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All of Elfie's bullshit in one convenient thread

Again for the slow learner(don't want to say he's blinded by his privilege)

White power (term used by white supremacists):

White supremacy or white supremacism is a racist ideology centered upon the belief, and promotion of the belief, that white people are superior in certain characteristics, traits, and attributes to people of other racial backgrounds and that therefore white people should politically, economically and socially rule non-white people.
Elfiero, I am concerned about your complete inability to recognize cuplability on the part of the liberal masses rioting, causing bodily harm and otherwise acting in a manner many of those liberals would deem "Trump" like in the wake of the election loss. Instead you point out "red herrings" in an attempt to deflect any responsibility.

Dude, it's your people who are currently out of control.

You can't blame Donald Trump for stupid things children say and do. If you in fact wish to die on that hill then you must blame Hillary Clinton for the assaults on people perpetrated by the rioters angry that "you voted for Donald Trump"?

But no. That's a "red herring" isn't it? Just more of the constant double-standard that America is ******* sick and tired of.

Don't you see? We're sick of it. We don't dislike black people. We don't want them to go back to Africa. We don't want women in the kitchen or the bedroom. We don't want gays "back in the closet". We could give a ****. We're just ******* people man. And we're sick as **** of being painted out to be the anti-christ by every Tom, Dick and Harry because it furthers somebody else's political agenda.

Damn man. We don't want undocumented, illegal aliens getting a bunch of social services when MILLIONS of our own people NEED SERVICES!

We don't want people telling us we should have our hand guns taken away because it will be safer for everyone while illegal handguns flood the streets and our own government makes clandestine arms sales to foreign governments.

We don't want our service men and women constantly sent over into a meat grinder to "prolongue or maintain" a tenuous peace.

We don't want to continually pander to big pharmaceutical companies and the insurance industry simply to protect senators' and congressmen/womens' jobs.

You make it seem as though anyone who failed to vote for Clinton has a personal deep rooted zeal for watching this country burn. Jesus. The people in this country are the same as they were 4 years ago, 2 years ago. They're just sick as **** of being told THEY'RE the reason everything is going to **** while Obama golfs and Clinton raises money for her "charity" and congress and senate bicker endlessly.

I don't understand why you can't ******' see that.

That's alot to take on wig.

I do not agree with the protesting. If you recall, Hillary in her concession speech called for "the peaceful transition of power ". President. Obama has called for the same.

I agree with them BUT, it was your candidate who said he might not accept the results. Imagine the incidents of armed violence we would be seeing from the alt-right if the shoe was on the other foot.

All those things you claimed as "we don't want" are wanted by people in YOUR alliance.

You can't make me try to own everyone in my party while laying out a litany of what "we" want for yourself, and disowning the truly evil groups in yours.

It's intellectually dishonest and you know it.
No son. The only thing you do is resort to swearing and playground ethnic bullying.

Again......because you are truly pathetic, and your support and slobbering over the buffoon in chief(after it was clear he would win) shows it for all to see.

no *****, he is correct you have ignored the links I posted showing a child being beaten up at school for voting Trump in a mock election and a group of people dragging a guy out of his vehicle because he supported trump and beating him then taking his car

there are ignorant ***** on both sides, but the violent ones seem to be your "tolerant" liberal fucktards. yet you keep posting **** about conservative racists.....
That's alot to take on wig.

I do not agree with the protesting. If you recall, Hillary in her concession speech called for "the peaceful transition of power ". President. Obama has called for the same.

I agree with them BUT, it was your candidate who said he might not accept the results. Imagine the incidents of armed violence we would be seeing from the alt-right if the shoe was on the other foot.

All those things you claimed as "we don't want" are wanted by people in YOUR alliance.

You can't make me try to own everyone in my party while laying out a litany of what "we" want for yourself, and disowning the truly evil groups in yours.

It's intellectually dishonest and you know it.

that is just idiotic...here is a post from a very intelligent poster on facebook

So I'm sitting here watching CNN and listening to these talking heads try to excuse the protesters and claim that if Hillary had won, the other side would be in the streets.
8 years ago when President Obama was elected did the Republicans wake up the next day and hit the streets protesting his victory? Of course not, they got up and did what they always do, went to work and did their jobs. 4 years later when he was reelected, did they disrupt traffic and march around forcing police to leave their normal duties to monitor them? Nope, once again they got up and those who still had jobs went to them and did their duty.
I have no doubt that if Hillary had won, the Republicans would not have been happy, but they would have gotten up this morning and gone to work and school and do their part to keep this country moving.
These young Americans flooding the streets are an embarrassment. They need to learn that not everything goes their way all the time. Sometimes the other side wins, our job as Americans, is to trust in the process and just do your jobs.
The talking heads don't help by spreading half truths or just flat out misrepresenting many of Trump's comments. Trump is not the devil they make him out to be. Right now they are flat calling him a racist on CNN. Trump has spoken many times or working in the inner cities to bring better schools and jobs to those in real need. Louis Farrakhan and Quanell X both spoke out and stated how it might be time to give Trump a chance and see if he could do as he was promising. I seriously doubt either of them would ever speak well of a true racist candidate. But the media ignores these messages and focus on what makes "sexier" news stores...a racist presidential candidate.
It is time for the media to return to doing their job which is reporting facts and letting the people decide. Not taking rumors for truths or pushing their OPINION of what people say rather than focusing on what was actually said or done.
It is also time for all Americans to put aside race and other differences and just be AMERICANS.
Again for the slow learner(don't want to say he's blinded by his privilege)

White power (term used by white supremacists).

You really are that stupid, aren't you?

You think that people on this forum are white supremacists. That is how mentally deranged you are.

Oh, and after the libs have chanted, "Racist, sexist, bigot, blah-*******-blah!!" for so many years, I and most others just don't even give a **** any more.

You are labeled-out, snowflake.
Imagine the incidents of armed violence we would be seeing from the alt-right if the shoe was on the other foot.

Yep, you have to imagine it, because IT NEVER ******* HAPPENED.

Not in 2008 or 2012 when America twice elected A BLACK PRESIDENT!!!

So you think these racist Americans would now get violent because some wrinkled old white criminal was elected???

You are too stupid to tolerate at this point, snowflake.
I think someone is trying to incite a riot right here in SN.
Here let me help you:

White Privilege:

White privilege is a set of advantages and/or immunities that white people benefit from on a daily basis beyond those common to all others. White privilege can exist without white people's conscious knowledge of its presence and it helps to maintain the racial hierarchy in this country.

The biggest problem with white privilege is the invisibility it maintains to those who benefit from it most. The inability to recognize that many of the advantages whites hold are a direct result of the disadvantages of other people, contributes to the unwillingness of white people, even those who are not overtly racist, to recognize their part in maintaining and benefiting from white supremacy.

White privilege is about not having to worry about being followed in a department store while shopping. It's about thinking that your clothes, manner of speech, and behavior in general, are racially neutral, when, in fact, they are white. It's seeing your image on television daily and knowing that you're being represented. It's people assuming that you lead a constructive life free from crime and off welfare. It's about not having to assume your daily interactions with people have racial overtones.

White privilege is having the freedom and luxury to fight racism one day and ignore it the next. White privilege exists on an individual, cultural, and institutional level.

"Being white means never having to think about it."-James Baldwin

White privilege is a bullshit word, made up by a bullshit, libtard college professor. Nothing more.No proof.
Like a unicorn, doesn't exist.
You just have to laugh at this nonsense and roll on. Life is good and the commie pinkos have been vanquished across the board. Nothing a mentally ill leftist reject is going to say will change that. It's absolutely hilarious though.
much like elfies intelligence

Elfie is butthurt, not only because his team lost, but that Bammy's legacy will be systematically dismantled. History will not be kind to this administration. The only answer he has is some imaginary form of racism.
Really? I have one guy here calling me "black jew" whatever. Mocking my ethnicity in this very thread.

Are those the types you're talking about?

I agree not everyone that voted for Chump are racists. That would be ludicrous. We do know certain things about certain groups that voted for him though. And we are seeing their mindset manifest in our schools.

Those are the extremist ******** on both sides. Yes there are racist accounts from some of the Trump supporters, just as their are acts of protest and causing mayhem by those who didn't want Trump elected. It's going both ways. Most of us here though want better for the country. And that starts with a leader calling out the elitist who keep opportunities away from it's own citizens
I do not agree with the protesting.
Bullshit. You're enjoying every minute of this.

You paint half the country as "The same white privilege" group that voted Trump in and wants to destroy all you hold dear but then take offense to being lumped in with the liberals tearing cities apart. Please take a look at my double-standard post.

You point out that Trump supporters would be worse in a loss, you have no evidence for that, merely your suspicion. Sadly we DO have clear evidence of what the Clinton supporters will do when faced with a loss. Who are the deplorables now?

You cannot defend the indefensible. A massive segment of Clinton's support base is behaving like petulant children. More proof of what I said before. The people in this country are not qualified to govern themselves. Your liberal friends are children. They simply can't comprehend the importance of voting. They are incapable of understanding that they could actually LOSE a ******* election. Many of them have had "their candidate" win for their entire adult lives and can't grasp the idea that the "other side" could possibly lose.

And this is how a significant portion of them responds.

It's indefensible and you know it. And yet you revel. You know that too.
These protest are getting out of hand. Just accept the results, give Trump a chance and move on. This is exactly why a lot of us voted for a much needed change. No it's not about race. It's about improving responsiblity, accountability, hard work, and bettering the communities. How do you do that? By not destroying **** cause things don't go your way would be a start.
that is just idiotic...here is a post from a very intelligent poster on facebook

So.......McCain and Romney both stirred up the tea baggers and the hardcore racists into something resembling a diarrhea milk shake of political ignorance?

They then proceeded to say they might not accept the results of the election.....they both suggested that some of their members might know what "they had to do" to their opponent( you know the second amendment..)

They also came up with all kinds of plots and conspiracy theories that they were victims of.

You know like the idea that the sexual assault claims against them were part of a "mexican plot" against him.(hey two birds one stone)

Hmmm......I just don't seem to recall either one behaving like that, or appealling to the tea party violent,racist, crud at the bottom of the barrel.

That facebook post is the HEIGHT of Idiocy , that it makes sense to you just highlights your ignorance.
So.......McCain and Romney both stirred up the tea baggers and the hardcore racists into something resembling a diarrhea milk shake of political ignorance?

They then proceeded to say they might not accept the results of the election.....they both suggested that some of their members might know what "they had to do" to their opponent( you know the second amendment..)

They also came up with all kinds of plots and conspiracy theories that they were victims of.

You know like the idea that the sexual assault claims against them were part of a "mexican plot" against him.(hey two birds one stone)

Hmmm......I just don't seem to recall either one behaving like that, or appealling to the tea party violent,racist, crud at the bottom of the barrel.

That facebook post is the HEIGHT of Idiocy , that it makes sense to you just highlights your ignorance.

you posted there would be armed violence from the Republicans if hitlery had won.....your last comments in no way counter my assertion that your initial point was idiotic. The facebook post is an absolutely accurate comment and you disputing that just shows how ******* ignorant you really are. You are now just trolling this site to vent your butthurt over the election results and your act is getting extremely tiring.
no *****, he is correct you have ignored the links I posted showing a child being beaten up at school for voting Trump in a mock election and a group of people dragging a guy out of his vehicle because he supported trump and beating him then taking his car

there are ignorant ***** on both sides, but the violent ones seem to be your "tolerant" liberal fucktards. yet you keep posting **** about conservative racists.....

Really? I didn't watch the video but was he chanting "stronger together" while he did it? Did he scrawl on the wall" go back to Europe---Hillary 2016" after he was done?
Really? I didn't watch the video but was he chanting "stronger together" while he did it? Did he scrawl on the wall" go back to Europe---Hillary 2016" after he was done?

The child was beaten and kicked by two kids who kept saying "no one votes for trump"

the guy who lost his car was beaten by multiple people who were shouting and laughing about what happens to Trump supporters

not sure why you think some marks on a wall or some words are worse than beatings....******* dumbass
So.......McCain and Romney both stirred up the tea baggers and the hardcore racists into something resembling a diarrhea milk shake of political ignorance?

*******, punk-***** liberals are burning cars, vandalizing police vehicles, attacking people, vandalizing businesses, interfering with people just trying to live their goddamn lives ...

And you get your stupid, dumb-*** panties in a twist because the Tea Party took out permits for parades and protests, and left the protest areas cleaner when they left than when they arrived? And you think there is some parallel between orderly, peaceful, respectful protests and the violent mayhem that your assclown political cronies are inflicting on this nation?

You are too stupid to comprehend the written word, possibly due to your brain disorder, so let me do this in pictures.

Tea Party







Aaaand the Hillary leftists, in comparison:





Yep, completely analogous ... to a lying butt-monkey, maybe, but not to any sentient being.
Really? I didn't watch the video ...

Watch it, and even a lying butt-monkey like you will understand.

[Pssst, they specifically say they are attacking the guy because "he voted for Trump." I guess I should have given a spoiler warning, you fucknozzle.]
you posted there would be armed violence from the Republicans if hitlery had won.....your last comments in no way counter my assertion that your initial point was idiotic.* The facebook post is an absolutely accurate comment and you disputing that just shows how ******* ignorant you really are.* You are now just trolling this site to vent your butthurt over the election results and your act is getting extremely tiring.

No trolling. Just logically explain to me how you can compare McCain or Romney to the Trump campaign. And how the response if Trump had lost would be exactly the same.

It's apples and oranges hued hate monger and you damn well know it. Lie to yourself all you want.

If I post a thread no one needs to respond, you know that. Call me a troll all you want, it wont change the truth about most of Trumps followers.

They just want a shot at defending what can't be defended. And to chemically dissociate themselves from their darker fellow travelers.
No trolling. Just logically explain to me how you can compare McCain or Romney to the Trump campaign. And how the response if Trump had lost would be exactly the same.

It's apples and oranges hued hate monger and you damn well know it. Lie to yourself all you want.

If I post a thread no one needs to respond, you know that. Call me a troll all you want, it wont change the truth about most of Trumps followers.

They just want a shot at defending what can't be defended. And to chemically dissociate themselves from their darker fellow travelers.

Trump supporters are the same ones who supported Romney and McCain.....you are the one lying to yourself in a vain attempt to justify the ******* losers crying in the streets and the hate filled fucktards attacking innocent people for their political beliefs. Your opinions are the ones that can't be defended. You have no proof that Trump supporters would have "armed attacks" but you troll the board with the gibberish anyway. You are just a mindless little sheep following the media line and calling Trump and his supporters racist.

Just because they disagree with you doesn't make them evil racist people....I am over being surprised by the "tolerant" left acting like little ******* and ranting about the ones who disagree with them.