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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Amazing how scared you all are of these investigations. Really is.

If Trump is totally innocent - as I presume you all think he is - then why all the panic? If there's nothing to uncover, why worry about them looking into it? If Trump is so innocent, why are his handlers so worried Cohen is going to 'turn' on him? Turn on him for what? If he hasn't done anything wrong, how can you turn on someone like that? What a charade this presidency has been, from the very beginning.

<iframe src="https://giphy.com/embed/gOHxskuYRcg3m" class="giphy-embed" allowfullscreen="" width="480" height="270" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Yes, let's have a REAL investigation.

Roger Stone To Use DNC Lawsuit Discovery To Probe Servers, Hacking Evidence

Longtime Republican strategist Roger Stone and his lawyers intend to try and examine the Democratic National Committee’s servers for evidence of Russian hacking amid an ongoing lawsuit, he told The Daily Caller Monday.

The DNC sued the 2016 Trump campaign, Stone, Manafort, Wikileaks and other involved entities Friday alleging an illegal conspiracy with the Russian government. The lawsuit “is based on conjecture, supposition and projection with no evidence, facts or proof,” Stone said in an email to TheDC.

“The DNC lawsuit opens the door of discovery. My lawyers and I want to examine the DNC servers to settle this bogus claim of Russian hacking once and for all,” Stone declared.

A letter from Stone’s lawyers to the DNC said, “One purpose of this letter is to advise the DNC we intend to test the basic underlying claims that “Russians” hacked, stole, and disseminated DNC data, rather than the various other plausible scenarios, including internal theft.”

Stone added to TheDC that “The lawsuit is bogus, baseless, without merit- offering no hard proof to back up their fantasy that I conspired with a group of others to work with the Russians to hack the DNC and give the fruits of that hack to Wikileaks. It’s a fairy tale, a hoax and a canard.”
And then there is this gem. Liberals believe Trump was in collusion with Russia to interfere with our elections.

Yet Obama's DOJ played direct interference in the Hillary investigation during the run up to the election. For NBC and Rachel Madcow and HuffPo and the NYTimes and the Washington Post, nothing to see here....despite...

Odds that Mueller isn't looking into ACTUAL corruption like this? Nah, too busy with Stormy Daniels.

Obama Justice Dept.’s attempts to influence investigations exposed in McCabe probe

Tucked inside the inspector general’s report on former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was the story of an August 2016 phone call from a high-ranking Justice Department official who Mr. McCabe thought was trying to shut down the FBI’s probe into the Clinton Foundation at a time when Hillary Clinton was running for president.

The official was “very pissed off” at the FBI, the report says, and demanded to know why the FBI was still pursuing the Clinton Foundation when the Justice Department considered the case dormant.

Former FBI officials said the fact that a call was made is even more stunning than its content.

James Wedick, conducted corruption investigations at the bureau, said during 35 years there he never fielded a call from the Justice Department about any of his cases. He said it suggested interference.

“It is bizarre - and that word can’t be used enough - to have the Justice Department call the FBI’s deputy director and try to influence the outcome of an active corruption investigation,” he said. “They can have some input, but they shouldn’t be operationally in control like it appears they were from this call.”

Although the inspector general report did not identify the official, sources at both former FBI and Justice Department officials identified him as Matthew Axelrod, who was the principal associate deputy attorney general — the title the IG report did use.

As it was, Mr. McCabe thought the call was out of bounds.

He told the inspector general that during the Aug. 12, 2016, call the principal associate deputy attorney general expressed concerns about FBI agents taking overt steps in the Clinton Foundation investigation during the presidential campaign.

“According to McCabe, he pushed back, asking ‘are you telling me that I need to shut down a validly predicated investigation?’” the report said. “McCabe told us that the conversation was ‘very dramatic’ and he never had a similar confrontation like the PADAG call with a high-level department official in his entire FBI career.”

In a footnote to the report the inspector general says the Justice official agreed with the description of the call, but objected to seeing that “the Bureau was trying to spin this conversation as some evidence of political interference, which was totally unfair.”

Both the Federal Register and Justice Department documents at the time identified Mr. Axelrod as the principal associate deputy attorney general. His LinkedIn page says he held that position from February 2015 through January 2017.

He didn’t respond to repeated requests from The Washington Times for comment last week.

Ron Hosko, a former assistant director at the FBI, wondered if the call to Mr. McCabe came because Justice Department officials believed he would be more sympathetic than the FBI’s New York field office, which was overseeing the Clinton Foundation investigation.

As the election approached, questions surrounded Mr. McCabe’s objectivity with regards to the Clinton probe. His wife, running for a state Senate seat in Virginia in 2015, had accepted a nearly $700,000 donation from an organization linked to Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe. A long-time confidant, Mr. McAuliffe chaired Mrs. Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign.

Mr. McCabe eventually recused himself from the Clinton investigation just three weeks before election day.

“You run the risk of more publicity by going to the field,” Mr. Hosko said. “If I am that agent and I’ve been told to shut down something I’ve been working on, I’m screaming bloody murder.”

Mr. Axelrod quit the Justice Department on Jan. 30, 2017, the same day his boss, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, was fired by President Trump for refusing to defend his travel ban executive order.

He’s now a lawyer in the Washington, D.C., office of British law firm Linklaters.

In a March 2017 Interview with The New York Times, he said he left the department earlier than he’d planned.

“It was always anticipated that we would stay on for only a short period,” he said of himself and Ms. Yates. “For the first week we managed, but the ban was a surprise. As soon as the travel ban was announced there were people being detained and the department was asked to defend the ban.”

Ms. Yates also didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment from The Times.

Those familiar with Justice Department operations said they don’t believe the principal associate deputy attorney general would have made the McCabe call without consulting with his supervisor, which would have been Ms. Yates.

“In my experience these calls are rarely made in a vacuum,” said Brad Schlozman, who worked as counsel to the PADAG during the Bush Administration. “The notion that the principal deputy would have made such a decision and issued a directive without the knowledge and consent of the deputy attorney general is highly unlikely.”

Hans Von Spakovsky, a former Justice Department official who’s now a legal fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, said the proper chain of command for the Justice Department to follow up on an investigation would involve the head of the Criminal Division, not the PADAG, calling the FBI.

“There is no way I would have ever called the FBI on my own unless I raised concerns with my boss or my boss told me to do so,” he said. “I have a hard time believing this guy did this without consulting with Sally Yates unless he was a complete lone ranger and off the reservation.”

The inspector general is already probing the way both the FBI and Justice Department handled investigations into Mrs. Clinton during the election.

The report on Mr. McCabe was a separate matter, stemming from questions about a media leak he made to try to protect his reputation, the inspector general said.
Yes, let's have a REAL investigation.

Roger Stone To Use DNC Lawsuit Discovery To Probe Servers, Hacking Evidence

Longtime Republican strategist Roger Stone and his lawyers intend to try and examine the Democratic National Committee’s servers for evidence of Russian hacking amid an ongoing lawsuit, he told The Daily Caller Monday.

The DNC sued the 2016 Trump campaign, Stone, Manafort, Wikileaks and other involved entities Friday alleging an illegal conspiracy with the Russian government. The lawsuit “is based on conjecture, supposition and projection with no evidence, facts or proof,” Stone said in an email to TheDC.

“The DNC lawsuit opens the door of discovery. My lawyers and I want to examine the DNC servers to settle this bogus claim of Russian hacking once and for all,” Stone declared.

A letter from Stone’s lawyers to the DNC said, “One purpose of this letter is to advise the DNC we intend to test the basic underlying claims that “Russians” hacked, stole, and disseminated DNC data, rather than the various other plausible scenarios, including internal theft.”

Stone added to TheDC that “The lawsuit is bogus, baseless, without merit- offering no hard proof to back up their fantasy that I conspired with a group of others to work with the Russians to hack the DNC and give the fruits of that hack to Wikileaks. It’s a fairy tale, a hoax and a canard.”

When will the Dems learn every time they come up with more bull **** against Trump it brings some of their own snakes to light. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.
I don't understand why people can't simply sit back and let the Special Counsel and the NY district attorney's office carry out their respective investigations. Why can't we allow the rule of law to play out and stand on its own merit? Who's forcing the issue, constantly attacking ...

You apparently do not get CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, et al.
The DNC lawsuit is reckless, self serving, and undermines the process of the FBI investigations. It's the worst tactical thing that can be done at this point.

You sue after the findings are released. Not before...
The DNC lawsuit is reckless, self serving, and undermines the process of the FBI investigations. It's the worst tactical thing that can be done at this point.

You sue after the findings are released. Not before...
What do you mean reckless?
The DNC will use the all the files that Mueller has compiled against the Russians, and Trump because it is abundantly clear, over a year into intense lawyering on exactly this same set of topics, that there is a plethora of criminal activity.

Right Tibs?

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And none of the charges filed have anything to do with the president or "collusion with the Russians".
A bunch of those involved those 13 Russians, who are sitting around in Moscow laughing at the charges brought against them. Flynn would not be a criminal without this investigation. Who gives a **** about Manafort.

Yep. It is a witch hunt.

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And none of the charges filed have anything to do with the president or "collusion with the Russians".

Nope, nothing ever has anything to do with Trump or the Russians. This is simply a figment of our imaginations.

Nope, nothing ever has anything to do with Trump or the Russians. This is simply a figment of our imaginations.

First time you've spoken truth in months on this board.

There is however ample evidence that Obama and the Clintons and the DNC dutifully worked to taint our election process. Just more truth.
First time you've spoken truth in months on this board.

There is however ample evidence that Obama and the Clintons and the DNC dutifully worked to taint our election process. Just more truth.

What did he say months ago that was true?
Nope, nothing ever has anything to do with Trump or the Russians. This is simply a figment of our imaginations.


I know you prefer the communist model where a person could be sent to the Gulag on a simple accusation or executed for crimes to be determined later, but we don't do things like that here. In the United States there has to be evidence of a crime and then due process. As of yet no one has presented any evidence of President Trump being involved in a crime.
what an interesting twist, Tibs.
didn't you say just a few days ago that this investigation has nothing at all to do with Trump?
I know you prefer the communist model where a person could be sent to the Gulag on a simple accusation or executed for crimes to be determined later, but we don't do things like that here. In the United States there has to be evidence of a crime and then due process. As of yet no one has presented any evidence of President Trump being involved in a crime.

Then why is it that you brave defenders of decency & the rule of the law, the protectors of the last bastions of justice and due process have fought this investigation tooth and nail from the very beginning? Why do you participate in, defend, or simply look the other way as the President attacks and denigrates the Justice Dept, the FBI and the Federal Courts?

It's because Trump doesn't have a last leg to stand on and neither do you. The chickens are coming home to roost and that makes you queasy and anxious. As it does the President.

It's hard to comprehend why you take Trump's full blown panic attacks - and deceits and lies - and make them your own. What has Trump done for you that entices you to sell your soul and defend him at all cost? That's the question Trump supporters should be asking themselves, but they don't. Maybe in hindsight, they will.
Then why is it that you brave defenders of decency & the rule of the law, the protectors of the last bastions of justice and due process have fought this investigation tooth and nail from the very beginning? Why do you participate in, defend, or simply look the other way as the President attacks and denigrates the Justice Dept, the FBI and the Federal Courts?

It's because Trump doesn't have a last leg to stand on and neither do you. The chickens are coming home to roost and that makes you queasy and anxious. As it does the President.

It's hard to comprehend why you take Trump's full blown panic attacks - and deceits and lies - and make them your own. What has Trump done for you that entices you to sell your soul and defend him at all cost? That's the question Trump supporters should be asking themselves, but they don't. Maybe in hindsight, they will.

as for the Justice Department ...
because of bullshit perpetrated over the last 8 years that was racially sided. Lady Justice is supposed to be blind to race and sex, etc. Yet Obama's Justice Department, led by Eric Holder, was not even in how it levied ****. The Knock Out Game consequences were absolute bullshit. "Creating space to destroy" was a term that was conjured up under this racist Justice Department.

Yet, here you are defending it.

The FBI - the same FBI that failed American children at Parkland High School. The SAME FBI that took the guns from the dipshit who shot up Waffle House, yet returned them to the guy's father. The SAME FBI that hasn't yet solved the shooting in Las Vegas. The SAME FBI that did nothing about the crazy woman in Los Angeles... not the most recent, but the one prior, though it could be said for both. The FBI is lazy and doesn't do it's job. It's become nothing more than a political attack dog. THAT is not it's job.

Yet, here you are defending it.

The Federal Courts are to be impartial. See my comment above about Lady Justice? Yeah, doesn't apply anymore. Not to the FBI, not to the Justice Department and not to the Federal Courts.

Yet, here you are defending it.

You don't see the corruption because you, like today's version of Lady Justice, are willfully blind.
Then why is it that you brave defenders of decency & the rule of the law, the protectors of the last bastions of justice and due process have fought this investigation tooth and nail from the very beginning? Why do you participate in, defend, or simply look the other way as the President attacks and denigrates the Justice Dept, the FBI and the Federal Courts?

Tibs, you are becoming delusional. Don't you see what has happened at the FBI over the past year? 2nd in command possible criminal charges. Head fired. Top agents demoted, only to be investigated. This is only the beginning. The DOJ is next. Same with the State Dept. Clapper and Brennan probably going down in disgrace, if not criminally.

You really need to start preparing yourself for a day of reckoning for the prior administration, and it's criminality. The Mueller investigation will end in disgrace. Too bad. Mueller was once a man of integrity. This witch hunt will destroy his reputation.

But I will wait and see. Much can happen. i am looking forward to the IG's report. Should be interesting.
It's all over

Midwestern Democrats Want The National Party To Stop The Trump-Russia Talk

In battleground states in the middle of the country, some Democrats watched with frustration as their party grabbed headlines last week with a splashy new lawsuit alleging a vast conspiracy between President Donald Trump and Russia.

The Democratic National Committee’s drumbeat of messaging on Trump and his relationship with Russia is wearing thin with some Democrats in purple states — particularly in the Midwest, where people on the ground say voters are uninterested and even turned off by the issue. The suit exposes a gap, they say, between the party’s strategy nationally and what Midwest Democrats believe will win elections in their state.

It's all over

Midwestern Democrats Want The National Party To Stop The Trump-Russia Talk

In battleground states in the middle of the country, some Democrats watched with frustration as their party grabbed headlines last week with a splashy new lawsuit alleging a vast conspiracy between President Donald Trump and Russia.

The Democratic National Committee’s drumbeat of messaging on Trump and his relationship with Russia is wearing thin with some Democrats in purple states — particularly in the Midwest, where people on the ground say voters are uninterested and even turned off by the issue. The suit exposes a gap, they say, between the party’s strategy nationally and what Midwest Democrats believe will win elections in their state.


Dems don’t give a **** about flyover country.
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