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And it Begins:Special Prosecutor To Investigate Trump And Russia

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Did somebody say “Gorka?” Get your shine box, Tibs.
Wipe Gorka's spunk off the corner of your mouth Indy, it's still dripping a little. Use a napkin or some tissue paper or something.
no, ******, you cannot. you cannot differentiate between conspiracies and full-on investigations.

Or jokes and sarcasm. I used to call Bomma the Kenyan Interloper but I never really believed that He was born in Kenya. There was ample evidence that Bomma Sr. fathered so many children with so many different women that His grandmother simply lost track of who was who. I'm more interested in what's real, things like how Bomma and His mother managed to move to Indonesia when Americans were not allowed to travel there, how one of America's leading Communists (Frank Marshall Davis) ended up being His mentor and possibly molested Him, and the fact that His mother and her parents were leading players in the early Socialist movement in America.
no, ******, you cannot. you cannot differentiate between conspiracies and full-on investigations. you also cannot come to grips with the truth that all this investigating Trump is political payback for his questioning Obama's birthplace. You want to say you this is the same, then show me the full-on investigations into Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the Clinton server debacle, etc and show me how these were effectively and thoroughly investigated, resulting in either someone going to jail or being completely exonerated. Otherwise, your crying about that **** is crocodile tears. Trump said something about "grabbing them by the *****" and all you pussyhat wearing ******* clutched your pearls. ******* sudden onset fake virtue signaling if you, miss manbun, have ever uttered "i'd **** that" or any such phrase closely resembling that. don't grandstand for another six years over everything YOUR PRESIDENT says and does unless it is fully warranted. Those of us who voted for Trump will agree with you that Trump is an *******. He's crass, he's not refined politically and he's like a bull in the proverbial china shop. However, while you hate him for that, that is why we voted for him. Get back to me when Trump starts using the IRS as a guard dog for his political opponents, spies on the DNC, etc. Until then, tuck your merkin, sit down on your plug and shut your cockholster.

What did Trump’s birther campaign cost Obama? Absolutely nothing! And you think Obama (and Rosenstein, Comey, Mueller, Gowdy, etc.) carries a grudge so we have the Russia investigation? That’s a new and original one, add it to the others.

You Just admitted that you voted for Trump for no other reason than because he’s an *******. Sound reasoning there!
So in your reality, Trump is a traitor? Yeah. OK. Nice facts and reality there, bud.

If it wasn't clear up until today (and oh, it's been clear), it surely is from this point forward. It's high time some of you scrape the tar from your eyes and start seeing the truth for yourselves.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???</p>— John O. Brennan (@JohnBrennan) <a href="https://twitter.com/JohnBrennan/status/1018885971104985093?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">July 16, 2018</a></blockquote>
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I don't know about treasonous, but to stand there and allow Putin to say there was no interference? Come on man. Dry that one out, you could fertilize the lawn.
I don't know about treasonous, but to stand there and allow Putin to say there was no interference? Come on man. Dry that one out, you could fertilize the lawn.

The truth of the matter is, no matter what Trump said or did in Finland, the left was going to tar and feather him. Still, I am trying to figure out how you just let that go. I mean, he had a chance to hammer the guy. I don't get it.
The truth of the matter is, no matter what Trump said or did in Finland, the left was going to tar and feather him. Still, I am trying to figure out how you just let that go. I mean, he had a chance to hammer the guy. I don't get it.

It’s clear that Trump will not stand up to Putin. The obvious concern to any reasonable person is that it is because he cannot stand up to Putin.
It’s clear that Trump will not stand up to Putin. The obvious concern to any reasonable person is that it is because he cannot stand up to Putin.

It certainly makes you wonder. It makes me wonder, anyway. I mean, I know it will get downplayed here, but I am absolutely miffed at how you let that go. Deny the collusion all you want. There is no proof of that. There is plenty of proof Russia messed in the election, regardless of what they did.

I don't know if Trump is trying to protect his Russian business dealings or if they have something on him, but man, how do you let him get away with that?
Calling out Putin? What does that accomplish, is he going to cry?

how about more important things like opposing Russia in Syria or trying to stop the Russia to Germany pipeline by trying to convince Germany from buying American oil?

we all saw how effective it was when obama gave putin a stern talking to over Ukraine.
Calling out Putin? What does that accomplish, is he going to cry?

how about more important things like opposing Russia in Syria or trying to stop the Russia to Germany pipeline by trying to convince Germany from buying American oil?

we all saw how effective it was when obama gave putin a stern talking to over Ukraine.

He calls out everyone else, why not Putin? I don't know, maybe he left his balls at the Whitehouse.
He calls out everyone else, why not Putin? I don't know, maybe he left his balls at the Whitehouse.

Trump calls people out as a means to getting something in return. He looks at everything as a negotiation. He called out rocket man plenty of times but once they got into serious negotiations, he changed his tone and started talking nice about him.

He called out Canada and China because he wants to renegotiate trade deals. He called out Germany because he wants them to buy American oil instead of Russian.

Where is the win in calling out Putin on this? Everybody knows Russia tried to hack. Putin is a KGB guy. I guarantee he has stacks of evidence about dirty **** America has done to influence other countrues. Why back this guy into a corner and have a bunch of dirty laundry get aired out?

What is the gain if Trump calls out Putin? Putin simply denies it anyway. And the media would still claim Trump didn’t call him out or pressure him enough or whatever else.

I don’t care about meaningless words at press conferences. We had enough of that under Obama.
Obama's words weren't always meaningless. I'm sure he meant this -

Yeah but that’s just about something small like Obama promising russia we will dismantle our nuclear arsenal in their area.

It’s not like it’s something important like russians buying political ads after the election was over and other things that had zero impact on the election.
The truth of the matter is, no matter what Trump said or did in Finland, the left was going to tar and feather him. Still, I am trying to figure out how you just let that go. I mean, he had a chance to hammer the guy. I don't get it.

Maybe it's because we do the same **** to them. This kind of stuff has been going on for the last 40+ years. We do it to them and they do it to us. As well as China and every other super power in the world. So Trump should have went and talked **** to Putin in front of the world. Damn y'all guys want WWIII started or what ?
Trump calls people out as a means to getting something in return. He looks at everything as a negotiation. He called out rocket man plenty of times but once they got into serious negotiations, he changed his tone and started talking nice about him.

He called out Canada and China because he wants to renegotiate trade deals. He called out Germany because he wants them to buy American oil instead of Russian.

Where is the win in calling out Putin on this? Everybody knows Russia tried to hack. Putin is a KGB guy. I guarantee he has stacks of evidence about dirty **** America has done to influence other countrues. Why back this guy into a corner and have a bunch of dirty laundry get aired out?

What is the gain if Trump calls out Putin? Putin simply denies it anyway. And the media would still claim Trump didn’t call him out or pressure him enough or whatever else.

I don’t care about meaningless words at press conferences. We had enough of that under Obama.

I don't buy that. Trump calls out everyone under the sun, including our allies who no doubt have the same dirt that Putin has, possibly even more. Suddenly, today, in Helsinki, Finland he has a filter? That would be the first time ever. What would he gain? I don't know. Maybe convince them to stop ******* around with the republic, for one. You know, that it isn't ok to do that ****.

I don't know if it is anything nefarious. He could just be trying to ensure he can still do business in Russia when this is all over, trying not to piss them off while he is President. Protecting his companies. That's fine. Just don't forget you are there to protect America too.
I am sorry I didn't feel comfortable with Trump letting a guy like Vladimir Putin stand next to him and lie to the world. You may not agree, but something about that whole thing seems off.
I am sorry I didn't feel comfortable with Trump letting a guy like Vladimir Putin stand next to him and lie to the world. You may not agree, but something about that whole thing seems off.
Trump's rhetoric wasn't tough enough for a lot of us, but it isn't like he was leaning over to practically suck Medvedev's dick in public, or passing around a stupid reset button, or handing over strategic Uranium reserves while investors in that deal funneled over $100MIL to the his foundation or getting $500K to give a speech in Moscow. Lets get a little perspective here.
This behaviour is unacceptable - and indefensible - from a sitting U.S. President.

I figured we’d see his hardcore base twisting in knots trying to somehow justify it. There is no reasonable explanation. Maybe some day this will all make sense. By then the cat will be out of the bag.
I don't buy that. Trump calls out everyone under the sun, including our allies who no doubt have the same dirt that Putin has, possibly even more. Suddenly, today, in Helsinki, Finland he has a filter? That would be the first time ever. What would he gain? I don't know. Maybe convince them to stop ******* around with the republic, for one. You know, that it isn't ok to do that ****.

I don't know if it is anything nefarious. He could just be trying to ensure he can still do business in Russia when this is all over, trying not to piss them off while he is President. Protecting his companies. That's fine. Just don't forget you are there to protect America too.

It’s the fact that Russia is an enemy that you have to treat them differently. You call out Germany and they aren’t going to start attacking the USA. Embarrass Putin and who knows what he will do.

Besides, when Trump calls something out, it is generally because it’s something he wants to shine a light on. Something the media isn’t saying. That German pipeline to Russia is a perfect example.

Is there somebody who is not aware that russia tried to influence the election?

I just don’t get how a sound bite changes anything. And i’d bet any money that if Trump had called out Putin, the media would be criticizing that as not being diplomatic.
This behaviour is unacceptable - and indefensible - from a sitting U.S. President.

I figured we’d see his hardcore base twisting in knots trying to somehow justify it. There is no reasonable explanation. Maybe some day this will all make sense. By then the cat will be out of the bag.

Here’s a simple explanation. Trump knows he didn’t do anything wrong with Russia so he knows nothing will be found. He also knows that it’s been confirmed that no votes were "hacked" or changed. While the media has blown this up as a huge issue, in reality it had minimal impact.. The russians ran ads against both Hillary and Trump. It was a general campaign to divide the country post election and the only reason that worked is because the media has magnified it.

Trump sees this as a distraction and not a major issue. Until they show me evidence that russia did something more than buy some ads (most ran after the election), and have some fake social media accounts, i’m just not that upset about it. To me this is nothing that Soros doesn’t do all day every day.
Apparently, the President.

His words, not mine.

Pretty stupid words, agreed. Should not have said that, but he's probably looking at it from the perspective that Russia easily walked all over Hillary and the Obama admin, so why would they try to mess up Hillary's chances? Apparently Obama and company were pretty comfortable that whatever the Russians were doing, it wasn't harming Hillary, so they let it go and didn't bleat about it until Trump won.

Putin Drops a Bomb at Helsinki Presser

Putin declared that his government would be willing to allow Mueller investigators access to the 12 Russians in exchange for American cooperation in bringing to justice Clinton associates, including Mueller cohorts involved in illegal business transactions that allegedly took place in Russia, involving, according to Putin's statement, over $400 million dollars that was taken out of the Russia illegally

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Rand Paul to travel to Russia after downplaying election meddling

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Monday announced he will be heading to Russia in the coming weeks, arguing that the U.S. must pursue a constructive dialogue with Moscow.

Paul published a Politico Magazine op-ed titled "Trump Is Right to Meet Putin" in support of Trump's historic summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki on Monday.

"In just a few weeks, I will take my own trip to Russia in an attempt to discuss common ground with their leaders and help prevent further, unnecessary escalation of tensions," Paul wrote.

"I look forward to consulting with Trump between his visit and mine and to working with diplomats from both countries to have a successful trip and better relationships," Paul continued. "Millions of lives could be at stake."

Paul has continually insisted the various investigations into Trump's possible ties with Russia is a "witch hunt" and "hoax," echoing Trump's opinions on the investigation.

Apparently, the President.

His words, not mine.

Yes. It’s beyond a failure to call Putin out or just being mum about it. Trump is being flat-out submissive and subservient to the point he denies, defends and undermines his own intelligence agencies.
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