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Act of Terrorism in Orlando

A look at today's front page... 50 dead in Orlando club massacre, THANKS, @NRA: http://nydn.us/1WKJXFm


The gun used in the Orlando shooting is becoming mass shooters’ weapon of choice

Last night in Orlando, a man armed with an assault-style rifle killed at least 50 people and wounded 53 others in a crowded nightclub.

Six months ago, in San Bernardino, Calif., a man and woman armed with assault-style rifles killed 14 people and wounded 20 others at a holiday party.

In 2012, in Aurora, Colo., a man armed with an assault-style rifle killed 12 people and wounded 58 others in a crowded movie theater.

Also in 2012, in Newtown Conn., a man armed with an assault-style rifle killed 28 people and wounded 2 others at an elementary school.

One common denominator behind these and other high-casualty mass shootings in recent years is the use of assault style rifles, capable of firing many rounds of ammunition in a relatively short period of time, with high accuracy. And their use in these types of shooting is becoming more common: There have been eight high-profile public mass shootings since July of last year, according to a database compiled by Mother Jones magazine. Assault-style rifles were used in seven of those.

In the past 10 years, assault-style rifles have been used in 14 public mass shootings. Half of those shootings have occurred since last June.

Assault-style weapons have long been a flashpoint in the American gun debate. They were outlawed in 1994. But that ban expired in 2004 and Congress opted to not renew it. Gun rights proponents point out that rifles, of any type, are rarely used to kill people in the U.S. Because of that, researchers have generally found that the assault weapons ban had little impact on U.S. homicide rates while it was in effect.

On the other hand, compared to other firearms, assault-style rifles make it fairly easy to kill or injure many people in within a short period of time. So perpetrators wishing to inflict indiscriminate harm on a large crowd of people often turn to them. Of the 10 mass shooting incidents with the highest number of casualties — killed AND wounded — in the U.S., seven involved the use of an assault-style rifle, according to Mother Jones's database.

Terrorist groups have taken note of the widespread availability of assault rifles and other guns in the U.S. In 2011, al-Qaeda encouraged its followers to take advantage of lax guns laws, purchase assault-style weapons and use them to shoot people.

"America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms," American-born al-Qaeda spokesman Adam Gadahn said in a video. "You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?"

Gadahn was incorrect on one point — fully automatic weapons, which shoot continuously when you hold down the trigger, have been banned since 1986. But he was correct on other the other points: Most states don't require background checks for firearms purchased via private sales at gun shows. Most states don't require showing ID to purchase a firearm from a private seller.

Indeed, federal law allows people on terror watch lists to purchase guns, and thousands of them have done so.

The ease of purchasing guns in the U.S., even powerful ones designed to kill many people in a short period of time, is underscored by a crucial fact in Mother Jones's database: Of the 79 mass shootings since 1982 that Mother Jones was able to determine purchasing information for, 63 were committed with guns purchased legally.
Tibs, when was the last time you tried to purchase a gun here? Are you even aware of the steps it takes to make that purchase, or are you again triumphing the "ban gun" crowd's agenda without knowing 100% what you're talking about?

A look at today's front page... 50 dead in Orlando club massacre, THANKS, @NRA: http://nydn.us/1WKJXFm


So you don't think this guy wouldn't have bought a weapon illegally or built a bomb vest?

Don't try to disarm the citizens, fight their enemies.
since DBS can't attach...

Oh look at little Tibsie - going full frothing at the mouth liberal against an inanimate object - IGNORING another RADICAL ISLAMIC TERRORIST attack and blaming guns - so typical, pathetic, really.

Protect Muslims first!, gays are way down the list, right? You want to take away their gun rights too?

LGBTQ Gun Rights Group on Orlando: 'Guns Didn't Do This, A Human Who Hated Gays Did'

The Pink Pistols, an LBGTQ group dedicated to protecting the gun rights of gay and transgendered
individuals, has issued a response to the Orlando terror attack and to calls for gun bans. The group is
urging the public not to jump to conclusions and

“The Pink Pistols gives condolences to all family and friends of those killed and injured at Pulse,” First Speaker of the Pink Pistols Gwendolyn Patton said in a statement. “This is exactly the kind of heinous act that justifies our existence. At such a time of tragedy, let us not reach for the low-hanging fruit of blaming the killer’s guns. Let us stay focused on the fact that someone hated gay people so much they were ready to kill or injure so many. A human being did this. The human being’s tools are unimportant when compared to the bleakness of that person’s soul. I say again, GUNS did not do this. A human being did this, a dead human being. Our job now is not to demonize the man’s tools, but to condemn his acts and work to prevent such acts in the future.”


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"Liberals: The problem with putting Muslims at the top of your victimhood hierarchy is that THEY WANT TO KILL EVERYONE ELSE ON THE LIST."
— Milo Yiannopoulos

Especially gays

Sorry, but this ain't the Wild West and there are no duals at 10 paces. They are suicidal. Anything we might do to end an attack will be after the fact and at the will of Allah as far as they are concerned.

but part of their goal is to kill as many people as possible while being sent to the 72 virgins and create the terror that they can strike anywhere. When people shoot back two things happen: 1) less infidels die 2) people are less terrorized when the shitheads are ended quickly. which do you think makes these ********* happier? 50 dead and more wounded or way less than 50 dead and wounded? My God, think this **** through.
How is it that no one was packing?

I'm guessing tight leather shorts and no shirt make it tough to conceal. The pictures I have scene most were dressed in what you would say is typical gay night club attire. That was not meant as a joke by the way.
I'm guessing tight leather shorts and no shirt make it tough to conceal. The pictures I have scene most were dressed in what you would say is typical gay night club attire. That was not meant as a joke by the way.

Mine was, but was probably too soon (maybe not for this bunch though).
Gay Conservative nails it


Liberals: the problem with putting Muslims at the top of your victimhood hierarchy is that THEY WANT TO KILL EVERYONE ELSE ON THE LIST
— Milo Yiannopoulos ✘ (@Nero) June 12, 2016

That article - from beginning to end in entirety - is excellent and one of his best.

Yup, you guys are right. Banning assault weapons is a terrible idea. Being armed to the teeth as Americans currently are really goes a long way in making sure mass shootings like this don't occur. Thankfully, just about everyone has a gun, and adding even more guns will increase our level of safety and protection from mass shootings, thus making it safer for everyone.

As a society we decided after Sandy Hook, that children being gunned down with assault weapons is perfectly acceptable, thus no adjustment to gun laws were required. Since then, we continue down this path, under no circumstance should we revisit gun laws, perhaps ban assault weapons, et al. Things are perfectly normal just as they are.

Once, yet again, Tibs is off the reservation. Case in point that Liberals can be and often are mentally retarded, or blind lemmings. Maybe both. Guns do not kill. People kill. If there was no gun, there would be a ryder truck loaded with fertilizer. Or pipe bombs. Or car bombs. Or suicide vests. Or dirty bombs (coming to a city near you).

I work in the technology industry. We often have to do what's called a Proof of Concept (POC) to demonstrate that our technology works before the customer will buy. We have had 30 years of POCs with gun regulations. And in no instance, anywhere, have gun regulations worked. In fact, the opposite has occurred.

Yet here they are again. The causes for Orlando were Islam, Islam, Islam, Hate, Islam, Hate, the FBI, Government Bureaucracy, and our lack of admitting that we are in an ideological war. Oh, and Islam - a religion that teaches its followers to kill every one of us who is a non-believer.

For the love, at least know what the **** you are talking about Tibs. You can't get an automatic weapon. AUTOMATIC WEAPONS ARE BANNED. They have been illegal in this country since the 1930s, for **** sake. Only people with special licensees can have them, and then you forfeit some of your protections under illegal search and seizure. They guy used a semi-auto.

Secondly, what rifle isn't an assault weapon? It is a bullshit term to single out a group of firearms.

One of the problems with the ban this and that stuff is the rifles that get caught up in the wash. I enjoy shooting the M1 Garand for fun and in high power rifle shoots every once and a while. The ban crowd will sweep pieces of history like that up in their ban everything zeal. My M1 Carbine will go, too. Then, what's next? Will my '03, because it was once a military rifle go too?

I'm telling you...there are sharp knives in the drawer and some that can't pass through butter. You can pinpoint which Tibs is.

Our resident 'brilliant' Liberal believes you can buy automatic weapons. I just shake my head at the utter ignorance. Then he corrects it to 'semi-auto' but still lumps them together as if they are one in the same. Ummm, no, vast difference. He's previously established he has no idea what an assault weapon is, but that AR-15 looks scary. Ooh. Ooh.

I have a .243 and a 7MM-08 in my house. Hunting rifles. More deadly (caliber-wise) than the AR-15 if it was shooting the more common .223 rounds. If I stood my 7MM-08 next to an AR-15, Liberals and Tibs would look at mine and say 'nothing wrong with that' and look at the AR-15 and say "THAT has to go, it's an assault weapon!" without a clue that my hunting rifle has more killing power.

Ignorance may well be our eventual downfall.
Islam considers the practice of homosexuality a capital offense. .

That's what they're taught from birth


But Obama wants to blame YOU

Obama: ‘We’ are to blame, not Islamic terrorism, for massacre

Here again, and horribly, we have an unmistakable indication that Obama finds it astonishingly easy to divorce himself from a reality he doesn’t like — the reality of the Islamist terror war against the United States and how it is moving to our shores in the form of lone-wolf attacks.

So determined is the president to avoid the subject of Islamist, ISIS-inspired or ISIS-directed terrorism that he concluded his remarks with an astonishing insistence that “we need the strength and courage to change” our attitudes toward the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.

That’s just disgusting. There’s no other word for it.

America’s national attitude toward LGBT people didn’t shoot up the Pulse nightclub. This country’s national attitude has undergone a sea change in the past 20 years, by the way, in case the president hasn’t noticed.

An Islamist terrorist waging war against the United States killed and injured 103 people on our soil. We Americans do not bear collective responsibility for this attack. Quite the opposite.

The attack on the Pulse nightclub was an attack on us all, no less than the World Trade Center attack.

To suggest we must look inward to explain this is not only unseemly but practically an act of conscious misdirection on the president’ s part to direct out attention away from Omar Mateen’s phone call.

You guys prop up and give too much credit to ISIS. This guy most likely has never even met any member of ISIS.

If someone watches a violent movie and copies a crime, is the movie to blame.

Because Dylan Roof was raised a Christian, were his murders an act of Radical Christianity.

When an individual commits an act of evil/murder, that individual is responsible, not his teachers, his parents, what he watched on TV, etc..., etc....
You guys prop up and give too much credit to ISIS. This guy most likely has never even met any member of ISIS.


You're a terrorist sympathizer, just like Tibs. ISIS called this shot 3 days before it happened. The terrorist has made trips to Saudi Arabia in the past.

Put that in your stupid ******* book.
You guys prop up and give too much credit to ISIS. This guy most likely has never even met any member of ISIS.

If someone watches a violent movie and copies a crime, is the movie to blame.

Because Dylan Roof was raised a Christian, were his murders an act of Radical Christianity.

When an individual commits an act of evil/murder, that individual is responsible, not his teachers, his parents, what he watched on TV, etc..., etc....

depending on which liberal you ask, yes, Dylan Roof's acts were an act of "radical" christianity and should be accepted. in fact, many liberals point to this act as an attempt to deflect the attention away from the muzzies.

where's Steel Vanguard at? I wonder how he feels now about the muzzies who want to kill us?
The attack in Paris, just like this at a nightclub, PROVES gun restrictions don't work. I don't know how anyone can argue that when the attacks are almost identical except for the number of participants.

France doesn't allow semi-automatic weapons. France has background checks. = Attack still happened.

The idea this attack was CAUSED by our current laws on gun ownership is just ludicrous. We can debate all day about how many died or how many COULD have died.

But the CAUSE is Islamic extremism and their message of hate and violence and the continued lack of the Muslim community to weed out the clerics and religious leaders that spout death, hatred and superiority.

The previous video of an Islamic cleric visiting THIS VERY AREA of the United States not just 2 months ago and cleverly wording how "death to homosexuals" is their only path and only result from their "sin" just proves the effects these religious clerics have on the masses. It's NOT just ISIS! It's a problem throughout the religion that continues to preach superiority of their beliefs at the expense of all others. And allows them VAST leeway to commit crimes against non-Muslims while maintaining (and sometimes inflating) their religious importance.

The sad thing is that we mourn the passing of 49 homosexuals here in our country yet fail to stand up against Saudi Arabia and our "Muslim Allies" when they persecute, torture and kill THOUSANDS of homosexuals in their own countries, all in the name of their religion, all without the label "extremist", all without "gun laws". What law does Tibs plan to save them? How is a ban on assault rifles going to do that?

Whatever, right?... religion of peace and all that. Let them "evolve" at their own pace. In 100 years, Islam might not be so violent. They will learn on their own....
Muslims throw gays off of rooftops. Perhaps we should ban stairs.
The attack in Paris, just like this at a nightclub, PROVES gun restrictions don't work. ..

The left doesn't just want more laws, they want a total ban of all guns, but will start with a few of their choosing, that is their real goal, and will use any event for political means to advance their agenda