, agencies are more focused on global warming than Muslin terrorists - he's said so a dozen times, global warming is our #1 threat in the world
Seems like the FBI really dropped the ball on this guy..he cheered the 911 attacks as a child, went to the same mosque as a Syrian suicide bomber, the gun store owner alerted the FBI, his "friend" from the Mosque talked to the FBI, and I think he had another incident or two. Dont understand how he slipped through.

FBI didn't drop the ball. They were doing what Odumma and his DOJ told them to do. They have "rules of engagement" just like the military does for hitting ISIS and other terrorist targets overseas. The Orlando shooter not being on the terror watch list is 100% on Odumma's shoulders.
FBI didn't drop the ball. They were doing what Odumma and his DOJ told them to do. They have "rules of engagement" just like the military does for hitting ISIS and other terrorist targets overseas. The Orlando shooter not being on the terror watch list is 100% on Odumma's shoulders.

Hillary too, don't leave her out of the equation. It was her justice dept that told the FBI to quit any surveillance of radical mosques.

Hillary Clinton’s State Dept. shut down an investigation into the mosque Orlando killer Omar Mir Siddique Mateen attended because it “unfairly singled out Muslims.”

The Fort Pierce Islamic Center, where Mateen worshipped several times a week, was under investigation by both the FBI and DHS as early as 2011 for ties to a worldwide Islamic movement known as Tablighi Jamaal which was linked to several terrorist organizations.

But the investigation was shut down under pressure from the Clinton-ran State Dept. and DHS’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Office out of fear of offending Muslims

Again, I am trying to understand your theory.

Are you saying 49 people were not murdered and another 53 not injured?

Are you saying that 100+ citizens were injured or murdered by the Federal government?

Based on the "gurney deficiency"?

Those are reasonable questions.

Making an assertion of it being a "false flag" attack is not the same as saying no one was killed. In some FF the killings are all fake (Boston and perhaps Sandy Hook) in others, people clearly do die (911).

Usually, it's very hard to determine who really dies, etc. All FF means is that the attack is not caused from what the govt. and media tells you, but it doesn't mean no one was killed, although sometimes no one is, sometimes they are.

If you don't believe FF happen, see this list of FF that have been ADMITTED.


Germany launched WWII using a FF.

But to answer your questions directly, about this one, I simply don't know how many people were really killed, and, it's not even the most important element. All I know, is the story they are trying to sell is a lie.

If anything, it seems clear this guy was in on it (but may have been sacrificed as dead men don't talk). He likely thought he was a secret agent, doing a mission, as the patsies often do. One of the survivors heard him making phone calls,
and saying he was the 4th shooter. Does that match the govt's story? The fact that there are virtually no videos of any ambulances is just ONE thing that sticks out. Tell me when some massive attack, where scores of people are killed
and wounded, but no legit health care people are there to help? If they had let EMTs on the scene, they would notice some of the "victims" were not even really hurt, as the guy with red shoes.

This was a FF. Anyone familiar with the weapons used instantly knew it was bull ****.
Cop says first responders surrounded bathroom where Mateen was holed up, but told to wait

A Florida police officer said Tuesday that he and a group of five of six other officers surrounded the bathroom where Omar Mateen was holed up, but were told to wait until a SWAT team arrived.

Belle Isle, Fla. Police Officer Brandon Cornwell, 25, told The Washington Post that he and the officers entered Pulse Orlando as bullets flew and clubgoers screamed. He said his group aimed their rifles and waited about “15 or 20 minutes” because they were told not to engage the bathroom area. Cornwell said he never even saw Mateen.

Federal authorities said Monday that police “engaged the shooter” inside the club at about 2:08 a.m. Cornwall’s account to The Post offers a first glimpse into the efforts to take down Mateen, who murdered 49 people before being killed by officers in a hail of gunfire

Those who were still in the club when Mateen was on his killing spree were trapped for hours. The FBI has said that the SWAT team didn’t go into the building until 5 a.m., three hours after the attack started.

Cornwall didn’t further discuss what happened inside the club, citing the ongoing investigation, but he explained that he didn’t second-guess the decision to hold position outside the bathroom.

“We just basically stayed there, waited for movement, and we just held our position until SWAT got there,” he explained. “Once SWAT got there, they told us to retreat, that they’d take over because we were not really in tactical gear — we were just in our police uniforms.”

The calls with crisis negotiators may explain why officials waited three hours -- until 5:14 a.m. -- before ramming a hole in the side of the club to free hostages and engage Mateen in a final, deadly fight. During those three hours, Mateen was holed up in a bathroom with several hostages, though authorities have said no gun shots were fired during this period. Mateen later died during a shootout with police.

He also claimed at one point that he would put explosive vests on hostages and he had an explosive vest on himself, though it turned out to be a hoax vest. He also claimed to have a bomb-laded vehicle outside the club

Where are all the liberal dipshits? Shouldn't they be here defending Lynchs reason for editing those 911 calls from Mateen?
That's bull ****. Will ambulances cozy right up to the front door when the locale isn't secured? No. Will they be found ALL OVER the ******* place further back. ****** right they will be.

But you see NONE. I think in all the videos I watched I saw just one ambulance. It's like all of Orlando has one ambulance.

Why don't they want real first responders around the bodies? Because they would quickly determine a lot of the injuries were fake and were being acted out.

Where were the gurneys? No where to be found.


So how did they get all of the Orlando area paramedics, police, ER docs and nurses and the morgue personnel who didn't get an influx of victims to go along with the conspiracy?

I mean why haven't any of them come forward and said that night was just another ordinary night at work?
The **** POP is posting is absolutely ludicrous. Also, don't forget the hospital was less than 2 blocks away from Pulse. People walked and were taken there in droves by anyone and everyone. There was a quote from one of the survivors that they were told to get to the hospital and/or take whomever they could to the hospital anyway they could. It would have taken longer for paramedics to get them to the hospital than to walk or get there on their own.
This data will make Libs' heads assplode.

Make sure to read the article. There are a lot of graphs inside that are interactive that are very informative.


Anatomy of the terror threat: Files show hundreds of US plots, refugee connection

Newly obtained congressional data shows hundreds of terror plots have been stopped in the U.S. since 9/11 – mostly involving foreign-born suspects, including dozens of refugees.

The files are sure to inflame the debate over the Obama administration’s push to admit thousands more refugees from Syria and elsewhere, a proposal Donald Trump has vehemently opposed on the 2016 campaign trail.

“[T]hese data make clear that the United States not only lacks the ability to properly screen individuals prior to their arrival, but also that our nation has an unprecedented assimilation problem,” Sens. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., and Ted Cruz, R-Texas, told President Obama in a June 14 letter, obtained by FoxNews.com.

The files also give fresh insight into the true scope of the terror threat and cover a wide range of cases, including:

  • A Seattle man plotting to attack a U.S. military facility
  • An Atlantic City man using his “Revolution Muslim” site to encourage confrontations with U.S. Jewish leaders “at their homes”
  • An Iraq refugee arrested in January, accused of traveling to Syria to “take up arms” with terror groups

While the June 12 massacre at an Orlando gay nightclub marked the deadliest terror attack on U.S. soil since 2001, the data shows America has been facing a steady stream of plots. For the period September 2001 through 2014, data shows the U.S. successfully prosecuted 580 individuals for terrorism and terror-related cases. Further, since early 2014, at least 131 individuals were identified as being implicated in terror.

Across both those groups, the senators reported that at least 40 people initially admitted to the U.S. as refugees later were convicted or implicated in terror cases.

Among the 580 convicted, they said, at least 380 were foreign-born. The top countries of origin were Pakistan, Lebanon and Somalia, as well as the Palestinian territories.

Both Sessions and Cruz sit on the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, which compiled the terror-case information based on data from the Justice Department, news reports and other open-source information. The files were shared with FoxNews.com.

The files include dates, states of residence, countries of origin for foreign-born suspects, and reams of other details.

Specifically, they show a sharp spike in cases in 2015, largely stemming from the arrest of suspects claiming allegiance to the Islamic State. They also show a heavy concentration of cases involving suspects from California, Texas, New York and Minnesota, among other states.

The senators say the terror-case repository still is missing critical details on suspects’ immigration history, which they say the Department of Homeland Security has “failed to provide.” Immigration data the senators compiled came from other sources.

Sessions and Cruz asked the president in their letter to order the departments of Justice, Homeland Security and State to "update" and provide more detailed information. The senators have sent several letters to those departments since last year requesting immigration histories of those tied to terror.

“The administration refuses to give out the information necessary to establish a sound policy that protects Americans from terrorists,” Sessions said in a statement to Fox News.

Asked about the complaints, DHS spokeswoman Gillian M. Christensen told FoxNews.com the department “will respond to the senators’ request directly and not through the press.”

“More than 100 Congressional committees, subcommittees, caucuses, commissions and groups exercise oversight and ensure accountability of DHS and we work closely with them on a daily basis. We’ve received unprecedented requests from a number of senators and representatives for physical paper files for more than 700 aliens,” she said, adding that officials have to review each page manually for privacy and other issues.

Cruz ran unsuccessfully this year for the Republican presidential nomination. Sessions, an ardent critic of the administration’s immigration policies, is supporting presumptive GOP nominee Trump.

The allegations detailed in the subcommittee’s research pertain to a range of cases, involving suspects caught traveling or trying to travel overseas to fight, as well as suspects ensnared in controversial sting operations which civil-liberties groups including the ACLU have criticized.

In a 2014 report, Human Rights Watch said nearly half of the federal counterterror convictions at the time came from “informant-based cases,” many of them sting operations where the informants played a role in the plot.

The report said: “In some cases the Federal Bureau of Investigation may have created terrorists out of law-abiding individuals by conducting sting operations that facilitated or invented the target’s willingness to act.”

But even in some of those cases, federal agents got involved after learning of a serious suspected plot. In the case of the Seattle suspect, Abu Khalid Abdul-Latif, authorities said he approached someone in 2011 about attacking a military installation. That citizen alerted law enforcement and worked with them to capture Latif and an accomplice.
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Nonsense, only Youtube knows what's REALLY happening
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The **** POP is posting is absolutely ludicrous. Also, don't forget the hospital was less than 2 blocks away from Pulse. People walked and were taken there in droves by anyone and everyone. There was a quote from one of the survivors that they were told to get to the hospital and/or take whomever they could to the hospital anyway they could. It would have taken longer for paramedics to get them to the hospital than to walk or get there on their own.

Your level of gullibility is the ludicrous thing.

There was a stand off for 3 hours, dim. I am sure they couldn't get any ambulances to get there by then.

It's people like you who the founding fathers would puke on.

And all the eyewitnesses who said there was more than one gun being fired has been ignored by the media. This **** is a false flag.

If the gullible club on this board lived in Germany, circa 1933, you would say those who didn't buy the story of the Reichstag burning were conspiracy nuts.

That was a false flag attack, blamed Poland to launch war.

Imagine, that you would be among the gullible fools that bought that story.


That attack was more believable than Orlando.
Again.... POP, stop with the 3-4 posts in a row ****. No one cares and making multiple posts isn't going to change that.
There's more to this story than we are being told, but isn't that the case in just about everything the Gov't is involved in ?

Orlando Killer’s Father Held Meetings at The White House

Seddique Mateen, father of the Orlando killer and outspoken supporter of the Taliban, has also been a guest at Obama’s White House and Hillary’s State Department. I wonder what they were talking about? The senior Mateen has described Omar as a “good son.” Of course he also describes the Taliban as a good government so that should give you a frame of reference for what he considers good.

Did he meet directly with President Obama? That’s unclear, but why is Seddique Mateen standing being the President’s podium in the White House Briefing Room.

View attachment 2450

In case you’re wondering, that’s definitely not part of the tour available to the general public. He was there to meet with Administration officials and perhaps the President himself.

Apparently Mateen has been a frequent visitor to the nation’s capitol where he has contacts at the highest levels of government. Mateen has also held meetings at Hillary’s State Department.

Gee, that’s curious. Especially in light of the fact that Hillary Clinton killed a Department of Homeland Security investigation that related to Omar Mateen’s mosque, the Islamic Center of Ft. Pierce. Stopped the investigation dead in it’s tracks. And made sure that the records were destroyed so that the case couldn’t be reopened. Hillary sure likes deleting things.

Meanwhile, the Omar Mateen was working for a Department of Homeland Security contractor and was being investigated by the FBI – who somehow found nothing and let him continue on his deadly path.

It’s no wonder both Hillary and Obama are so eager to call Omar Mateen a lone gunmen and try and change the subject to “gun violence” and call for disarming law abiding Americans. They don’t want anyone looking into their relationship with the Mateen clan and their compatriots.

Oh, right, 1 more thing. Here’s a photo of Seddique Mateen in the United States Senate outside of the Democrats’ Foreign Affairs Committee offices.

View attachment 2449

Interesting. Again, this is also not on the tour that is open to the public. Mateen was there meeting senior Democrat lawmakers. They’re all trying to cover it up now that the truth about the Mateen family is out. Seddique is a Taliban supporter and his son is a murderer who swore allegiance to ISIS on whose behalf he slaughter innocent Americans. And Mateen has been very friendly with the Democrat establishment in Washington.

Look...squirrel !
OK, just because something is on the internet does not mean it is factual.

If you find an outrageous "news" story on an obscure website and no one else is reporting it, it's almost certain that it's complete bullshit.
OK, just because something is on the internet does not mean it is factual.

If you find an outrageous "news" story on an obscure website and no one else is reporting it, it's almost certain that it's complete bullshit.

That's it ? That's your case, it's bullshit because you say it's bullshit. No story, no "those pics were edited", no nuthin'. I have read a least 5 different accounts that the State Dept shut down the Mosque investigations, so I take that to be factual. The rest I'll take on assumption due to the pics alone until someone shows me sumthin' to the contrary. Just because it's not covered, doesn't mean there isn't a story.