Another tremendous gem from my friend Dean, in the world of politics, ran for Congress, super smart and nails it. I've brought this up before, Alger Hiss and Whitaker Chambers. Go buy the book Witness by Whitaker Chambers....
"This episode is so eerily familiar. I've seen this movie before. But this time I'm not sure if the hero prevails. In a dreamlike state, I am aware of the danger, but I can't scream. The lefts ability to rewrite history, even as it's happening is chilling.
Keep this quote in mind while reading this. Keep it in mind as this continues to play out: "It was providence that finally enabled Chambers, at such a personal cost, to win the HIss case. Had there not been a thirty-five-year-old freshman congressman from California named Richard M Nixon who insisted on carrying through the case for Chambers, it would have been buried by Hiss's lies and evasions." Nunes is like Nixon.
Think about that in the greater context and arc of today's political scandal. "buried by Hiss's lies and evasions". In other words, perhaps, until now, the single largest caper of political-intelligence episode in American political history, almost wasn't. Because of the evasiveness of Hiss, a communist, and the cooperation he received from polite-elite society, he almost got away with it. Ring any bells? But, because of the persistence of Nixon, the truth was ultimately revealed for the world to see. Nixon too was portrayed like Devin Nunes is now. A clutz.
The left then was indeed almost too sinister and conspiratorial for the most ardent skeptic to believe. And of course, the left then, like the left now, never broke rank. The caper exposed not only the ardent left here, in the US, but its coordination with sympathetic elements across the globe. (If I could highlight and bold this next statement, I would): Labor unions, students, actors, actresses, members of the intelligentsia, academics, media were working knowingly, and unknowingly with foreign governments, to foster policy changes at the HIGHEST level of the US government. Hiss was the highest actor (State Dept) in the scheme, but it was revealed that there were several similar folks spread out across government. In modern parlance, Hiss was “too big to fail”.
This should all sound familiar and a bit chilling at the same time. Chilling because we yet don't know if Devin Nunes will be successful like Nixon was in exposing the leviathan. Unlike the Hiss episode, that ended up with Hiss's demise, this episode may lie buried under the evasions. Hillary, Obama and all their sympathizers at DOJ may walk. Trump may go down.
Even still, the left doesn't take defeat lying down. Do a cursory comparative analysis on the great American political scandals of all time and you will not find nary a mention about the Hiss case. It's been virtually expunged from the history books as merely a caper that led to the abuses of McCarthyism. Hence, to invoke the name today, invokes the sense of paranoia, shame. In other words, "don't talk about it." They've wiped it clean. Despite being the greatest conservative literary accomplishment of all time the book that outlines the great case in detail for the world to see has been almost forgotten. It's gone. Deleted. That's a powerful ability.
Instead, in stark contrast, every man woman and child, know about Watergate. As the left does with such efficiency, they can selectively take an eraser to parts of our history they would rather choose to forget. Likewise, they can add volume and amplification to the stories they prefer to last. Look at the wording in the NY Times article about the spy embedded in the Trump campaign: “F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims.” What?!
The professional left plays for keeps, people. And writing the narrative of our past and the current state is a potent arrow in the quiver. They reduce to rubble those who have impeded or tried to impede their progress. The late Bob Novak was shamed by members of the press for citing Chambers as the inspiration for his conservatism. Why is that? Because the left want's it so. Buried. Forgotten. Destroyed.
Think about it. The greatest political caper has been forgotten, and one of the heroes- Richard Nixon - ultimately paid a price. The left plays for keeps."