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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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I say we start with the Scumbag in Chief's tax returns and then move to the emoluments clause violations....

What say you Mr. "demand transparency."

I am sure that Bammy's weaponized IRS already had them, and we know they would have ended up on the NYT's front page if anything found damning. That is how the deep state keeps us commoners in line. But I guess that is okay if it suits one's agenda.
By that definition, Obama is treasonous for supporting Chelsea Manning, a legitimate traitor. Oh wait, that's different.

He's a Democrat silly, not possible to any other Dems or the media.

To Liberals and the media, a law abiding Republican is more evil than a murderer or rapist that votes Democrat. Once you understand that, the bizarre antics of Liberals makes more sense.
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And don't bother posting a pic of the London protests, that's all astroturf. Paid protesters and groups backed by Soros
It’s breathtaking how far down the rabbit hole you guys really are. Not surprising, given how this board functions as ground zero for the Trump cult, but still shocking to read comments like this.
Going after the 12 russians is a waste of time because we will never get them. Even if we sanction russia they will find other means / countries to deal with. What Rand Paul says is correct. Does anyone on here really believe that we dont hack or try to hack other countries? It is like the pot calling the kettle black. It is no wonder other countries hate us with the amount of arrogance we have. Spy games have gone on since the beginning of cultures. All we can do is make sure that our stuff is secure. If people w/in our country are found to be helping then they should be prosecuted fully. Obama / other past presidents seemed to do very little to solve this issue and now everyone is making it out to be a trump issue.
Scary how you support a traitor and make no qualms about it. That kinda makes you a traitor as well, does it not? Life choices, we all make them.
No idea what you are going on about here, Tibs. You've gone off the deep end.
No idea what you are going on about here, Tibs. You've gone off the deep end.

That confirms what I thought was happening with a lot of you. It's called Stockholm syndrome. You're so immersed in pro-Trump news nothing else - facts, reality - resonates any more. It will be a long road back, but with patience, hard work and some guidance it will be possible to snap out of it.
And the #TreasonSummit is on! Trump meets his handler Putin in Helsinki, Finland today. Private meeting behind closed doors with no aides or other government officials around for an hour and a half. Afterwards, expect to see Putin make some superficial 'concession' that Trump and FoxNews will blare out as a huge, significant victory, like they did with N. Korea. What they truly discuss and agree upon we'll never know, but should make everyone shudder.

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That confirms what I thought was happening with a lot of you. It's called Stockholm syndrome. You're so immersed in pro-Trump news nothing else - facts, reality - resonates any more. It will be a long road back, but with patience, hard work and some guidance it will be possible to snap out of it.
So in your reality, Trump is a traitor? Yeah. OK. Nice facts and reality there, bud.
It’s breathtaking how far down the rabbit hole you guys really are. Not surprising, given how this board functions as ground zero for the Trump cult, but still shocking to read comments like this.

I'll let the protesters explain for themselves.

I'll let the protesters explain for themselves.

Good to know Hannity & Gorka are your moral compass and primary source of information. That explains everything.
Good to know Hannity & Gorka are your moral compass and primary source of information. That explains everything.

Then you didn't really watch and listen to what the protesters were saying.


Obama cyber chief confirms 'stand down' order against Russian cyberattacks in summer 2016

WASHINGTON — The Obama White House’s chief cyber official testified Wednesday that proposals he was developing to counter Russia’s attack on the U.S. presidential election were put on a “back burner” after he was ordered to “stand down” his efforts in the summer of 2016.

The comments by Michael Daniel, who served as White House “cyber security coordinator” between 2012 and January of last year, provided his first public confirmation of a much-discussed passage in the book, “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump,” co-written by this reporter and David Corn, that detailed his thwarted efforts to respond to the Russian attack.

They came during a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing into how the Obama administration dealt with Russian cyber and information warfare attacks in 2016, an issue that has become one of the more politically sensitive subjects in the panel’s ongoing investigation into Russia’s interference in the U.S. election and any links to the Trump campaign.

The view that the Obama administration failed to adequately piece together intelligence about the Russian campaign and develop a forceful response has clearly gained traction with the intelligence committee. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., the ranking Democrat on the panel, said in an opening statement that “we were caught flat-footed at the outset and our collective response was inadequate to meet Russia’s escalation.”

That conclusion was reinforced Wednesday by another witness, Victoria Nuland, who served as assistant secretary of state for Europe during the Obama administration. She told the panel that she had been briefed as early as December 2015 about the hacking of the Democratic National Committee — long before senior DNC officials were aware of it — and that the intrusion had all the hallmarks of a Russian operation.

As she and other State Department officials became “more alarmed” about what the Russians were up to in the spring of 2016, they were authorized by then Secretary of State John Kerry to develop proposals for ways to deter the Russians. But most of those steps were never taken — in part because officials assumed they would be taken up by the next administration.

“I believe there were deterrence measures we could have taken and should have taken,” Nuland testified.

As intelligence came in during the late spring and early summer of that year about the Russian attack, Daniel instructed his staff on the National Security Council to begin developing options for aggressive countermeasures to deter the Kremlin’s efforts, including mounting U.S. “denial of service” attacks on Russian news sites and other actions targeting Russian cyber actors.

Daniel declined to discuss the details of those options during Wednesday’s open hearing, saying he would share them with the panel during a classified session later in the day. But he described his proposals as “the full range of potential actions” that the U.S. government could use in the cyber arena “to impose costs on the Russians — both openly to demonstrate that we could do it as a deterrent and also clandestinely to disrupt their operations as well.”

Sen. James Risch, R-Idaho, asked about a “Russian Roulette” passage in which one of Daniel’s staff members, Daniel Prieto, recounted a staff meeting shortly after the cyber coordinator was ordered by Susan Rice, President Obama’s national security adviser, to stop his efforts and “stand down.” This order was in part because Rice feared the options would leak and “box the president in.”

“I was incredulous and in disbelief,” Prieto is quoted as saying in the book. “It took me a moment to process. In my head, I was like, did I hear that correctly?” Prieto told the authors he then spoke up, asking Daniel: “Why the hell are we standing down? Michael, can you help us understand?”

Daniel confirmed to the intelligence panel that the account was “an accurate rendering of what happened” in his staff meeting. He said his bosses at the NSC — he did not specifically mention Rice in his testimony — had concerns about “how many people were working on the options” so the “decision” from his superiors at the Obama White House was to “neck down the number of people that were involved in developing our ongoing response options.”

Daniel added that “it’s not accurate to say that all activity ceased at that point.” He and his staff “shifted our focus” to assisting state governments to protect against Russian cyberattacks against state and local election systems.

But as for his work on developing cyber deterrence measures, “those actions were put on a back burner and that was not the focus of our activity during that time period.”

Instead, Obama officials chose another course of action after becoming frustrated that Republican leaders on Capitol Hill would not endorse a bipartisan statement condemning Russian interference and fearful that any unilateral action by them would feed then candidate Donald Trump’s claims that the election was rigged. They chose a private “stern” warning by Obama to Russian President Vladimir Putin at a summit in China in early September 2016 to stop his country’s campaign to disrupt the U.S. election.

Obama officials were also worried that a vigorous cyber response along the lines Daniel had proposed could escalate into a full scale cyber war. And, they have since argued, they believed that the president’s warning had some impact, noting — as Daniel did in his testimony — that they saw some tamping down in Russian probing of state election data systems after Obama’s private talk with Putin.

But Nuland testified that while the Russians were “a little less active” in September after the Obama warning, Russian activity picked up again in October when the Russians accelerated their social media campaign using phony Facebook ads and Twitter bots.

“We saw an increase in what they were doing in social media,” Daniel agreed. “They shifted their focus.”

Nuland also revealed, in response to questions by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, another previously unpublicized dimension to the Russian attack. That summer, Collins said, FBI officials advised the committee that Russian diplomats were traveling around the country in areas they were not — under diplomatic protocols — permitted to visit , apparently to collect intelligence. Asked by Collins if she believed this was part of the Russian so-called active measures attack on the election, Nuland responded, “I do.”

After the November 2016 election, in which Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, Obama did impose new sanctions on Russia’s intelligence services and expelled diplomats. But Nuland testified that most in the administration saw that as only a beginning of what needed to be done. “It’s fair to say that all of us in the process assumed what was done in December and January would be a starting point for what the incoming administration would then build on.”

The Wednesday hearing by the intelligence panel did not touch steps the Trump administration has taken — or in many cases, failed to take — to respond to the Russian election attack. But both witnesses emphasized that there is new urgency to the issue to developing proposals to do so. Daniel noted that a malicious new Russian botnet – known as a “VPN filter” — has been discovered infecting home office routers and allowing hackers to intercept internet communications. He said this was a “type of malware we haven’t seen before” and shows “the intent of the Russians to continue their cyber activities.”

Nuland also noted that other nation-state actors have learned from the Russian playbook, singling out the Chinese who, she said, are now conducting influence operations and disinformation campaigns in Australia, Taiwan and other countries in the region. All this, she said, calls for new U.S. government measures, including the creation of a multiagency “fusion center” — modeled after the National Counterterrorism Center created after the Sept. 11 terror attacks — to collect intelligence and expose “state-sponsored efforts to undermine our democracy” and the appointment of an “international coordinator” to develop coordinated responses with U.S. allies.
It’s breathtaking how far down the rabbit hole you guys really are. Not surprising, .

Lol Tibs… an unmistakable display of psychological projection...the projection of ones own qualities and emotions onto someone else..

To now affirm Trump is a traitor is you going far down the rabbit hole Tibs my boy.

Get therapy, go see a shrink then come back and perhaps you can conduct a reasonable debate.

That confirms what I thought was happening with a lot of you. It's called Stockholm syndrome. .

You exactly.

You're pretty disillusioned .

You to the T.

Ah, right. I always forget the whole lot of you Trump supporters drink from the same well. A poisoned well at that.

It is you that has been poisoned by liberalism Tibs.

It’s breathtaking how far down the rabbit hole you guys really are. Not surprising, .

Need I say more?
Look, I think it is obvious to anyone that Russia meddled in our election. I think it is also obvious that this isn't anything new. But that said, **** like this makes Trump look retarded.

Trump began the day's talks by meeting Finland's President Sauli Niinisto, who has loaned his harbour-front palace for the occasion. But first he took a moment to fire a Twitter broadside at his domestic opponents, blaming the diplomatic chill on the investigation into Russian election meddling.

"Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!" Trump tweeted.

Whether it is Russia or any other nation, Trump (or whoever the President is) should be absolutely pissed that another nation is pissing around with our democratic institutions. I mean ****, the evidence is overwhelming that Russia dicked around in our elections. He shouldn't be blaming the United States for **** that Russia did.

I think he has a right to be pissed about this investigation. I think it is a trumped up bunch of bullshit. I mean, they have indicted 25 Russians (that will never be held accountable) and three Americans for what amounts to process crimes. I think this investigation should be targeted at Russia rather than Trump, but that's just me. Either way, blaming the US for **** Russia did to cause this terrible relationship with Russia is foolish and stupid.
Look, I think it is obvious to anyone that Russia meddled in our election. I think it is also obvious that this isn't anything new.

They meddled in the sense that they arranged some Facebook ads, organized a handful of rallies, and may have hacked and released internal DNC emails, but there is no evidence that they tampered in voting or vote counts. Voting machines and counts are not connected to the internet and it's basically impossible to hack votes from outside.
They meddled in the sense that they arranged some Facebook ads, organized a handful of rallies, and may have hacked and released internal DNC emails, but there is no evidence that they tampered in voting or vote counts. Voting machines and counts are not connected to the internet and it's basically impossible to hack votes from outside.

Yeah, I know that. I just don't think it is a good idea to be insulting your own country and your allies when it is obvious that the Russians are ******* around in our politics. I don't know for sure what it is about Trump defending Russia, but it is odd at the very least.
Uh, right and there’s no accusation or investigation into that either.

******, there are investigations into everything Trump. even **** that may or may not exist, and may or may not have anything at all to do with anything.


can you say the same thing about Bomma and his merry band of fuckups?

Strzok explains how anti-Trump dossier made its way from Clinton camp to eager FBI

The lengths to which the FBI relied on the Hillary Clinton opposition research dossier to investigate her political rival came into sharper focus with the testimony of the lead investigator, FBI agent Peter Strzok.

Mr. Strzok told a joint House committee last week that the FBI received from Associate Attorney General Bruce Ohr a raft of documents — including sections of the anti-Trump dossier — during the investigation into Russia election interference.

The first-time disclosure is significant because it confirms an unusual and continuing channel for collusion accusations that started outside the government with anti-Trump people and reached Mr. Ohr at the Justice Department and then the FBI.

Around that time, Mr. Ohr was communicating with dossier writer Christopher Steele. Mr. Ohr’s wife, Nellie, a Russia researcher, worked for Mr. Steele’s paymaster, investigative firm Fusion GPS, which was trying to damage Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Mr. Ohr met with Fusion co-founder Glenn Simpson after the November 2016 election.

The arrangement suggests that the FBI used the partisan, anti-Trump dossier and was eager to receive its episodic chapters from June to December 2016.

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******, there are investigations into everything Trump. even **** that may or may not exist, and may or may not have anything at all to do with anything.

can you say the same thing about Bomma and his merry band of fuckups?

You mean like the birther conspiracies, the ones about Obama’s religion, the circumstances surrounding Scalia’s death, the conspiracies about the Clinton’s having associates murdered? Yes, I can easily say the same, ******.
You mean like the birther conspiracies, the ones about Obama’s religion, the circumstances surrounding Scalia’s death, the conspiracies about the Clinton’s having associates murdered? Yes, I can easily say the same, ******.

no, ******, you cannot. you cannot differentiate between conspiracies and full-on investigations. you also cannot come to grips with the truth that all this investigating Trump is political payback for his questioning Obama's birthplace. You want to say you this is the same, then show me the full-on investigations into Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the Clinton server debacle, etc and show me how these were effectively and thoroughly investigated, resulting in either someone going to jail or being completely exonerated. Otherwise, your crying about that **** is crocodile tears. Trump said something about "grabbing them by the *****" and all you pussyhat wearing ******* clutched your pearls. ******* sudden onset fake virtue signaling if you, miss manbun, have ever uttered "i'd **** that" or any such phrase closely resembling that. don't grandstand for another six years over everything YOUR PRESIDENT says and does unless it is fully warranted. Those of us who voted for Trump will agree with you that Trump is an *******. He's crass, he's not refined politically and he's like a bull in the proverbial china shop. However, while you hate him for that, that is why we voted for him. Get back to me when Trump starts using the IRS as a guard dog for his political opponents, spies on the DNC, etc. Until then, tuck your merkin, sit down on your plug and shut your cockholster.
I find it richly ironic that liberals believe that 25 Russians influenced the election to the point that they believe vote counts were altered, yet they believe that illegal immigrants and voter fraud made little to no difference.
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